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a clojure client for solr

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a clojure client for solr

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# flux

A Clojure based Solr client. The latest stable version of flux is 0.6.2, which supports Solr `8.5.2`.

## Installation (Leiningen)

To include the Flux library, add the following to your `:dependencies`:

[com.codesignals/flux "0.6.2"]

## Usage


(require '[flux.http :as http])

(def conn (http/create "http://localhost:8983/solr" :collection1))

Create a connection to SolrCloud using one zk host:

(require '[ :as cloud]
'[flux.collections :as cloud-api)

(def conn (cloud/create "zk1:2181"))

Create a connection to SolrCloud using multiple zk hosts (for failover):

(def conn (cloud/create "zk1:2181,zk2:2181,zk3:2181"))

Create a connection to SolrCloud using multiple zk hosts (for failover) and a chroot:

(def conn (cloud/create "zk1:2181,zk2:2181,zk3:2181/mysolrchroot"))

Create a connection to SolrCloud using zk and specify a default collection

(def conn (cloud/create "zk1:2181,zk2:2181,zk3:2181/mysolrchroot" "name-of-collection"))

Create a new SolrCloud collection with 4 shards:

(cloud-api/create-collection conn "my-solr-collection" 4)

Create a new SolrCloud collection with 4 shards and replication factor of 2:

(cloud-api/create-collection conn "my-solr-collection" 4 2)

Create a new SolrCloud collection with 4 shards and replication factor of 2 and additional parameters:

(cloud-api/create-collection conn "my-solr-collection" 4 2 { "collection.configName" "schemaless"
"" "implicit"
"shards" "x,y,z,p"
"maxShardsPerNode" 10})

The SolrCloud connection is thread-safe and it is recommended that you create just one
and re-use it across all requests.

Remember to shutdown the connection on exit:

(flux/with-connection conn (flux/shutdown))

Delete a SolrCloud collection:

(cloud-api/delete-collection conn "my-solr-collection")

Get a list of active replicas of a collection:

(filter active? (all-replicas conn "collection1"))

Get a list of not-active replicas (either down or recovering) of a collection:

(filter not-active? (all-replicas conn "collection1"))

Get a list of down replicas of a collection:

(filter down? (all-replicas conn "collection1"))

Get a list of recovering replicas of a collection:

(filter recovering? (all-replicas conn "collection1"))

Get a list of replicas of a collection hosted by host/port:

(filter (fn [x] (hosted-by? x "")) (all-replicas conn "collection1"))

Get a list of leaders of a particular collection:

(filter leader? (all-replicas conn "collection1"))

Wait for all replicas of a given collection hosted by a particular host/port to be in 'active' state:

(wait-until-active conn "my-solr-collection" "host1:8983")


(require '[flux.embedded :as embedded])

(def cc (embedded/create-core-container "path/to/solr-home" "path/to/solr.xml"))

####Core auto-discovery
Flux also supports ``. Just give `create-core` the solr-home path as the only argument.

Note: It's important to call the `load` method on the resulting `CoreContainer` instance:

(def cc (doto (embedded/create-core-container "path/to/solr-home")

Now create the embedded server instance:

(def conn (embedded/create cc :collection1))

Once a connection as been created, use the `with-connection` macro to wrap client calls:

(require '[flux.core :as flux]
'[flux.query :as q])

(flux/with-connection conn
(flux/add [{:id 1} {:id 2}])
(flux/query "*:*")
;; Or set the path and/or method:
(q/create-query-request :post "/docs" {:q "etc"}))

lein midje

## License

Copyright © 2013-2014 Matt Mitchell

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.