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Speedy self-documenting lisp in Rust.

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Speedy self-documenting lisp in Rust.

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#+AUTHOR: Elijah Samson

* The x9 Programming Language

x9 is a lisp I built to better understand programming languages and interpreters.

The standard library is being written in either x9 or rust for performance.

** Features
*** Usual Lispy Goodness

You have brackets. Lots of brackets. And lists. And functions.

*** Self-documenting

The goal is to have every function describe itself, so you can live in the repl.

Use the =doc= function on a symbol to see it's documentation:

>>> (print (doc foreach))
Eagerly apply the given function to a sequence or list.
(fn (x) (println x))
(range 20)) ; prints 0 to 20. Returns ().

(fn (x) (println x))
(take 5 (map (fn (x) (* x x x x x x)) (range)))) ; prints 0, 1, 64, 729, 4096

The general goal is to be as helpful as possible. So stacktraces include more
information than you'd usually get, such as arguments.

For example, the following program will fail:

#+begin_src elisp
(defn bottom (x) (% x 2))
(defn middle (x) (bottom x))
(defn top () (middle "a"))

And give this helpful stacktrace:

Error: BadTypes

- Remainder requires left and right are num types, was given "a" % 2
- Error in Fn<%, 2, [ ]>, with args ("a" 2)
- Error in Fn, with args ("a")
- Error in Fn, with args ("a")
- Error in Fn, with args ()

*** Convenient FFI

x9 offers easy and convenient embedding into other rust programs.

#+begin_src rust
use x9::ffi::{x9Interpreter, ForeignData};

let interpreter = x9Interpreter::new();
let res = interpreter.run_program::("(+ 1 1)").unwrap();
assert_eq!(res, 2);

You can interface your own types in x9 with the =ForeignData= trait, and
add foreign functions into the interpreter. To maximize convenience foreign functions
are typed in terms of their own datatypes - not x9's Expr type.

#+begin_src rust
let interpreter = x9Interpreter::new();
let my_sum_fn = |args: Vec| Ok(args.iter().sum());
// Add the my-sum to interpreter
interpreter.add_function("my-sum", 1, Arc::new(my_sum_fn));

// And verify we get u64 with value 6 out of it.
assert_eq!(interpreter.run_program::("(my-sum 1 2 3)").unwrap(), 6);

More interesting is the fact that functions added to the interpreter
in a strongly typed way, allowing us to mix types!

#+begin_src rust
// Recall that my-sum is a Fn(Vec) -> u64
let string_res = interpreter.run_program::("(my-sum 1 2 3)").unwrap();
// And we get a string out it!
assert_eq!(string_res, "6".to_string());

The reason it works is we embed the type information into the function
added to the interpreter, and x9's =Expr= type acts as a bridge between types.

For more info see the example in the examples folder!

You can run the example with:

cargo run --example ffi

*** Speedy Iterators

Certain constructs like =(range)= and =map= are backed by lazy iterators, making them pretty fast.

** Examples

*** Fibonacci Numbers

We can print the first hundred fibonacci numbers in 14 milliseconds:

#+begin_src elisp
;; fib.x9
;; Run with: x9 fib.x9

;; Map (l, r) -> (r, l + r)

(defn fib-step (x)
(bind ((l r) x) ^(r (+ l r))))

;; Reduce (0 1) `num` times using fib-step to
;; generate the `num`'th fibonacci number

(defn fib (num)
(nth 0 (reduce
(tuple 0 1)
(range num))))

;; Print one hundred fibonacci numbers
;; Note: (take 100 (map fib (range)))
;; is an iterator which maps to Rust's iterators which
;; makes them very fast. No weird intermediate allocations.

(println (time (foreach
(take 100 (map fib (range))))))



** More Features
*** Dynamic Records and Syntactic Sugar

A recent addition to the language is the =defrecord= and =defmethod= functions,
which allow you to define records in =x9= and add methods to the them respectively.

Here's an example of defining =Vec3=, and a way to add them together:

#+begin_src lisp
;; Define a record
(defrecord Vec3 "Three dimensional vector" x y z)

;; Add a method to it
(defmethod Vec3 +
"Add two vectors together"
(+ other.x self.x)
(+ other.y self.y)
(+ other.z self.z)))

This lets us encapsulate data, and access it in a nice structured way.

