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Introduction into golang and http ecosystem: chi and gorilla.

go go-chi go-http go-http-middleware go-wire golang golang-application golang-examples golang-library golang-package gorilla workshop workshop-materials workshops

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Introduction into golang and http ecosystem: chi and gorilla.

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# go-chi-gorilla-wire-workshop

* references

## preface
* goals of this workshop
* understanding basics of golang
* data types
* syntax
* error handling
* code organisation
* testing
* introduction to go ecosystem
* chi
* gorilla
* wire
* workshop task: implement endpoint for deleting customer

## golang
* 25 keywords
* example: `break`, `continue`, `if`, `for`, etc
* not keywords: predeclared identifiers in universe block
* example
* built-in types (like `int` and `string`)
* constants (like `true` and `false`)
* functions (like `make` or `close`)
* `nil`
* can be shadowed in other scopes
* example: `true := 10`
* Go runtime is compiled into every Go binary
* different from languages using a virtual machine
* VM must be installed separately to allow programs to run
* avoids worries about compatibility issues between the runtime and the program
* drawback: even the simplest Go program produces a binary that’s about 2 MB
* every type in Go is a value type
* sometimes the value is a pointer
* variables are passed by value
* uses GC
* standard library
* has a compatibility promise
* programs written for Go 1.x will continue to compile and run correctly with any future 1.x version of Go
* File I/O: `io.Reader` and `io.Writer`
* time
* period = `time.Duration`
* moment of time = `time.Time`
* with a time zone
* `time.After` - channel that outputs once specified duration elapses
* `time.Tick` - returns a new value every time the specified duration elapses
* `json.Unmarshal`, `json.Marshal`
* specification: struct tags
* strings that are written after the fields
* net/http
* production-quality HTTP/2 client and server
* log/slog
* since Go 1.21
* zap, logrus, go-kit log, and many others.
* slog.Debug("debug log message")
slog.Info("info log message")
slog.Warn("warning log message")
slog.Error("error log message")
* userID := "fred"
loginCount := 20
slog.Info("user login",
"id", userID,
"login_count", loginCount)

2023/04/20 23:36:38 INFO user login id=fred login_count=20
* json
* options := &slog.HandlerOptions{Level: slog.LevelDebug}
handler := slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stderr, options)
mySlog := slog.New(handler)
lastLogin := time.Date(2023, 01, 01, 11, 50, 00, 00, time.UTC)
mySlog.Debug("debug message",
"id", userID,
"last_login", lastLogin)
* {"time":"2023-04-22T23:30:01.170243-04:00","level":"DEBUG",
"msg":"debug message","id":"fred","last_login":"2023-01-01T11:50:00Z"}
* For
improved performance with fewer allocations, use the LogAttrs method instead:
mySlog.LogAttrs(ctx, slog.LevelInfo, "faster logging",
slog.String("id", userID),
slog.Time("last_login", lastLogin))

