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This Kibana plugin allows any data visualizations from Elastic Search and other data sources using Vega grammar. You can even create a visualization on top of an interactive map.

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

This Kibana plugin allows any data visualizations from Elastic Search and other data sources using Vega grammar. You can even create a visualization on top of an interactive map.

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# Vega visualization plugin for Kibana

**ATTENTION:** This code is mostly unmaintained because Vega plugin is now integrated into core Kibana and has more recent functionality.

> Build [Vega]( and [Vega-Lite]( data visualizations into Kibana, either standalone, or on top of a map.

_Kibana 6.2 includes this plugin without the leaflet (`type=map`) support._

# Watch a short introduction video
[![Kibana Vega plugin demo](](

# Quick Demo

* Use a direct download link from the [releases page]( Make sure you get the right plugin version that matches your Kibana version, or it won't work!
bin/kibana-plugin install
_For more info, see [Kibana plugin installation instructions](
* In Kibana, choose Visualize, and add Vega visualization.
* You should immediately see a default graph. If you do not have any time-based data in your ElasticSearch, you can generate some random logstash data using [makelogs util]( (not on production cluster!). Also, make sure your time filter gets enough data in the upper right corner.
* Try changing `mark` from `line` to `point`, `area`, `bar`, `circle`, `square`, ... (see [docs](
* Try other [logstash examples](public/examples/logstash), including the [map example](public/examples/logstash/logstash-geosrc-map-with-destinations.hjson)
* Try other [Vega]( or [Vega-Lite]( visualizations. You may need to make URLs absolute, e.g. replace `"url": "data/world-110m.json"` with `"url": ""`. (see [notes below](#Using Vega and Vega-Lite examples))

# Vega with a map
Kibana's default map can be used as a base of the Vega graph. To enable, the graph must specify `type=map` in the host configuration:

"config": {
"kibana": {
"type": "map",

// Initial map position
"latitude": 40.7, // default 0
"longitude": -74, // default 0
"zoom": 7, // default 2
"mapStyle": "default", // defaults to "default", but can also be false to disable base layer
"minZoom": 5, // default 0
"maxZoom": 13, // defaults to the maximum for the given style, or 25 when base is disabled
"zoomControl": false, // defaults to true, shows +/- buttons to zoom in/out

// When false, repaints on each move frame. Makes the graph slower when moving the map
"delayRepaint": true, // default true
/* the rest of Vega JSON */

This plugin will automatically inject a projection called `"projection"`. Use it to calculate positioning of all geo-aware marks. Additionally, you may use `latitude`, `longitude`, and `zoom` signals. These signals can be used in the graph, or can be updated to modify the positioning of the map.

# Querying ElasticSearch
By default, Vega's [data]( element can use embedded and external data with a `"url"` parameter. Kibana plugin adds support for the direct ElasticSearch queries by overloading the `"url"` value.

Here is an example of an ES query that gets data from `logstash-*` index.

"data": [
"name": "myEsDataSource",
"url": {
// Index name
"index": "logstash-*",

// Use current dashboard context (e.g. search string),
// and time range filter with the "@timestamp" field.
"%context%": true,
"%timefield%": "@timestamp",

// TIP: request can be copied from the debug view of another visualizer
// You can try this query in Kibana Dev tools (hardcode or remove the `%...%` values first)
"body": {
// When aggegating, do not return individual documents that match the query
"size": 0,

// Data aggegation...
"aggs": {
// Name of the aggegation - your Vega graph will use it to parse the results
"hist": {
"date_histogram": {
"field": "@timestamp",
// interval value will depend on the daterange picker
// Use an integer to set approximate bucket count
"interval": {"%autointerval%": true},
// Make sure we get an entire range, even if it has no data
"extended_bounds": {
"min": {"%timefilter%": "min"},
"max": {"%timefilter%": "max"}
// Use this for linear (e.g. line, area) graphs
// Without it, empty buckets will not show up
"min_doc_count": 0

// This is a useful trick to access just the list of aggregation results named "hist"
"format": { "property": "aggregations.hist.buckets" },

As a result, "myEsDataSource" will be a list of objects. Note that `"key"` is a unix timestamp, and can be used without conversions by the Vega date expressions.
"key_as_string": "2017-06-13T04:00:00.000-04:00",
"key": 1497340800000,
"doc_count": 6
"key_as_string": "2017-06-13T06:00:00.000-04:00",
"key": 1497348000000,
"doc_count": 14

Query may be specified with individual range and dashboard context as well. This query is equivalent to `"%context%": true, "%timefield%": "@timestamp"`, except that the timerange is shifted back by 10 minutes:

"data": [
"name": "myEsDataSource",
"url": {
// Index name
"index": "logstash-*",

"body": {
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
// This string will be replaced with the auto-generated "MUST" clause

// apply timefilter (upper right corner) to the @timestamp variable
"range": {
"@timestamp": {
// "%timefilter%" will be replaced with the current
// values of the time filter (from the upper right corner)
"%timefilter%": true

// Only work with %timefilter%
// Shift the current timefilter by 10 units back
"shift": 10,

// supports week, day (default), hour, minute, second.
"unit": "minute"
"must_not": [
// This string will be replaced with the auto-generated "MUST-NOT" clause

The `"%timefilter%"` can also be used to specify a single min or max value. As shown above, the date_histogram's `extended_bounds` can be set with two values - min and max. Instead of hardcoding a value, you may use `"min": {"%timefilter%": "min"}`, which will be replaced with the begining of the current time range. The `shift` and `unit` values are also supported. The `"interval"` can also be set dynamically, depending on the currently picked range: `"interval": {"%autointerval%": 10}` will try to get about 10-15 datapoints (buckets).

# Vega vs Vega-Lite
Vega-Lite is a simplified version of Vega, useful to quickly get started, but has a number of limitations. Vega-Lite is automatically converted into Vega before rendering. Compare [logstash-simple_line-vega](public/examples/logstash/logstash-simple_line-vega.json) and [logstash-simple_line-vegalite](public/examples/logstash/logstash-simple_line-vegalite.json) (both use the same ElasticSearch logstash data). You may use [this editor]( to convert Vega-Lite into Vega.

# Debugging

## Browser Debugging console
Use browser debugging tools (e.g. F12 or Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome) to inspect the `VEGA_DEBUG` variable:
* `view` - access to the Vega View object. See [Vega Debugging Guide]( on how to inspect data and signals at runtime. For Vega-Lite, `'source_0')` would get the main dataset. For Vega, it uses the data name as defined in your Vega spec.
* `spec` - Vega JSON specification after some modifications by this plugin. In case of Vega-Lite, this is the output of the Vega-Lite compiler.
* `vlspec` - If this is a Vega-Lite graph, JSON specification of the graph before Vega-Lite compilation.

## Data
If you are using ElasticSearch query, make sure your resulting data is what you expected. The easiest way to view it is by using "networking" tab in the browser debugging tools (e.g. F12). Modify the graph slightly so that it makes a search request, and view the response from the server. Another approach is to use [Kibana Dev Tools]( tab - place the index name into the first line: `GET /_search`, and add your query as the following lines (just the value of the `"query"` field)

If you need to share your graph with someone, you may want to copy the raw data response to [](, possibly with a `.json` extension, use the `[raw]` button, and use that url directly in your graph.

# Notes

### Useful Links
* [Editor]( - includes examples for Vega & Vega-Lite, but does not support any Kibana-Plugin-specific features like ElasticSearch requests and interactive base maps.
* Vega-Lite [Tutorials](, [docs](, and [examples](
* Vega [Tutorial](, [docs](, [examples](

### Using Vega and Vega-Lite examples
When using [Vega]( and [Vega-Lite]( examples, you may need to modify the "data" section to use absolute URL. For example, replace `"url": "data/world-110m.json"` with `"url": ""`. Also, regular Vega examples use `"autosize": "pad"` layout model, whereas Kibana plugin uses `fit`. Remove all `autosize`, `width`, and `height` values. See [sizing and positioning](#sizing-and-positioning) below.

### Additional configuration options
These options are specific to this plugin. They control how plugin interprets your Vega spec. [Map support](#vega-with-a-map) has additional configuration options.
"config": {
"kibana": {
// Placement of the Vega-defined signal bindings.
// Can be `left`, `right`, `top`, or `bottom` (default).
"controlsLocation": "top",
// Can be `vertical` or `horizontal` (default).
"controlsDirection": "vertical",
// If true, hides most of Vega and Vega-Lite warnings
"hideWarnings": true,
/* the rest of Vega JSON */

### Sizing and positioning
##### Vega and Vega-Lite
By default, Kibana Vega graphs will use `autosize = { type: 'fit', contains: 'padding' }` layout model for Vega and Vega-Lite graphs. The `fit` model uses all available space, ignores `width` and `height` values, but respects the padding values. You may override this behavior by specifying a different `autosize` value.

##### Vega on a map
All Vega and Vega-Lite graphs will ignore `autosize`, `width`, `height`, and `padding` values, using `fit` model with zero padding.

## Development

See the [kibana contributing guide]( for instructions setting up your development environment. Once you have completed that, use the following npm tasks.

- `npm start`

Start kibana and have it include this plugin

- `npm run build`

Build a distributable archive

- `npm run test:browser`

Run the browser tests in a real web browser

- `npm run test:server`

Run the server tests using mocha

For more information about any of these commands run `npm run ${task} -- --help`.