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Use the gopsutil library to retrieve information and process it with SQL

go golang gopsutil sql system-information tbln trdsql

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Use the gopsutil library to retrieve information and process it with SQL

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# psutilsql


CLI tool that can be processed by SQL using [gopsutil]( library.

SQL input/output is handled by [trdsql](
Therefore, CSV, JSON, LTSV, MarkDown, Raw, Vertical, and TBLN can be selected as the output format.


## install

go get -u

psutilsql depends on [go-sqlite3](
Therefore, gcc is required to build.

## Usage

psutilsql command

### SQL

The query command(\ can be omitted) can execute SQL.

$ psutilsql query "SELECT Total,Used,Free FROM virtualmemory"
$ psutilsql "SELECT Total,Used,Free FROM virtualmemory"

| Total | Used | Free |
| 16687091712 | 6468083712 | 2399399936 |

#### Table list

List of table names that can be used.

Displayed with the following command:

psutilsql table

| name |
| cpuinfo |
| cpupercent |
| cputime |
| diskpartition |
| diskusage |
| docker |
| hostinfo |
| hosttemperature |
| hostuser |
| loadavg |
| loadmisc |
| net |
| process |
| processex |
| swapmemory |
| virtualmemory |

### Command

Display values using command and options without using SQL.

$ psutilsql host --users
| User | Terminal | Host | Started |
| noborus | tty7 | :0 | 1564096509 |

$ psutilsql --help
SQL for running processes and system utilization.

SQL can be executed on the information acquired using gopsutil library.
Default SQL is provided, so you can omit SQL if you select a command.

psutilsql [flags]
psutilsql [command]

Available Commands:
completion Generates bash/zsh completion scripts
cpu CPU information
disk DISK information
docker docker information
help Help about any command
host host information
load load information
mem memory information
net net information
process process information
query SQL query command
table table list
version Print the version number of psutilsql

-d, --Delimiter string output delimiter (CSV only) (default ",")
-O, --Header output header (CSV only)
-o, --OutFormat string output format=[AT|CSV|LTSV|JSON|JSONL|TBLN|RAW|MD|VF|YAML] (default "AT")
-q, --Query string query
-h, --help help for psutilsql
-t, --toggle Help message for toggle

Use "psutilsql [command] --help" for more information about a command.

### cpu

--time: cpu time(default)

| CPU | User | System | Idle | Nice | Iowait | Irq | Softirq | Steal | Guest | GuestNice |

--info, -i: cpu info

| CPU | VendorID | Family | Model | Stepping | PhysicalID | CoreID | Cores | ModelName | Mhz | CacheSize | Flags | Microcode |

--percent,-p: cpu percent

### disk

--partition: disk partition(default)

| Device | Mountpoint | Fstype | Opts |

--usage [disk]: disk usage

| Path | Fstype | Total | Free | Used | UsedPercent | InodesTotal | InodesUsed | InodesFree | InodesUsedPercent |

### docker

| ContainerID | Name | Image | Status | Running |

### host

--info: host information(default)

| Hostname | Uptime | BootTime | Procs | OS | Platform | PlatformFamily | PlatformVersion | KernelVersion | VirtualizationSystem | VirtualizationRole | HostID |

--user,-u: user information

| User | Terminal | Host | Started |

--temperatures, -t: SensorsTemperatures

| SensorKey | Temperature |

### load

| Load1 | Load5 | Load15 |

--misc,-m: miscellaneous host-wide statistics

| ProcsTotal | ProcsRunning | ProcsBlocked | Ctxt |

### mem


| Total | Available | Used | UsedPercent | Free | Active | Inactive | Wired | Laundry | Buffers | Cached | Writeback | Dirty | WritebackTmp | Shared | Slab | SReclaimable | SUnreclaim | PageTables | SwapCached | CommitLimit | CommittedAS | HighTotal | HighFree | LowTotal | LowFree | SwapTotal | SwapFree | Mapped | VMallocTotal | VMallocUsed | VMallocChunk | HugePagesTotal | HugePagesFree | HugePageSize |

--swap, -s: SwapMemory

| Total | Used | Free | UsedPercent | Sin | Sout | PgIn | PgOut | PgFault |

### net

| Fd | Family | Type | LaddrIP | LaddrPort | RaddrIP | RaddrPort | status | Uids | Pid |

### process

| pid | name | CPU | MEM | STATUS | START | USER | RSS | VMS | Data | Stack | locked | Swap | COMMAND |

--ex: memory info ex

| pid | name | CPU | MEM | STATUS | START | USER | RSS | VMS | Shared | Text | Lib | Data | Dirty | COMMAND |