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Useful snippets for developing in React (Javascript and Typescript)

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Useful snippets for developing in React (Javascript and Typescript)

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# vim-react-snippets

A collection of common Javascript and Typescript vim snippets for developing
[React] applications. The snippets within this repo rely on [LuaSnip] or
[UltiSnips] as the snippet provider.

## Typescript Example

## Previewing Snippets with [coc-snippets](

## Using Log Helpers

## Writing Tests

## Installation

With [lazy.nvim] and [LuaSnip]:

dependencies = {
+ "mlaursen/vim-react-snippets",
---@param opts cmp.ConfigSchema
opts = function()
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "CmpGhostText", { link = "Comment", default = true })
+ require("vim-react-snippets").lazy_load()
local cmp = require("cmp")
local luasnip = require("luasnip")
local compare =

With vim-plug and

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
Plug 'mlaursen/vim-react-snippets'
call plug#end()

> NOTE: I no longer use UltiSnips so the snippets might be different. Check out
> the [UltiSnips folder] to see available snippets.

## Cheatsheet

Most of the available snippets will be listed below to showcase the generated
code. Tabstops will be indicated with `$TABSTOP` or `$NAME` where `$NAME` is
replaceable. `$CFN` or `$CFN_` will indicate a snippet that uses the current
file name to generate the code.

Some snippets support an "inline" version as where the `const whatever = ` will
be omitted. These snippets will be marked with ✨.

> Javascript snippets are not shown since I really only use Typescript now, but
> they are generally the same without the type definitions included.

## Table of Contents

- [Function Components](#function-components)
- [Function Component Export](#function-component-export)
- [Function Component Default Export](#function-component-default-export)
- [Simple Function Component Export](#simple-function-component-export)
- [Simple Function Component Default Export](#simple-function-component-default-export)
- [Forwarded Function Component Export](#forwarded-function-component-export)
- [Forwarded Function Component Default Export](#forwarded-function-component-default-export)
- [Hooks and Effects](#hooks-and-effects)
- [useState](#usestate)
- [useReducer](#usereducer)
- [useEffect](#useeffect)
- [useContext ✨](#usecontext-)
- [useCallback ✨](#usecallback-)
- [useMemo ✨](#usememo-)
- [useMemo return (manual return required) ✨](#usememo-return-manual-return-required-)
- [useRef ✨](#useref-)
- [Create Context Provider](#create-context-provider)
- [Redux](#redux)
- [useAppDispatch ✨](#useappdispatch-)
- [useSelector ✨](#useselector-)
- [useAppSelector ✨](#useappselector-)
- [Common](#common)
- [Destructured Const](#destructured-const)
- [Export Destructured Const](#export-destructured-const)
- [if](#if)
- [else](#else)
- [switch](#switch)
- [for loop](#for-loop)
- [reduce](#reduce)
- [noop](#noop)
- [interface](#interface)
- [JSDoc/TSDoc](#jsdoctsdoc)
- [Block Comment](#block-comment)
- [@example](#example)
- [@defaultValue](#defaultvalue)
- [@since](#since)
- [Logging](#logging)
- [Importing](#importing)
- [Exporting](#exporting)
- [NODE_ENV](#node_env)
- [Tests](#tests)
- [Describe a test](#describe-a-test)
- [it should...](#it-should)
- [it should (async)...](#it-should-async)
- [Test Expect](#test-expect)
- [Test Queries ✨](#test-queries-)
- [React Testing](#react-testing)
- [React Test File](#react-test-file)
- [React Test File (ESM)](#react-test-file-esm)
- [Global Test File](#global-test-file)
- [Global Test File (ESM)](#global-test-file-esm)
- [User Event Test](#user-event-test)
- [waitFor](#waitfor)

* [SCSS Snippets](#scss-snippets)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
- [LuaSnip Template](#luasnip-template)

### Function Components

#### Function Component Export

`fce` ->

import { type ReactElement, type ReactNode } from "react"

export interface $CFN_Props {
children: ReactNode

export function $CFN(props: $CFN_Props): ReactElement {
return <>>

#### Function Component Default Export

`fcde` ->

import { type ReactElement, type ReactNode } from "react"

export interface $CFN_Props {
children: ReactNode

export default function $CFN(props: $CFN_Props): ReactElement {
return <>>

#### Simple Function Component Export

`sfce` ->

import { type ReactElement } from "react"

export function $CFN(): ReactElement {
return <>>

#### Simple Function Component Default Export

`sfcde` ->

import { type ReactElement } from "react"

export default function $CFN(): ReactElement {
return <>>

#### Forwarded Function Component Export

`ffce` ->

import { forwardRef, type ReactNode } from "react"

export interface $CFNProps {
children: ReactNode

export const $CFN = forwardRef(
function $CFN(props, ref) {


#### Forwarded Function Component Default Export

`ffcde` ->

import { forwardRef, type ReactNode } from "react"

export interface $CFNProps {
children: ReactNode

export default forwardRef(
function $CFN(props, ref) {


### Hooks and Effects

#### useState

`useS` ->

const [$STATE, set$STATE] = useState$TABSTOP($TABSTOP)