#+begin_src lisp
;; Instantiate a Vec3
(def my-vector (Vec3 1 1 1))

;; Call the + method
(.+ my-vector my-vector) ;; Record

The process of adding this support added two
new ways to interact with expressions - callable Records and field-access-sugar

**** Callable Records

To make record construction nice, you can treat records defined with =defrecord= as constructor functions:

>>> (defrecord Point x y)
>>> (Point 0 0)

**** Record Field Syntactic Sugar

By default, fields of a record are treated as zero-arity methods on that record, with =self= being inserted with method_call syntax.

This meant that this got old after a while:

(+ (.x self) (.x other))

So I added some sugar in the form of =self.x=:

>>> (defrecord Point x y)
>>> (def origin (Point 0 0))
>>> origin.x

It works in a recursive way if you have deeply nested fields.

>>> (defrecord Point x y)
>>> (defrecord Space origin)
>>> (def space (Space (Point 0 0)))
>>> space.origin
>>> space.origin.x
>>> space.origin.y

The syntax immediately evaluates, as it gets transformed a nested list of function calls:

space.origin.y ;; (.y (.origin space))

You can do some tricks with this, like this:

#+begin_src lisp
(def file (fs::open "input.txt"))
(def re (re::compile "(\d+)-(\d+) (.): (.*)"))
(def captures (.captures re file.read_to_string))

Zero arity functions can also be referenced:

>>> (def v (Vec3 1 1 1))
>>> v.scale
Fn; #args=1>, 0, [ ]>
>>> (v.scale 3)
>>> v.length

*** Anonymous Function Syntactic Sugar

You can easily create anonymous functions with =#(...)=. Here's an example:

#+begin_src lisp
(filter #(< $1 10) (range 100)) ;; (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

(map #(+ 10 $1) (range 10)) ;; (10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19)

Fields are labelled =$1, $2, ...=.

** Language Description

x9 is a quirky lisp which sort of evolved naturally. It has the following data-types:

#+begin_src rust
pub enum Expr {

*** =Num=

Numbers in x9 are arbitrary precision =BigDecimal= types backed by the =bigdecimal= crate.


*** =Integer=

A fast-path for integer heavy calculations.
If you can avoid non-whole numbers this is substantially faster than the =Num= type.


*** =Symbol=

Symbols are references to some object in the symbol table. They can't contain quotes or brackets.


*** =List=

A list is a sequential collection of values. When evaluated, the first argument is called as a function
with the rest of the elements as arguments.

(+ 1 2)
(println "hello world!")

*** =Function=

A function is a type defined by the =fn= or =defn= keywords. They accept a variable number
of arguments and carry a local scope. Variables shadow each other, and functions will close over arguments.

#+begin_src elisp
(defn is-odd?
(= 1 (% x 2))) ; add function is-odd? to symbol table

(fn (num) (* num num)) ; anon func
(range 20))

(defn not=
(& args) ; excess variables can be captured into a list
(not (apply = args)))

*** =Nil=

Null type. Usually equal to an empty list.

*** =String=

A UTF-8 string of characters between two quotes: "hello world!"

*** =Quote=

An unevaluated list. When evaluated, it turns into a list.

Has special syntax: ='(1 2 3)=
And a keyword: =(quote 1 2 3)=

*** =Tuple=

Same thing as a list, but always evals to itself.

Has special syntax: =^(1 2 3)=
And a keyword: =(tuple 1 2 3)=

*** =Bool=

Classic boolean. True or false.

(= 1 0) ;; false

*** =LazyIter=

A sequence of values backed by a Rust iterator. These are useful for working
with infinite sequences.

Currently, =map=, =filter=, =take=, and =range= can yield lazy iterators.

They are evaluated with =doall= to make a list or =foreach= to operate on it.


(doall (take 5 (map inc (range)))) ; (1 2 3 4 5)
; Or
(take 5 (map inc (range)))) ; prints one through five

*** =Dict=

Classic immutable dictionary. This is certainly a work in progress.

(def foo (dict "key1" "value1" 3 4))

(get foo 3) ;; 4
(get foo "key1") ;; "value1"

(set foo 5 6) ;; {"key1": "value1", 3: 4, 5: 6}
;; This does not mutate `foo`!
(get foo 5) ;; nil

*** =Record=

Objects in =x9=. See the [[][record section above]].

