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Introduction to EMV, gas pricing model and standard gas optimisation techniques.

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Introduction to EMV, gas pricing model and standard gas optimisation techniques.

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# ethereum-gas-workshop

* references

## preface
* goals of this workshop
* introduction to EMV
* understanding gas pricing model
* showing standard gas optimisation techniques
* workshop task
* improve `Inefficient.sol`
1. replace `compareStrings` with `keccak256`
1. use correct qualifiers: view, calldata, etc
1. use correct data structure: mapping

## EVM = Ethereum Virtual Machine
* refresh: virtual machine
* is a type of simulation of a CPU
* has predefined operations, but such operations must be understood by the virtual machine and not by the CPU
* is a program capable of interpreting a specific language
* transforming (indirectly) this language into machine language
* executing what needs to be executed on the CPU.
* language that the virtual machine understands is called bytecode
* each virtual machine has its own bytecode with its own definitions
* bytecode is a series of instructions that the EVM will interpret and execute
* when we write a smart contract in Solidity or Vyper, the result must be transformed (compiled) to bytecode
* EVM bytecode is not machine language
* although it looks like a set of bits, it is only a representation
* Ethereum is like a single-threaded computer
* it can process one transaction at a time
* Sharding of blockchain would improve it and make it like a multithreaded computer
* virtual, isolated environment where code (smart contracts) can be executed
* running on the EVM is not directly executed by any single computer, but by all nodes in the Ethereum network
* you can think of JVM(Java Virtual Machine) as the same mechanism
* is Turing complete
* contracts contain very little code and their methods require very few instructions to execute
* usually less than one thousand
* regular computers execute several billion instructions per second
* to prevent infinite loops and resource exhaustion, the EVM requires users to pay for computation and storage
* Ethereum Virtual Machine is seen only as quasi-Turing complete
* payment is made in the form of "gas"
* a unit of measurement for the amount of computational work required to execute operations
* since the London hard fork, each block has a target size of 15 million units of gas
* the actual size of a block will vary depending on network demand
* protocol achieves an equilibrium block size of 15 million on average through the process of tâtonnement
* if the block size is greater than the target block size, the protocol will increase the base fee for the following block
* the protocol will decrease the base fee if the block size is less than the target block size
* maximum size: 30 million gas (2x the target block size)
* means that a block can only contain transactions which cost 30m gas to execute
* example
* 3m gas is at maximum 1.5 million instructions (in a very theoretical, unrealistic scenario)
* example
* MSTORE (Memory Store): around 3 gas
* SSTORE (Storage Operation):
* writing to a new storage slot: Around 20,000 gas (for a 256 bit word)
* a kilobyte is thus 640k gas
* so if gas ~ 10 gwei
* 1KB costs 0.0064 ETH
* 1GB costs 6400 eth (for eth 1.5k USD, ~ 12,000,000 USD)
* so a block can only contain instructions that write to storage about 150 times
* updating an existing storage slot: Around 5,000 gas
* SLOAD (Storage Load): around 200 gas
* is deterministic
* running the same code with the same inputs will produce the same results every time
* is a stack-based machine
* operates using a set of instructions called "opcodes"
* opcodes are predefined instructions that the EVM interprets
* some operators have operands, but not all
* operator that have operand: PUSH
* push to the stack
* operator that does not have: ADD
* takes from the stack, add and push result
* example
// Solidity code
function addIntsInMemory(uint a, uint b) public pure returns (uint) {
uint result = a + b;
return result;
is compiled into operands and operators (opcodes)
PUSH1 0x20 // Load the memory slot size (32 bytes)
MLOAD // Load 'a' from memory
PUSH1 0x40 // Load the memory slot size (32 bytes)
ADD // Add 'a' and 'b'
MSTORE // Store the result back in memory
* then it is interpreted to bytecode
* bytecode is a set of bytes that must be executed in order, from left to right
* each byte can be
* an operator (represented by a single byte)
* a complete operand
* part of an operand (operands can have more than just 1 byte)
* example: `PUSH20` - used to push a 20-byte (160-bit) value onto the stack
