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A secret santa generator

generator secret-santa

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

A secret santa generator

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![A christmas image](

# Secret-Santa

## What is a "Secret Santa"
That's simple, one person give a gift to another person but, the one who receive the doesn't know who gave them the gift.

## About the project (my project)
You only have to go to the [index.php](index.php). There, you can add as many entry as you want and of course completed them.

When you got everything done, you can click on the button "Generated" or "Générer" then, you got what you want.

## And if I want to remember the list
### First option
You can write it down, but I don't like that and neither do you.
### Second option (BEST)
You can download the text file where everything is written at the end of the list.