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ORF detection using RiboSeq data

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ORF detection using RiboSeq data

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# ribofy: ORF detection using RiboSeq data

Ribofy is a fast and simple python-based tool for detection of phased p-sites across open-reading-frames (ORFs)

## Installation

* pip (soon)
pip install ribofy

* from source
git clone
cd ribofy
python install

## Running ribofy

First, all ORFs are assembled from an annotation file (preferably [gencode]( GTF) and the corresponding genome fasta (should not take more than 5-10 minutes). This is only required once per genome/annotation:

ribofy orfs --gtf --fa

The genome fasta-file must be indexed prior to ORF assembly:
samtools faidx

Currently, ribofy is compatible with STAR, kallisto and salmon mapped reads. Recommended mapping commands:

STAR --genomeDir --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate
--readFilesIn --readFilesCommand zcat --outFileNamePrefix .
* salmon
salmon quant -i --gcBias --validateMappings {additional_params} --writeMappings= -o
* kallisto
kallisto quant -i --bias -o --single --pseudobam --fr-stranded -l 30 -s 2

Note that for kallisto and salmon, genome indexing should be performed with reduced k-mer value to allow mapping of <30nt ribosome-protected fragments.

Before running ribofy, bam-files should be sorted and indexed:
samtools sort >
samtools index

Then, run ribofy:

ribofy detect --orfs --bams --prefix

## Under the hood

1) Ribofy infers the p-site offsets for read-lengths between 25 and 35 (although this can be customized) and outputs the \.offset.txt

2) Then, for each ORF, ribofy counts the p-sites and evaluates the statistical enrichment of in-frame p-sites. This outputs the \.phasing.txt

3) Finally, Ribofy collects the individual ORFs into ORF-groups (collapsing overlapping and correlating ORFs), preserving only the highest expressed ORF (based on overall coverage), performs ORF-type specific FDR corrections and outputs the final \.results.txt

## Citation
*in preparation*

## Contact
Thomas Hansen ([email protected])