## collections
* `make` method
* array
* size part of the type
* slice
* example
var x = []int{1, 2} // slice
var y = [2]int{1, 2} // array
var z = y[:] // conversion: array -> slice
var zz = [2]int(x) // conversion: slice -> array
* used most of the time instead of array
* has a capacity (number of consecutive memory locations reserved)
* if length = capacity, `append` function uses the Go runtime to allocate a new backing array
with a larger capacity
* add - append
var x = []int{1, 2}
var y = append(x, 3) // usually shadowed: x = append(x, 4)
fmt.Println(x) // 1, 2
fmt.Println(y) // 1, 2, 3
* emptying - clear
* delete - involves more than just removing it, as slices are views into arrays
* `s = append(s[:i], s[i+1:]...)`
* isn’t comparable
* `slices.Equal` returns true if slices are the same length and all of the elements are equal
* `slices.EqualFunc` lets you pass in a function to compare elements
* zero-length slice: `var x = []int{}`
* is useful only when converting a slice to JSON
* favor nil slices: `var x []int`
* subslicing: `e := x[a:b]`
* no starting offset => 0 is assumed
* no ending offset => end of the slice is substituted
* not making a copy of the data
* changes to an element affect all slices that share that element
* if needed => built-in copy function
* extra confusing when combined with append
* example
original := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
subslice := original[1:3]
subslice = append(subslice, 6)
fmt.Println(original) // [1 2 3 6 5]
fmt.Println(subslice) // [2 3 6]
* never use append with a subslice
* or use full slice expression - if `append` exceeds the capacity => new array for slice is allocated (preserving the original slice)
subslice := original[1:3:3]
* slice is implemented as a struct with three fields
* an int field for length, an int field for capacity, and a pointer to a block of memory
* when a slice is copied, copy is made of the length, capacity, and the pointer
* ideal for reusable buffers
* slice that’s passed to a function can have its contents modified
* slice can’t be resized
* by default, you should assume that a slice is not modified by a function
* string
* Go uses a sequence of bytes to represent a string
* map
* if key is not in the map => map returns the zero value
* ok idiom to differentiate between a key in the map vs not in the map
* used to simulate set
* ok idiom + `map[string]bool` or `map[keyType]struct{}`
if _, exists := map[key]; exists {
for key := range map {
* `m := make(map[string]bool)`
* boolean uses one byte
* `m := make(map[keyType]struct{})`
* empty struct uses zero bytes
* operations
* set: `map[key] = value`
* get: `map[key]`
* delete: `delete(map, key)`
* clear(map)
* isn't comparable
* `maps.Equal`, `maps.EqualFunc`
* to mitigate Hash DoS attacks, Go's map implementation includes a random component in its hash function
* no way for attacker to send many requests with keys designed to hash to the same bucket
* new map is created => Go generates a random number and incorporates it into the hash function
* the same keys will hash to different buckets in different instances of maps
* map is implemented as a pointer to a struct
* avoid using maps for input parameters or return values, especially on public APIs

## struct
* no inheritance => no classes
* example
type person struct {
name string
age int
* anonymous structs
* common in two situations: unmarshaling and marshaling
* example
var pet struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Kind string `json:"kind"`

err := json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &pet)

## syntax
* function - `func`
* is a type
* example
var f func(string) int
f := func(s string) { // anonymous function
* emulate named and optional parameters => define a struct
* supports variadic parameters: `func max(first, rest int`
* converted to a slice - slice can be supplied as the input
* allows for multiple return values
* example
func sum(vals []int) (int, error) {
if len(vals) == 0 {
return 0, errors.New("empty slice") // Return an error for empty slice

total := 0
for _, v := range vals {
total += v
return total, nil // Return sum and nil error indicating success
* convention: last return value from a function is an error
* no error => nil is returned for the error parameter
* closures = functions declared inside functions
* Go uses capitalization to determine whether a package-level identifier is visible outside the package
* identifier whose name starts with an uppercase letter is exported
* defer
* example
file, err := os.Open("example.txt")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
defer file.Close()
* code within defer functions runs after the return statement
* LIFO order - the last defer registered runs first
* common pattern: function that allocates a resource returns also closure that cleans up the resource
* Go doesn’t allow unused variables => program will not compile if the function is not called
* no enumeration type
* solution: `iota`
* assign an increasing value to a set of constants
* "internal" purposes only
* new identifier => all subsequent ones will be renumbered
* example
type Status int

const (
Pending Status = iota // 0
Running // 1 (implicitly repeated from iota)
Paused // 2
Finished // 3
Failed // 4
* methods
* are functions associated with a particular type
* can be defined only at the package block level
* functions can be defined inside any block
* example
type Rectangle struct {
width float64
height float64

