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JSON representation, but as a Resource that prevents unneeded memory thrashing

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# ember-array-map-resource


This library has been absorbed into `ember-resources`, here:


[![npm version](](

This addon provides a `useArrayMap` function which returns a resource that
reactively maps data per-element, so that when the overall collection is dirtied,
only the changed/new/removed elements affect the mapped collection.

This technique requires that your elements be mapped to be object-like so that iteration
can rely on object identity to optimize loop iteration.

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Public Types](#public-types)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Thanks](#thanks)

## Compatibility

* Ember.js v3.25+
* TypeScript v4.2+

## Installation

npm install ember-array-map-resource
# or
yarn add ember-array-map-resource
# or
ember install ember-array-map-resource

## Usage

This is most useful for library authors that may not have control of _how_ an array of items
is updated. It's common in modern JS to replace entire arrays when adding/removing/changing
items in arrays -- `useArrayMap` provides a technique to re-optimize how updates within your
library are handled. Folks can replace an entire array, and _as long as object-identity is

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
import { useArrayMap } from 'ember-array-map-resource';

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
@tracked records = [];

mappedRecords = useArrayMap(this, {
data: () => this.records,
map: (record) => someTransform(record)

@action someTransform(record) {
return /* ... ✂️ ... */
{{!-- even if this.records is re-set entirely, mappedRecords will optimize iteration --}}
{{#each this.mappedRecords as |mappedRecord|}}
within the each body, code will only be executed once for each
- new record
- replaced record

NOTE: `each` performance is handled by ember, and tweaks to its behavior can be tweaked.

NOTE: `useArrayMap` will have (very slightly) higher initial rendering time.
It's not meant to be faster than properly managed vanilla arrays.
`useArrayMap`'s purpose is for making it harder for users to de-optimize their iteration.

The above example could be achieved with inline-helpers and without a resource via:

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
@tracked records = [];

@action someTransform(record) {
return /* ... ✂️ ... */
{{!-- even if this.records is re-set entirely, mappedRecords will optimize iteration --}}
{{#each this.records as |record|}}
{{#let (this.someTransform record) as |mappedRecord|}}
{{!-- expect same loop optimizations as above --}}

So, why would you want to use a resource if you can acheive the same with a `let`?
As a library author, you may be transforming data that you yourself don't have a say in
how it gets rendered. For example, if your component template were `{{yield this.records}}`,
the user would be required to both transform and optimize their loop.
However, with `useArrayMap` and `{{yield this.mappedRecords}}`, the user can be naïve about
the implementation details of the list, and still get performance benefits.

This could be helpful with
- headless list implementations, where the user provides the entirety of the UI.
- javascript-only map-loop optimizations

## Public Types

- `ArrayMap` - the return type from `useArrayMap`
- iterable
- array-index access

## Contributing

See the [Contributing]( guide for details.

## License

This project is licensed under the [MIT License](

## Thanks

This library wouldn't be possible without the work of:
- [@pzuraq](
- [@josemarluedke](

So much appreciate for the work both you have put in to Resources <3