* example
* `ADD` opcode is represented as `0x01`
* `PUSH1` opcode is represented as `60` and expects a 1-byte operand
* bytecode to analyse: `0x6001600201` -> `60 01 60 02 01`
* byte `60` is the `PUSH1` opcode
* adds a byte to the Stack
* The `PUSH1` opcode is an operator that expects a 1-byte operand
* Then the complete statement is `60 01`
* `60 02` // similar
* final result: number 3 on the Stack
* digression
* byte 01 was used both as an operand and operator
* it’s easy to figure out what it represents in the context of how it was used
* you cannot generate the exact original Solidity source code from the EVM bytecode
* process of compiling involves
* optimizations
* transformations
* and potentially even loss of information
* example
* during complication the function names and their input parameters are hashed to generate the function selectors
* to compute function selector
1. concatenate the function name and parameter types without spaces or commas: `myFunction(uint256,address)``
1. calculate the keccak-256 (sha3) hash of the concatenated string
1. take the first 4 bytes of the hash
* can be described as a global decentralized state machine
* more than a distributed ledger
* analogy of a 'distributed ledger' is often used to describe blockchains like Bitcoin
* ledger maintains a record of activity which must adhere to a set of rules that govern what someone can and cannot do to modify the ledger
* example: Bitcoin address cannot spend more Bitcoin than it has previously received
* Ethereum has its own native cryptocurrency (Ether) that follows almost exactly the same intuitive rules
* it enables a much more powerful function: smart contracts
* state = the current state of all accounts and smart contracts on the blockchain
* includes things like account balances, contract storage, and contract code
* each transaction on a blockchain is a transition of state
* EVM is the engine that processes transactions and executes the corresponding smart contract code
* leads to state changes
* at any given block in the chain, Ethereum has one and only one 'canonical' state
* EVM is what defines the rules for computing a new valid state from block to block

## gas
* is a measure of computational work required to execute operations or transactions on the network
* opcodes have a base gas cost used to pay for executing the transaction
* example: KECCAK256
* cost: 30 + 6 for every 256 bits of data being hashed
* there isn't any actual token for gas
* example: you can't own 1000 gas
* exists only inside of the Ethereum virtual machine as a count of how much work is being performed
* is the fee paid for executing transactions on the Ethereum blockchain
* example
* simple transaction of moving ETH between two addresses
* we know that this transaction requires 21,000 units
* base fee for standard speed at the moment of writing is 20 gwei
* gas fee = gas units (limit) * gas price per unit (in gwei)
* 21,000 * 20 = 420,000 gwei
* 420,000 gwei is 0.00042 ETH, which is at the current prices 0.63 USD (1 ETH = $1500)
* gas prices change constantly and there are a number of websites where you can check the current price
* if Ether (ETH) was directly used as the unit of transaction cost instead of gas, it would lead to several potential problems:
* reduced flexibility
* gas allows for adjustments to the cost of computation without affecting the underlying value of Ether
* if Ether were used directly
* any change in pricing would directly impact the value of the cryptocurrency
* it would be difficult to prevent attackers from flooding the network with low-cost transactions
* cost of computation should not go up or down just because the price of ether changes
* it's helpful to separate out the price of computation from the price of the ether token
* difficulty in predictability
* Ether's value can be volatile, which means that transaction costs would fluctuate with the market price
* this could lead to unpredictable costs for users and could make it more challenging to budget for transactions
* is used to
* prevent infinite loops
* computational resource exhaustion
* prioritize transactions on the network
* prevent Sybil attacks
* by discouraging the creation of a large number of malicious identities
* solution: prevents an attacker from overwhelming the network with a massive number of transactions
* as each transaction costs some amount of gas
* solve halting problem
* problem = it's generally impossible to determine whether that program will eventually halt or continue running indefinitely
* solution: program will eventually run out of gas and the transaction will be reverted
* gas has a price, denominated in ether (ETH)
* users set the gas price they are willing to pay to have their transaction or smart contract executed
