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A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications

automation cli commandline ios license license-management licenses productivity settings swift-package-manager xcode

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications

Awesome Lists containing this project



LicensePlist Logo LicensePlist

[![GitHub license](](
[![Language: Swift 5.3](](
[![Swift Package Manager compatible](](


`LicensePlist` is a command-line tool that automatically generates a Plist of all your dependencies, including files added manually(specified by [YAML config file]( or using `Carthage` or `CocoaPods`. All these licenses then show up in the Settings app.



| App Setting Root | License List | License Detail |
| ------------------------- | ------------------------- | --------------------------- |
| ![](Screenshots/root.png) | ![](Screenshots/list.png) | ![](Screenshots/detail.png) |

## Installation

> **Warning**
> SPM(Swift Package Manager) are not supported.

### CocoaPods (Recommended)

pod 'LicensePlist'
# Installation path: `${PODS_ROOT}/LicensePlist/license-plist`

### Homebrew (Also Recommended)

brew install licenseplist

### Mint (Also Recommended)
mint run mono0926/LicensePlist

### Xcode project - SPM

In Project Settings, on the tab "Package Dependencies", click "+" and add ``.

Click "Add Package" without selecting any package products.

### Download the executable binary from [Releases](

Download from [Releases](, then copy to `/usr/local/bin/license-plist` etc.

Or you can also download the latest binary and install it with a one-liner.

curl -fsSL | sh

### From Source

Clone the master branch of the repository, then run `make install`.

git clone
make install

## Usage

1. When you are in the directory that contains your `Cartfile` or `Pods`, simply execute `license-plist`.
2. `com.mono0926.LicensePlist.Output` directory will be generated.
3. Move the files in the output directory into your app's `Settings.bundle`.
- [Settings.bundle's sample is here](
- The point is to [specify `com.mono0926.LicensePlist` as license list file on your `Root.plist`](

├── Root.plist
├── com.mono0926.LicensePlist
│   ├── APIKit.plist
│   ├── Alamofire.plist
│   └── EditDistance.plist
├── com.mono0926.LicensePlist.plist
├── en.lproj
│   └── Root.strings
└── ja.lproj
└── Root.strings

### Options

You can see options by `license-plist --help`.

#### `--cartfile-path`

- Default: `Cartfile`

#### `--mintfile-path`

- Default: `Mintfile`

#### `--pods-path`

- Default: `Pods`

#### `--package-path`

- Default: `Package.swift`
- `LicensePlist` tries to find `YourProjectName.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/Package.resolved` and `YourProjectName.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/Package.resolved`, then uses new one.

#### `--package-paths`

- Support for multiple `Package.swift`
- Example: `license-plist --package-paths /path/to/package1/Package.swift /path/to/package2/Package.swift`

#### `--package-sources-path`

- Default: None.
- The directory with cloned Swift package sources. If specified `LicensePlist` uses cloned files instead of GitHub API. For more information, see parameter `-clonedSourcePackagesDirPath` of [xcodebuild](
- Example: `license-plist --package-sources-path ./SourcePackages`

#### `--xcodeproj-path`

- Default: `"*.xcodeproj"`
- By specifiying the path to the `.xcodeproj` `LicensePlist` will attempt to load the `Package.resolved` from that Xcode project. If you specify `somedir/*.xcodeproj` then `LicensePlist` will load from the first `xcodeproj` it finds in `somedir`.

#### `--xcworkspace-path`

- Default: `"*.xcworkspace"`
- By specifying the path to the `.xcworkspace` `LicensePlist` will load the `Package.resolved` from that Xcode workspace. If you specify `somedir/*.xcworkspace` then `LicensePlist` will load from the first `xcworkspace` it finds in `somedir`.
- `--xcworkspace-path` supersedes any provided `--xcodeproj-path`.

#### `--output-path`

- Default: `com.mono0926.LicensePlist.Output`
- Recommended: `--output-path YOUR_PRODUCT_DIR/Settings.bundle`

#### `--github-token`

- Default: None.
- LicensePlist uses GitHub API, so sometimes API limit errors occur. You can avoid those errors by specifying a GitHub token.
- [You can generate a token here](
- `repo` scope is needed.
- You can also pass the GitHub token via the `LICENSE_PLIST_GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable.

#### `--config-path`

- Default: `license_plist.yml`
- You can specify GitHub libraries(introduced by hand) and excluded libraries
- [Example is here](
- See [Configuration](#Configuration) for more information

#### `--prefix`

- Default: `com.mono0926.LicensePlist`
- You can specify output file names instead of default one.

