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A pure python module for reading and writing kaldi ark files

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A pure python module for reading and writing kaldi ark files

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# Kaldiio
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A pure python module for reading and writing kaldi ark files

- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [What is this? What are `ark` and `scp`?](#what-is-this-what-are-ark-and-scp)
- [Features](#features)
- [Similar projects](#similar-projects)
- [Install](#install)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [ReadHelper](#readhelper)
- [WriteHelper](#writehelper)
- [More low level API](#more-low-level-api)

## Introduction
### What are `ark` and `scp`?
`kaldiio` is an IO utility implemented in pure Python language for several file formats used in [kaldi](, which are named as`ark` and `scp`. `ark` and `scp` are used in in order to archive some objects defined in Kaldi, typically it is Matrix object of Kaldi.

In this section, we describe the basic concept of `ark` and `scp`. More detail about the File-IO in `Kaldi-asr`:

#### Basic of File IO in kaldi: Ark and copy-feats
`ark` is an archive format to save any `Kaldi objects`. This library mainly support `KaldiMatrix/KaldiVector`.
This ia an example of ark file of KaldiMatrix: [ark file](tests/arks/test.ark)

If you have `Kaldi`, you can convert it to text format as following

# copy-feats
copy-feats ark:test.ark ark,t:text.ark

`copy-feats` is designed to have high affinity with unix command line:

1. `ark` can be flushed to and from unix pipe.

cat test.ark | copy-feats ark:- ark,t:- | less # Show the contents in the ark
`-` indicates standard input stream or output stream.
1. Unix command can be used as `read-specifier` and `wspecifier`

copy-feats ark:'gunzip -c some.ark.gz |' ark:some.ark

#### Scp file
`scp` is a text file such as,

uttid1 /some/where/feats.ark:123
uttid2 /some/where/feats.ark:156
uttid3 /some/where/feats.ark:245
The first column, `uttid1`, indicates the utterance id and the second, `/some/where/feats.ark:123`, is the file path of matrix/vector of kaldi formats. The number after colon is a starting addressof the object of the file.

`scp` looks very simple format, but has several powerful features.

1. Mutual conversion between`ark` and `scp`

copy-feats scp:foo.scp ark:foo.ark # scp -> ark
copy-feats ark:foo.ark ark,scp:bar.ark,bar.scp # ark -> ark,scp

1. Unix command can be used insead of direct file path

For example, the following scp file can be also used.

uttid1 cat /some/where/feats1.mat |
uttid2 cat /some/where/feats2.mat |
uttid3 cat /some/where/feats3.mat |

#### wav.scp
`wav.scp` is a `scp` to describe wave file paths.

uttid1 /some/path/a.wav
uttid2 /some/path/b.wav
uttid3 /some/path/c.wav

`wav.scp` is also can be embeded unix command as normal scp file. This is often used for converting file format in kaldi recipes.

uttid1 sph2pipe -f wav /some/path/a.wv1 |
uttid2 sph2pipe -f wav /some/path/b.wv1 |
uttid3 sph2pipe -f wav /some/path/c.wv1 |

### Features
Kaldiio supports:

- Read/Write for archive formats: ark, scp
- Binary/Text - Float/Double Matrix: DM, FM
- Binary/Text - Float/Double Vector: DV, FV
- Compressed Matrix for loading: CM, CM2, CM3
- Compressed Matrix for writing: All compressoin_method are supported: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
- Binary/Text for Int-vector, typically used for `ali` files.
- Read/Write via a pipe: e.g. "ark: cat feats.ark |"
- Read wav.scp / wav.ark
- (New!) Some extended ark format **not supported** in Kaldi originally.
- The ark file for numpy, pickle, wav, flac files.

The followings are **not supported**

- Write in existing scp file
- NNet2/NNet3 egs
- Lattice file

### Similar projects
- Python-C++ binding
- Looks great. I recommend pykaldi if you aren't particular about pure python.
- Maybe not enough maintained now.
- Ark reader for tensorflow
- Implemented in C++
- Have interface for Python
- Support all types of `rspecifier` and `wspecifier`
- Have a uniform interface for writing, sequential reading, and random access reading
- `pip install kaldi_native_io`
- Pure Python
- `kaldiio` is based on this module, but `kaldiio` supports more features than it.
- Python>=3.6. `nnet3-egs`is also supported.

