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Life is a moment :notebook_with_decorative_cover:

algorithm css data-structure design-pattern front-end javascript modern-testing raspberrypi react typescript

Last synced: about 5 hours ago
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Life is a moment :notebook_with_decorative_cover:

Awesome Lists containing this project




This is my personal blog created using create-react-doc to write and record my daily thoughts. I would be grateful if you could point out any mistakes by clicking on the link [there](


- [Data Structure](#data-structure)
- [Design Pattern](#design-pattern)
- [React Series](#react-series)
- [Deep Into React](#deep-into-react)
- [Component Design](#component-design)
- [React Stack](#react-stack)
- [Build React from scratch](#build-react-from-scratch)
- [Modern Testing](#modern-testing)
- [TypeScript](#typescript)
- [FE Cloud](#fe-cloud)
- [JavaScript](#javascript)
- [CSS](#css)
- [Node.js](#nodejs)
- [FE CLOUD](#fe-cloud-1)
- [Project Framework](#project-framework)
- [RaspberryPi](#raspberrypi)
- [Sponsor](#sponsor)
- [Thanks](#thanks)

### Data Structure

Let's embark on a journey through the world of data structures together! There's no doubt that this adventure will be incredibly interesting and enjoyable. Before we begin, I want to emphasize two valuable points:

1. Keep your interest and persistence in learning.
2. Remember that thoughtful understanding is more important than simply taking action.

> [Travel Of LeetCode](

* [Stack](
* [Queue](
* [List](
* [Set](
* [Dictionary](
* [Hash Table](
* [Binary Tree](
* [Graph](


* [Algorithm And Complexy](
* [Recursive](
* [Binary Search](
* [Greedy Algorithm](
* [Dynamic Programming](

### Design Pattern

* [Singleton Pattern](
* [Stralegy Pattern](
* [Proxy Pattern](
* [Iterator Pattern](
* [Publish/Subscribe Pattern](
* [Command Pattern](
* [Composite Pattern](
* [Template Method Pattern](
* [Flyweight Pattern](
* [Chain of Responsibility Pattern](
* [Mediator Pattern](
* [Decorator Pattern](
* [State Pattern](
* [Adapter Pattern](
* [Observer Pattern](

### React Series

This section will progressively introduce the world of React. It will cover the principles of React, how to gracefully design React components, and how to build a simple React application from scratch.

#### Deep Into React

* [React16.x 特性剪辑](
* [Fiber 数据结构](
* [深入 Fiber 架构](
* [流畅性](
* [Schedule](
* [你不知道的 requestIdleCallback](
* [React Suspense 解决了什么](
* [React Hooks 深入系列](
* [React Hooks 设计模式](
* [React 暗器百解](

#### Component Design

* [重新认识受控与非受控组件](

- [ ] [Build Mobile First Animation In React](


* [Button](
* [Icon](
* [Menu](
* [Keyboard](
* [Carousel](
* [Tabs](
* [Affix](
* [AddressPicker](
* [CheckBox](
* [Form](, [oneForm](
* [SearchBar](
* [Modal](
* [Textarea](
* [主题色替换方案](
* [移动端测试指北](

- [ ] [组件设计实践](

#### React Stack

* [Redux 与 Mobx 适用场景](
* [MVVM 框架解析之双向绑定]( (相关项目)
* [探索从 MVC 到 MVVM + Flux 架构模式的转变]( (相关项目)
* [redux middleware 源码分析](
* [在 React 使用 immutable 数据的优势](
* [路由的简易实现](
* [React 在服务端渲染的实现](
* [定制自己的 react-script](
* [使用 React 全家桶搭建一个后台管理系统](

#### Build React from scratch

* [前置准备](
* [JSX 和 Virtual DOM](
* [组件 和 state|props](
* [生命周期](
* [diff 算法](
* [setState 优化](
* [ref 的实现](
* [PureComponent 的实现](
* [HOC 探索](
* [onChange 事件以及受控组件](

#### Modern Testing

* [React 现代化测试](
* [Jest 与 react-testing-Library](

### TypeScript

* [TypeScript 基础篇](
* [TypeScript 中的类型](
* [TypeScript 中的函数使用](
* [TypeScript 中的工具类型](
* [Types vs Interfaces](
* [TypeScript extends 精读与实践](

### FE Cloud

This section will explore the colorful world of frontend development.

#### JavaScript

* [你不知道的 JavaScript](
* [红皮书里的细节](
* [探寻 JavaScript 精度问题](
* [函数式编程入门](
* [Decorator](
* [Promise](相关项目)
* [Generator](
* [Async](
* [CommonJS 模块与 ES6 模块间的差异](
* [ES6 继承与 ES5 继承的差异](
* [扩展运算符](
* [箭头函数](
* [Reflect](

#### CSS



* [水平布局解决方案](
* [聊聊 BFC](
* [过渡与动画](

#### Node.js

* [简版 express.js 的实现](
* [简版 koa.js 的实现](
* [Node.js 异步异闻录](
* [用 Node.js 把玩一番 Alfred Workflow]( (相关项目)


* [基于 SSR 的预渲染首屏直出方案](
* [SEO 在 SPA 站点中的实践](
* [Talk about TC39](
* [跨域二三事]( (相关项目)
* [HTTP 小册](
* [HTML5](
* [探寻 webpack 插件机制]( (相关项目)
* [Babel 执行机制](
* [npm 与 yarn](
* [移动端场景知识](
* [原生 JS 实现一个瀑布流插件]( (相关项目)
* [实现一个自定义工具类库]( (相关项目)
* [走近 Python](

#### Project Framework

* [CAS 登入流程](
* [RPC 在网关项目中的实践](
* [解读 IoC 框架 —— InversifyJS](

### RaspberryPi

Let's have some fun! This Raspberry Pi journey will unlock your server, Linux, and Nginx skills.

> Thanks for the [pi]( project specially.

1. [树莓派简介&烧录系统](
2. [内网穿透](
3. [基于树莓派搭建家庭服务器](
4. [给树莓派安装 Docker 环境](
5. [给树莓派部署 RSSHub](
6. [HTTPS 协议配置](
7. [基于树莓派部署 code-server](
8. [基于树莓派部署 filebrowser](

### Sponsor

If you enjoy this project, you are welcome to either watch or star it✨. Alternatively, you can show your support by buying me a cup of coffee.

### Thanks

I would like to thank my dear [rabbit🐰]( for her support.

[![Star History Chart](](