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eks-workshop for lab .

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eks-workshop for lab .

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# EKS Workshop
> 創建 aws eks 有很多方法 , 可以使用 [awscdk]( , [terraform]( ,[eksctl]( 等等..., 今天使用對於創建 AWS EKS 叢集經驗跟知識比較不需要這麼高的方式來創建 AWS EKS 叢集 [eksctl]( 。

## Preinstall eksctl and awscli
- [eksctl info](
- [awscli info](
- [kubectl for aws](

#### Linux
curl --silent --location "$(uname -s)_amd64.tar.gz" | tar xz -C /tmp
sudo mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin
#### Mac OS
##### use Homebrew
brew tap weaveworks/tap
brew install weaveworks/tap/eksctl
#### Windows

# 若以上都不想做點我吧 !!! [![Gitpod Ready-to-Code](](

### 如果您不是使用 Admin User , 請確定至少有以下權限 [AWS 相關最低權限](
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-northeast-1

# 先確認目前使用的身份。
aws sts get-caller-identity

eksctl create cluster \
--name eks-2020-{NAME} \
--managed \
--node-type t3.medium
[ℹ] eksctl version 0.28.1
[ℹ] using region ap-northeast-1
[ℹ] setting availability zones to [ap-northeast-1a ap-northeast-1d ap-northeast-1c]
[ℹ] subnets for ap-northeast-1a - public: private:
[ℹ] subnets for ap-northeast-1d - public: private:
[ℹ] subnets for ap-northeast-1c - public: private:
[ℹ] using Kubernetes version 1.17
[ℹ] creating EKS cluster "eks-2020-{name}" in "ap-northeast-1" region with managed nodes
[ℹ] will create 2 separate CloudFormation stacks for cluster itself and the initial managed nodegroup
[ℹ] if you encounter any issues, check CloudFormation console or try 'eksctl utils describe-stacks --region=ap-northeast-1 --cluster=eks-2020-{name}'
[ℹ] CloudWatch logging will not be enabled for cluster "eks-2020-{name}" in "ap-northeast-1"
[ℹ] you can enable it with 'eksctl utils update-cluster-logging --region=ap-northeast-1 --cluster=eks-2020-{name}'
# 創建叢集須等待 20 分鐘左右
# get nodes ...
kubectl get nodes

### 但是這個過程中 eksctl 幫你做了什麼呢?!
> 創建了 vpc , nat , eks cluster ,node workgroup (ec2) ...

會創建兩個 cloudformation stack
- eks cluster 加網路等等...
- eks worker nodegroup...
創建完成後,因為為 managed nodegroup , 所以可以在 [eks console](看到 compute
nodegroup 們。

可以說 eksctl 真的很方便呢 但是如果 `create cluster` 時,還沒裝 `aws` and `kubectl`怎麼辦呢?!
> 可以這麼做
# 安裝完 aws cli 以及 kubectl 後
# 什麼?! 忘記 cluster name
# try : eksctl get cluster --region ${region_name}
# see more aws eks cli ...
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name ${Cluster_name} --region ${region_name}

kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"19", GitVersion:"v1.19.2", GitCommit:"f5743093fd1c663cb0cbc89748f730662345d44d", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-09-16T21:51:49Z", GoVersion:"go1.15.2", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"16+", GitVersion:"v1.16.13-eks-2ba888", GitCommit:"2ba888155c7f8093a1bc06e3336333fbdb27b3da", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-07-17T18:48:53Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.9", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

## 所以 AWS EKS 是怎麼做授權的呢?!
創建Amazon EKS集群時,會在集群的RBAC配置中自動向IAM實體用戶或角色(例如創建集群的聯合用戶)授予system:masters權限。 要授予其他AWS用戶或角色與集群進行交互的能力,您必須在Kubernetes中編輯 `aws-auth` ConfigMap,而因為我們使用的是 eksctl 創建叢集不會出現在 `aws-auth` 但擁有 system:master 權限。

#### 可以看看 `aws-auth` 這個 configmaps 目前長什麼樣子
# aws-auth 在 kube-system namespace
kubectl -n kube-system get configmaps aws-auth -o yaml

apiVersion: v1
mapRoles: |
- groups:
- system:bootstrappers
- system:nodes
rolearn: arn:aws:iam::${account_id}:role/eksctl-XXXXXXX-nodegroup-XXXXXX-NodeInstanceRole-XXXXXXXXXX
username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}
mapUsers: |
kind: ConfigMap

### 如果有一個以上的 叢集如何切換 指令如下。
# 查看目前 `~/.kube/config` 有多少 context
kubectl config get-contexts

# 選取指定的 context
kubectl config use-context

### 將當前的 context 預設的 namespace 設定成你想要的 namespace 指令如下。
# 將當前的 context 預設的 namespace 設定成你想要的
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=

# 範例
kubectl create ns haha
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=haha



# 移除 EKS Cluster
eksctl delete cluster --name eks-2020-{name}
[✔] all cluster resources were deleted