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Ludum Dare 44 Jam, Stabman!

game ludum-dare ludum-dare-44

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Ludum Dare 44 Jam, Stabman!

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# Stabman
Post-jam version of our [Ludum Dare 44 game jam entry][ludumdare].

## Screenshots
Overworld Screenshot

Graveyard Screenshot

Graveyard Inside Screenshot

Bonus A Screenshot

[Level One Preview Video][level-one-preview-video]

## Table of Contents
- [Screenshots](#screenshots)
- [Description](#description)
- [Post-Jam Version](#post-jam-version)
- [Post-Jam Version Downloads](#post-jam-version-downloads)
- [Jam Version](#jam-version)
- [Jam Version Downloads](#jam-version-downloads)
- [Running the Game](#running-the-game)
- [Running on Windows](#running-on-windows)
- [Running on Linux](#running-on-linux)
- [Controls](#controls)
- [Campaign Types](#campaign-types)
- [Normal Campaign](#normal-campaign)
- [Bonus Campaigns](#bonus-campaigns)
- [Items](#items)
- [Enemy Types](#enemy-types)
- [Normal Enemy](#normal-enemy)
- [Charger Enemy](#charger-enemy)
- [Flying Enemy](#flying-enemy)
- [Turret Enemy](#turret-enemy)
- [Changing the window resolution](#changing-the-window-resolution)
- [Development](#development)
- [Compiling from Source](#compiling-from-source)
- [With Stable Rust](#with-stable-rust)
- [With Nightly Rust](#with-nightly-rust)
- [Available Features](#available-features)
- [Tools Used](#tools-used)
- [Licensing](#licensing)
- [Fonts](#fonts)
- [Undefined Medium](#undefined-medium)
- [Ruji's Handwriting](#rujis-handwriting)
- [SDL2](#sdl2)

## Description
The theme for _Ludum Dare 44_ was...
> Your life is currency

We went for a simple, generic approach:
_You pay with your health to buy items._

The game is a _2D action-platformer_.
Your goal is simply to get to the end of each level.

Throughout the levels you will find _items_ which you can buy using your health as currency.
See the [items section](#items) for a list of all available items.

You regain health by defeating enemies.

Each level acts as a _checkpoint_; when you die, you restart at the beginning of the level.
The game will also automatically save your progress to a savefile, each time you beat a level or die.

When you beat the game, you may choose to start from the beginning again, keeping all your items ("NewGame+"-style).
Timers for the current level and for the whole game will also appear
once you start your second play-through on the same savefile.

Most of what's written in this README is directed at the _post-jam_ version.

## Post-Jam Version
After the jam ended at the end of April, we continued working on the game
with the goal to release a finished product (like always).
This time, we are proud to say, that we _actually finished this game_!

### Post-Jam Version Downloads
Post-jam version downloads are available on [][itch-io].

## Jam Version
To see the jam version, visit out our [Ludum Dare page][ludumdare], or
check out the [`LD44-release`][LD44-release] tag.

As always with our jam games, we never properly finish.
This jam's game was _especially unfinished_.
If you intend to check out our game, we recommend trying our post-jam version.

### Jam Version Downloads
Jam-version binaries are available via Google Drive:

| Platform | Download |
|:--------:|:------------------------------- |
| Windows | [Google Drive][bin-jam-windows] |
| Linux | [Google Drive][bin-jam-linux] |

## Running the Game
After downloading the appropriate version for your platform,
simply unzip the zip-archive and navigate into the unzipped directory.

### Running on Windows
Double-clicking on `Stabman.exe` should start the game!
### Running on Linux
To run it from the terminal, simply execute the `./Stabman` binary.
To run it from within your GUI file manager, simply double-click on `Start-Stabman`.

## Controls
The exact controls are specified in the file `resources/config/bindings.ron`.
You can change bindings in this file however you want; the syntax _should_ be self-explanatory enough.
But careful: if you make a syntax error, the game will crash.
See the generated file `logs/panic.log` for error messages, if it crashes.

