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A Minecraft Mod focused on adding fun and simple weapons wtih lots of customisation including attachments and more!

forge minecraft minecraft-forge minecraft-mod mod

Last synced: 2 days ago
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A Minecraft Mod focused on adding fun and simple weapons wtih lots of customisation including attachments and more!

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# MrCrayfish's Gun Mod

MrCrayfish's Gun Mod is a new and exciting weapon mod with a unique vision. Adding nine weapons, all can be highly customised to create your own unique variant. Using attachments and enchantments, you can increase the stats of a weapon to create an even more powerful version. Dyes can be used to change the colour of any weapon and attachment. This mod also adds grenades and stun grenades!


### Features:
* Includes nine unique weapons: Pistol, Shotgun, Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Bazooka, Mini Gun, Assault Rifle, Machine Pistol and Heavy Rifle!
* Adds Attachments to customise your weapon. Add different types of scopes and stocks to your weapon, put a new grip under the barrel or make your weapon quiet with a silencer!
* Nine unique enchantments to create an even more powerful weapon!
* Immersive experience with custom sounds and animations.
* The ability to headshot any vanilla mob in the game.
* Datapack support to allow you to change the base properties of all weapons.
* Integration into Controllable to allow you to play this mod with a Controller.
* A well designed code base that allows developers to create addons.


### Modpack Developers / Server Owners:
As of version 1.0, the mod is now data driven. This means in order to change the properties of a weapon, you must now use a datapack instead of the config file. This allows myself to patch the default properties of weapons while still allowing everyone to customise as needed. Template coming soon!

### How to Create an Addon:

*OUTDATED. Please stand by while this is updated to 1.0.0. Thank you!*

MrCrayfish's Gun Mod now makes it possible to create addons as of version (1.13.1) and allows you create new weapons, ammo, and projectiles in a very small amount of code. If you are interested in developing an addon and/or potentially getting it featured on this page, you can check out the example mod I wrote. Feel free to use this project as a base of your own addon. Documentation is still a work in progress and will be updated soon.