## Install

pip install kaldiio

## Usage
`kaldiio` doesn't distinguish the API for each kaldi-objects, i.e.
`Kaldi-Matrix`, `Kaldi-Vector`, not depending on whether it is binary or text, or compressed or not,
can be handled by the same API.

### ReadHelper
`ReadHelper` supports sequential accessing for `scp` or `ark`. If you need to access randomly, then use `kaldiio.load_scp`.

- Read matrix-scp

from kaldiio import ReadHelper
with ReadHelper('scp:file.scp') as reader:
for key, numpy_array in reader:

- Read gziped ark

from kaldiio import ReadHelper
with ReadHelper('ark: gunzip -c file.ark.gz |') as reader:
for key, numpy_array in reader:

# Ali file
with ReadHelper('ark: gunzip -c exp/tri3_ali/ali.*.gz |') as reader:
for key, numpy_array in reader:

- Read wav.scp

from kaldiio import ReadHelper
with ReadHelper('scp:wav.scp') as reader:
for key, (rate, numpy_array) in reader:

    - v2.11.0: Removed `wav` option. You can load `wav.scp` without any addtional argument.

- Read wav.scp with segments

from kaldiio import ReadHelper
with ReadHelper('scp:wav.scp', segments='segments') as reader
for key, (rate, numpy_array) in reader:

- Read from stdin

from kaldiio import ReadHelper
with ReadHelper('ark:-') as reader:
for key, numpy_array in reader:

### WriteHelper
- Write matrices and vectors in a ark with scp

import numpy
from kaldiio import WriteHelper
with WriteHelper('ark,scp:file.ark,file.scp') as writer:
for i in range(10):
writer(str(i), numpy.random.randn(10, 10))
# The following is equivalent
# writer[str(i)] = numpy.random.randn(10, 10)

- Write in compressed matrix

import numpy
from kaldiio import WriteHelper
with WriteHelper('ark:file.ark', compression_method=2) as writer:
for i in range(10):
writer(str(i), numpy.random.randn(10, 10))

- Write matrices in text

import numpy
from kaldiio import WriteHelper
with WriteHelper('ark,t:file.ark') as writer:
for i in range(10):
writer(str(i), numpy.random.randn(10, 10))

- Write in gziped ark

import numpy
from kaldiio import WriteHelper
with WriteHelper('ark:| gzip -c > file.ark.gz') as writer:
for i in range(10):
writer(str(i), numpy.random.randn(10, 10))
- Write matrice to stdout

import numpy
from kaldiio import WriteHelper
with WriteHelper('ark:-') as writer:
for i in range(10):
writer(str(i), numpy.random.randn(10, 10))

- (New!) Extended ark format using numpy, pickle, soundfile

import numpy
from kaldiio import WriteHelper

with WriteHelper('ark:-', write_function="numpy") as writer:
writer("foo", numpy.random.randn(10, 10))

with WriteHelper('ark:-', write_function="pickle") as writer:
writer("foo", numpy.random.randn(10, 10))

with WriteHelper('ark:-', write_function="soundfile_flac") as writer:
writer("foo", numpy.random.randn(1000))

Note that `soundfile` is an optional module and you need to install it to use this feature.

pip install soundfile

## More low level API
`WriteHelper` and `ReadHelper` are high level wrapper of the following API to support kaldi style arguments.

### load_ark

import kaldiio

d = kaldiio.load_ark('a.ark') # d is a generator object
for key, numpy_array in d:

# === load_ark can accepts file descriptor, too
with open('a.ark') as fd:
for key, numpy_array in kaldiio.load_ark(fd):

# === Use with open_like_kaldi
from kaldiio import open_like_kaldi
with open_like_kaldi('gunzip -c file.ark.gz |', 'r') as f:
for key, numpy_array in kaldiio.load_ark(fd):

- `load_ark` can load both matrices of ark and vectors of ark and also, it can be both text and binary.

### load_scp
`load_scp` creates "lazy dict", i.e.
The data are loaded in memory when accessing the element.

import kaldiio

d = kaldiio.load_scp('a.scp')
for key in d:
numpy_array = d[key]

with open('a.scp') as fd:

d = kaldiio.load_scp('data/train/wav.scp', segments='data/train/segments')
for key in d:
rate, numpy_array = d[key]

The object created by `load_scp` is a dict-like object, thus it has methods of `dict`.

import kaldiio
d = kaldiio.load_scp('a.scp')
'uttid' in d

### load_scp_sequential (from v2.13.0)

`load_scp_sequential` creates "generator" as same as `load_ark`.
If you don't need random-accessing for each elements
and use it just to iterate for whole data,
then this method possibly performs faster than `load_scp`.

import kaldiio
d = kaldiio.load_scp_sequential('a.scp')
for key, numpy_array in d:

### load_wav_scp
d = kaldiio.load_scp('wav.scp')
for key in d:
rate, numpy_array = d[key]

# Supporting "segments"
d = kaldiio.load_scp('data/train/wav.scp', segments='data/train/segments')
for key in d:
rate, numpy_array = d[key]

- v2.11.0: `load_wav_scp` is deprecated now. Use `load_scp`.

### load_mat
numpy_array = kaldiio.load_mat('a.mat')
numpy_array = kaldiio.load_mat('a.ark:1134') # Seek and load

# If the file is wav, gets Tuple[int, numpy.ndarray]
rate, numpy_array = kaldiio.load_mat('a.wav')
- `load_mat` can load kaldi-matrix, kaldi-vector, and wave

### save_ark

# === Create ark file from numpy
kaldiio.save_ark('b.ark', {'key': numpy_array, 'key2': numpy_array2})
# Create ark with scp _file, too
kaldiio.save_ark('b.ark', {'key': numpy_array, 'key2': numpy_array2},

# === Writes arrays to sys.stdout
import sys
kaldiio.save_ark(sys.stdout, {'key': numpy_array})

# === Writes arrays for each keys
# generate a.ark
kaldiio.save_ark('a.ark', {'key': numpy_array, 'key2': numpy_array2})
# After here, a.ark is opened with 'a' (append) mode.
kaldiio.save_ark('a.ark', {'key3': numpy_array3}, append=True)

# === Use with open_like_kaldi
from kaldiio import open_like_kaldi
with open_like_kaldi('| gzip a.ark.gz', 'w') as f:
kaldiio.save_ark(f, {'key': numpy_array})
kaldiio.save_ark(f, {'key2': numpy_array2})
### save_mat
# array.ndim must be 1 or 2
kaldiio.save_mat('a.mat', numpy_array)
- `save_mat` can save both kaldi-matrix and kaldi-vector

### open_like_kaldi

``kaldiio.open_like_kaldi`` is a useful tool if you are familiar with Kaldi. This function can performs as following,

from kaldiio import open_like_kaldi
with open_like_kaldi('echo -n hello |', 'r') as f:
assert == 'hello'
with open_like_kaldi('| cat > out.txt', 'w') as f:
with open('out.txt', 'r') as f:
assert == 'hello'

import sys
with open_like_kaldi('-', 'r') as f:
assert f is sys.stdin
with open_like_kaldi('-', 'w') as f:
assert f is sys.stdout

For example, if there are gziped alignment file, then you can load it as:

from kaldiio import open_like_kaldi, load_ark
with open_like_kaldi('gunzip -c exp/tri3_ali/ali.*.gz |', 'rb') as f:
# Alignment format equals ark of IntVector
g = load_ark(f)
for k, numpy_array in g:

### parse_specifier

from kaldiio import parse_specifier, open_like_kaldi, load_ark
rspecifier = 'ark:gunzip -c file.ark.gz |'
spec_dict = parse_specifier(rspecifier)
# spec_dict = {'ark': 'gunzip -c file.ark.gz |'}

with open_like_kaldi(spec_dict['ark'], 'rb') as fark:
for key, numpy_array in load_ark(fark):