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A Java API to easily get input from users

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A Java API to easily get input from users

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Table of Contents

  1. About The Project

  2. Getting Started

  3. Roadmap

  4. Contributing

  5. License

  6. Contact

## About The Project

Aiming to make getting input from users easier, better inputs tries to provide a collection of classes to get input from users. With this API we hope that getting input from an user can be as easy as creating a simple command.

### Built With

* [Spigot](
* [LayLib](

## Getting Started

To get a local copy you only need to download it from [Spigot](
or if you want to get the Source just fork this repository or download it as zip.

### Installation

To install the plugin you only need to do following steps:
1. Download the plugin
2. Put it into your server's plugin folder
3. Start or reload your server
4. Enjoy the plugin!

### Setup

#### Maven
To get started with maven you first need to setup your environment to get access to the api maven package.
To do that simply go into your `.m2` folder which can be found at `%appData%\..\..\.m2` (Open `Run` on Windows and just paste the path into there and click `Ok`).
Afterwards if the file doesn't exist yet create the file `settings.xml` in the folder.
Then put following stuff into the file:







Now replace `YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME` with your github username.

Then go to your Github account settings and scroll down until you see `Developer settings`.

Go into the `Developer settings` and then click on `Personal access tokens`.

Once you are there click on the `Generate new token` button.

I would recommend you to enter `Maven packages` into the `Note` field and set the epiration to `No expiration`.

Then you need to enable `repo:status` and `read:packages`.

Once you enabled those click on `Generate Token` at the bottom.

Now github should show you the token, simply copy the token and replace `A_GITHUB_TOKEN` with it.

The token can be used for multiple servers so if you want to have access to another repository hosted on github simply copy the `github0` repository replace `MrNemo64` with the authors' name and copy the `github0` server. Be sure to rename the repository and server id to for example `github1` or something similar (they have to match up).

Once this is setup you can simply add the dependency like this in your `pom.xml`:


You can get the [latest version here](

### Usage

#### Using the api to get input
package me.nemo_64.betterinputs.example;

import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.registry.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.*;

public final class ExampleClass {

public static void expandedExample(BetterInputs api, Object actor) {
// Create a input builder
InputBuilder builder = api.createInput(String.class);
// Specify the input provider type that you want to use
// Depedening on what is available you might get a exception later
// Default types are:
// - betterinputs:input/chat
// - betterinputs:input/anvil
// - betterinputs:input/command_block
// Please note that the anvil and command_block input only work on
// 1.16+ as they require some packet trickery, chat however is guaranteed
// if BetterInputs is installed on your server
// We will use the anvil input type as it helps to show everything better
// Now simply add the actor
// Please note that you can't just put anything in here
// If the actor is not available on the platform then it just won't work
// On bukkit everything that is a CommandSender will work though;
// Now you can add parameters
// All default input types do not need any parameters but you can still provide some
// Check out the default input types at
builder.param("name", "Our Anvil Input");
builder.param("item", "Placeholder Text");
// Now you can add a cancel listener
// This step is not required and can theoretically be ignored
builder.cancelListener((provider, reason) -> {
provider.getActor().sendMessage("Cancelled because '" + reason + "'!");
// Lastly we can provide a exception handler
// I would recommend adding the exception handler but it's not required
builder.execeptionHandler((throwable) -> {
// TODO: Handle exception here
// Now that our builder is fully configured we can get our InputProvider
// Calling InputBuilder.provider() might cause some exceptions to arise if you made a mistake
// This includes:
// - Providing an invalid actor or no actor at all
// - Trying to get a not valid input provider type
InputProvider provider = builder.provide();
// Now that the process is created we can do a couple other things before starting it
// Like adding modifiers
// The timeout modifier will just cancel the process once the time is up
// It works with ticks and therefore uses a class called TickUnit which can convert all
// provided time units to ticks
provider.withModifier(new TimeoutModifier(30, TickUnit.SECOND));
// There is also the attempt modifier which has to be implemented by the input provider
// The attempt modifier is there to validate the if a input attempt is acceptable
// If the X attempts (in this case 5) were not acceptable it will cancel the input process
// The last argument of this modifier is optional and can be removed
// Its only purpose is to customize the message sent to the owning actor
// There is a default function for it but null is not accepted
provider.withModifier(new AttemptModifier(5, (string) -> string.endsWith("!"), (actor) -> actor.sendMessage("Please enter a valid string!")));
// Lastly we can provide a modifier exception handler
// Basically a handler for any exception which is thrown by any of our modifiers
provider.withModifierExceptionHandler((modifier, exception) -> {
// TODO: Handle modifier exception here
// Okay now lets start the input process
// The first call to this function starts it
// Every other call will just get the future
StagedFuture future = provider.asFuture();
// To get the value now simply accept it like this:
future.thenAccept(string -> {
// TODO: Do stuff with the value
// You can theoretically also transform it or work with other different things here at the end
// We basically used the CompletableFuture class by Java but with small improvements