* miners prioritize transactions with higher gas prices because they earn the fees associated with the gas
* analogy
* gas price as the hourly wage for the miner
* gas cost as their timesheet of work performed
* every operation consumes a certain amount of gas
* is paid by users to compensate miners for the computational work they perform
* total gas fee = gas used * gas price
* each block has a gas limit
* maximum amount of gas that can be consumed in a block
* transaction sender is refunded the difference between the max fee and the sum of the base fee and tip
* some operations can result in a gas refund
* example: if a smart contract deletes a storage slot, it gets a gas refund
* digression
* London Upgrade through EIP-3529: remove gas refunds for `SELFDESTRUCT`, and reduce gas refunds for `SSTORE` to a lower level
* practically speaking gas refunds for selfdestruct was not encouraging the freeing up of network space
* was encouraging the speculation on gas prices (in an extremely inefficient manner) via GAS tokens
* was filling the blockchain with space-consuming gastokens and transactions just to get some cheap gas back
* example
1. during a period of lower gas prices you deploy contractA (called usually GasToken)
1. during gas prices spike you'd self-destruct contractA and receive gas refund
1. you can use that gas refund for paying for transaction during spike
* refund is only applied at the end of the transaction
* the full gas must be made available in order to execute the full transaction
* it's important to estimate the gas needed for a transaction or smart contract execution
* if too small => the operation will be reverted and any state changes will be discarded
* miner still includes it in the blockchain as a "failed transaction", collecting the fees for it
* sender still pays for the gas consumed up to that point
* the real work for the miner was in performing the computation
* they will never get those resources back either
* it's only fair that you pay them for the work they did, even though your badly designed transaction ran out of gas
* if too big => the excess gas is refunded (refund = max fee - base fee + tip)
* max fee (maxFeePerGas)
* maximum limit to pay for their transaction to be executed
* must exceed the sum of the base fee and the tip
* providing too big of a fee is also different than providing too much ether
* if you set a very high gas price, you will end up paying lots of ether for only a few operations
* similar to super high transaction fee in bitcoin
* if you provided a normal gas price, however, and just attached more ether than was needed to pay for the gas that your transaction consumed
* excess amount will be refunded back to you
* miners only charge you for the work that they actually do
* EIP-1559
* implemented in the London Hard Fork upgrade
* went live in August 2021
* introduces a new fee structure that separates transaction fees
* NOT designed to lower gas fees but to make them more transparent and predictable
* two components
* base fee
* minimum fee required to include a transaction in a block
* determined by network congestion
* example
* when the network is busy, the base fee increases
* when it's less congested, the base fee decreases
* increase/decrease is predictable and will be the same for all users
* removing the need for each and every wallets to generate their own individual gas estimation strategies
* is burned
* removed from circulation
* reducing the overall supply of Ether
* miners have less control over manipulating transaction fees
* no reason into bumping base price by putting load on the network
* benefits all Ether holders equally, rather than exclusively benefiting validators
* creates what EIP-1559 coordinator Tim Beiko refers to as an “ETH buyback” mechanism
* ETH is paid back to the protocol and the supply gets reduced
* priority fee
* optional tip to incentivize miners to include their transaction in the next block
* goes directly to the miner
* similar to a delivery service
* lower fee for regular delivery or a higher fee for express delivery
* during busy times, like the holiday season, the delivery service may increase the standard delivery fee
* increase will be set by the delivery company and will affect all customers equally
* comparable to Bitcoin’s difficulty adjustment
* oracles might run into issues under EIP-1559 during periods of high congestion
* oracles are used when you require off-chain data
* example: Oraclize or ChainLink
* they need to provide the pricing information for nearly all of DeFi
* example: in lending protocols, it influences interest rates and collateral ratios
* might end up paying incredibly high fees in order to ensure the pricing information reaches the DeFi application in a timely manner
* context: original Ethereum gas fee system
* simple auction system: unpredictable and inefficient
* users bid a random amount of money to pay for each transaction
* we can see a large divergence of transaction fees paid by different users in a single block
* many users often overpay by more than 5x
* example
![alt text](img/pre_eip1559_overpay.png)
* when the network becomes busy, this system causes gas fees to become high and unpredictable
* not easy to quick-fix
* possible improvement: users submit bids as normal, then everyone pays only the lowest bid that was included in the block
* can be easily gamed by miners who will fill up their own blocks in order to increase the minimum fee
* gameable by transaction senders who collude with miners
* similar to the way ride-sharing services calculate ride fees
* when demand for rides is higher, prices go up for everyone who wants a ride
* problem: Ethereum network becomes busy
* example
* CryptoKitty users have reached in excess of 1.5 million(25% of total Ethereal traffic in peak times)
* trade on a new decentralized cryptocurrency exchange
* result: users trying to push their transactions by paying absurdly high gas fees
* gas fees become unpredictable
* users must guess how much to pay for a transaction
* as Ethereum has gained new users, the network has become more congested
* gas fees have become more volatile
* many users have inadvertently overpaid for their transactions

## solidity
1. minimize on-chain data
* storage operations are over 100x more costly than memory operations
* OPcodes `mload` and `mstore` only cost `3` gas units while storage operations
* `sload` and `sstore` cost at least 100 units
* keep all data off-chain
* save the smart contract’s critical info on-chain
* save part of the system (metadata, etc .. ) on a centralized server
* data that does not need to be accessed on-chain can be stored in events
1. minimize storage read/writes
* save intermediate results in memory and assign results to storage after all calculations
* caching the length in for loops
* reading array length at each iteration of the loop takes 6 gas
* 3 for mload and 3 to place memory_offset in the stack.
* caching the array length in the stack saves around 3 gas per iteration
* storage => extra sload operation
* 100 additional extra gas (EIP-2929) for each iteration except for the first
* memory => extra mload operation
* 3 additional gas for each iteration except for the first
* calldata => extra calldataload operation
* 3 additional gas for each iteration except for the first) These
* extra costs can be avoided by caching the array length (in the stack)
uint _length = arr.length
1. use storage pointers instead of memory
* example
mapping(uint256 => User) public users;
User storage _user = users[_id];
is cheaper
mapping(uint256 => User) public users;
User memory _user = users[_id]; // involves copying
1. use calldata instead of memory
* more cost-effective to load them immediately from calldata
* does not require copying variables to memory
1. avoid loops
* it consumes a lot of gas
* it can prevent contract from being carried out beyond the block gas limit
* use mappings
* except when iteration is required or it is possible to pack data types (arrays are iterable and packable)
1. minimize the number of storage slots used
* gas cost for storage usage is calculated based on the number of storage slots used
* each storage slot has a size of 256 bits
* you can pack multiple variables within a single storage slot
1. use 256 byte types
* example: `uint256`
* EVM performs operations in 256-bit chunks
* using uint8 means the EVM has to first convert it to uint256
* conversion costs extra gas
1. get gas refund for free up storage
* has the same effect as reassigning the value type with its default value
* mappings are unaffected by deletion
* slots of values are random (based on key hash) and generally unknown
1. use immutable and constant
* evaluated at compile-time and are stored in the bytecode of the contract
1. enable the Compiler Optimizer
* several optimization tools available: solc optimizer, Truffle’s build optimizer, and Remix’s Solidity compiler
1. use short circuit rule
* disjunction: if the first function evaluates to true, the second function is not executed
* conjunction: if the first function evaluates to false, the second function is skipped entirely
1. move the modifiers require statements into an internal virtual function
* modifier code is substituted by compiler to every method that uses this modifier
* example
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can call this function");
modifier onlyOwner() {

function _onlyOwner() private {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can call this function");