** Standard Library Reference

The x9 language has self-documenting features. The standard library reference is generated
with the script below, which =org-mode= pastes into the list below:

#+begin_src elisp
(defn pretty-print
"Format doc strings into something org-mode will agree with."
((sym docu) x)
(println "*** =" sym "=")
(println "")
(println "#+BEGIN_SRC elisp")
(println docu)
(println "#+END_SRC")
(println ""))))

(zip (all-symbols) (map doc (all-symbols))))

#+begin_src sh :results output raw :format org :exports results
cargo run --release -- gen_docs.x9

*** =+=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Add two items together. Concatenates strings, lists, and tuples.
Example: (+ 1 1 1) ; 3
Example: (+ "Hello " "World") ; "Hello World"


*** =-=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Subtracts all items from the first. Only works with Nums.
Example: (- 2 1 1) ; 0


*** =*=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Multiply all items against the first. Works with Nums and (String Num*)
Example: (* 1 2 3) ; 6
(* "abc" 3) ; "abcabcabc"


*** =%=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Take the remainder of the first item against the second.
Example: (% 4 2) ; 0

*** =/=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Divide the first element by the rest.
Example: (/ 8 2 2 2) ; 1


*** =sqrt=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Take the square root of a number. There's minor precision loss as it's way faster to convert to floats internally over using a bigdecimal.
Example: (sqrt 9) ; 3


*** ===

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if all items are equal.
Example: (= 1 1) ; true
(= 1) ; true


*** =<=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if the first item is strictly smaller than the rest.
Example: (< 0 1 2) ; true

*** =<==

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if the first item is smaller or equal to the rest.
Example: (<= 0 0 0.05 1) ; true

*** =>=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if the first item is strictly greater than the rest.
Example: (> 10 0 1 2 3 4) ; true

*** =>==

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if the first item is greater than or equal to the rest.
Example: (>= 10 10 5) ; true

*** =inc=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Increment the given number.
(inc 2.2) ;; 3.3
(inc 1) ;; 2


*** =dec=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Decrement the given number.
(dec 2.2) ;; 3.3
(dec 1) ;; 2


*** =pow=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Raise a number to an exponent.
(pow 2 3) ;; 8
(pow 10 3) ;; 1000


*** =floor=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Floor a number.
(floor 5.5) ;; 5.5


*** =int=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Create an integer from the input.

(int 3.2) ;; 3


*** =not=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Invert the bool. true becomes false and vice-versa.

*** =or=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
logical or.

*** =and=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
logical and.

*** =xor=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
logical xor.

*** =ident=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Identity function. Returns what you give it.

*** =quote=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Transforms the given input into a quote. Usually you will want to use the '(1 2 3) syntax.

*** =symbol=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Turn a string into a symbol

*** =str=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Make a string

*** =bool=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Coerce a value to bool. In general if a collection is non-empty, it is true. The len method is called on Records

*** =print=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Print the given argument WITHOUT a newline.

*** =println=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Print the given argument WITH a newline.

*** =input=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get user input from stdin

*** =split=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Split a string with some substring.
>>> (split "," "hello, world")
(tuple "hello" " world")


*** =replace=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Replace a substring in a string with some other string.
>>> (replace "abc" "OwO" "abc def")
"OwO def"

*** =ident-exists=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Returns true if a given symbol exists in the interpeter

*** =eval=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Eval an expression.
Example (in repl):
>>> '(+ 1 2)
(+ 1 2)
>>> (eval '(+ 1 2))

*** =parse=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Parse an expression.
Example (in repl):
>>> (parse "(+ 1 2)")

*** =def=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Associate a given symbol with a value. Overwrites local variables.
>>> (def a 3)
>>> a


*** =cond=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Branching control flow construct. Given an even list of [pred then], if `pred` is true, return `then`.
(def input 10)
(= input 3) (print "input is 3")
(= input 10) (print "input is 10")
true (print "hit base case, input is: " input))


*** =loop=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Not done yet. Loop in a weird way. Repeatedly runs the body until (break) is called.

