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🐘 mobx model layer paradigm

architecture layers mobx mvvm paradigm snapshot time-travel

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🐘 mobx model layer paradigm

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# mmlpx

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mmlpx is an abbreviation of **mobx model layer paradigm**, inspired by [CQRS]( and [Android Architecture Components](, aims to provide a mobx-based generic layered architecture for single page application.

> ![undefiend](
## Installation

npm i mmlpx -S


yarn add mmlpx

## Requirements

* MobX: ^3.2.1 || ^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0

## Boilerplates

- [mmlpx-todomvc](

## Motivation

Try to explore the possibilities for building a view-framework-free data layer based on mobx, summarize the generic model layer paradigm, and provide the relevant useful toolkits to make it easier and more intuitive.

## Articles

* [Turn On Time-Travelling Engine For MobX]( ([δΈ­ζ–‡](

## Features

import { inject, onSnapshot, getSnapshot, applySnapshot } from 'mmlpx'
import Store from './Store'

class App extends Component {

@inject() store: Store

stack: any[]
cursor = 0
disposer: IReactionDisposer

componentDidMount() {
this.disposer = onSnapshot(snapshot => {
this.cursor = this.stack.length - 1

componentWillUmount() {

redo() {

undo() {

### DI System

It is well known that MobX is an value-based reactive system which lean to oop paradigm, and we defined our states with a class facade usually. To avoid constructing the instance everytime we used and to enjoy the other benifit (unit test and so on), a [di]( system is the spontaneous choice.

mmlpx DI system was deep inspired by [spring ioc](

#### Typescript Usage

import { inject, ViewModel, Store } from 'mmlpx';

class UserStore {}

class AppViewModel {
@inject() userStore: UserStore;

Due to we leverage the metadata description ability of typescript, you need to make sure that you had configured `emitDecoratorMetadata: true` in your `tsconfig.json`.

#### Javascript Usage

import { inject, ViewModel, Store } from 'mmlpx';

class UserStore {}

class AppViewModel {
@inject(UserStore) userStore;

#### More Advanced

##### inject

Sometimes you may need to intialize your dependencies dynamically, such as the constructor parameters came from router query string. Fortunately `mmlpx` supported the ability via `inject`.

import { inject, ViewModel } from 'mmlpx'

class ViewModel {
user = {};

constructor(projectId, userId) {
this.projectId = projectId;
this.userId = userId;

loadUser() {
this.user = this.http.get(`/projects/${projectId}/users/${userId}`);

class App extends Component {
@inject(ViewModel, app => [app.props.params.projectId, app.props.params.userId])

componentDidMount() {

`inject` decorator support four recipes initilizaztion:

* `inject() viewModel: ViewModel;` only for typescript.
* `inject(ViewModel) viewModel;` generic usage.
* `inject(ViewModel, 10, 'kuitos') viewModel;` initialized with static parameters for `ViewModel` constrcutor.
* `inject(ViewModel, instance => instance.router.props) viewModel;` initialized with dynamic instance props for `ViewModel` constructor.

**Notice that all the `Store` decorated classes are singleton by default so that the dynamic initial params injection would be ignored by di system**, if you wanna make your state live around the component lifecycle, always decorated them with `ViewModel` decorator.

##### instantiate

While you are limited to use `decorator` in some scenario, you could use `instantiate` to instead of `@inject`.

class UserViewModel {
constructor(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;

const userVM = instantiate(UserViewModel, 'kuitos', 18);

#### Test Support

`mmlpx` di system also provided the mock method to support unit test.

* `function mock(Clazz: IMmlpx, mockInstance: T, name?: string) : recover`

class InjectedStore {
name = 'kuitos';

class ViewModel {
@inject() store: InjectedStore;

// mock the InjectedStore
const recover = mock(InjectedStore, { name: 'mock'});

const vm = new ViewModel();
// recover the di system

const vm2 = new ViewModel();

### Strict Mode

If you wanna strictly follow the CQRS paradigm to make your state changes more predictable, you could enable the strict mode by invoking `useStrcit(true)`, then your actions in `Store` or `ViewModel` will throw an exception while you declaring a return statement.

import { useStrict } from 'mmlpx';

class UserStore {
@observable name = 'kuitos';

@action updateName(newName: string) { = newName;
// return statement will throw a exceptin when strict mode enabled

### Time Travelling

Benefit from the power of model management by di system, mmlpx supported time travelling out of box.

All you need are the three apis: `getSnapshot`, `applySnapshot` and `onSnapshot`.

* `function getSnapshot(injector?: Injector): Snapshot;`

`function getSnapshot(modelName: string, injector?: Injector): Snapshot;`

* `function applySnapshot(snapshot: Snapshot, injector?: Injector): void;`

* `function onSnapshot(onChange: (snapshot: Snapshot) => void, injector?: Injector): IReactionDisposer;`
`function onSnapshot(modelName: string, onChange: (snapshot: Snapshot) => void, injector?: Injector): IReactionDisposer;`

That's to say, mmlpx makes mobx do [HMR]( and [SSR]( possible as well!

As we need to serialize the stores to persistent object, and active stores with deserialized json, we should give a name to our `Store`:

class UserStore {}

Fortunately mmlpx had provided [ts-plugin-mmlpx]( to generate store name automatically, you don't need to name your stores manually.

You can check the [mmlpx-todomvc redo/undo demo]( and the [demo source code]( for details.

## Layered Architecture Overview

### Store

Business logic and rules definition, equate to the model in [mvvm architecture](, singleton in an application. Also known as domain object in [DDD](, always represent the single source of truth of the application.

import { observable, action, observe } from 'mobx';
import { Store, inject } from 'mmlpx';
import UserLoader from './UserLoader';

class UserStore {

@inject() loader: UserLoader;

@observable users: User[];

async loadUsers() {
const users = await this.loader.getUsers();
this.users = users;

onInit() {
observe(this, 'users', () => {})

*Method decorated by `postConstruct` will be invoked when `Store` initialized by DI system.*

### ViewModel

Page interaction logic definition, live around the component lifecycle, `ViewModel` instance can not be stored in ioc container.

The only direct consumer of `Store`, besides the UI-domain/local states, others are derived from `Store` via `@computed` in `ViewModel`.

The global states mutation are resulted by store **command** invocation in `ViewModel`, and the separated **queries** are represented by transparent subscriptions with `computed` decorator.

import { observable, action } from 'mobx';
import { postConstruct, ViewModel, inject } from 'mmlpx';

class AppViewModel {

@inject() userStore: UserStore;

@observable loading = true;

get userNames() {
return =>;

setLoading(loading: boolean) {
this.loading = loading;

### Loader

Data accessor for remote or local data fetching, converting the data structure to match definited models.

class UserLoader {
async getUsers() {
const users = await this.http.get('/users');
return => ({
name: user.userName,
age: user.userAge,

### Component

export default App extends Component {

vm: AppViewModel;

render() {
const { loading, userName } = this.vm;
return (

{loading ? :