1. use Libraries
* extract common functions into a single library and then deploy this library just once
1. use layer 2 solutions
* works by creating a network of payment channels on top of a blockchain network
* enable offloading of transaction processing from the main Ethereum chain
* solutions
* rollups
* transactions occur off-chain on the rollup chain itself
* only a summary or commitment of the transactions is recorded on the Ethereum mainnet
* smart contract on the Ethereum mainnet checks that the commitment is valid
* smart contract part can be imagined as ERC20
* balance of each participant is recorded in the contract
* hundreds "transfer" would be packaged into one transaction
* contract can disassemble these "transfer" and verify
* two merkle trees are used for the record
1. one is to record addresses, so only an index can represent an address
* in rollup transaction recipient's address is replaced by an index value much smaller
1. the other tree records balance and nonce
* rollup transaction does not require a nonce value since it can be computed from the previous state
* can be further categorized into two types
* optimistic rollups
* assume transaction validity by default unless proven otherwise
* require dispute resolution mechanisms in case of fraud or incorrect transaction execution
* example: Optimism
* zero-knowledge (zk)-rollups
* use advanced cryptographic techniques to validate transactions
* compress and store the user state on-chain in a Merkle tree
* transfer the state transition of the user states to the off-chain
* zkSNARK proof is used to ensure the correctness of the off-chain state transition
* example: ZK-Sync
* sidechains
* separate blockchains that are interoperable with the Ethereum mainnet
* has its own consensus mechanism and can have different rules and features
* to move assets between the main chain and a sidechain, you typically need to use a bridge
* involves locking assets on the main chain and minting corresponding tokens on the sidechain
* example: Polygon, xDai
* channels
* parties can exchange an unlimited amount of transactions off-chain
* example
* Alice sends a signed message to Bob saying "I send you 1 ETH"
* Bob counter-signs the message, indicating his agreement to the new state
* only submitting two transactions to the mainchain
* open the channel
* deploy a smart contract
* fund smart contract with an initial deposit
* close the channel
* submitting the final state to the smart contract on the mainnet
* smart contract verifies the final state and distributes the funds accordingly
* example: Raiden, Celer Network, Connext
1. use in-line assembly code
* efficient code that can be executed directly by the EVM without the need for expensive Solidity opcodes
* more precise control over memory and storage usage
1. don't assigning default values
* every variable assignment in Solidity costs gas
* example
uint256 value
is cheaper than
uint256 value = 0
1. memory is very cheap to allocate as long as it is small
* past a certain point (32 kilobytes) in a single transaction, the memory cost enters into a quadratic section
* example
contract smallArraySize {
// Function Execution Cost = 21,903
function checkArray() external {
uint256[100] memory myArr;
contract LargeArraySize {
// Function Execution Cost = 276,750
function checkArray() external {
uint256[10000] memory myArr;
contract VeryLargeArraySize {
// Function Execution Cost = 20,154,094
function checkArray() external {
uint256[100000] memory myArr;
1. batching
* consolidate data retrieval by calling a function that returns all the required data instead of making separate calls for each data element
1. use external function modifiers
* function parameters are not copied into memory but are read directly from the call data
1. use erc1167 to deploy the same contract many time
* standardized, gas-efficient way to deploy a bunch of contract clones from a factory
* not only minimizes length, but it is also literally a “minimal” proxy that does nothing but proxying
* address in EIP1167 is hardcoded in bytecode and remain unchangeable
* example
* one of the most famous proxy contract users is Uniswap
* has a factory pattern to create exchanges for each ERC20 tokens
* has one exchange instance that contains full bytecode as the program logic, and the remainders are all proxies
* a short bytecode, which is unlikely an implementation of an exchange
* what it does is blindly relay every incoming transaction to the reference contract by delegatecall
* every proxy is a 100% replica of that contract but serving for different tokens
* length of the creation code of Uniswap exchange implementation is 12468 bytes
* proxy contract, however, has only 46 bytes