*** =match=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Branching control flow construct. Given an item and an even list of [value then], if `item` == `value`, return `then`.
(def input 10)
(match input
3 (print "input is 3")
10 (print "input is 10")
_ (print "hit base case, input is: " input))


*** =if=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Branching control flow construct. Given pred?, then, and else, if pred? is true, return then, otherwise, else.
Note: Does not evaluate branches not taken.
(def input 10)
(if (= input 10)
(print "input is 10!")
(print ":[ input is not 10"))


*** =shuffle=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Shuffle (randomize) a given list.
>>> (shuffle (range 10))
(6 3 2 9 4 0 1 8 5 7)


*** =go=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Run a function in a new thread. Example:
(go (fn ()
(sleep 2)
(println "from another thread!"))))

;; After two seconds, something is printed

*** =chan=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Make a channel. Returns a tuple of (writer, reader). Example:
((w r) (chan))
(go (fn () (print-recv r)))
(.send w "in bind context 1")
(sleep 1)
(.send w "in bind context 2")
(.close w)

;; Two things are printed.

*** =random_bool=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Randomly return true or false.

*** =random_int=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Randomly return an integer between lower and upper.

(random_int 0 10) ;; Returns a num between 0 and 10 (exclusive)

*** =panic=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Abort the program printing the given message.

Example: (panic "goodbye") ; kills program

Your console will print the following:

thread 'main' panicked at 'goodbye', src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

... and the interpreter will stop.


*** =primes=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Prime numbers less than `n`.

*** =divisors=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Divisors of `n`. Example:
(divisors 20) ;; ^(1 2 4 5 10 20)

*** =clrf=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
HACK! Returns
as the parser is buggy atm.
Example: (clrf) ; "

*** =timestamp=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Returns a unix timestamp.
Example: (timestamp "%b %-d, %-I:%M") ; "Jul 2, 5:15"

*** =name-of=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Returns the name of the object.
Example: (name-of +) ; "+"

*** =sleep=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Sleep for n seconds.
Example: (sleep 10) ; sleep for 10 seconds.

*** =type=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Return the type of the argument as a string.
Example: (type "hello") ; str

*** =doc=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Return the documentation of a symbol as a string.
Example: (doc doc) ; Return the documentation of a symbol as a...

*** =err=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Return an error with a message string.
Example: (err "Something bad happened!") ; return an error

*** =all-symbols=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Return all symbols defined in the interpreter.

*** =include=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Include a file into the interpreter.

*** =map=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Apply a function to each element of a sequence and return a list.
Example: (map inc '(1 2 3)) ; (2 3 4)


*** =mapt=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Apply a function to each element of a sequence and return a tuple.
Example: (map inc '(1 2 3)) ; ^(2 3 4)


*** =->=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp

*** =inline_transform=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Given a list of data and another of functions, apply each function pairwise onto the list.

(defn adder-maker (x) (fn (y) (+ x y)))

'(1 1 1)
(list (adder-maker 1) (adder-maker 2) (adder-maker 3))) ;; ^(2 3 4)


*** =foreach=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Eagerly apply the given function to a sequence or list.
(fn (x) (println x))
(range 20)) ; prints 0 to 20. Returns ().

(fn (x) (println x))
(take 5 (map (fn (x) (* x x x x x x)) (range)))) ; prints 0, 1, 64, 729, 4096


*** =filter=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Retain elements in a sequence according to a predicate.
(defn is-odd (x) (= 1 (% x 2)))
(filter is-odd (range 20)) ; outputs (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19)


*** =any=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Ask whether a predicate is true in some sequence. Short circuits.

*** =all=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Ask whether a predicate is true for every element of a sequence. Short circuits.

*** =lazy=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Turn a list into a lazy sequence. Useful for building complex iterators over some source list.

*** =skip=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Skip some amount in a lazy iterator.

*** =product=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Cartesian Product every list passed in.
>>> (doall (product '(0 1) '(0 1) '(0 1)))
(tuple 0 0 0)
(tuple 1 0 0)
(tuple 0 1 0)
(tuple 1 1 0)
(tuple 0 0 1)
(tuple 1 0 1)
(tuple 0 1 1)
(tuple 1 1 1)


*** =apply=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Apply a function to a given list.
(def my-list '(1 2 3))
(apply + my-list) ; outputs 6


*** =do=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Evaluate a sequence of expressions and return the last one.
(defn complex-fn (x)
(print "current state: " x)
(+ x x)))


*** =partial=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
;; Construct a partial function.

;; Example:
(defn foobar (x y z) (+ x y z))

(def part (partial foobar 1 2))
(part 3) ;; 6

((partial foobar 1) 0 -1) ;; 0

(partial + 1) ;; Fn; remaining=0>, 0, [ ]>


*** =comp=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Compose given functions and return a new function. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!

