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Introduction to pure functional programming using effects with zio, http4s, fs2 and doobie.

doobie effects fs2 functional-programming functional-reactive-programming http4s pure-functional scala workshop workshop-materials workshops zio zio-effect zio-test

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Introduction to pure functional programming using effects with zio, http4s, fs2 and doobie.

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# scala-http4s-zio-doobie-workshop

* references
* [A Tour of ZIO](
* [I Can Has? (And So Can You!) — Exploring ZIO's Has Type](
* [Structuring Services in Scala with ZIO and ZLayer](
* [ZIO WORLD - ZLayer by Kit Langton](
* [Getting started with ZIO](
* [ZIO WORLD - ZIO Runtime System by John A. De Goes](
* [1st Zymposium - Building an App with ZIO](
* [The ZIO of the Future by John De Goes](
* [ZIO WORLD - ZHub by Adam Fraser](
* [Zymposium - Optics](
* [Zymposium — Type-Level Sets](
* [Zymposium — Path Dependent Types](
* [ZIO from Scratch — Part 1](
* [ZIO from Scratch — Part 2](
* [ZIO from Scratch — Part 3](
* [ZIO from Scratch — Part 4](
* [ZIO from Scratch — Part 5](
* [Data Juggling - Part 1 - Getting Started with #Chimney](
* [Keynote: Daniel Spiewak - The Case For Effect Systems](

## preface
* goals of this workshop
* introduction to pure functional programming tools
* zio
* basic constructs
* error handling
* type-safe dependency injection
* execution / concurrency - fibers
* http4s
* doobie
* chimney
* show how to model domain with effects
* workshop task: implement other endpoint (get / create) for Products

## introduction
* functional programs do not interact with the external world directly
* it involves partiality, non-determinism and side-effects
* instead, describe (or model) interaction with the real world
* by introducing appropriate data structures
* functions that describe interactions with the outside world are executed only at a specific point in our application
* called the end of the (pure functional) world
* example: the main function
* rest of the application can be purely functional
* effects
* immutable data structures that model procedural effects
* used to model some common operations or sequence of operations, like database interaction, RPC calls,
WebSocket connections, etc.
* side effect context: function doing something other than just returning a value
* effects are good, side-effects are bugs
* example: `val sayHello: Unit = println("Hello!")`
* from value perspective, any different than `val unit = ()`
* all it does is side effect
* not referentially transparent
* effect system: is how we manage side effects - by describing them not doing them
* effects are descriptions so we can run them again

## zio
* is a library for asynchronous and concurrent programming that is based on pure functional programming
* provides everything that is necessary for building any modern, highly-concurrent application
### general
* basic building block: `ZIO[-R, +E, +A]`
* something like `R => Either[E, A]`
* isomorphism
* `def either: ZIO[R, Nothing, Either[E, A]]`
* `def absolve(zio: ZIO[R, E, Either[E, A]]): ZIO[R, E, A]`
* `R` stands for context needed to run
* example
* a connection to a database
* a REST client
* a configuration object
* other service
* note that just by looking at the signature of a function, we can tell:
* if it has external dependencies
* if it can fail or not
* what type of errors it can fail
* if it can finish successfully or not
* what the type of data is that returns when finishing
* a better `Future`
* referentially transparent
* doesn't produce effects - it describe effects
* easier to refactor - with `Future` simple refactoring can dramatically change program meaning
for {
x <- foo()
y <- bar(x)
_ <- baz()
z <- qux(x, y)
} yield ...
moving `baz` out of for-comprehension does not change semantics
val bz = baz()
for {
x <- foo()
y <- bar(x)
_ <- bz
z <- qux(x, y)
} yield ...
* lazy
* when created - `Future` is already running
* example: `Future { Thread.sleep(2_000); 1 }`
* therefore it needs execution context when creating
* effect value is just a tree
val effect =
ZIO(callApi(url)).flatMap { result =>
}.eventually // if fail retry
is translated into tree (blueprint)
lazy val effect =
FlatMap( // common operators as a case classes
EffectPartial(() => callApi(url)),
result => saveCache(res lt)
error => effect,
success => EffectTotal(() => success)
* resource-safe equivalent: `ZManaged[-R, +E, +A]`
* its constructor `make` takes 2 functions: one to create the object, and one to release it
* is composable
val managedData = Managed.make(open(url))(close(_))