#### `--html-path`

- Default: None.
- If this path is specified, a html acknowledgements file will be generated.
- [Example is here](

#### `--markdown-path`

- Default: None.
- If this path is specified, a markdown acknowledgements file will be generated.
- [Example is here](

#### `--csv-path`

- Default: None.
- If this path is specified, a csv acknowledgements file will be generated.
- [Example is here](

#### `--license-file-names`

- Default: `LICENSE, LICENSE.*`.
- License file name variants for cloned Swift packages.
- Case insensitive.
- Supports any non-empty path extensions if `FILENAME.*` is specified.
- Used only in combination with `--package-sources-path`.

#### `--force`

- Default: false
- `LicensePlist` saves latest result summary, so if there are no changes, the program interrupts.
- In this case, **execution time is less than 100ms for the most case**, so **you can run `LicensePlist` at `Run Script Phase` every time** 🎉
- You can run all the way anyway, by using `--force` flag.

#### `--add-version-numbers`

- Default: false
- When the library name is `SomeLibrary`, by adding `--add-version-numbers` flag, the name will be changed to `SomeLibrary (X.Y.Z)`.
- `X.Y.Z` is parsed from CocoaPods and Cartfile information, and GitHub libraries specified at [Config YAML]( also support this flag.

License list with versions

#### `--add-sources`

- Default: false
- Adds the source of the library to the output if there is one. The source for GitHub and CocoaPods libraries is generated. Manual libraries use the optional source field.

#### `--suppress-opening-directory`

- Default: false
- Only when the files are created or updated, the terminal or the finder opens. By adding `--suppress-opening-directory` flag, this behavior is suppressed.
- Automatically enabled if `--sandbox-mode` is specified.

#### `--single-page`

- Default: false
- All licenses are listed on a single page, not separated pages.

#### `--fail-if-missing-license`

- Default: false
- If there is even one package for which a license cannot be found, LicensePlist returns exit code 1.

#### `--silence-mode` / `--verbose`

- By adding the `--silence-mode` flag, the logger's output will not print.
- The logger's output will be more detailed than the average log level by adding the `--verbose` flag.
- LicencePlist uses the latter option if you simultaneously set the `--silence-mode` option and the `--verbose` option.
- Default: average log level

#### `--no-color` / `--color`

- The logger's output is printed in monochrome by adding the `--no-color` flag. If any escape characters in CI/CD log bother you, the `--no-color` option will help.
- By adding the `--color` flag, LicensePlist will always print the logger's output in color.
- LicencePlist uses the latter option if you simultaneously set the `--no-color` option and the `--color` option.
- If neither option is specified, LicensePlist will look for the `NO_COLOR` environment variable. If you set the `NO_COLOR` environment variable to `"1"`, LicensePlist runs without colors.
- Default: auto - LicensePlist decides its color mode depending on the terminal type.

#### `--sandbox-mode` / `--no-sandbox-mode`

- Default: false
- Enables or disables the "sandbox" mode.
- In the sandbox mode, LicensePlist avoids network requests. That means Swift package licenses can not be fetched with GitHub API. To parse Swift package licenses `--package-sources-path` must be specified.

### Integrate into build - run script

Add a `Run Script Phase` to `Build Phases`:

if [ $CONFIGURATION = "Debug" ]; then
/usr/local/bin/license-plist --output-path $PRODUCT_NAME/Settings.bundle --github-token YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN

![Run Script Phase](Screenshots/run_script_phase.png)

Alternatively, if you've installed LicensePlist via CocoaPods the script should look like this:

if [ $CONFIGURATION = "Debug" ]; then
${PODS_ROOT}/LicensePlist/license-plist --output-path $PRODUCT_NAME/Settings.bundle --github-token YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN

### Integrate into build - build tool plugin

_LicensePlist build tool plugins requires [Swift package installation](#xcode-project---spm)._

![Choose package plugins](Screenshots/choose_plugin.png)

Select your target, on the tab "Build Phases", in the section "Run Build Tool Plug-ins", click "+" and add `LicensePlistBuildTool`.

![Run build tool plug-ins](Screenshots/run_build_tool_plugins.png)

In the case of using the build tool plugin, define all the settings in `license_plist.yml` at the root of your project.

`license_plist.yml` example:
xcworkspacePath: "*.xcworkspace"
prefix: Acknowledgements
singlePage: true

**Important**: to process Swift Package licenses, the config must include one of the following parameters:
- `xcworkspacePath`,
- `xcodeprojPath`,
- `packagePaths`.

_Note: `outputPath` and `packageSourcesPath` config parameters are ignored by the build tool plugin._

See the [configuration](#configuration) section for more information.

If you need to put license files to `Settings.bundle` or any other specific place add the following script to build phases:
echo "Will copy acknowledgements"

Or in project contextual menu click "AddAcknowledgementsCopyScriptCommand" and select application target to create the build phase automatically.


