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My 12 Year-Old (Neo)Vim Configuration

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My 12 Year-Old (Neo)Vim Configuration

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# My 13 Year-Old (Neo)Vim Configuration

## About

I've been iterating on this configuration for more than 12 years and 1,000
commits. **It's very unlikely you'd want to use it directly.** Instead, feel
free to learn and take snippets from it.

[Jump to Plugin List](#plugin-list)



## Plugins and Configuration in their Own File

_This is one of the things I'm most proud of, definitely steal it._

Each plugin is included and managed in its [own file](/plug_plugins).

## Installation

_Be sure you read the About section above._

1. `git clone [email protected]:mutewinter/dot_vim.git ~/.config/nvim`.
1. `cd ~/.config/nvim`.

Now you have a choice. The automated script or the manual process.

1. Run `scripts/setup`.


1. `rake vim:link` to make the `.vimrc` and `.nvimrc` symbolic links.
1. `vim +PlugInstall +qall`

## Vim Requirements

- I'm using [NeoVim](
[via Homebrew]( on macOS.

## Mappings

- Pressing `enter` in normal mode saves the current buffer, if needed.

And many more. See [`mappings.vim`](mappings.vim) and
[`plug_plugins`](plug_plugins) for more.

## Installing Custom Plugins

Create a new `.vim` file with the same name as the plugin you'd like to install
in [`plug_plugins/custom`](plug_plugins/custom). Then add the installation
block. For example:


if exists('g:plug_installing_plugins')
Plug 'matze/vim-move.vim'

let g:move_key_modifier = 'C'