*** =reduce=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Reduce (fold) a given sequence using the given function. Reduce is multi-arity, and will accept an `init` parameter.
(reduce + '(1 2 3)) ; 6
(reduce + 100 '(1 2 3)) ; 106


*** =fn=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Create a anonymous function.
(fn (x) (* x 2)) ; Fn


*** =defn=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Define a function and add it to the symbol table. Supports doc strings.
(defn is-odd? (x) (= 1 (% x 2)))
(defn get-odd-numbers
"Extract the odd numbers out of the given sequence `x`"
(filter is-odd? x)) ; for fun, try (doc get-odd-numbers)


*** =anon-fn-sugar=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Create an anonymous, automatic binding function. You normally want to use the #(+ 1 2) syntax. Fields are labelled $1, $2, $3, and so on.


(#(+ $1 $2) 1 2) ;; 3
(anon-fn-sugar (+ $1 $2)) ;; Fn

Note: This currently does not capture values.

;; >>> (def foo (fn (x) #(+ $1 x)))
;; nil
;; >>> ((foo 3) 5)
;; Error: Unknown Symbol x
;; Stacktrace:
;; - Error in Fn, with args (5)


*** =bind=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Bind symbol-value pairs, adding them to the symbol table.
(defn quicksort
"Sort a list."
(empty? l) l
true (bind
(pivot (head l)
rest (tail l)
le (filter (fn (x) (<= x pivot)) rest)
ge (filter (fn (x) (> x pivot)) rest))
(+ (quicksort le) (list pivot) (quicksort ge)))))

;; Bind also supports list patterns
(bind ((x y) '(1 2)) (+ x y)) ;; 3


*** =take=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Take the first `n` items from a list or sequence.
(take 2 '(1 2 3)) ; (1 2)
(take 5 (range)) ; lazy seq of (0 1 2 3 4)
(doall (take 5 (range))) ; (0 1 2 3 4)


*** =find=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Find and return some value matching a predicate in an iterator.

Note: This will stop iterating once it's found an item. If nothing is found, nil is returned.


>>> (find #(= $1 3) (take 4 (range)))
>>> (find #(= $1 300) (take 4 (range)))


*** =slice=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Slice a list.

>>> (def ll '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
>>> (slice 0 2 ll)
(tuple 1 2)


*** =take-while=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Continue taking items while `pred` is true.
(defn less-than-five (x) (< x 5))
(doall (take-while less-than-five (range))) ; (0 1 2 3 4)
(take 2 '(1 2 3)) ; (1 2)
(take 5 (range)) ; lazy seq of (0 1 2 3 4)
(doall (take 5 (range))) ; (0 1 2 3 4)


*** =doall=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Evaluate a sequence, collecting the results into a list.
(doall (take 5 (range))) ; (0 1 2 3 4)


*** =dict=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Create a dict from the given elements.
(dict "a" 1 "b" 2) ;


*** =assoc=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Create a new dict from an old dict with the given elements.
(assoc (dict) 1 2 3 4) ; {1: 2, 3: 4}


*** =remove=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Remove a key-value pair from a dict.
(remove (dict 1 2) 1) ; {}


*** =set-dict=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Set a key to a value in a dict. It'll return the new dict.
(set-dict (dict 1 2) 3 4) ; {1: 2, 3: 4}
(get (dict) 1 2) ; {1: 2}


*** =values=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get the values of a dict.
>>> (values (dict 1 2 3 4))
(tuple 2 4)

*** =get=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get a value from a dict by key.
(get (dict 1 2) 1) ; 2
(get (dict) 1) ; nil


*** =list=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Create a list from the given elements.
(list 1 2 3) ; (1 2 3)


*** =tuple=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Create a list from the given elements.
(tuple 1 2 3) ; (tuple 1 2 3)
;; It's usually easier to use the tuple syntax:
^(1 2 3) ; (tuple 1 2 3)


*** =nth=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Extract the nth item from a list or tuple. Throws error if this fails.
(nth 0 ^(1 2 3)) ; 1
(nth 1 '(1 2 3)) ; 2


