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golang leetcode

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Personal leetcode playground.

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# Leetcode solution

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## Solutions

|ID|Title|Time| |Space|Ranking|
| 1 | [two sum]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(n) | 95.58% 🟢 |
| 2 | [add two numbers]( | 12ms | O(n) | O(n) | 64.05% 🟠 |
| 3 | [longest substring without repeating characters]( | 584ms | O(n^2) | O(n) | 5.03% 🔴 |
| 6 | [zigzag conversion]( | 8ms | O(n) | O(n) | 74.58% 🟠 |
| 7 | [reverse integer]( | 0ms | O(log(n)) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 8 | [string to integer atoi]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(1) | 47.51% 🔴 |
| 11 | [container with most water]( | 296ms | O(n^2) | O(1) | 26.72% 🔴 |
| 12 | [integer to roman]( | 12ms | O(log(n)) | O(1) | 44.82% 🔴 |
| 20 | [valid parentheses]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 21 | [merge two sorted lists]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 35 | [search insert position]( | 0ms | O(log(n)) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 69 | [sqrtx]( | 8ms | O(log(n)) | O(1) | 19.58% 🔴 |
| 75 | [sort colors]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 83 | [remove duplicates from sorted list]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 100 | [same tree]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 101 | [symmetric tree]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 102 | [binary tree level order traversal]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 104 | [maximum depth of binary tree]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(1) | 90.15% 🟢 |
| 107 | [binary tree level order traversal ii]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 108 | [convert sorted array to binary search tree]( | 108ms | O(n) | O(n) | 62.9% 🟠 |
| 110 | [balanced binary tree]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(n) | 96.71% 🟢 |
| 111 | [minimum depth of binary tree]( | 228ms | O(n) | O(n) | 85.67% 🟠 |
| 112 | [path sum]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(1) | 96.52% 🟢 |
| 119 | [pascals triangle ii]( | 1ms | O(n^2) | O(n^2) | 59.83% 🟠 |
| 122 | [best time to buy and sell stock ii]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(1) | 94.38% 🟢 |
| 125 | [valid palindrome]( | 0ms | O(n*log(n)) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 141 | [linked list cycle]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(1) | 96% 🟢 |
| 155 | [min stack]( | 12ms | O(n) | O(n) | 98.73% 🟢 |
| 160 | [intersection of two linked lists]( | 44ms | O(n) | O(n) | 30.1% 🔴 |
| 167 | [two sum ii input array is sorted]( | 4ms | O(n*log(n)) | O(1) | 94.87% 🟢 |
| 168 | [excel sheet column title]( | 0ms | O(log(n)) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 171 | [excel sheet column number]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 182 | [duplicate emails]( | 343ms | unknown | unknown | 42.48% 🔴 |
| 193 | [valid phone numbers]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 195 | [tenth line]( | 0ms | O(1) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 200 | [number of islands]( | 0ms | O(n*m) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 201 | [bitwise and of numbers range]( | 626ms | O(n) | O(1) | 6.25% 🔴 |
| 202 | [happy number]( | 0ms | O(1) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 203 | [remove linked list elements]( | 8ms | O(n) | O(1) | 88.89% 🟠 |
| 204 | [count primes]( | 8ms | O(n) | O(n) | 81.42% 🟠 |
| 206 | [reverse linked list]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 208 | [implement trie prefix tree]( | 72ms | O(n) | O(n) | 50.75% 🟠 |
| 211 | [design add and search words data structure]( | 96ms | O(n) | O(n) | 38.61% 🔴 |
| 212 | [word search ii]( | 1432ms | unknown | O(n) | 26.06% 🔴 |
| 215 | [kth largest element in an array]( | 4ms | O(n*log(n)) | O(1) | 98.66% 🟢 |
| 219 | [contains duplicate ii]( | 250ms | O(n) | O(n) | 37.93% 🔴 |
| 225 | [implement stack using queues]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 226 | [invert binary tree]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 231 | [power of two]( | 0ms | O(log(n)) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 232 | [implement queue using stacks]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 235 | [lowest common ancestor of a binary search tree]( | 20ms | O(n) | O(1) | 80.11% 🟠 |
