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Git integration of coc.nvim

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Git integration of coc.nvim

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# coc-git

Git integration of [coc.nvim](

**Note:** many useful features not implemented, it's recommended to
use plugin like [vim-fugitive]( at the
same time.

## Install

In your vim/neovim, run command:

:CocInstall coc-git

## Why

- Always async.
- Always refresh on TextChange.
- Powerful list support.
- Semantic commit and github issues completion support.

## Features

- Sign support for git status of current buffer.
- Git status of current project, by `g:coc_git_status`.
- Git status of current buffer, by`b:coc_git_status`.
- Git status of current line, by`b:coc_git_blame` for statusline, and `addGBlameToVirtualText` for inline blames.
- Git related lists, including `issues`, `gfiles`, `gstatus`, `commits`, `branches` & `bcommits`
- Keymaps for git chunks, including `(coc-git-chunkinfo)` `(coc-git-nextchunk)` & `(coc-git-prevchunk)` ,
- Commands for chunks, including `git.chunkInfo` `git.chunkStage` `git.chunkUndo` and more.
- Keymaps for git conflicts, including `(coc-git-nextconflict)`, `(coc-git-prevconflict)`, `(coc-git-keepcurrent)`, `(coc-git-keepincoming)` & `(coc-git-keepboth)`.
- Completion support for semantic commit.
- Completion support for GitHub/GitLab issues.

**Note** for GitHub issues completion support:

- `GITHUB_API_TOKEN=xxx` needs to be set in env to fetch issues from private repositories

**Note** for GitLab issues completion support:

- current only API `v4` support, which availabled since GitLab 9.0
- `GITLAB_PRIVATE_TOKEN=XXX` needs to be set in env, check [Personal access tokens](
- GitLab host needs to be set in `coc-settings.json`, for example `"git.gitlab.hosts": ["", ""]`

## Configuration

- `git.command`: Command for git, could be absolute path of git executable., default: `"git"`

- `git.remoteName`: Remote name for fetch github issues., default: `"origin"`

- `git.browserRemoteName`: Remote name for browserOpen and copyUrl., default: `""`

- `git.browserBranchName`: Branch name for browserOpen and copyUrl., default: `""`

- `git.urlFix`: a object to configure the url style of copyUrl and browserOpen, make this two command support other git services like gitlab and gitea. default: `{}`

- `git.issueFormat`: Formatting string for issue completion. Supported interpolation variables: %i - issue id. %r - repository name. %o - organization/owner name. %t - issue title. %b - issue body. %c - issue created at. %a - issue author. %u - issue url., default: `"#%i"`

- `git.virtualTextPrefix`: Prefix of git blame infomation to virtual text, require virtual text feature of neovim., default: `" "`

- `git.addGBlameToVirtualText`: Add git blame information to virtual text, require virtual text feature of neovim., default: `false`

- `git.addGBlameToBufferVar`: Add git blame information to b:coc_git_blame., default: `false`

- `git.branchCharacter`: Branch character used with g:coc_git_status, default: `""`

- `git.changedDecorator`: Git changed decorator used with g:coc_git_status, default: `"*"`

- `git.conflictedDecorator`: Git conflicted decorator used with g:coc_git_status, default: `"x"`

- `git.stagedDecorator`: Git staged decorator used with g:coc_git_status, default: `"●"`

- `git.untrackedDecorator`: Git untracked decorator used with g:coc_git_status, default: `"…"`

- `git.enableGlobalStatus`: Enable global g:coc_git_status., default: `true`

- `git.enableGutters`: Enable gutters in sign column., default: `true`

- `git.realtimeGutters`: Update gutters in realtime, default: true., default: `true`

- `git.signPriority`: Priority of sign gutters, default to `10`.

- `git.changedSign.text`: Text of changed sign., default: `"~"`

- `git.changedSign.hlGroup`: Highlight group for changed sign., default: `"DiffChange"`

- `git.addedSign.text`: Text of added sign., default: `"+"`

- `git.addedSign.hlGroup`: Highlight group for added sign., default: `"DiffAdd"`

- `git.removedSign.text`: Text of removed sign., default: `"_"`

- `git.removedSign.hlGroup`: Highlight group for removed sign., default: `"DiffDelete"`

- `git.topRemovedSign.text`: Text of top removed sign., default: `"‾"`

- `git.topRemovedSign.hlGroup`: Highlight group for top removed sign., default: `"DiffDelete"`

- `git.changeRemovedSign.text`: Text of change removed sign., default: `"≃"`

- `git.changeRemovedSign.hlGroup`: Highlight group for change removed sign., default: `"DiffChange"`

- `git.semanticCommit.filetypes`: Enabled filetypes, default: `["gitcommit","gina-commit"]`

- `git.semanticCommit.scope`: Commit message with scope field, default: `true`

- `git.splitWindowCommand`: Command used when split new window for show commit., default: `"above sp"`

- `git.showCommitInFloating`: Show commit in floating or popup window, default: `false`

- `git.floatConfig`: Configure style of float window/popup, extends from floatFactory.floatConfig

- `git.gitlab.hosts`: Custom GitLab hosts, default: `[""]`

- `git.conflict.enabled`: Enable highlight conflict lines, default: `true`

- `git.conflict.current.hlGroup`: Highlight group for the current version of a merge conflict, default: `"DiffChange"`

- `git.conflict.incoming.hlGroup`: Highlight group for the incoming version of a merge conflict., default: `"DiffAdd"`

more information, see [package.json](

**Note** for user from [vim-gitgutter](,
if your have highlight groups defined for vim-gitgutter, you can use:

"git.addedSign.hlGroup": "GitGutterAdd",
"git.changedSign.hlGroup": "GitGutterChange",
"git.removedSign.hlGroup": "GitGutterDelete",
"git.topRemovedSign.hlGroup": "GitGutterDelete",
"git.changeRemovedSign.hlGroup": "GitGutterChangeDelete",

When you have `git.addGBlameToVirtualText` enabled, use command
`let g:coc_git_hide_blame_virtual_text = !get(g:, 'coc_git_hide_blame_virtual_text', 0)` to dynamic toggle virtual text.

## Usage

### Statusline integration

- `g:coc_git_status` including git branch and current project status.
- `b:coc_git_status` including changed lines of current buffer.
- `b:coc_git_blame` including blame info of current line.

Example for lightline user:

" lightline
let g:lightline = {
\ 'active': {
\ 'left': [
\ [ 'mode', 'paste' ],
\ [ 'ctrlpmark', 'git', 'diagnostic', 'cocstatus', 'filename', 'method' ]
\ ],
\ 'right':[
\ [ 'filetype', 'fileencoding', 'lineinfo', 'percent' ],
\ [ 'blame' ]
\ ],
\ },
\ 'component_function': {
\ 'blame': 'LightlineGitBlame',
\ }
\ }

function! LightlineGitBlame() abort
let blame = get(b:, 'coc_git_blame', '')
" return blame
return winwidth(0) > 120 ? blame : ''

If you're not using statusline plugin, you can add them to statusline by:

set statusline^=%{get(g:,'coc_git_status','')}%{get(b:,'coc_git_status','')}%{get(b:,'coc_git_blame','')}

### User autocmd

autocmd User CocGitStatusChange {command}

Triggered after the `g:coc_git_status` `b:coc_git_status` `b:coc_git_blame` has changed.

Could be used for update the statusline.

### Keymaps

Create keymappings like:

" navigate chunks of current buffer
nmap [g (coc-git-prevchunk)
nmap ]g (coc-git-nextchunk)
" navigate conflicts of current buffer
nmap [c (coc-git-prevconflict)
nmap ]c (coc-git-nextconflict)
" show chunk diff at current position
nmap gs (coc-git-chunkinfo)
" show commit contains current position
nmap gc (coc-git-commit)
" create text object for git chunks
omap ig (coc-git-chunk-inner)
xmap ig (coc-git-chunk-inner)
omap ag (coc-git-chunk-outer)
xmap ag (coc-git-chunk-outer)

### Commands

Use command `:CocCommand` to open commands and type `git.` to get all git
related commands.

- `:CocCommand git.copyUrl` Copy url of current line to clipboard
- `:CocCommand git.chunkInfo` Show chunk info under cursor.
- `:CocCommand git.chunkUndo` Undo current chunk.
- `:CocCommand git.chunkStage` Stage current chunk.
- `:CocCommand git.chunkUnstage` Unstage chunk that contains current line.
- `:CocCommand git.diffCached` Show cached diff in preview window.
- `:CocCommand git.showCommit` Show commit of current chunk.
- `:CocCommand git.browserOpen` Open current line in browser
- `:CocCommand git.foldUnchanged` Fold unchanged lines of current buffer.
- `:CocCommand git.toggleGutters` Toggle git gutters in sign column.
- `:CocCommand git.push` push code of current branch to remote.

### Work with git lists

To open a specified coc list, you have different ways:

- Run `:CocList` and select the list by ``.
- Run `:CocList` and type name of list for completion.
- Create keymap for open specified list with list options, like:

nnoremap g :CocList --normal gstatus

To toggle list mode, use `` and `i`.

To move up&down on insertmode, use `` and ``

To run a action, press `` and select the action.

For more advance usage, checkout `:h coc-list`.

### Issue autocomplete from multiple GitHub repositories

To enable autocompletion of issues from multiple GitHub repositories, put a comma-separated list of issue repository specifiers in the git config variable `coc-git.issuesources`.
An issue repository specifier looks like this: `github/neoclide/coc-git`.

- The first part specifies the issue provider, currently only "github" is supported
- The second part specifies the organization or owner of the repository
- The third part specifies the repository name

Multiple repositories can be specified using comma separation, like this: `github/neoclide/coc-git,github/neoclide/coc.nvim`

## F.A.Q

Q: Virtual text not working.

A: Make sure your neovim/vim support virtual text by command `:echo has('nvim-0.5.0') || has('patch-9.0.0067')`.

## Supporting

If you like my extension, consider supporting me on Patreon or PayPal:

Patreon donate button
PayPal donate button

## License