#### useReducer

`useRed` ->

const [$STATE, $DISPATCH] = useReducer(function reducer(state: $STATE, action: $ACTION): $STATE {
switch (action.type):
return state

#### useEffect

`useE` ->

useEffect(() => {
}, [])

#### useContext ✨

`useC` ->

const context = useContext($TABSTOP)

#### useCallback ✨

`useCB` ->

const $CALLBACK = useCallback(($TABSTOP) => {
}, [])

#### useMemo ✨

`useM` ->

const $MEMOIZED = useMemo(() => ({
}), [])

#### useMemo return (manual return required) ✨

`useMR` ->

const $MEMOIZED = useMemo(() => {
}, [])

#### useRef ✨

`useR` ->

const $REF = useRef$TABSTOP(TABSTOP)

#### Create Context Provider

`ccp` ->

import { createContext, useContext } from "react"

export interface $CFN_Context {}

const context = createContext<$CFN_Context | null>(null)
const { Provider } = context

export function use$CFN_Context(): $CFN_Context {
const value = useContext(context)
if (!value) {
throw new Error("$CFN_Context must be initialized.")

return value

### Redux

#### useAppDispatch ✨

`useD` ->

const dispatch = useAppDispatch()

#### useSelector ✨

`useSL` ->

const $VALUE = useSelector(($STATE: AppState) => $SELECTOR)

#### useAppSelector ✨

`useAS` ->

const $VALUE = useAppSelector(($STATE) => $SELECTOR)

### Common

#### Destructured Const

`dc` ->

const { $TABSTOP } = $PROPS

^ trigger completion here

const { $TABSTOP } = useSomeHook()

#### Export Destructured Const

`edc` ->

const { $TABSTOP } = $PROPS

#### if

`if` ->


#### else

`else` ->

else $TABSTOP{

The `if` snippet can be triggered from the first tabstop to generate:

else if{


else if ($CONDITION) {

#### switch

`switch` ->

switch ($KEY) {
case $VALUE:

#### for loop

`for` ->

for (let $I = $0, $I < $LIST.length; $I++) {
const $ITEM = $LIST[$I]

#### reduce

`reduce` ->

const $VALUE = $LIST.reduce<$TYPE_DEF>(($result, $item) => {
return $RESULT

#### noop

`noop` ->

const noop = (): void => {
// do nothing

#### interface

`intf` ->

export interface $CFN_$TABSTOP {

### JSDoc/TSDoc

#### Block Comment

`/**` ->


#### @example

`@e` ->

@example $EXAMPLE_NAME

#### @defaultValue

`@d` ->

@defaultValue \`$TABSTOP\`

#### @since

`@s` ->


### Logging

| Shortcut | Nane | Expands to |
| -------- | ---------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| `cl` | Console Log | `console.log($TABSTOP)` |
| `clv` | Console Log Variable | `console.log("$TABSTOP: ", $TABSTOP)` |
| `ce` | Console Error | `console.error($TABSTOP)` |
| `cev` | Console Error Variable | `console.error("$TABSTOP: ", $TABSTOP)` |
| `cw` | Console Warn | `console.warn($TABSTOP)` |
| `cwv` | Console Warn Variable | `console.warn("$TABSTOP: ", $TABSTOP)` |
| `ct` | Console Table | `console.table($TABSTOP)` |
| `cd` | Console Debug | `console.debug($TABSTOP)` |
| `cdv` | Console Debug Variable | `console.debug("$TABSTOP: ", $TABSTOP)` |

> Note: The logging commands that end in a `v` will have the cursor at the
> second `$TABSTOP` instead of the first so that autocompletion will work.

### Importing

| Shortcut | Name | Expands to |
| -------- | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| `imp` | Import | `import packageName from "package-name"` |
| `impf` | Import File | `import File from "./File"` |
| `impd` | Import Destructured | `import { destructured } from "package-or/path"` |
| `impp` | Import (Please?) | `import "./file"` |
| `icn` | Import Classnames | `import cn from "classnames"` |
| `icnb` | Import Cnbuilder | `import { cnb } from "cnbuilder"` |
| `ism` | Import Styles Module | `import styles from "./$CFN.module.scss"` |

### Exporting

| Shortcut | Name | Expands to |
| -------- | ------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| `exp` | Export | `export { default } from "./$CFN"` |
| `expf` | Export File | `export $TABSTOP from "./$TABSTOP"` |
| `expd` | Export Destructured | `export { $TABSTOP } from "./$TABSTOP"` |
| `expa` | Export All | `export * from "$TABSTOP"` |


| Shortcut | Expands to |
| -------- | --------------------------------------- |
| `dev` | `process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production"` |
| `prod` | `process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"` |