func (r Rectangle) Area() float64 {
return r.width * r.height
* must be declared in the same package as their associated type
* Go doesn’t allow you to add methods to types you don’t control
* convention: use pointer receiver to indicate that a parameter might be modified by the function
* type has a pointer receiver => common practice is to be consistent and use pointer receivers for all methods
* Go automatically takes the address of the local variable when calling the method
* example: `c.Method()` is converted to `(&c).Method()`
* Go automatically dereferences the pointer when calling the method
* example: `c.Method()` is converted to `(*c).Method()`
* Go allows to call a method on a nil receiver
* most of the time => not very useful
* use case: initializing data structure when nil
* example: insert value into a tree (or create one when nil)
* interfaces
* type-safe duck typing
* type does not declare that it implements an interface
* type implements the interface = method set contains all interface's methods
* Go added any as a type alias for interface{}
* use case: data placeholder
* rule: accept interfaces, return structs
* interfaces are implemented as a struct with two pointer fields: value and type of the value
* type field is non-nil => interface is non-nil
* value pointer is non-nil => type pointer is non-nil
* you cannot have a variable without a type
* interface is `nil` <=> both the type and the value must be nil
* interface variable is nil => invoking any methods triggers a panic
* interface variable is not nil but value is nil => invoking any methods triggers a panic
* assuming that methods of the assigned type don’t properly handle nil
* two instances of an interface type are equal <=> their types are equal and their values are equal
* type isn’t comparable => panic
* example: interface as a map key
* accept interfaces, return structs
* exception: returning error interface
* concrete type is returned => new methods and fields can be added without breaking existing code
* new fields and methods can be ignored if call-sites using interfaces
* example: database/sql/driver in std lib
* defines a set of interfaces that define what a database driver must provide
* responsibility of the database driver author to provide concrete implementations
* almost all methods on all interfaces return interfaces
* problem: starting in Go 1.8, database drivers are expected to support additional features
* existing interfaces can’t be updated with new method
* existing methods on these interfaces can’t be updated to return different types
* solution: define new interfaces and tell database driver authors that they should implement both
* invoking a function with parameters of interface types => heap allocation occurs for each interface parameter
* embedding
* form of composition
* is not inheritance - cannot assign a variable of one type to another
* allows to invoke directly fields and methods of one struct from another
* example
type Manager struct {
Reports []Employee
* type assertion
* check whether the concrete type behind an interface value also implements another interface
* useful for specifying optional interfaces
* type might implement additional methods beyond those required by the primary interface
* example: `if p, ok := a.(SomeInterface); ok { ... }`
* without "comma-ok" idiom: panic
* type switch
* used when interface could be one of multiple possible types
* one of the few places where shadowing is a good idea
* example
switch a := a.(type) { // shadowing
case Dog:
fmt.Printf("This is a dog named %s and it says %s\n", a.Name, a.Sound())
case Cat:
fmt.Printf("This is a cat named %s and it says %s\n", a.Name, a.Sound())
fmt.Printf("Unknown animal\n")
* ok idiom
* check if operation was successful without causing a panic or error
if value, ok := m["foo"]; ok {

## pointers
* variable that holds the location in memory where a value is stored
* zero value for a pointer is nil
* example
x := 1
pointerToX := &x
fmt.Println(pointerToX) // memory address
fmt.Println(*pointerToX) // value
* before dereferencing => make sure that the pointer is non-nil
* panic if you attempt to dereference a nil pointer
* pointer type: written with a * before a type
* primitive literal (numbers, booleans, and strings) or a constant don’t have memory addresses
* when you need a pointer to a primitive type, declare a variable and point to it
* lack of immutable declarations in Go might seem problematic
* ability to choose between value and pointer parameter types addresses the issue
* are a last resort
* use cases
* if a struct is large enough
* time to pass a pointer into a function is constant for all data sizes
* returning a pointer versus returning a value
* memory for the object must be allocated on the heap
* data structures that are smaller than 10 megabytes => slower to return a pointer
* code predating generics
* no way to know what type of value to create and return
* example: `json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"name": "Bob", "age": 30}`), &f)`
* disclaimer: when returning values from a function, favor value types
* control over memory allocation
* if function returned value, calling it in a loop => one value would be created on each loop iteration
* indicate the difference between variable/field that hasn’t been assigned a value at all
* vs assigning the zero value
* disclaimer: be careful when using this pattern
* pointers indicate mutability
* escape analysis
* when the compiler determines that the data can’t be stored on the stack compiler stores the data on the heap
* called: data escapes the stack
* isn’t perfect
* sometimes data that could be stored on the stack escapes to the heap
* generics
* since go 1.18
* implemented using type parameters
* type constraints
* example
type Number interface {
int | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | float32 | float64

func Add[T Number](a, b T) T {
return a + b
* allowed operators are the ones that are valid for all of the listed types
* `~` denotes type constraint to work with any type that has a specific underlying type
* example
type Integer interface {

