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Realtime room chat client built with React Native 📱

chat chatter expo react-native react-native-reanimated realtime socket-io styled-components

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Realtime room chat client built with React Native 📱

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# Chatter/mobile

> Talk live to anyone from anywhere

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## Live

You can find and download the .apk here:

Chatter mobile room list

Chatter mobile chat room

Chatter mobile participants

## Contributing

1. Fork it ()
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b feature/awesome`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add awesome feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin feature/awesome`)
5. Create a new Pull Request

## Building

- You'll first need chatter-server running:

You'll need [Node.js]( installed on your computer in order to build this app.

$ git clone
$ cd chatter-mobile
$ npm install
$ npm run start

Runs the app in the development mode.

## Contact

made by Marcelo Carvalho

made by Marcelo Carvalho