| 237 | [delete node in a linked list]( | 0ms | O(1) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 242 | [valid anagram]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 258 | [add digits]( | 0ms | O(1) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 263 | [ugly number]( | 0ms | O(log(n)) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 278 | [first bad version]( | 0ms | O(log(n)) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 283 | [move zeroes]( | 12ms | O(n*log(n)) | O(1) | 6.22% 🔴 |
| 303 | [range sum query immutable]( | 24ms | O(n) | O(n) | 98.41% 🟢 |
| 326 | [power of three]( | 8ms | O(1) | O(1) | 99.32% 🟢 |
| 345 | [reverse vowels of a string]( | 0ms | O(n*log(n)) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 347 | [top k frequent elements]( | 12ms | O(n) | O(n) | 87.27% 🟠 |
| 349 | [intersection of two arrays]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 350 | [intersection of two arrays ii]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(n) | 79.29% 🟠 |
| 367 | [valid perfect square]( | 0ms | O(log(n)) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 374 | [guess number higher or lower]( | 0ms | O(log(n)) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 387 | [first unique character in a string]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(1) | 97.53% 🟢 |
| 392 | [is subsequence]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 404 | [sum of left leaves]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 415 | [add strings]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 441 | [arranging coins]( | 8ms | O(n) | O(1) | 38.46% 🔴 |
| 468 | [validate ip address]( | 0ms | O(1) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 496 | [next greater element i]( | 0ms | O(n^2) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 501 | [find mode in binary search tree]( | 12ms | O(n) | O(n) | 51.16% 🟠 |
| 506 | [relative ranks]( | 12ms | O(n*log(n)) | O(log(n)) | 93.94% 🟢 |
| 507 | [perfect number]( | 0ms | O(log(n)) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 530 | [minimum absolute difference in bst]( | 12ms | O(n) | O(1) | 72.92% 🟠 |
| 563 | [binary tree tilt]( | 8ms | O(n) | O(1) | 94.08% 🟢 |
| 572 | [subtree of another tree]( | 20ms | O(n^2) | O(1) | 47.97% 🔴 |
| 617 | [merge two binary trees]( | 28ms | O(n) | O(n) | 87.26% 🟠 |
| 628 | [maximum product of three numbers]( | 28ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 637 | [average of levels in binary tree]( | 8ms | O(n) | O(n) | 89.47% 🟠 |
| 658 | [find k closest elements]( | 123ms | O(n*log(n)) | O(n) | 6.82% 🔴 |
| 677 | [map sum pairs]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 682 | [baseball game]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 690 | [employee importance]( | 12ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 700 | [search in a binary search tree]( | 24ms | O(n) | O(1) | 84.67% 🟠 |
| 703 | [kth largest element in a stream]( | 32ms | O(n*log(n)) | O(n) | 78.22% 🟠 |
| 704 | [binary search]( | 36ms | O(log(n)) | O(1) | 67.19% 🟠 |
| 724 | [find pivot index]( | 12ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 733 | [flood fill]( | 4ms | O(n^2) | O(n) | 99.07% 🟢 |
| 744 | [find smallest letter greater than target]( | 0ms | O(log(n)) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 786 | [k th smallest prime fraction]( | 486ms | O(n^2) | O(n) | 50% 🟠 |
| 844 | [backspace string compare]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 852 | [peak index in a mountain array]( | 0ms | O(log(n)) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 875 | [koko eating bananas]( | 48ms | O(n*log(n)) | O(1) | 55.77% 🟠 |
| 876 | [middle of the linked list]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 922 | [sort array by parity ii]( | 16ms | O(n) | O(1) | 98.46% 🟢 |
| 925 | [long pressed name]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 933 | [number of recent calls]( | 128ms | O(n) | O(n) | 79.37% 🟠 |
| 976 | [largest perimeter triangle]( | 24ms | O(n*log(n)) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 989 | [add to array form of integer]( | 24ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1011 | [capacity to ship packages within d days]( | 40ms | O(n*log(n)) | O(1) | 41.46% 🔴 |
| 1021 | [remove outermost parentheses]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1030 | [matrix cells in distance order]( | 36ms | O(n^2) | O(n^2) | 15.38% 🔴 |
| 1046 | [last stone weight]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1047 | [remove all adjacent duplicates in string]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(n) | 87.67% 🟠 |