*** =flatten=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Flatten a list of lists.
>>> (flatten '('(1 2 3) '(4 5 6) 7))
(tuple 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)


*** =chars=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get a tuple of characters from a string.
(chars "hello") ;; (tuple "h" "e" "l" "l" "o")


*** =head=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get the first item in a list.
(head ()) ; nil
(head (1 2 3)) ; 1


*** =tail=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get all items after the first in a list or tuple.
(tail '(1 2 3)) ; (2 3)
(tail ^()) ; nil


*** =cons=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Push an item to the front of a list.
(cons 1 '()) ; (1)
(cons 1 '(2 3)) ; (1 2 3)


*** =range=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Generate a range of numbers. It accepts 0, 1, or 2 arguments. No arguments
yields an infinite range, one arg stops the range at that arg, and two args denote start..end.
(range) ; infinite range
(range 5) ; (0 1 2 3 4)
(range 5 10); (5 6 7 8 9)


*** =len=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get the number of items in a list or tuple.
(len '(0 0 0)) ; 3
(len '()) ; 0


*** =rev=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Reverse a list.

*** =zip=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Zip two lists together into a list of tuples.

*** =len=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get the number of items in a list or tuple.
(len '(0 0 0)) ; 3
(len '()) ; 0


*** =sort=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Sort a given homogeneously typed list in ascending order. Returns an error if types are all not the same.
(sort '(3 7 0 5 4 8 1 2 6 9)) ; (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)


*** =distinct=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Remove all duplicates from a list. This will sort the list.
(distinct '(1 1 1 2 2 0 0)) ; (0 1 2)


*** =inspect=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Inspect values in a lazy iterator while its running.
>>> (doall (inspect #(println "curr_item=" $1) (take 3 (range))))
(0 1 2)


*** =max-by=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get the maximum value of an iterator by a some function f. Throws an error if called with an empty iteratable.
(fn (x) (nth 0 x))
(lazy (zip (range 10) (range 10)))) ;; (tuple 9 9)

*** =fs::open=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Manipulate files in x9.
(def my-file (fs::open "my_file.txt"))

;; Write to the file
(.write my-file "Hello World")

;; Read from the file
(.read_to_string my-file)


*** =defrecord=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Define a Record structure.

Use defmethod to add methods a record.

;; Define a record
(defrecord Vec3 "Three Dimensional Vector" x y z)

;; Instantiate a Vec3
(def v (Vec 1 2 3))

;; Access attributes

v.x ;; 1
(.y v) ;; 2


*** =defmethod=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Add a method to a record. Cannot be called on instantiated records.

NOTE: Methods get an implicit `self` reference.

;; Example

;; Define a record
(defrecord Vec3 "Three Dimensional Vector" x y z)

(defmethod Vec3 +
"Add two vectors together"
(+ other.x self.x)
(+ other.y self.y)
(+ other.z self.z)))

(def v (Vec3 1 1 1))

(.+ v v) ;; (Vec3 2 2 2)

*** =call_method=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp

Call a method on a record.


(def f (fs::open "Hello.txt"))
(call_method f "read_to_string") ;; no args required
(call_method f "write" "hello world") ;; pass it an arg


*** =re::compile=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Regular Expressions - regular search patterns.

This is backed by the excellent regex crate:


;; Compile a regex
(def a (re::compile "(abc)+"))

;; Test if a string matches

(.is_match a "abcabc") ;; true
(.is_match a "ab") ;; false


*** =methods=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Grab all documentation for a record's methods

*** =time=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Return the time taken to evaluate an expression in milliseconds.

*** =catch-err=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Catch an error. Returns nil if no error is caught.

*** =interner-stats=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Internal string interner stats.

*** =print-smiley-face=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
print a smiley face

*** =assert-eq=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Assert if two items are equal.

*** =TestResult=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Result of a test

*** =not==

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if a sequence is not equal to each other.
(not= 1 1 2) ; false


*** =empty?=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if a collection is empty.

*** =non-empty?=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if a collection is non-empty.

*** =is-even?=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if the given item is even.

*** =dot-product=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Dot product two vectors.
(dot-product '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) ; 32


*** =quicksort=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Sort a list using quicksort.
(quicksort '(3 1 2)) ; (1 2 3)


*** =fib=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Find the `num'th Fibonacci number.

*** =docp=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Pretty print the doc string of a function
Example: (docp docp) ;; Pretty print the doc string of a function...