When playing the game casually for the first time,
we recommend using a controller (if available), or otherwise
using the keyboard keys marked in __bold__ text,
as those are probably the most intuitive.
_These are broad suggestions, feel free to use whatever keys you are comfortable with :)_
(If you're trying to beat the bonus levels, you may want to look at the other keyboard control options; controller is _not_ recommended for bonus levels)

For the controller buttons we are using the Xbox naming scheme.
So the `A` button would be the `X` button on a DualShock controller, etc.

| Action | Keyboard | Controller | Notes |
| :-------------------------------- | :-------------------------- | :------------------------------------ | :------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Move LEFT | __`A`__ | `DPadLeft`, `JoyStickLeft` | |
| Move RIGHT | __`D`__ | `DPadRight`, `JoyStickRight` | |
| Jump | __`Space`__, `K`, `Up` | `A` | Hold down the jump button for a slower fall (lower gravity). |
| Attack LEFT | __`Left`__, `H` | `X` | |
| Attack RIGHT | __`Right`__, `L` | `B` | |
| Buy item | __`E`__ | `Y` | |
| Dash | __`Shift`__, `J`, `Down` | `ShoulderButtons` (_left_ or _right_) | Need to hold down movement keys + press dash key; diagonal dashes work; can only dash in-air |
| Toggle pause | `P` | `Start` | |
| Start game from main menu | `Enter`, `Space` | `A` | Starts the _normal_ campaign, not _bonus_. |
| Continue game from pause menu | `Enter`, `Space` | `A` | |
| Quit game from main menu | `Escape`, `Q`, `Backspace` | `B` | |
| Quit to main menu from pause menu | `Escape`, `Q`, `Backspace` | `B` | |

## Campaign Types
There are three campaigns you can play:

### Normal Campaign
The standard, recommended game.
Includes __10 levels__ total:
- __3__ in the __overworld theme__, and
- __7__ in the __graveyard theme__.

### Bonus Campaigns
There are two bonus campaigns: __Bonus A__ and __Bonus B__.

These are collections of super hard levels, with the main focus on hardcore platforming.
Each of the bonus campaigns includes __3 levels__.

These campaign types are primarily just meant for us to play.
But if you're enjoying the game, and are feeling confident enough,
feel free to give these a try! __>:D__

## Items
Item Icons

Item descriptions from left-to-right:
- __Extra Jump__ _Stackable_
Each pickup grants an extra jump in mid-air.
When in mid-air, the player can jump additional times.
Extra jumps are recharged when standing or sliding on a solid wall.
- __Wall Jump__ _Non-stackable_
Grants the ability to jump off walls.
When sliding on a wall, press the jump button to jump off of the wall.
- _(unused)_
- __Bullet Deflect__ _Stackable_
Grants the ability to deflect enemy bullets by attacking them.
Deflected bullets deal one unit of damage.
Each pickup increases the deflected bullet's damage by one unit.
- __Damage Up__ _Stackable_
Increases attacking damage by one unit.
- __Speed Up__ _Stackable_
Increases the player's speed.
- __Jump Height Up__ _Stackable_
Increases the maximum height of the player's jump.
- __Bullet Shoot__ _Stackable_
Grants the ability to shoot bullets when attacking.
Bullets deal one unit of damage.
Each pickup increases the bullet's damage by one unit.
Don't worry about the weird name, that's what my dumb brain came-up with during the jam, and we stuck with it :)
- __Dash__ _Stackable_
Each pickup grants the player to use a dash in mid-air.
Dashes can only be done in mid-air.
Dashes are recharged when standing or sliding on a solid wall.
See the [controls section](#controls) for the key to trigger the dash.
- __Knockback Up__ _Stackable_
When attacking an enemy, knockback punches the enemy backwards.
Each pickup adds additional knockback strength.

## Enemy Types
### Normal Enemy
Normal Enemy

A normal, tank-like enemy.
Has the most amount of health out of all enemy types;
walks slowly and hits hard.

### Charger Enemy
Charger Enemy

A small enemy, which will start rolling at the player,
when they move into its trigger range.
Once rolling, this enemy will only stop moving upon hitting a wall.