| 1122 | [relative sort array]( | 0ms | O(n^2) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1147 | [longest chunked palindrome decomposition]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1290 | [convert binary number in a linked list to integer]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1323 | [maximum 69 number]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1337 | [the k weakest rows in a matrix]( | 12ms | O(n*m) | O(n) | 82.89% 🟠 |
| 1346 | [check if n and its double exist]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(n) | 87.06% 🟠 |
| 1351 | [count negative numbers in a sorted matrix]( | 8ms | O(log(n)) | O(1) | 99.26% 🟢 |
| 1356 | [sort integers by the number of 1 bits]( | 12ms | O(n*log(n)) | O(n) | 13.46% 🔴 |
| 1370 | [increasing decreasing string]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1392 | [longest happy prefix]( | 16ms | O(n) | O(n) | 72.22% 🟠 |
| 1399 | [count largest group]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1403 | [minimum subsequence in non increasing order]( | 4ms | O(n*log(n)) | O(n) | 97.44% 🟢 |
| 1413 | [minimum value to get positive step by step sum]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1417 | [reformat the string]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1436 | [destination city]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(n) | 91.94% 🟢 |
| 1437 | [check if all 1s are at least length k places away]( | 64ms | O(n) | O(1) | 75% 🟠 |
| 1441 | [build an array with stack operations]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1464 | [maximum product of two elements in an array]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(n) | 91.3% 🟢 |
| 1480 | [running sum of 1d array]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1491 | [average salary excluding the minimum and maximum salary]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1502 | [can make arithmetic progression from sequence]( | 0ms | O(n*log(n)) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1507 | [reformat date]( | 0ms | O(1) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1528 | [shuffle string]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(n) | 87.5% 🟠 |
| 1544 | [make the string great]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1598 | [crawler log folder]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1640 | [check array formation through concatenation]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1672 | [richest customer wealth]( | 0ms | O(n^2) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1673 | [find the most competitive subsequence]( | 2860ms | O(n^2) | O(n) | 8.33% 🔴 |
| 1684 | [count the number of consistent strings]( | 32ms | O(n^2) | O(n) | 65% 🟠 |
| 1688 | [count of matches in tournament]( | 0ms | O(log(n)) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1822 | [sign of the product of an array]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(1) | 96.21% 🟢 |
| 1827 | [minimum operations to make the array increasing]( | 8ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1832 | [check if the sentence is pangram]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1903 | [largest odd number in string]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(1) | 97.06% 🟢 |
| 1974 | [minimum time to type word using special typewriter]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1984 | [minimum difference between highest and lowest of k scores]( | 15ms | O(n*log(n)) | O(1) | 85.85% 🟠 |
| 1991 | [find the middle index in array]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 1995 | [count special quadruplets]( | 12ms | O(n^4) | O(1) | 82.41% 🟠 |
| 2000 | [reverse prefix of word]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |
| 2001 | [number of pairs of interchangeable rectangles]( | 280ms | O(n) | O(n) | 98.28% 🟢 |
| 2006 | [count number of pairs with absolute difference k]( | 4ms | O(n^2) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 2011 | [final value of variable after performing operations]( | 4ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 2016 | [maximum difference between increasing elements]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 2027 | [minimum moves to convert string]( | 0ms | O(n) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 2500 | [delete greatest value in each row]( | 32ms | O(n^2) | O(1) | 100% 🟢 |
| 2501 | [longest square streak in an array]( | 487ms | O(n) | O(n) | 100% 🟢 |

## JetBrains Leetcode Plugin Setup

file name template

code template
package $!velocityTool.snakeCaseName(${question.titleSlug})


// level: ${question.level}
// time:
// space:
