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The vanilla JavaScript ES6 minimalistic toast pup-up messages module for your project.

alerts css javascript messages notifications scss toast toasts

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The vanilla JavaScript ES6 minimalistic toast pup-up messages module for your project.

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# Toaster-JS


The simple vanilla JavaScript toast pop-up notifications module, which is fully CSS-customizable.
The solution which "just works": add the module to your project and go further.

Supported by all major browsers. Safe to use with ReactJS and other virtual-dom frameworks.


#### [See the demo here.](



+ Fully CSS-customizable toast pop-ups for any design;
+ No dependencies and `< 1kb` code;
+ Configurable toasts type and timeout;
+ Fully configurable toast content (HTML, custom elements, etc).

Installation & Usage

Toaster-JS is primarily the uncompiled ES6 module. Install it with npm:

npm install toaster-js

Then, include it to your project:

import { Toast } from "toaster-js"; // const { Toast } = require("toaster-js/umd.js");
import "toaster-js/default.scss"; // Assuming CSS/SCSS loader is present
// Import styles from SCSS: @import "../node_modules/toaster-js/default.scss";
// Or just copy default styles to your project from node_modules/toaster-js/default.*css.
// Or draw your own styles! For instance, you can make toasts appear on the left by overwriting .toast { left: 0; right: auto; }

// Simple toast
new Toast("Welcome!");

// Typed toast (just a matter of CSS) with timeout
new Toast("There is a lot of toasts!", Toast.TYPE_ERROR, Toast.TIME_NORMAL);

// Custom toast content example (you can also add something like close buttons, etc)
let element = document.createElement("div");
element.textContent = "You can pass any HTML elements to Toast. Clicking on this one deletes it!";
let newToast = new Toast(element, Toast.TYPE_MESSAGE);
element.addEventListener("click", () => newToast.delete()); // delete a toast on message click!

You can set up additional options if you need. See the [API](#api) section below for more details.

import { configureToasts, deleteAllToasts } from "toaster-js";

topOrigin: 0,
deleteDelay: 300
deleteAllToasts(); // just deletes all toasts on the screen

If you need to load ES5 (UMD) module, use the following:

const { Toast } = require("toaster-js/umd.js");

If you need to include the module with a script tag (for example, for demos), use this:




+ [toast = new Toast(content, type, timeout)](#toastmessage-type-timeout)
+ `Toast.TIME_SHORT` (2000 ms)
+ `Toast.TIME_NORMAL` (4000 ms)
+ `Toast.TIME_LONG` (8000 ms, default)
+ `Toast.TYPE_INFO`
+ `Toast.TYPE_ERROR`
+ `Toast.TYPE_DONE`
+ `toast.delete()` - Deletes this toast from the DOM.
+ [configureToasts(options)](#configuretoastsoptions)
+ `options.topOrigin = 0` - A `number` in pixels of toasts Y-axis origin (negative values move toasts up).
+ `options.deleteDelay = 300` - A `number` representing delay in milliseconds. When toast is deleted, it stays in DOM for `deleteDelay` more milliseconds. Useful with CSS animations.
+ `deleteAllToasts()` - Deletes all toasts on the screen.

##### Toast(content, type, timeout)

Creates a new toast notification message on the screen. Pass a string `content` to specify the
message text, `type` = `Toast.TYPE_*` to specify the type and `timeout` = `Toast.TIME_*` to specify
the timeout. Timeout constants are the numbers of milliseconds for message to stay on screen. For
example, `new Toast("Baked!", Toast.TYPE_ERROR, 10000)` message will stay on the screen for 10

+ `TIME_SHORT` = 2 seconds
+ `TIME_NORMAL` = 4 seconds
+ `TIME_LONG` = 8 seconds
+ `TYPE_INFO` = `"info"`
+ `TYPE_MESSAGE` = `"message"`
+ `TYPE_WARNING` = `"warning"`
+ `TYPE_ERROR` = `"error"`
+ `TYPE_DONE` = `"done"`

When `content` is a valid DOM `Element`, it will be attached to the message's body directly,
allowing you to customize toast however you want.

##### configureToasts(options)

Allows to configure some options of the toast. The available optional options are listed below:

topOrigin: -100, // [default=0] Y-axis origin of the messages (better to use CSS `transform` instead).
deleteDelay: 300 // time until the toast is completely removed from the DOM after deleting.


Import default toast styles from `node_modules/toaster-js/default.*css` (CSS, SCSS are available).

To style the toast properly, consider that toast elements (for example, `info` toasts) have three
states: empty state (when the toast attaches to the DOM), `displayed` state (when the toast is moved
to its proper position), and `deleted` state, when the toast "fades out" from the DOM. You can
control how much time the toast stays in `deleted` state until it disappears using
[deleteDelay](#api) option. States:







Feel free to improve this project! Building the `umd.js` and `default.css` requires the following:

npm install
npm run build


MIT © [Nikita Savchenko](