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go program that installs and customizes ohmyzsh tmux vim via various plugins and other nice to haves

awesome-terminal go golang ohmytmux ohmyzsh pimp-my-shell power-user shell terminal tmux vim zsh

Last synced: 6 days ago
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go program that installs and customizes ohmyzsh tmux vim via various plugins and other nice to haves

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# Pimp-My-Shell

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Table of Contents

* [Pimp\-My\-Shell](#pimp-my-shell)
* [Install](#install)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [About](#about)
* [Resources](#resources)
* [Tmux Hotkeys](#tmux-hotkeys)
* [VIM Hotkeys](#vim-hotkeys)
* [Adjusting](#adjusting)
* [Custom Aliases](#custom-aliases)
* [Mac Fix Terminal bind keys](#mac-fix-terminal-bind-keys)
* [Enjoy](#enjoy)


## Install

go install

### Manual installation

Download the latest release for your system from [Releases](
- or clone the repo and run `go build` to build the binary.
- If you're going to build from source, this project requires >= go v1.17.X
- This project only works on MacOSX and Linux Ubuntu/Debian systems currently

### MacOS Users Ensure that you have x-code CommandLineTools installed

Vim YouCompleteMe plugin requires this for C lang completion

xcode-select --install

## Usage


If you already have oh-my-zsh installed, don't worry! Your ~/.zshrc file will not be overridden by the pimp-my-shell.
The only thing that will change is your zsh theme and the following plugins will be merged into your existing plugins=() object

- `git zsh-syntax-highlighting tmux zsh-autosuggestions virtualenv ansible docker docker-compose terraform helm kubectl fzf`

After Installation, if you want to Customize Powerlevel10k zsh theme differently, run

p10k configure

If you want your custom vim plugins to automatically update, simply create this cronjob

crontab -e
0 12 * * * cd ~/.vim_runtime/my_plugins && ./ > gitPullUpdates.txt 2>&1

## About

This project was designed to automate all the configurations that I typically set up for my terminal on Macos and Debian/Ubuntu Linux.

Currently, this will (if not already installed and setup)

- install oh-my-zsh + awesome plugins
- install tmux + awesome mac config + plugins
- install vim + awesome vim setup + plugins
- install cheat + configure + community cheatsheets
- fzf + bat for finding files fast + file preview CTRL+r search history stupendously
- and various other dependencies

## Resources

Please see the following repos for more information about these configurations and plugins
All these configurations can be modified to your needs

- **Terminal**
- **Fonts**
- [NerdFonts](
- In Iterm2 Preferences, Profiles -> Text -> Font
- ![enable-nerd-fonts-iterm2.png](
- **CLI Tools**
- [lsd](
- [fzf](
- [fzf Video](
- [bat](
- [bat Video](
- [cheat](
- useful command syntax cheatsheets Ex. `cheat tar`
- [git-delta](
- Beautiful less pager for `git diff`
- [bpytop](
- Nice process monitor for the cli
- **Oh-My-ZSH**
- **Theme**
- [Powerlevel10k](
- This is an awesome theme for zsh
- **Oh-My-ZSH Custom Plugins**
- [zsh-syntax-highlighting](
- [zsh-autosuggestions](
- **TMUX**
- [Oh-My-Tmux](
- **Tmux Plugins**
- [Tmux Plugin Manager TPM](
- [tmux-better-mouse-mode](
- [tmux-sensible](
- [tmux-resurrect](
- [tmux-logging](
- **VIM**
- [The Ultimate vimrc](
- This comes with a NERDTree Plugin by default
- [NERDTree](
- [ale](
- [vim-dracula theme](
- **Custom VIM Plugins not included by default with Ultimate vimrc**
- [nerdtree-git-plugin](
- [YouCompleteMe](
- [vim-devicons](
- [vim-visual-multi](
- [vim-yaml](
- [vim-go](
- [vim rainbow highlighting](
- [fzf-vim](
- [vim-helm](
- [indentLine](
- [lightline-bufferline](
- [vim-airline](
- [vim-airline-themes](

## Tmux Hotkeys

See [Tmux-Cheat-Sheet](

CTRL^b % = split vertical
CTRL^b " = split horizontal
CTRL^b h = jump to left window
CTRL^b k = jump to up window
CTRL^b c = create new pane
CTRL^b , = rename pane
CTRL^b 1 = jump to 1 pane
CTRL^b I = source tmux and install plugins
CTRL^b ! = open current window to new pane`

## VIM Hotkeys

, = leader key
,nn = toggle nerdtree
F12 = toggle nerdtree
i = Nerdtree open pane horizontal
s = Nerdtree open pane vertical
CTRL+ww = cycle selected vim pane
,te = open new tab after selecting file
,tb = previous tab
,tn = next tab
:bd = buffer delete (similar to :q except it removes the tab buffer as well as closing the pane but will not quit)
,j = jump to file with fzf fuzzy finder

## Adjusting

If you want to customize these configs further,
The main files you'll want to look at are the following

- ~/.tmux.conf.local
- ~/.vim_runtime/my_config.vim
- This is where all further customization for vim can be done
- It's the same as default .vimrc you would normally edit
- Do not edit ~/.vimrc
- ~/.zshrc
- You can edit this file with env var and aliases however, it is best a practice to put customizations
- such as aliases in `~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/aliases.zsh`

## Custom Aliases

alias .z='source ~/.zshrc'
alias l='lsd -al --group-dirs first'
alias lld='ls -d -alh $PWD/*'
alias hg='history | grep'
alias myip='dig +short'
alias pyup='python3 -m http.server'
alias a2='curl'
alias gs='git status'
alias gcmsg='git commit -m '
alias gl="git log --all --graph --pretty=tformat:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --date=short"
alias gll="git log --all --stat --pretty=tformat:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative"
alias gln="git --no-pager log --all --stat --pretty=tformat:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ad) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative -n 10"
alias clp="pbcopy < $1"
alias fzfbat="fzf --preview 'bat --style numbers,changes --color=always {}' | head -500"

## Mac Fix Terminal bind keys

- because of a shortcut conflict with Mission Control/Spaces on MacOSX
- make sure to uncheck these 2 options in
- System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Mission Control, Move left/right a space

## Enjoy