managedData.use { data =>
support multiple urls
ZIO.foreach(urls) { url => // parallel: ZIO.foreachPar(urls); with limit: ZIO.foreachParN(10)(urls)
val managedData = Managed.make(open(url))(close(_))

managedData.use { data =>
retry: at most 100 times
val policy = Schedule.recurs(100) // exponential backoff: && Schedule.exponential(10.millis)

ZIO.foreach(urls) { url => // parallel: ZIO.foreachPar(urls); with limit: ZIO.foreachParN(10)(urls)
val managedData = Managed.make(open(url))(close(_))

val robustData = managedData.retry(policy) // timeout: .timeoutFail(30.seconds)

robustData.use { data =>
searchBreadth(data) // use other search and take faster: .race(searchDepth(data))
} // timeout all: .timeout(10.seconds)
* type aliases
* `Task[+A] = ZIO[Any, Throwable, A]` // need anything
* `UIO[+A] = ZIO[Any, Nothing, A]` // cannot fail
* `RIO[-R, +A] = ZIO[R, Throwable, A]`
* `IO[+E, +A] = ZIO[Any, E, A]`
* `URIO[-R, +A] = ZIO[R, Nothing, A]`

* `zio.App`
* entry point for a purely-functional application on the JVM
* zio runtime system
* `def unsafeRun[E, A](zio: => ZIO[R, E, A]): A`
* responsibilities
* execute every step of the blueprint
* handle unexpected errors
* spawn concurrent fibers
* cooperatively yield to other fibers
* capture execution & stack traces
* ensure finalizers are run appropriately
* handle asynchronous callbacks
* method to override: `def run(args: List[String]): URIO[ZEnv, ExitCode]`
* errors have to be fully handled
* use `ZIO.exitCode` to map ZIO into `URIO[ZEnv, ExitCode]`
* if the original effect ends successfully: `ExitCode.success` is returned
* if the original effect fails
* the error is printed by console
* and `ExitCode.failure` is returned
* example
object MyApp extends App {

final def run(args: List[String]) =

def program =
for {
_ <- putStrLn("Hello! What is your name?")
n <- getStrLn
_ <- putStrLn("Hello, " + n + ", good to meet you!")
} yield ()
* useful alias operators
* `.as(...)` is equivalent of `map(_ => ...)`
* `<*>` is equivalent to the `zip`
* `*>` is equivalent of `flatMap(_ => ...)`
* `>>=` is equivalent of `flatMap`
* `<>` is equivalent of `orElse`
* if the first effect is successful - the second effect is not executed
* If the first effect fails (in this case: if the player’s name is invalid), the second effect is executed (in this case: an error message is displayed and then getName is called again).
* monad transformers equivalent
* for `Option`
* for `Either`
* example
val maybeId: IO[Option[Nothing], String] = ZIO.fromOption(Some("abc123"))
def getUser(userId: String): IO[Throwable, Option[User]] = ???
def getTeam(teamId: String): IO[Throwable, Team] = ???

val result: IO[Throwable, Option[(User, Team)]] = (for {
id <- maybeId
user <- getUser(id).some // ZIO[R, E, Option[B]] -> ZIO[R, Option[E], B]
team <- getTeam(user.teamId).asSomeError // ZIO[R, E, B] -> ZIO[R, Option[E], B]
} yield (user, team)).optional // ZIO[R, Option[E], B] -> ZIO[R, E, Option[B]]

