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The HTTP client for humans

guzzle http http-client php psr-7

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JSON representation

The HTTP client for humans

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The HTTP client for humans.

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## Why?

Bof is a HTTP client meant to be as user friendly as possible.

It makes the most classic use cases, such as downloading a file, interacting with a JSON API or submitting a form, as simple as possible.

Since Bof is based on [Guzzle](, more advanced use cases can be addressed by using Guzzle's methods directly.

To sum up, Bof:

- is user friendly
- avoids magic strings and arrays for configuration: instead it provides explicit, typed and documented methods that can be autocompleted by IDEs
- comes with sane defaults: JSON is supported natively, 4xx and 5xx responses throw exceptions, timeouts are short by default
- is PSR-7 compliant

Future plans:

- PSR-18 compliance (the HTTP client standard)
- resiliency mechanisms such as retry, backoff, etc.

Want a short illustration? Here is Bof compared to Guzzle:

// Bof
$http = new Bof\Http;
$createdProduct = $http
->withHeader('Authorization', 'Token abcd')
->postJson('', [
'Hello' => 'world',

// Guzzle
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client([
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Token abcd',
$response = $client->request('POST', '', [
'json' => [
'Hello' => 'world',
$createdProduct = json_decode($response->getBody()->__toString(), true);
if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
throw new Exception('There was an error while decoding the JSON response');

## Do we need a new HTTP client?

Probably not. If this client attracts interest, that may mean that our already popular HTTP clients could use a simpler API targeting the simple use cases. If you maintain a HTTP client and are interested, I would love to merge Bof into existing libraries. Open an issue!

## Installation

composer require mnapoli/bof

## Usage

$http = new Bof\Http;

$response = $http->get('');

### Configuration

**The `Bof\Http` class is immutable**.

Configuration is applied by calling `withXxx()` methods which create a new object every time:

$http = new Bof\Http;

// The header will apply to all subsequent requests
$http = $http->withHeader('Authorization', "Bearer $token");

Remember that `withXxx()` methods return *a copy* of the original client:

$http1 = new Bof\Http;

$http2 = $http1->withHeader('Authorization', "Bearer $token");

// $http1 does not have the header applied
// $http2 has the header

Thanks to that pattern, the same methods can be used to apply configuration only for a specific request:

$products = $http->withHeader('Authorization', "Bearer $token")

// The next requests will *not* have the `Authorization` header

### Responses

Responses are PSR-7 compliant. They also provide methods to facilitate working with JSON responses:

$http = new Bof\Http;

$products = $http->get('')

The `getData()` method will decode the JSON response.

All PSR-7 methods are also available:

$response = $http->get('');
echo $response->getStatusCode();
echo $response->getHeader('Content-Length')[0];
echo $response->getBody()->getContents();

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### Sending JSON data

Using the JSON methods, the data will automatically encoded to JSON. A `Content-Type` header of `application/json` will be added.

$http->postJson('', [
'foo' => 'bar',
// putJson() or patchJson() works as well

### Sending form data

Data can also be sent as a `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` POST request:

$http->postForm('', [
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => ['hi', 'there!'],
// putForm() works as well

### Exceptions

Invalid HTTP responses (status code 4xx or 5xx) will throw exceptions.

try {
} catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException $e) {
// $e->getRequest()
// $e->getResponse()

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### Headers

$http = $http->withHeader('Authorization', "Bearer $token");

// Headers can have multiple values
$http = $http->withHeader('X-Foo', ['Bar', 'Baz']);

### Timeouts

Timeouts are set at short values by default:

- 5 seconds for the request timeout
- 3 seconds for the HTTP connection timeout

You can set shorter or longer timeouts (or disable them by setting them at `0`):

// 2 seconds for the request timeout, 1 second for the connection timeout
$http = $http->withTimeout(2, 1);

### Query string parameters

You can set query string parameters in the request's URI:

$response = $http->get('');

You can specify the query string parameters as an array:

$http->withQueryParams(['foo' => 'bar'])

Providing the option as an array will use PHP's `http_build_query` function to format the query string.

And finally, you can provide the query request option as a string.


### Proxy

Use `withSingleProxy()` to specify a proxy for all protocols:

$http = $http->withSingleProxy('tcp://localhost:8125');

Use `withMultipleProxies()` to specify a different proxy for HTTP and HTTPS, as well as a list of host names that should not be proxied to:

$http = $http->withMultipleProxies(
'tcp://localhost:8125', // Use this proxy with HTTP
'tcp://localhost:9124', // Use this proxy with HTTPS
['', ''] // Don't use a proxy with these

Note that you can provide proxy URLs that contain a scheme, username, and password. For example, `http://username:[email protected]:10`.

## Guzzle integration

Bof is based on Guzzle. You can even make it use your own Guzzle client, for example if you preconfigured it:

$guzzleClient = new GuzzleHttp\Client([
'base_uri' => '',
'timeout' => 2.0,

$http = new Bof\Http($guzzleClient);

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