This example installs [`vim-move`](

## Plugin List

| Stars          | **Plugin** | **Description** |
| :------- | :--------- | :-------------- |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[coc.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/coc.vim)|Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-fugitive]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/vim-fugitive.vim)|fugitive.vim: A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[telescope.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/telescope.vim)|Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-surround]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/vim-surround.vim)|surround.vim: Delete/change/add parentheses/quotes/XML-tags/much more with ease |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[nvim-treesitter]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/treesitter.vim)|Nvim Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[copilot.vim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/copilot.vim)|Neovim plugin for GitHub Copilot |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[nvim-tree.lua]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/nvim-tree.vim)|A file explorer tree for neovim written in lua |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[lualine.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/lualine.vim)|A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-startify]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/startify.vim)|:link: The fancy start screen for Vim. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[mini.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/mini.vim)|Library of 40+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim (version 0.8 and higher) experience with minimal effort |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[gitsigns.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/gitsigns.vim)|Git integration for buffers |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[diffview.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/diffview.vim)|Single tabpage interface for easily cycling through diffs for all modified files for any git rev. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[neogit]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/neogit.vim)|An interactive and powerful Git interface for Neovim, inspired by Magit |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[undotree](|The undo history visualizer for VIM |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[Comment.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/comment.vim)|:brain: :muscle: // Smart and powerful comment plugin for neovim. Supports treesitter, dot repeat, left-right/up-down motions, hooks, and more |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-dadbod]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/dadbod.vim)|dadbod.vim: Modern database interface for Vim |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[editorconfig-vim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/editorconfig-vim.vim)|EditorConfig plugin for Vim |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[nvim-notify]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/notify.vim)|A fancy, configurable, notification manager for NeoVim |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-abolish](|abolish.vim: Work with several variants of a word at once |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[plenary.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/diffview.vim)|plenary: full; complete; entire; absolute; unqualified. All the lua functions I don't want to write twice. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-repeat](|repeat.vim: enable repeating supported plugin maps with "." |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[targets.vim](|Vim plugin that provides additional text objects |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[nvim-treesitter-context]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/treesitter.vim)|Show code context |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[nvim-web-devicons](|lua `fork` of vim-web-devicons for neovim |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[splitjoin.vim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/splitjoin.vim)|Switch between single-line and multiline forms of code |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-eunuch](|eunuch.vim: Helpers for UNIX |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-coffee-script](|CoffeeScript support for vim |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[ctrlsf.vim](|A text searching plugin mimics Ctrl-Shift-F on Sublime Text 2 |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[nui.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/package-info.vim)|UI Component Library for Neovim. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-dadbod-ui]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/dadbod.vim)|Simple UI for |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[lush.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/jellybeans.vim)|Create Neovim themes with real-time feedback, export anywhere. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[lazygit.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/lazygit.vim)|Plugin for calling lazygit from within neovim. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-textobj-user](|Vim plugin: Create your own text objects |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[neoscroll.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/neoscroll.vim)|Smooth scrolling neovim plugin written in lua |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[nvim-ts-context-commentstring]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/treesitter.vim)|Neovim treesitter plugin for setting the commentstring based on the cursor location in a file. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-peekaboo](|:eyes: " / @ / CTRL-R |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-jsx-pretty](|:flashlight: [Vim script] JSX and TSX syntax pretty highlighting for vim. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-rhubarb](|rhubarb.vim: GitHub extension for fugitive.vim |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[playground]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/treesitter.vim)|Treesitter playground integrated into Neovim |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-hardtime]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/vim-hardtime.vim)|Plugin to help you stop repeating the basic movement keys |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-node](|Tools and environment to make Vim superb for developing with Node.js. Like Rails.vim for Node. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[dial.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/dial.vim)|enhanced increment/decrement plugin for Neovim. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-jsbeautify]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/vim-jsbeautify.vim)|vim plugin which formated javascript files by js-beautify |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[rainbow-delimiters.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/treesitter.vim)|Rainbow delimiters for Neovim with Tree-sitter |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[tmux-complete.vim](|Vim plugin for insert mode completion of words in adjacent tmux panes |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[open-browser.vim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/open-browser.vim)|Open URI with your favorite browser from your most favorite editor |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[iswap.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/iswap.vim)|Interactively select and swap function arguments, list elements, and much more. Powered by tree-sitter. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-graphql](|A Vim plugin that provides GraphQL file detection, syntax highlighting, and indentation. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[package-info.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/package-info.vim)|✍️ All the npm/yarn/pnpm commands I don't want to type |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[nvim-cursorline]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/nvim-cursorline.vim)|A plugin for neovim that highlights cursor words and lines |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-asterisk]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/vim-asterisk.vim)|:snowflake: *-Improved |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-misc](|Miscellaneous auto-load Vim scripts |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-ragtag](|ragtag.vim: ghetto HTML/XML mappings (formerly allml.vim) |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-tmux]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/vim-tmux.vim)|vim plugin for tmux.conf |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[color-picker.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/color-picker.vim)|A powerful Neovim plugin that lets users choose & modify RGB/HSL/HEX colors. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[pgsql.vim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/pgsql.vim)|The best PostgreSQL plugin for Vim! |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-sort-motion](|Vim mapping for sorting a range of text |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[telescope-coc.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/telescope.vim)|coc.nvim integration for telescope.nvim |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[QFEnter]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/QFEnter.vim)|Open a Quickfix item in a window you choose. (Vim plugin) |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[coc-tailwind-intellisense]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/coc.vim)|Coc.nvim extension for Tailwind CSS IntelliSense |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[ListToggle]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/ListToggle.vim)|A vim plugin for toggling the display of the quickfix list and the location-list. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-togglecursor]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/vim-togglecursor.vim)|Toggle the cursor shape in the terminal for Vim. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[jellybeans-nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/jellybeans.vim)|A port of jellybeans colorscheme for neovim |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[Join](|a better (hopefully) :Join command in vim |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-handlebars](|[deprecated] Vim plugin for Handlebars |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[scratch.vim](|Plugin to create and use a scratch Vim buffer |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-reveal-in-finder](|Reveal the current file in the OS X Finder. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[specs.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/specs.vim)|👓 A fast and lightweight Neovim lua plugin to keep an eye on where your cursor has jumped. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[HelpClose](|Close all help windows |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[vim-autoreadwatch](|A forked script for vim auto reloading of buffers when changed on disk. |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[nvim-colorizer.lua]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/nvim-colorizer.vim)|Fork of Neovim colorizer to support Typewind |
| ![Star count](★&color=black) |[indent-guides.nvim]( [:page_facing_up:](plug_plugins/indent-guides.vim)|Problem fetching glepnir/indent-guides.nvim. |

_That's 77 plugins, holy crap._

_Generated by `rake update_readme` on 2024/10/18._