*** =max=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Maximum element in a list

*** =first=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get the first item of a collection, or nil. Same as head.

*** =second=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get the second item of a collection, or nil

*** =Set=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Basic Hash Set in x9.

;; Contains. Test whether an element exists in a Set. O(1) time.
;; Example:
(.contains (Set 0 1 2 3) 2) ;; true
(.contains (Set 0 1 2 3) 10) ;; false

;; Union (creates new Set with elements from each)
;; Example:
(.union (Set 1 2 3)
(Set 4 5 6)) ;; Set<{4, 5, 2, 6, 1, 3}>
(.union (apply Set (range 5)) (apply Set (range 5 10)))
;; Set<{5, 1, 7, 4, 3, 2, 8, 0, 9, 6}>

;; Intersection. Obtain the intersection of two Sets.
;; Example:
(.intersection (apply Set (range 10)) (apply Set (range 5 10)))
;; Set<{5, 6, 9, 7, 8}>

;; to_list. Convert the Set into a list. Order is undefined.
;; Example:
(.to_list (apply Set (range 5))) ;; (1 2 0 3 4)

;; len. Get the number of elements in a Set. Implements the "len" magic method.
;; Example:
(.len (Set '(0 1 2 3))) ;; 4
(len (Set '())) ;; 0


*** =Set.contains=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test whether an element exists in a set. O(1) time.
(.contains (Set 0 1 2 3) 2) ;; true
(.contains (Set 0 1 2 3) 10) ;; false

*** =Set.len=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get the number of elements in a Set. Implements the "len" magic method.
(.len (Set 0 1 2 3)) ;; 4
(len (Set)) ;; 0

*** =Set.union=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Obtain the union of two Sets.
(.union (Set (range 5)) (Set (range 5 10)))
;; Set<{5, 1, 7, 4, 3, 2, 8, 0, 9, 6}>


*** =Set.intersection=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Obtain the intersection of two Sets.
(.intersection (apply Set (range 10)) (apply Set (range 5 10)))
;; Set<{5, 6, 9, 7, 8}>

*** =Set.to_list=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Convert the Set into a list. Order is undefined.
(.to_list (apply Set (range 5))) ;; (1 2 0 3 4)


*** =Dict=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Immutable dictionary.
(dict "a" 1 "b" 2) ;


*** =DictMut=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Mutable dictionary type

*** =DictMut.Docs=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp

*** =FileRecord=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Manipulate files in x9.
(def my-file (fs::open "my_file.txt"))

;; Write to the file
(.write my-file "Hello World")

;; Read from the file
(.read_to_string my-file)


*** =FileRecord.read_to_string=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Read a files as a string.
(def my-file (fs::open "my_file.txt"))
(.read_to_string my-file) ; file contents


*** =FileRecord.read_lines=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get all lines of a file as a list.
(def my-file (fs::open "my_file.txt"))
(.read_lines my-file) ; '("first_line" "second_line")


*** =FileRecord.write=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Overwrite the file's content with the given string.
(def new-file (fs::open "new_file.txt"))
(.write "Hello world!")


*** =FileRecord.append_to_file=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Append to a file without a newline.
(def new-file (fs::open "new_file.txt"))
(.append_to_file "Hello world!") ; file contains '...old-contents...Hello world!'


*** =FileRecord.append_line=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Append a string to a file with a newline.
(def new-file (fs::open "new_file.txt"))
(.append_line "Hello world!") ; file contains '...old-contents...Hello world!


*** =Regex=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Regular Expressions - regular search patterns.

This is backed by the excellent regex crate:


;; Compile a regex
(def a (re::compile "(abc)+"))

;; Test if a string matches

(.is_match a "abcabc") ;; true
(.is_match a "ab") ;; false


*** =Regex.is_match=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Returns true if a string matches the regex.

(def re (re::compile "abc"))
(assert-eq true (.is_match re "abc") "Did not match!")