public static void compactExample(BetterInputs api, Object actor) {
// Now lets do this in the more intended way of this api
// The compact "easy" way
.param("name", "Our Anvil Input")
.param("item", "Placeholder Text")
.cancelListener((provider, reason) -> {
provider.getActor().sendMessage("Cancelled because '" + reason + "'!");
}).exceptionHandler((throwable) -> {
// TODO: Handle exception here
.withModifier(new TimeoutModifier(30, TickUnit.SECOND))
// I won't be using a custom message supplier here
.withModifier(new AttemptModifier(5, (string) -> string.endsWith("!")))
.withModifierExceptionHandler((modifier, exception) -> {
// TODO: Handle modifier exception here
.asFuture().thenAccept((string) -> {
// TODO: Do stuff with the value


#### Using the api to provide input

The basics to providing input is done with two classes:
1. The input class itself

package me.nemo_64.betterinputs.example;

import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.registry.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.*;

public final class ExampleInput extends AbstractInput {

protected void onStart(InputProvider provider, IPlatformActor> actor){
// Here the input process is started
// We recommend doing your start logic here and not in the constructor
// As everything before here is not guaranteed to be started

// To complete the input you have to call:
// completeValue(V); where the value is the type of your input or null (in this case a String)
// or
// completeException(Throwable); where the value is an exception

// If you need to access the input provider somewhere that is not in this method
// then you can just use AbstractInput.provider(); the method is publicly available
// and works if you well got an input instance so just pass the input instance around I guess

// This doesn't need to be here
// But it would be best to add an implementation of it
// So people can cancel their input process if they just don't need it anymore
protected boolean onCancel() {
return false; // Default is just disallowing the cancel


2. The factory class which creates the input class based on the provided arguments

package me.nemo_64.betterinputs.example;

import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.registry.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.*;

public final class ExampleInputFactory extends InputFactory {

public ExampleInputFactory(IPlatformKey key) {
super(key, String.class);
// Here in your constructor you should ready everything up that is required to work with your input.
// Stuff like registering listeners or similar things should be done here

// This method notifies the factory that it was unregistered
// A implementation is not required but if you work with for example listeners
// or other stuff that would be unregistered then this is the place to do it
public void onUnregister(){


// Here your input is created
// You are provided all arguments that the other plugin using your input provided you with
// As well as the actor that is owning the input process
protected ExampleInput provide(IPlatformActor> actor, ArgumentMap map){
return new ExampleInput();


To register everything you need a platform identifiable object.
For bukkit a platform identifiable object is a plugin.
So here a sample plugin class that provides input:

package me.nemo_64.betterinputs.example;

import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.registry.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.*;

public final class ExamplePlugin extends JavaPlugin {

public void onEnable() {
// We recommend using this approach for getting the api
BetterInputs> api = Bukkit.getServicesManager().getRegistration(BetterInputs.class).getProvider();
// Theoretically you could also use:
// BetterInputs> api = BetterInputs.getPlatform();
IPlatformKeyProvider keyProvider = api.tryGetKeyProvider(this).get();
// The key can be anything, really
api.registerInputFactory(new ExampleInputFactory(keyProvider.getKey("input/example")));


And about the plugin.yml
main: me.nemo_64.betterinputs.example.ExamplePlugin
name: BetterInputsExample
authors: [MrNemo64, Lauriichan]
version: 0.1.0
api-version: 1.13
depend: [BetterInputs]

## Roadmap

See the [open issues]( for a list of proposed features (and known issues).

## Contributing

Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**.

1. Fork the Project
2. Create your Feature Branch (`git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature`)
3. Commit your Changes (`git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'`)
4. Push to the Branch (`git push origin feature/AmazingFeature`)
5. Open a Pull Request

## License

Distributed under the MIT License. See `LICENSE` for more information.

## Contact

Project Link: [](