### errors
* `IO[E, A]` is polymorphic in values of type E and we can work with any error type
* there is a lot of information that is not inside an arbitrary `E` value
* unexpected exceptions or defects
* stack and execution traces
* cause of fiber interruptions
* etc
* `Cause[E]` is a description of a full story of failure, which is included in an `Exit.Failure`
* has several variations
* `Fail[+E](value: E)`
* expected errors
* errors you would potentially want to recover from
* `Die(value: Throwable)`
* unexpected errors (defects)
* errors you can't recover from in a sensible way (because you didn't expect them)
* others
* handling
* `catchAll`
* `catchSome`
* you should not throw exceptions within `IO.succeed` or `map/flatMap` or any other non-effectful method
* it will result in the fiber being killed
* instead
* `def effect[A](effect: => A): Task[A]`
* imports a synchronous side-effect into a pure ZIO value
* translates any thrown exceptions into typed failed effects (``)
* `def mapEffect[B](f: A => B)(implicit ev: E <:< Throwable): RIO[R, B]`
* translates any thrown exceptions into typed failed effects (``)
* `.orDie`
* returns an effect that never fails
* if there were any failure, it would actually be a defect and our application should fail immediately
* `.orDieWith(_ => new Error("Boom!"))`
* returns a new effect that cannot fail and, if it does fail, that would mean that there is some serious defect

### concurrency
* fiber
* using fibers directly can be tricky
* use higher-level methods, such as `raceWith`, `zipPar`, and so forth
* usage
* example
for { // fork means run in the background; join means wait for a result
fiber <- subtask.fork
// Do stuff...
a <- fiber.join
} yield a
* in ZIO: `def fork: URIO[R, Fiber.Runtime[E, A]]`
* forks this effect into its own separate fiber
* returning the fiber immediately
* new fiber is attached to the parent fiber's scope
* when the parent fiber terminates, the child fiber will be terminated as well ("auto supervision")
* creating the fiber itself — and running the IO on a separate thread — is an effect (therefore the return type)
* in `Fiber`: `def join: IO[E, A]`
* semantically block but never block underlying threads
* in `Fiber`: `def interrupt: UIO[Exit[E, A]]`
* if the fiber already succeeded: `Exit.Success[A]` otherwise `Exit.Failure[Cause.Interrupt]`
* unlike interrupting a thread, interrupting a fiber is an easy operation
* it simply tells the `Executor` that the fiber must not be scheduled anymore
* is the closest analogy to `Future`
* if we see fiber it is probably doing something or already evaluated
* if it is not doing active work and can't do active work - will be garbage collected
* you don't have to take care of explicitly shutting them down
* no start method, as soon as fiber is created it is started as well
* it’s up to the ZIO runtime to schedule fibers for execution (on the internal JVM thread pool)
* ZIO executes fibers using an Executor (abstraction over a thread pool)
* blocks the current thread until completion? If you run it within a regular IO, you will block a thread from your application’s main thread pool and potentially cause thread starvation
* ZIO has a solution for that, which is to wrap your code within effectBlocking
* The return type is ZIO[Blocking, Throwable, A], which means that it requires a “blocking environment” (= the thread pool to use) and that it catches exceptions
* By the way, never wrap Thread.sleep, use non-blocking IO.sleep instead.

* useful methods
* def effectAsync[R, E, A](register: (ZIO[R, E, A] => Unit) => Any, blockingOn: List[Fiber.Id] = Nil): ZIO[R, E, A]
* used for asynchronous side-effect with a callback-based API
* more specialized equivalents: `fromCompletableFuture`, `fromFuture`
* example
def send(client: AsyncClient): Task[Unit] =
IO.effectAsync[Any, Throwable, Unit] { cb =>
.handle[Unit]((_, err) => {
err match {
case null => cb(IO.unit)
case ex => cb(
* `zio.blocking.effectBlocking[A](effect: => A): RIO[Blocking, A]`
* used for legacy code which not only throws exceptions, but also blocks the current thread
* example: synchronous socket/file reads
* `Blocking`: thread pool that can be used for performing blocking operations
* by default, ZIO is asynchronous and all effects will be executed on a default primary thread pool
which is optimized for asynchronous operations
* `ZIO.foreachPar(ids)(getUserById)`
* automatically interrupt others if one fails
* `getDataFromEastCoast.race(getDataFromWestCoast)`
* returns first
* automatically interrupt the loser
* use `IO.sleep` (never wrap `Thread.sleep`)
* provided primitives
* Ref - functional equivalent of atomic ref
* Promise - single value communication
* Queue - multiple value communication
* Hub - broadcast values to many subscribers
* Semaphore - control level of concurrency
* Schedule - manage repeats and retries

### dependency injection
* features
* type-safe
* resource-safe
* potentially concurrent way
* principled error handling
* without reflection or classpath scanning
* example
type InternalServiceEnv = Has[Service1] with Has[Service2] with ...
type ApiRepositoryEnv = Has[ApiRepository1] with Has[ApiRepository2] with ...

val service: URLayer[InternalServiceEnv with ApiRepositoryEnv, CustomerServiceEnv] = {
for {
service <- ZIO.service[IdService] // get service from environment
repository <- ZIO.service[CustomerRepository] // get service from environment
} yield CustomerService(service, repository)
}.toLayer // lift a ZIO effect to a ZLayer
* `Has[A]` represents a dependency on a service `A`
* like a map but with compile type check if we have something there
* suppose we don't have `Has`
zio = ZIO[Int with String, ...]
zio.provide(12) // compile type error
// however, if we define trait HasInt { value: Int } and its HasString counterpart
// we could do
zio = ZIO[HasInt with HasString, ...]
zio.provide( new HasInt with HasString { ... } )
* suppose we need a dependency on a service `A` that is itself dependent on some service `B`
* dependencies are like a graph with layers
* we need a type representing some kind of `B => A`
* `ZLayer[-RIn, +E, +ROut <: Has[_]]`
* description to build an environment of type `ROut`, starting from a value `RIn`, possibly
producing an error `E` during creation
* horizontal composition: `ZLayer[RIn, E1, ROut] ++ ZLayer[RIn2, E1, ROut2] = ZLayer[RIn with RIn2, E1, ROut1 with ROut2]`
* layer that has the requirements and provides the capabilities of both layers
* get in parallel
* vertical composition: `ZLayer[RIn, E1, ROut] >>> ZLayer[RIn2, E1, ROut2] = ZLayer[ROut, E1, ROut2]`
* layer with the requirement of the first and the output of the second layer
* released in reverse order
* useful aliases
* `TaskLayer[+ROut]`
* `ULayer[+ROut]`
* `RLayer[-RIn, +ROut]`
* `Layer[+E, +ROut]`
* `URLayer[-RIn, +ROut]`
* `type ZEnv = Clock with Console with System with Random with Blocking`
* is just an alias for all standard modules provided by ZIO
* providing dependencies
* `provideLayer[E1 >: E, R0, R1](layer: ZLayer[R0, E1, R1])`
* `def provideSomeLayer[R0 <: Has[_]]: ZIO.ProvideSomeLayer[R0, R, E, A]`
* example: `prog.provideSomeLayer[ZEnv](...)`
* it's like provideLayer(ZLayer.identity[R0] ++ layer)
* example
val effect1: URIO[Has[Int], Int] = ZIO.service[Int].map(_ * 2)
val effect2: ZIO[Has[String], IOException, String] = ZIO.service[String].map(_ + "!")

val effect: ZIO[Has[String] with Has[Int], IOException, (Int, String)] = effect1 <*> effect2

val program: IO[IOException, (Int, String)] = effect.provide(Has(66) ++ Has("hello world"))

override def run(args: List[String]): URIO[zio.ZEnv, ZExitCode] = (for {
p <- program
_ <- putStrLn(p.toString())
} yield ()).exitCode
notice, that we operate on bare `Has[...]`, but we could go through layers:
val stringLayer: ULayer[Has[String]] = ZLayer.succeed("hello world")
val intLayer: ULayer[Has[Int]] = ZLayer.succeed(66)
val composedLayer: ULayer[Has[String] with Has[Int]] = stringLayer ++ intLayer

val program: IO[IOException, (Int, String)] = effect.provideLayer(composedLayer)
### testing
* example
object CustomerGraphQlEndpoint extends DefaultRunnableSpec {

private val suiteTest = suite("SuiteName")(

override def spec =
type ZTestEnv = TestClock with TestConsole with TestRandom with TestSystem

private lazy val test1 =
testM("test description") {
val actual: ZIO[R, E, A] = ...
val expected: A = ...


val testLayer = sum of environments for running each tests

* `zio.test.DefaultRunnableSpec` which accepts a single suite that will be executed
* is very similar in its logic of operations to `zio.App`
* `testM` function expects two arguments
* the label of test
* an assertion of type `ZIO[R, E, TestResult]`
* `def assertM[R, E, A](effect: ZIO[R, E, A])(assertion: AssertionM[A]): ZIO[R, E, TestResult]`
* `def assert[A](expr: => A)(assertion: Assertion[A]): TestResult`
* mocking
* more examples here:
* workshop:

## http4s
* `HttpRoutes[F] = Kleisli[OptionT[F, *], Request, Response]`
* `Kleisli` - wrapper around a `Request => F[Response]`, and `F` is an effectful operation
* can be combined with `<+>` (`cats.implicits._` and `org.http4s.implicits._`)
* `Router("/customer" -> CustomerControllerRoutes, "/product" -> ProductControllerRoutes).orNotFound`
* used for combining routes
* server
* `blaze` is a Scala library for building asynchronous pipelines, with a focus on network IO
* example
.bindHttp(port, "")
.withHttpApp(routes(baseUrl)) // associates the specified routes with this http server
.serve // runs the server as a process that never emits
.compile // projection of this stream that allows converting it to an F[..]
.drain // compiles this stream in to a value of the target effect type F
* every `ServerBuilder[F]` has a `.serve` method that returns a `Stream[F, ExitCode]`
* this stream runs forever without emitting any output
* when this process is run with `.unsafeRunSync` on the main thread, it blocks forever
* keeps the JVM (and your server) alive until the JVM is killed
* cats-effect provides an `cats.effect.IOApp` trait with an abstract run method that returns a `IO[ExitCode]`
* IOApp runs the process and adds a JVM shutdown hook to interrupt the infinite process and gracefully shut
down your server when a SIGTERM is received

## doobie
* In the doobie high level API the most common types we will deal with have the form ConnectionIO[A], specifying computations that take place in a context where a java.sql.Connection is available, ultimately producing a value of type A
* creating transactor
val xa = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO](
"org.postgresql.Driver", // driver classname
"jdbc:postgresql:world", // connect URL (driver-specific)
"postgres", // user
"" // password
* constructors of `Transactor` use the JDBC DriverManager to allocate connections
* DriverManager is unbounded and will allocate new connections until server resources are exhausted
* preferable: use `DataSourceTransactor` with an underlying bounded connection pool
* `H2Transactor` and `HikariTransactor`
* blocking operations are executed on an unbounded cached daemon thread pool by default
* risk of exhausting system threads
* defining queries
object SQL {
def get(id: CustomerId): Query0[Customer] = sql"""
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE ID = ${id.value}
* describing execution queries

## chimney
* library for boilerplate-free data transformations
* provides a compact DSL with which you can define transformation rules and transform your objects with
as little boilerplate as possible
* problem
val command = MakeCoffee(id = Random.nextInt,
kind = "Espresso",
addict = "Piotr")
val event = CoffeeMade(id =,
kind = command.kind,
forAddict = command.addict,
at =
* solution
import io.scalaland.chimney.dsl._

val event = command.into[CoffeeMade]
.withFieldComputed(, _ =>
.withFieldRenamed(_.addict, _.forAddict)
* use case
* transform an object of one type to another object which contains a number of the same or similar
fields in their definitions
* applying practices like DDD (Domain-Driven-Design) where suggested approach is to separate model
schemas of different bounded contexts
* use code-generation tools like Protocol Buffers that generate primitive types like Int or String, while
you'd prefer to use value objects in you domain-level code to improve type-safety and readability
* underneath it uses Scala macros to give you:
* type-safety at compile-time
* excellent error messages
* supports case class patching as well
* happens when you hold an object of some type and want to modify only subset of its fields with values
taken from other (patch) object
* example
case class User(id: Int, email: String, address: String, phone: Long)
case class UserUpdateForm(email: String, phone: Long)

val user = User(10, "[email protected]", "Broadway", 123456789L)
val updateForm = UserUpdateForm("[email protected]", 123123123L)

// User(10, "[email protected]", "Broadway", 123123123L)
* providing missing values
* problem
val stevie = Catterpillar(5, "Steve")
val steve = stevie.transformInto[Butterfly]
// error: Chimney can't derive transformation from Catterpillar to Butterfly
// Butterfly
// wingsColor: String - no accessor named wingsColor in source type Catterpillar
// Consult for usage examples.
// val steve = stevie.transformInto[Butterfly]
* solution
val steve = stevie.into[Butterfly]
.withFieldConst(_.wingsColor, "white")
or dynamically, providing a function
val steve = stevie.into[Butterfly]
.withFieldComputed(_.wingsColor, c => if(c.size > 4) "yellow" else "gray")
// Butterfly(5, "Steve", "yellow")
* fields renaming
val jamesRU = jamesGB.into[SpyRU]
.withFieldRenamed(, _.imya)
.withFieldRenamed(_.surname, _.familia)
* value classes
* automatic value class field extraction and wrapping
* example
val richPerson = rich.Person(PersonId(10), PersonName("Bill"), 30)
val plainPerson = richPerson.transformInto[plain.Person]
val richPerson2 = plainPerson.transformInto[rich.Person]
* options support
* lifted transformers
* transformers wrap total functions of type `From => To`
* don’t really support partial transformations, where depending on the input value, transformation
may succeed or fail
* problem
case class RegistrationForm(email: String,
username: String,
password: String,
age: String) // age as string

case class RegisteredUser(email: String,
username: String,
passwordHash: String,
age: Int)
* solution: lifted transformers, provided by TransformerF type class
val okForm = RegistrationForm("[email protected]", "John", "s3cr3t", "40")

.intoF[Option, RegisteredUser] // (1)
.withFieldComputed(_.passwordHash, form => hashpw(form.password))
.withFieldComputedF(_.age, _.age.toIntOption) // (2)
.transform // (3)
// Some(RegisteredUser("[email protected]", "John", "...", 40)): Option[RegisteredUser]
* summary
* `into[RegisteredUser]` -> `intoF[Option, RegisteredUser]`
* `withFieldComputed` -> `withFieldComputedF`
* second parameter is a function that wraps result into a type constructor provided in (1)
* transform call is not `RegisteredUser`, but `Option[RegisteredUser]`
* `method` -> `methodF`
* capturing validation errors
* support for `Either[C[TransformationError[M]], +*]`, where
* M - type of error message
* C[_] - collection type to store all the transformation errors (like Seq, Vector, List, etc.)
* TransformationError - default implementation of error containing path
* example
type V[+A] = Either[List[TransformationError[String]], A]

rawData.transformIntoF[V, Data] == Left(List(TransformationError(...)))
* cats integration
* you need to import `io.scalaland.chimney.cats._` in order to support the `Validated`
* `type V[+A] = ValidatedNec[TransformationError[String], A]`