### Tests

#### Describe a test

`desc` ->

describe('$CFN', () => {
it('should $TABSTOP', () => {

#### it should...

`it` ->

it("should $TABSTOP", () => {

#### it should (async)...

`ita` ->

it("should $TABSTOP", async () => {

#### Test Expect

| Shortcut | Name | Expands to |
| -------- | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| `es` | Expect Snapshot | `expect(${container}).toMatchSnapshot()` |
| `ett` | Expect To Throw | `expect(() => $TABSTOP).toThrow()` |
| `entt` | Expect Not To Throw | `expect(() => $TABSTOP).not.toThrow()` |
| `enc` | Expect Not Called | `expect($TABSTOP).not.toHaveBeenCalled()` |
| `ecw` | Expect Called With | `expect($TABSTOP).toHaveBeenCalledWith($TABSTOP)` |
| `ect` | Expect Called Times | `expect($TABSTOP).toHaveBeenCalledTimes($TABSTOP)` |

#### Test Queries ✨

| Shortcut | Name | Expands to |
| -------- | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `sgbr` | Screen Get By Role | `const $TABSTOP = screen.getByRole("${button}", { name: "$TABSTOP" })` |
| `sgbru` | Screen Get By Role (Unnamed) | `const $TABSTOP = screen.getByRole("${progressbar}")` |
| `sgbi` | Screen Get By testId | `const $TABSTOP = screen.getByTestId("$TABSTOP")` |
| `sgbt` | Screen Get By Text | `const $TABSTOP = screen.getByText("$TABSTOP")` |
| `sfbr` | Screen Find By Role | `const $TABSTOP = await screen.findByRole("${button}", { name: "$TABSTOP" })` |
| `sfbru` | Screen Find By Role (Unnamed) | `const $TABSTOP = await screen.findByRole("${progressbar}")` |
| `fbi` | Screen Find By testId | `const $TABSTOP = await screen.findByTestId("$TABSTOP")` |
| `fbt` | Screen Find By Text | `const $TABSTOP = await screen.findByText("$TABSTOP")` |
| `gbr` | Get By Role | `const $TABSTOP = getByRole("${button}", { name: "$TABSTOP" })` |
| `gbru` | Get By Role (Unnamed) | `const $TABSTOP = getByRole("${progressbar}")` |
| `gbi` | Get By testId | `const $TABSTOP = getByTestId("$TABSTOP")` |
| `gbt` | Get By Text | `const $TABSTOP = getByText("$TABSTOP")` |
| `fbr` | Find By Role | `const $TABSTOP = await findByRole("${button}", { name: "$TABSTOP" })` |
| `fbru` | Find By Role (Unnamed) | `const $TABSTOP = await findByRole("${progressbar}")` |
| `fbi` | Find By testId | `const $TABSTOP = await findByTestId("$TABSTOP")` |
| `fbt` | Find By Text | `const $TABSTOP = await findByText("$TABSTOP")` |

### React Testing

#### React Test File

`rtf` ->

import { render, screen, userEvent } from "${@testing-library/react}"

import { $CFN } from "../$CFN"

describe("$CFN", () => {
it("should $TABSTOP", () => {

#### React Test File (ESM)

`rtfe` ->

import { render, screen, userEvent } from "${@testing-library/react}"

import { $CFN } from "../$CFN.js"

describe("$CFN", () => {
it("should $TABSTOP", () => {

#### Global Test File

`gtf` ->

import { describe, expect, it } from "${@jest/globals}"
import { render, screen, userEvent } from "${@testing-library/react}"

import { $CFN } from "../$CFN"

describe("$CFN", () => {
it("should $TABSTOP", () => {

#### Global Test File (ESM)

`gtfe` ->

import { describe, expect, it } from "${@jest/globals}"
import { render, screen, userEvent } from "${@testing-library/react}"

import { $CFN } from "../$CFN.js"

describe("$CFN", () => {
it("should $TABSTOP", () => {

#### User Event Test

`uet` ->

it("should $TABSTOP", async () => {
const user = userEvent.setup()


#### waitFor

`wf` ->

await waitFor(() => {

## SCSS Snippets

| Shortcut | Name | Expands to |
| -------- | ------- | -------------------------------------- |
| `use` | Use | `@use "$TABSTOP";` |
| `use*` | Use \* | `@use "$TABSTOP" as *;` |
| `forw` | Forward | `@forward "$TABSTOP" with ($TABSTOP);` |

## Contributing

### LuaSnip Template

local ls = require("luasnip")
local s = ls.snippet
local sn = ls.snippet_node
local isn = ls.indent_snippet_node
local t = ls.text_node
local i = ls.insert_node
local f = ls.function_node
local c = ls.choice_node
local d = ls.dynamic_node
local r = ls.restore_node
local events = require("")
local ai = require("luasnip.nodes.absolute_indexer")
local extras = require("luasnip.extras")
local l = extras.lambda
local rep = extras.rep
local p = extras.partial
local m = extras.match
local n = extras.nonempty
local dl = extras.dynamic_lambda
local fmt = require("luasnip.extras.fmt").fmt
local fmta = require("luasnip.extras.fmt").fmta
local conds = require("luasnip.extras.expand_conditions")
local postfix = require("luasnip.extras.postfix").postfix
local types = require("luasnip.util.types")
local parse = require("luasnip.util.parser").parse_snippet
local ms = ls.multi_snippet
local k = require("luasnip.nodes.key_indexer").new_key

[ultisnips folder]: