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Leetcode solutions

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Leetcode solutions

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# Leetcode solutions for 🚀 [](
> This repo hosts the solutions found on []( including the solutions shown on the [NeetCode YouTube channel]( The site will periodically be updated with new solutions from this repo!

Solutions from these languages will be linked from [](
> Python, Java, JavaScript, C++, Go, Swift, C#, TypeScript, Rust, Kotlin, Ruby, C, Scala and Dart

Solutions are also welcome for any other *supported* language on!

## Contributing
**Please read the [contributing guidlines](./ before opening a PR**

To contribute, please fork this repo and open a PR adding a [missing solution](#missing-solutions) from the supported languages.

If you would like to have collaborator permissions on the repo to merge your own PRs or review others' PRs please let me know.

## Credits

## Missing Solutions

### Arrays & Hashing

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0217 - Contains Duplicate]( |


[0242 - Valid Anagram]( |

[1929 - Concatenation of Array]( |

[1299 - Replace Elements With Greatest Element On Right Side]( |

[0392 - Is Subsequence]( |

[0058 - Length of Last Word]( |

[0001 - Two Sum]( |

[0014 - Longest Common Prefix]( |

[0049 - Group Anagrams]( |

[0118 - Pascals Triangle]( |

[0027 - Remove Element]( |

[0929 - Unique Email Addresses]( |

[0205 - Isomorphic Strings]( |

[0605 - Can Place Flowers]( |

[0169 - Majority Element]( |

[0496 - Next Greater Element I]( |

[0724 - Find Pivot Index]( |

[0303 - Range Sum Query - Immutable]( |

[0448 - Find All Numbers Disappeared in An Array]( |

[1189 - Maximum Number of Balloons]( |

[0290 - Word Pattern]( |

[0705 - Design HashSet]( |

[0706 - Design HashMap]( |

[0912 - Sort an Array]( |

[0347 - Top K Frequent Elements]( |

[0238 - Product of Array Except Self]( |

[0036 - Valid Sudoku]( |

[0271 - Encode and Decode Strings]( |

[0128 - Longest Consecutive Sequence]( |

[0075 - Sort Colors]( |

[0535 - Encode and Decode TinyURL]( |

[0554 - Brick Wall]( |

[0122 - Best Time to Buy And Sell Stock II]( |

[0560 - Subarray Sum Equals K]( |

[1930 - Unique Length 3 Palindromic Subsequences]( |

[1963 - Minimum Number of Swaps to Make The String Balanced]( |

[2001 - Number of Pairs of Interchangeable Rectangles]( |

[2002 - Maximum Product of The Length of Two Palindromic Subsequences]( |

[2017 - Grid Game]( |

[0438 - Find All Anagrams in a String]( |

[0028 - Find The Index of The First Occurrence in a String]( |

[0280 - Wiggle Sort]( |

[0179 - Largest Number]( |

[0523 - Continuous Subarray Sum]( |

[0838 - Push Dominoes]( |

[0187 - Repeated DNA Sequences]( |

[0380 - Insert Delete Get Random O(1)]( |

[1461 - Check if a String Contains all Binary Codes of Size K]( |

[0304 - Range Sum Query 2D Immutable]( |

[0665 - Non Decreasing Array]( |

[0041 - First Missing Positive]( |

[1822 - Sign of An Array]( |

[2215 - Find the Difference of Two Arrays]( |

[1603 - Design Parking System]( |

[2348 - Number of Zero-Filled Subarrays]( |

[2405 - Optimal Partition of String]( |

[1396 - Design Underground System]( |

[2483 - Minimum Penalty for a Shop]( |

[0068 - Text Justification]( |

[2306 - Naming a Company]( |

### Two Pointers

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0125 - Valid Palindrome]( |


[0680 - Valid Palindrome II]( |

[1984 - Minimum Difference Between Highest And Lowest of K Scores]( |

[1768 - Merge Strings Alternately]( |

[0344 - Reverse String]( |

[0088 - Merge Sorted Array]( |

[0283 - Move Zeroes]( |

[0026 - Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array]( |

[0080 - Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array II]( |

[0167 - Two Sum II Input Array Is Sorted]( |

[0015 - 3Sum]( |

[0018 - 4Sum]( |

[0011 - Container With Most Water]( |

[1498 - Number of Subsequences That Satisfy The Given Sum Condition]( |

[0189 - Rotate Array]( |

[1968 - Array With Elements Not Equal to Average of Neighbors]( |

[0881 - Boats to Save People]( |

[0042 - Trapping Rain Water]( |

### Sliding Window

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0121 - Best Time to Buy And Sell Stock]( |


[0219 - Contains Duplicate II]( |

[1343 - Number of Sub Arrays of Size K and Avg Greater than or Equal to Threshold]( |

[0003 - Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters]( |

[0424 - Longest Repeating Character Replacement]( |

[0567 - Permutation In String]( |

[1838 - Frequency of The Most Frequent Element]( |

[0904 - Fruits into Basket]( |

[1456 - Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length]( |

[1888 - Minimum Number of Flips to Make The Binary String Alternating]( |

[0209 - Minimum Size Subarray Sum]( |

[0658 - Find K Closest Elements]( |

[1658 - Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero]( |

[0076 - Minimum Window Substring]( |

[0239 - Sliding Window Maximum]( |

### Stack

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0020 - Valid Parentheses]( |


[0682 - Baseball Game]( |

[0225 - Implement Stack Using Queues]( |

[0155 - Min Stack]( |

[0150 - Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation]( |

[2390 - Removing Stars From a String]( |

[0946 - Validate Stack Sequences]( |

[0022 - Generate Parentheses]( |

[0735 - Asteroid Collision]( |

[0739 - Daily Temperatures]( |

[0901 - Online Stock Span]( |

[0853 - Car Fleet]( |

[0071 - Simplify Path]( |

[0394 - Decode String]( |

[0402 - Remove K Digits]( |

[1209 - Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String II]( |

[0456 - 132 Pattern]( |

[0895 - Maximum Frequency Stack]( |

[0084 - Largest Rectangle In Histogram]( |

### Binary Search

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0704 - Binary Search]( |


[0035 - Search Insert Position]( |

[0374 - Guess Number Higher Or Lower]( |

[0441 - Arranging Coins]( |

[0977 - Squares of a Sorted Array]( |

[0367 - Valid Perfect Square]( |

[0069 - Sqrt(x) ]( |

[0540 - Single Element in a Sorted Array]( |

[1011 - Capacity to Ship Packages]( |

[0162 - Find Peak Element]( |

[2300 - Successful Pairs of Spells and Potions]( |

[0074 - Search a 2D Matrix]( |

[0875 - Koko Eating Bananas]( |

[2616 - Minimize the Maximum Difference of Pairs]( |

[0153 - Find Minimum In Rotated Sorted Array]( |

[0033 - Search In Rotated Sorted Array]( |

[0081 - Search In Rotated Sorted Array II]( |

[0981 - Time Based Key Value Store]( |

[0034 - Find First And Last Position of Element In Sorted Array]( |

[1898 - Maximum Number of Removable Characters]( |

[0116 - Populating Next Right Pointers In Each Node]( |

[1268 - Search Suggestions System]( |

[0410 - Split Array Largest Sum]( |

[0004 - Median of Two Sorted Arrays]( |

### Linked List

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0206 - Reverse Linked List]( |


[0021 - Merge Two Sorted Lists]( |

[0234 - Palindrome Linked List]( |

[0203 - Remove Linked List Elements]( |

[0083 - Remove Duplicates From Sorted List]( |

[0876 - Middle of the Linked List]( |

[0160 - Intersection of Two Linked Lists]( |

[0143 - Reorder List]( |

[2130 - Maximum Twin Sum Of A Linked List]( |

[0019 - Remove Nth Node From End of List]( |

[1721 - Swapping Nodes in a Linked List]( |

[0460 - LFU Cache]( |

[0138 - Copy List With Random Pointer]( |

[0707 - Design Linked List]( |

[1472 - Design Browser History]( |

[0002 - Add Two Numbers]( |

[0141 - Linked List Cycle]( |

[0287 - Find The Duplicate Number]( |

[0024 - Swap Nodes In Pairs]( |

[0148 - Sort List]( |

[0086 - Partition List]( |

[0061 - Rotate List]( |

[0092 - Reverse Linked List II]( |

[0622 - Design Circular Queue]( |

[0147 - Insertion Sort List]( |

[0725 - Split Linked List in Parts]( |

[0146 - LRU Cache]( |

[0023 - Merge K Sorted Lists]( |

[0025 - Reverse Nodes In K Group]( |

### Trees

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0094 - Binary Tree Inorder Traversal]( |


[0144 - Binary Tree Preorder Traversal]( |

[0145 - Binary Tree Postorder Traversal]( |

[0226 - Invert Binary Tree]( |

[0104 - Maximum Depth of Binary Tree]( |

[0543 - Diameter of Binary Tree]( |

[0110 - Balanced Binary Tree]( |

[0100 - Same Tree]( |

[0572 - Subtree of Another Tree]( |

[0108 - Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree]( |

[0617 - Merge Two Binary Trees]( |

[0112 - Path Sum]( |

[0606 - Construct String From Binary Tree]( |

[0235 - Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree]( |

[0701 - Insert into a Binary Search Tree]( |

[0450 - Delete Node in a BST]( |

[0102 - Binary Tree Level Order Traversal]( |

[0199 - Binary Tree Right Side View]( |

[0783 - Minimum Distance between BST Nodes]( |

[0101 - Symmetric Tree ]( |

[1443 - Minimum Time to Collect All Apples in a Tree]( |

[0103 - Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal]( |

[0427 - Construct Quad Tree]( |

[0652 - Find Duplicate Subtrees]( |

[0958 - Check Completeness of a Binary Tree]( |

[0106 - Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal]( |

[0662 - Maximum Width of Binary Tree ]( |

[1376 - Time Needed to Inform All Employees ]( |

[1448 - Count Good Nodes In Binary Tree]( |

[0098 - Validate Binary Search Tree]( |

[0230 - Kth Smallest Element In a Bst]( |

[0105 - Construct Binary Tree From Preorder And Inorder Traversal]( |

[0096 - Unique Binary Search Trees]( |

[0095 - Unique Binary Search Trees II]( |

[0129 - Sum Root to Leaf Numbers]( |

[0337 - House Robber III]( |

[0951 - Flip Equivalent Binary Trees]( |

[1993 - Operations On Tree]( |

[0894 - All Possible Full Binary Trees]( |

[0513 - Find Bottom Left Tree Value]( |

[0669 - Trim a Binary Search Tree]( |

[0173 - Binary Search Tree Iterator]( |

[0538 - Convert Bst to Greater Tree]( |

[0124 - Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum]( |

[0297 - Serialize And Deserialize Binary Tree]( |

### Tries

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0208 - Implement Trie Prefix Tree]( |


[0211 - Design Add And Search Words Data Structure]( |

[2707 - Extra Characters in a String]( |

[0212 - Word Search II]( |

### Heap / Priority Queue

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0703 - Kth Largest Element In a Stream]( |


[1046 - Last Stone Weight]( |

[0973 - K Closest Points to Origin]( |

[0215 - Kth Largest Element In An Array]( |

[0621 - Task Scheduler]( |

[0355 - Design Twitter]( |

[1675 - Minimize Deviation in Array]( |

[2542 - Maximum Subsequence Score]( |

[1834 - Single Threaded Cpu]( |

[1845 - Seat Reservation Manager]( |

[1882 - Process Tasks Using Servers]( |

[1985 - Find The Kth Largest Integer In The Array]( |

[0767 - Reorganize String]( |

[1405 - Longest Happy String]( |

[1094 - Car Pooling]( |

[0295 - Find Median From Data Stream]( |

[1383 - Maximum Performance of a Team]( |

[0502 - IPO]( |

### Backtracking

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0078 - Subsets]( |


[0039 - Combination Sum]( |

[0077 - Combinations]( |

[0046 - Permutations]( |

[0090 - Subsets II]( |

[0040 - Combination Sum II]( |

[0047 - Permutations II]( |

[0079 - Word Search]( |

[0131 - Palindrome Partitioning]( |

[0093 - Restore IP Addresses]( |

[0017 - Letter Combinations of a Phone Number]( |

[0473 - Matchsticks to Square]( |

[1849 - Splitting a String Into Descending Consecutive Values]( |

[1980 - Find Unique Binary String]( |

[1239 - Maximum Length of a Concatenated String With Unique Characters]( |

[0698 - Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets]( |

[0051 - N Queens]( |

[0052 - N Queens II]( |

### Graphs

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0463 - Island Perimeter]( |


[0953 - Verifying An Alien Dictionary]( |

[0200 - Number of Islands]( |

[0133 - Clone Graph]( |

[0695 - Max Area of Island]( |

[1905 - Count Sub Islands]( |

[0417 - Pacific Atlantic Water Flow]( |

[0130 - Surrounded Regions]( |

[1466 - Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to The City Zero]( |

[0994 - Rotting Oranges]( |

[0286 - Walls And Gates]( |

[0909 - Snakes And Ladders]( |

[0752 - Open The Lock]( |

[0802 - Find Eventual Safe States]( |

[0207 - Course Schedule]( |

[0210 - Course Schedule II]( |

[1462 - Course Schedule IV]( |

[1958 - Check if Move Is Legal]( |

[0934 - Shortest Bridge]( |

[1091 - Shortest Path in Binary Matrix]( |

[0684 - Redundant Connection]( |

[0323 - Number of Connected Components In An Undirected Graph]( |

[0261 - Graph Valid Tree]( |

[0721 - Accounts Merge]( |

[2359 - Find Closest Node to Given Two Nodes]( |

[1162 - As Far from Land as Possible]( |

[1129 - Shortest Path with Alternating Colors]( |

[2477 - Minimum Fuel Cost to Report to the Capital]( |

[2492 - Minimum Score of a Path Between Two Cities]( |

[1254 - Number of Closed Islands]( |

[1020 - Number of Enclaves]( |

[1557 - Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach all Nodes]( |

[0785 - Is Graph Bipartite?]( |

[0399 - Evaluate Division]( |

[2101 - Detonate the Maximum Bombs]( |

[1857 - Largest Color Value in a Directed Graph]( |

[1553 - Minimum Number of Days to Eat N Oranges]( |

[0127 - Word Ladder]( |

### Advanced Graphs

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[1631 - Path with Minimum Effort]( |


[0332 - Reconstruct Itinerary]( |

[1584 - Min Cost to Connect All Points]( |

[0743 - Network Delay Time]( |

[1514 - Path with Maximum Probability]( |

[0778 - Swim In Rising Water]( |

[0269 - Alien Dictionary]( |

[0787 - Cheapest Flights Within K Stops]( |

[2421 - Number of Good Paths]( |

[1579 - Remove Max Number of Edges to Keep Graph Fully Traversable]( |

[1489 - Find Critical and Pseudo Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning Tree]( |

### 1-D Dynamic Programming

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0070 - Climbing Stairs]( |


[0746 - Min Cost Climbing Stairs]( |

[0198 - House Robber]( |

[0213 - House Robber II]( |

[0005 - Longest Palindromic Substring]( |

[0647 - Palindromic Substrings]( |

[0091 - Decode Ways]( |

[0322 - Coin Change]( |

[0152 - Maximum Product Subarray]( |

[0139 - Word Break]( |

[0300 - Longest Increasing Subsequence]( |

[0416 - Partition Equal Subset Sum]( |

[0120 - Triangle]( |

[0740 - Delete And Earn]( |

[0256 - Paint House]( |

[0377 - Combination Sum IV]( |

[0279 - Perfect Squares]( |

[2369 - Check if There is a Valid Partition For The Array]( |

[1856 - Maximum Subarray Min Product]( |

[0983 - Minimum Cost For Tickets]( |

[0343 - Integer Break]( |

[0673 - Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence]( |

[0691 - Stickers to Spell Word]( |

[1137 - N-th Tribonacci Number]( |

[1035 - Uncrossed Lines]( |

[2140 - Solving Questions With Brainpower]( |

[2466 - Count Ways to Build Good Strings]( |

[0837 - New 21 Game]( |

[1626 - Best Team with no Conflicts]( |

[1406 - Stone Game III]( |

[0472 - Concatenated Words]( |

[1799 - Maximize Score after N Operations]( |

[1964 - Find the Longest Valid Obstacle Course at Each Position]( |

[1359 - Count all Valid Pickup and Delivery Options]( |

### 2-D Dynamic Programming

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0062 - Unique Paths]( |


[0063 - Unique Paths II]( |

[1143 - Longest Common Subsequence]( |

[0516 - Longest Palindromic Subsequence]( |

[1049 - Last Stone Weight II]( |

[0309 - Best Time to Buy And Sell Stock With Cooldown]( |

[0518 - Coin Change II]( |

[0494 - Target Sum]( |

[0097 - Interleaving String]( |

[0877 - Stone Game]( |

[0064 - Minimum Path Sum]( |

[0329 - Longest Increasing Path In a Matrix]( |

[0221 - Maximal Square]( |

[0474 - Ones and Zeroes]( |

[5782 - Maximum Alternating Subsequence Sum]( |

[0115 - Distinct Subsequences]( |

[0072 - Edit Distance]( |

[1220 - Count Vowels Permutation]( |

[0312 - Burst Balloons]( |

[1866 - Number of Ways to Rearrange Sticks With K Sticks Visible]( |

[0010 - Regular Expression Matching]( |

[1140 - Stone Game II]( |

[0926 - Flip String to Monotone Increasing]( |

[2218 - Maximum Value of K Coins from Piles]( |

[0920 - Number of Music Playlists]( |

[1639 - Number of Ways to Form a Target String Given a Dictionary]( |

[0879 - Profitable Schemes]( |

[1547 - Minimum Cost to Cut a Stick]( |

### Greedy

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0053 - Maximum Subarray]( |


[0918 - Maximum Sum Circular Subarray]( |

[0978 - Longest Turbulent Array]( |

[0055 - Jump Game]( |

[0045 - Jump Game II]( |

[1871 - Jump Game VII]( |

[0134 - Gas Station]( |

[0846 - Hand of Straights]( |

[2439 - Minimize Maximum of Array]( |

[0649 - Dota2 Senate]( |

[1423 - Maximum Points You Can Obtain From Cards]( |

[1899 - Merge Triplets to Form Target Triplet]( |

[0763 - Partition Labels]( |

[0678 - Valid Parenthesis String]( |

[1921 - Eliminate Maximum Number of Monsters]( |

[1029 - Two City Scheduling]( |

[0646 - Maximum Length of Pair Chain]( |

[1647 - Minimum Deletions to Make Character Frequencies Unique]( |

[135- - Candy]( |

### Intervals

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0057 - Insert Interval]( |


[0056 - Merge Intervals]( |

[0435 - Non Overlapping Intervals]( |

[0252 - Meeting Rooms]( |

[0253 - Meeting Rooms II]( |

[1288 - Remove Covered Intervals]( |

[1851 - Minimum Interval to Include Each Query]( |

[0352 - Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals]( |

### Math & Geometry

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0168 - Excel Sheet Column Title]( |


[1071 - Greatest Common Divisor of Strings]( |

[1523 - Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range]( |

[1572 - Matrix Diagonal Sum]( |

[0149 - Maximum Points on a Line]( |

[0048 - Rotate Image]( |

[0054 - Spiral Matrix]( |

[0059 - Spiral Matrix II ]( |

[0073 - Set Matrix Zeroes]( |

[0202 - Happy Number]( |

[0066 - Plus One]( |

[0009 - Palindrome Number]( |

[0263 - Ugly Number]( |

[1260 - Shift 2D Grid]( |

[0013 - Roman to Integer]( |

[0012 - Integer to Roman]( |

[0050 - Pow(x, n)]( |

[0043 - Multiply Strings]( |

[2013 - Detect Squares]( |

[1041 - Robot Bounded In Circle]( |

[0006 - Zigzag Conversion]( |

[2028 - Find Missing Observations]( |

### Bit Manipulation

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[0136 - Single Number]( |


[0191 - Number of 1 Bits]( |

[0338 - Counting Bits]( |

[0190 - Reverse Bits]( |

[0268 - Missing Number]( |

[1470 - Shuffle the Array]( |

[0989 - Add to Array-Form of Integer]( |

[0371 - Sum of Two Integers]( |

[0007 - Reverse Integer]( |

[0067 - Add Binary]( |

### JavaScript

Problem | articles | C | C++ | C# | Dart | GO | hints | Java | JS | Kotlin | Python | Ruby | Rust | Scala | Swift | TS
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
[2667 - Create Hello World Function]( |


[2620 - Counter]( |

[2665 - Counter II]( |

[2635 - Apply Transform over each Element in Array]( |

[2634 - Filter Elements from Array]( |

[2626 - Array Reduce Transformation]( |

[2629 - Function Composition]( |

[2666 - Allow One Function Call]( |

[2623 - Memoize]( |

[2632 - Curry]( |

[2621 - Sleep]( |

[2637 - Promise Time Limit]( |

[2636 - Promise Pool]( |

[2622 - Cache With Time Limit]( |

[2627 - Debounce]( |

[2676 - Throttle]( |

[2628 - JSON Deep Equal]( |

[2633 - Convert Object to JSON String]( |

[2675 - Array of Objects to Matrix]( |

[2700 - Difference Between Two Objects]( |

[2677 - Chunk Array]( |

[2625 - Flatten Deeply Nested Array]( |

[2619 - Array Prototype Last]( |

[2631 - Group By]( |

[2618 - Check if Object Instance of Class]( |

[2693 - Call Function with Custom Context]( |

[2694 - Event Emitter]( |

[2695 - Array Wrapper]( |

[2648 - Generate Fibonacci Sequence]( |

[2649 - Nested Array Generator]( |


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