type MyInt int

func Multiply[T Integer](a, b T) T {
return a * b

func main() {
var x MyInt = 10
var y MyInt = 20
fmt.Println(Multiply(x, y)) // without ~ it is not working
* how Go compiler handles the generation of functions for different types
* separate versions for each unique underlying type
* example: generic function works on both `int` and `float64` => compiler generates
two separate functions: one for `int` and another for `float64`
* shared functions for pointer types
* operates on `unsafe.Pointer`
* has to perform extra checks to handle different pointer types correctly
* example: runtime check to determine the actual type of the pointer
* example: generic function that takes a pointer => same generated function for `*int`, `*float64`, `*string`

## error
* is a built-in interface
type error interface {
Error() string
* two ways to create an error from a string
* `errors.New("...")`
* `fmt.Errorf("%d ...", i)`
* sentinel errors = predefined errors signaling that processing cannot continue
* convention
* declared at the package level
* naming that starts with "Err"
* used to check with `errors.Is(err, ...)` for specific error conditions and handle them accordingly
* wrapping = add more context while preserving the original error
* new message without wrapping: `fmt.Errorf("...: %v", err)`
* can't retrieve the original error from the new one
* new message with wrapping: `fmt.Errorf("...: %w", err)`
* includes both the new context and the original error
* unwrapping: `if originalErr := errors.Unwrap(wrappedErr); originalErr != nil { ... } `
* custom error types: needs to implement the method `Unwrap() error`
* multiple wrapped errors: `errors.Join(errs...)`
* example: validating fields in a struct
* custom error type: needs to implement the method `Unwrap() []error`
* wrapped sentinel error
* problem: cannot use `==`, type assertion or type switch to check for it
* solution
* `errors.Is(err, ...)`
* checks if a given error is or wraps a specific target error
* `errors.As(err, &...)`
* checks if a given error is or matches a specific target error
* second parameter anything other than a pointer to an error or a pointer to an interface => the method panics
* panic
* as soon as a panic happens, the current function exits immediately
* defers attached to the current function start running
* starting with Go 1.21, a `panic(nil)` is identical to `panic(new(runtime.PanicNilError))`
* unrecoverable error
* built-in `recover` function
* recommended in one situation
* do not let panics escape the boundaries of your public API
* way to capture a panic to provide a more graceful shutdown (or prevent shutdown at all)
* called from within a defer to check whether a panic happened
* once a panic happens, only deferred functions are run
* example
defer func() {
if v := recover(); v != nil {

## code organisation
* module = bundle of Go source code distributed and versioned as a single unit
* consists of one or more packages (directories of source code)
* `require` section lists the dependencies
* conventional name: `go.mod`
* example

go 1.17 // Minimum Go version required by the module

// lists direct dependencies
require ( v1.2.3 v2.0.0

// lists indirect dependencies
require ( v1.2.3 // indirect
* modules can be grouped into two categories
* intended as a single application
* root of the project = main package
* code in the main package should be minimal
* all logic in an internal directory
* code in the main function invokes code within internal
* forbids to create a module that have dependency on application
* intended as libraries
* root of the project should have a package name that matches the repository name
* Go always builds applications from source code into a single binary file
* includes the source code of module and all dependencies
* module system uses the principle of minimal version selection
* assumption: all minor and patch versions of a module must be backward compatible
* otherwise: bug
* selects the lowest version of each dependency that satisfies the version requirements declared
across all `go.mod` files involved
* vendoring = keeping copies of dependencies inside their module
* ensures that a module always builds with identical dependencies
* can make building your code faster on CI/CD
* workspace
* introduced in Go 1.18
* useful for development and testing
* allows to make changes to one module and see the effects in another
* without having to publish or tag new versions
* allows you to use local import paths for your modules
* workspace file (``) is used to define a set of modules that you are working on together
* you can replace the dependencies of a module with local versions of those dependencies

## tests
* same directory and the same package as the production code
* able to access and test unexported functions and variables
* written in a file whose name ends with `_test.go`
* test case start with the word `Test` and take single parameter of type `*testing.T`
* use `t.Error` or `t.Errorf` to report a test failure and continue with the test execution
* example
if got != want {
t.Error("Test failed: got", got, "want", want)
* use `t.Fatalf` to report a test failure and stop further execution of the test
* executing code before/after all tests: `TestMain` function
1. `go test` calls it instead of the test functions
* `go test ./...` run all tests
1. `TestMain` function calls the `Run` method on `*testing.M`
* runs the test functions in the package
* `Run` method returns the exit code
* 0 indicates that all tests passed
1. `TestMain` function must call `os.Exit` with the exit code returned from `Run`
* temporary files: `TempDir` method on `*testing.T`
* creates a new temporary directory every time it is invoked
* returns the full path of the directory
* registers a handler with Cleanup to delete the directory and its contents when the test exits
* setting environment variable for particular test: `t.Setenv()`
* calls Cleanup to revert the environment variable to its previous state when the test exits
* sample data: subdirectory named `testdata`
* used to keep fixtures, input files, and other data necessary for running tests
* each package accesses its own `testdata` via a relative file path
func TestReadFile(t *testing.T) {
path := filepath.Join("testdata", "input.txt")
* testing public API of the package: `packagename_test`
* same directory as the production source code
* by default, unit tests are run sequentially
* `t.Parallel()` makes tests run concurrently with other tests marked as parallel
* table-driven tests
* allows you to test multiple scenarios with a single test function
* example: define a table (slice) of test cases and iterate over them within a single test function
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
Address string

func (p *Person) IsAdult() bool {
return p.Age >= 18

func TestIsAdult(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
person Person
expected bool
name: "Adult",
person: Person{Name: "Alice", Age: 20, Address: "123 Main St"},
expected: true,
name: "Minor",
person: Person{Name: "Bob", Age: 17, Address: "456 Elm St"},
expected: false,
name: "Edge case - Exactly 18",
person: Person{Name: "Charlie", Age: 18, Address: "789 Oak St"},
expected: true,
name: "Negative Age",
person: Person{Name: "Dave", Age: -1, Address: "000 Zero St"},
expected: false,

for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
result := tt.person.IsAdult()
if result != tt.expected {
t.Errorf("isAdult(%+v) = %v; want %v", tt.person, result, tt.expected)
* generating random data: fuzzing
* can handle various types of input, such as integers, floats, structs, and more complex data types
* `f.Add`: seeds the fuzzer with initial inputs
* inputs are used as starting points for the fuzzing process
* guides its exploration of the input space
* no initial seeds => fuzzer starts with entirely random inputs
* less likely to quickly hit edge cases or meaningful test scenarios
* `f.Fuzz`: repeatedly called with different inputs generated by the fuzzer
* example
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
Address string

func (p *Person) IsAdult() bool {
return p.Age >= 18

func FuzzIsAdult(f *testing.F) {
f.Add("Alice", 20)
f.Add("Bob", 17)
f.Add("", 0)
f.Add("Charlie", -1)

f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, name string, age int, address string) {
if !utf8.ValidString(name) {
t.Skip("invalid UTF-8 string")

person := &Person{
Name: name,
Age: age,
Address: address,

legal := person.IsAdult()

expected := age >= 18

if legal != expected {
t.Errorf("isAdult(%+v) = %v; want %v", person, legal, expected)

## commands
* go install
* compiles and installs packages and dependencies
* go generate
* runs commands specified in specially formatted comments in the source code
* example: protobufs
* good idea to automate calling go generate before go build
* go test
* allows you to specify which packages to test
* go get
* fetches, compiles, and installs packages
* by default doesn’t fetch code directly from source code repositories
* sends requests to a proxy server run by Google and checks its cache
* Google also maintains a checksum database
* go build
* generates binary executables

## libs
* arbitrary-precision fixed-point decimal numbers in Go
* same as gofmt + fixes imports
* staticcheck - The advanced Go linter
* another linter:
* add `String()` method to enumeration’s values
* map, filter, contains, find...
* router for building Go HTTP services
* middleware for Go HTTP
* package for comparing Go values in tests
* returns a detailed description of what does not match (diffs)
* kafka client
* compile-time dependency injection
* UUIDs based on RFC 4122 and DCE 1.1
* common assertions and mocks
* Go Struct and Field validation