### Flying Enemy
Charger Enemy

This enemy is not affected by gravity.
It simply tries to follows the player when they are within trigger distance.

### Turret Enemy
Charger Enemy

This enemy cannot be damaged or killed.
It shoots bullets from its mouth in regular intervals.
Its bullets can be deflected if the player has picked up the _Bullet Deflect_ item.

## Changing the window resolution
Included with the game's binary, is a file called `resolution.txt`.
You can specify a custom window resolution in this file.
Simply write your resolution in the format ...
... where `WIDTH` and `HEIGHT` are positive integer numbers.
Any lines starting with `#` are seen as comments and are ignored.
See the `resolution.txt` file itself for more information and some preset resolutions.


## Development
[![Build Status](](
### Compiling from Source
#### With Stable Rust
If you wish to compile the game directly from its source,
then you will need to have `rust` installed (preferably `rustup`).
This game is compiled with __Rust version 1.34.2__ (other versions may cause issues).
After cloning the repository and navigating into its directory,
compile like so:
cargo +stable-1.34.2 run --release
(omit the `+stable-1.34.2` part if you do not have `rustup` installed.)
This will download all dependencies, compile everything, and run the game when it's done.
This may take a while... You can also omit the `--release` flag for a slightly increased speed at compile-time,
at the cost of a slightly decreased speed at runtime (FPS may drop below 60).

#### With Nightly Rust
If you want to run the same setup I ran during development,
you may compile the game using the provided `bin/run` script.
You will need to have `rustup` and the `nightly-2019-03-01` toolchain installed for this.
The benefits for doing this are primarily for development purposes.

#### Available Features
Compiling the game from source, gives you access to some additional features:
- `controller`
Includes amethyst's `sdl_controller` feature, to enable controller support.
__Note__: For this feature to work on Windows machines, the `SDL2.dll` file
must be included with the binary. This repository redistributes this DLL.
It seems to work on Linux without dependencies (?) (tested on a blank VM of Puppy-Linux).
_Enabled for pre-compiled binaries:_ __YES__
- `debug`
Generate a backtrace and write it to `logs/panic.log`, when a panic occurs.
_Enabled for pre-compiled binaries:_ __YES__ (just in case)
- `encrypt_savefile`
Encrypts the savefile using `base64`.
I originally planned to encrypt the savefiles for the final binaries,
but in the end decided against this, so players would have the option
to mess around with their savefiles.
(not that it would've been difficult to decrypt the base64-encoded variants)
So I kept this feature behind a feature-gate. (I'm really liking meta-rust :))
_Enabled for pre-compiled binaries:_ __NO__
- `nightly`
Can only be used with a nightly rust toolchain.
Improves some of amethyt's error messages.
_Enabled for pre-compiled binaries:_ __NO__

### Tools Used
- __[Rust]__, programming language
- __[Amethyst]__, engine
- __[Deathframe]__, framework
- __[Vim]__, code editor
- __[GitHub]__, git repository hosting
- __[Gimp]__, tile/background/menu graphics
- __[Aseprite]__, sprite graphics
- __[Bosca Ceoil][BoscaCeoil]__, music
- __[FL Studio][FLStudio]__, music
- __[Tiled]__, level design
- __[Google Drive][GoogleDrive]__, file sharing
- __[Trello]__, task management


## Licensing
This project, including all of its code and assets (such as images, audio, level files),
excluding fonts, are distributed under the terms of the [MIT License][MIT-license].

### Fonts
The fonts (found under `resources/fonts`) remain unchanged,
and are licensed individually by their authors.

#### Undefined Medium
- Located at `resources/fonts/undefined-medium.ttf`
- [OFL License][undefined-medium-license]
- [Website][undefined-medium-website]
- [GitHub Repository][undefined-medium-github]
#### Ruji's Handwriting
- Located at `resources/fonts/rujis-handwriting.ttf`
- [OFL License][OFL-license]
- [Author's Website][rujis-handwriting-website]

### SDL2
This project uses and redistributes an unchanged copy of [SDL2],
for controller support with [amethyst]'s `sdl_controller` feature.
`SDL2.dll` is distributed under the [zlib license][SDL2-license].