Build the app. At the first run, Xcode asks a permission to run the plugin. Click "Trust & Enable All"

![Trust & Enable All](Screenshots/trust_and_enable.png)

For unattended use (e.g. on CI), you can disable the package validation dialog by

* individually passing `-skipPackagePluginValidation` to `xcodebuild` or
* globally setting `defaults write IDESkipPackagePluginFingerprintValidatation -bool YES`
for that user.

_Note: This implicitly trusts all Xcode package plugins and bypasses Xcode's package validation
dialogs, which has security implications._

### Contextual menu command

_LicensePlist command requires [Swift package installation](#xcode-project---spm)._

In the project contextual menu click "GenerateAcknowledgementsCommand".

![Generate Acknowledgements menu command in Xcode](Screenshots/generate_acknowledgements_menu.png)

The command dialog allows to specify [command line arguments](#options). Since Xcode doesn't save the arguments for future use, it's recommended to use a [configuration file](#configuration).

Click "Run" to run LicensePlist.

![Generate Acknowledgements command dialog in Xcode](Screenshots/generate_acknowledgements_command.png)

Click "Allow Command to Change files". This action provides LicensePlist write access to your project directory.

"Don't ask again" option prevents showing this dialog in the future.

![Allow command to change files dialog in Xcode](Screenshots/allow_command_to_change_files.png)

_Note: `--package-sources-path` option and `packageSourcesPath` config parameter are ignored by the command plugin._

## Configuration

### General options

The main parameters from the [Options](#Options) can be defined in the configuration file.

All the parameters are optional.

The tool uses the command line value if both the command line and the config specify values for the same attribute.

#### Example

outputPath: "./com.mono0926.LicensePlist.Output"
cartfilePath: Cartfile
mintfilePath: Mintfile
podsPath: Pods
- Package.swift
packageSourcesPath: "./SourcePackages"
xcodeprojPath: "*.xcodeproj"
xcworkspacePath: "*.xcworkspace"
prefix: com.mono0926.LicensePlist
htmlPath: acknowledgements.html
force: false
addVersionNumbers: false
suppressOpeningDirectory: false
singlePage: false
failIfMissingLicense: false
addSources: false
sandboxMode: false

### Manual GitHub source

A GitHub source can be explicitly defined to include the license in the scenario where it can't be inferred from your dependency files.

#### Examples

- owner: mono0926
name: LicensePlist
version: 1.2.0

### Manual License Body

If you need to include a license that isn't available on GitHub, you can place the license text in the config file to be included in the output.
The license text can also be read from a local file, to keep the config file clean.

#### Examples

License body directly in the config file:

- source:
name: WebRTC
version: M61
body: |-
Copyright (c) 2011, The WebRTC project authors. All rights reserved.

License body in local file:

- name: "Dummy License File"
file: "dummy_license.txt"

### Excludes

Excludes can be defined to exclude matching libraries from the final output.
An exclude is a dictionary containing any combination of `name`, `source`, `owner`, or `licenseType`.

When using the dictionary format:

- The exclusion rule is only applied if _all_ properties match for a dependency. eg, `(name: LicensePlist) AND (owner: mono0926)`
- Any property can be either a string or a regular expression.

#### Examples

Exclude a package by name:

- name: LicensePlist

Exclude packages using a specific license:

- licenseType: "Apache 2.0"

Exclude packages using any matching licenses:

- licenseType: /BSD/

Exclude packages from a specific github owner:

- owner: mycompany

Exclude packages from a specific github owner containing matching licenses:

- owner: mycompany
licenseType: /^(?!.*MIT).*$/ # this regex excludes packages that do NOT use the MIT license

Exclude a package from a specific github owner and repo:

- owner: mycompany
name: private-repo

### Rename

If a library name is unsuitable for the output bundle, you can explicitly rename it. This can be used when a library name is too vague, or if more human-readable names are needed.

#### Examples

LicensePlist: License Plist # Rename LicensePlist to "License Plist"
WebRTC: Web RTC # Rename WebRTC to "Web RTC" (which is faulty, but used for test)

## Q&A

### How to generate Xcode project?

Execute `swift package generate-xcodeproj` or `make xcode`.


## Related Articles

- [LicensePlist というiOSアプリ利用ライブラリのライセンス一覧生成するツールを作りました – Swift・iOSコラム – Medium](
- [Swift Package Manager(SwiftPM)で作ったコマンドラインツールをHomebrewに登録する方法 - Qiita](


## Stargazers over time

[![Stargazers over time](](


## 寄付(Donation)

Donations are welcome if you like LicensePlist🤗

- [PayPal.Me](
- Transfer commission will be charged (40 yen + 3.6%)
- [mono is creating LicensePlist | Patreon](
- [Amazonギフト券- Eメールタイプ](
- メールアドレス: [email protected]
- [ほしい物リスト](

### Send Money by [ウォレットアプリ Kyash](