*** =Regex.captures=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Returns a list of lists of all captures in the input.
;; Example
(def lines "15-16 f: ffffffffffffffhf
6-8 b: bbbnvbbb
6-10 z: zhzzzzfzzzzzzzzzpzz
9-13 s: dmssskssqsssssf")
(def re (re::compile "(\d+)-(\d+) (.): (.*)"))
(.captures re lines)
;; Outputs:
((tuple "15" "16" "f" "ffffffffffffffhf")
(tuple "6" "8" "b" "bbbnvbbb")
(tuple "6" "10" "z" "zhzzzzfzzzzzzzzzpzz")
(tuple "9" "13" "s" "dmssskssqsssssf"))


*** =TcpListenerRecord=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Tcp Socket Server TBD

*** =Set=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Basic Hash Set in x9.

;; Contains. Test whether an element exists in a Set. O(1) time.
;; Example:
(.contains (Set 0 1 2 3) 2) ;; true
(.contains (Set 0 1 2 3) 10) ;; false

;; Union (creates new Set with elements from each)
;; Example:
(.union (Set 1 2 3)
(Set 4 5 6)) ;; Set<{4, 5, 2, 6, 1, 3}>
(.union (apply Set (range 5)) (apply Set (range 5 10)))
;; Set<{5, 1, 7, 4, 3, 2, 8, 0, 9, 6}>

;; Intersection. Obtain the intersection of two Sets.
;; Example:
(.intersection (apply Set (range 10)) (apply Set (range 5 10)))
;; Set<{5, 6, 9, 7, 8}>

;; to_list. Convert the Set into a list. Order is undefined.
;; Example:
(.to_list (apply Set (range 5))) ;; (1 2 0 3 4)

;; len. Get the number of elements in a Set. Implements the "len" magic method.
;; Example:
(.len (Set '(0 1 2 3))) ;; 4
(len (Set '())) ;; 0


*** =Set.contains=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test whether an element exists in a set. O(1) time.
(.contains (Set 0 1 2 3) 2) ;; true
(.contains (Set 0 1 2 3) 10) ;; false

*** =Set.len=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get the number of elements in a Set. Implements the "len" magic method.
(.len (Set 0 1 2 3)) ;; 4
(len (Set)) ;; 0

*** =Set.union=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Obtain the union of two Sets.
(.union (Set (range 5)) (Set (range 5 10)))
;; Set<{5, 1, 7, 4, 3, 2, 8, 0, 9, 6}>


*** =Set.intersection=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Obtain the intersection of two Sets.
(.intersection (apply Set (range 10)) (apply Set (range 5 10)))
;; Set<{5, 6, 9, 7, 8}>

*** =Set.to_list=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Convert the Set into a list. Order is undefined.
(.to_list (apply Set (range 5))) ;; (1 2 0 3 4)


*** =WriteChan=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Write side of a channel

*** =WriteChan.send=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Sent some item into a channel.
;; `w` is some writer
(.send w "Some item 1")


*** =WriteChan.close=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Close the writer. This will stop any readers on the channel.

*** =WriteChan.is_closed=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Returns true if the channel is closed.

*** =ReadChan=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Read side of a channel

*** =ReadChan.recv=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Read some item from a channel. This will block until an item is received or the sender is closed. Example:

;; `w` is some writer
((writer reader) (chan))
(go (fn () (do (println (.recv r))))) ;; recv items
(.send writer "item 1")
(sleep 1)
(.send writer "item 2")
(.close writer) ;; "item 1" and "item 2" are printed

*** =ReadChan.close=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Close the reader. This will fail if the reader has been closed.

*** =ReadChan.is_closed=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Returns true if the channel is closed.

*** =pretty-print=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Format doc strings into something org-mode will agree with.

*** =+=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Add two items together. Concatenates strings, lists, and tuples.
Example: (+ 1 1 1) ; 3
Example: (+ "Hello " "World") ; "Hello World"


*** =-=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Subtracts all items from the first. Only works with Nums.
Example: (- 2 1 1) ; 0


*** =*=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Multiply all items against the first. Works with Nums and (String Num*)
Example: (* 1 2 3) ; 6
(* "abc" 3) ; "abcabcabc"


*** =%=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Take the remainder of the first item against the second.
Example: (% 4 2) ; 0

*** =/=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Divide the first element by the rest.
Example: (/ 8 2 2 2) ; 1


*** =sqrt=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Take the square root of a number. There's minor precision loss as it's way faster to convert to floats internally over using a bigdecimal.
Example: (sqrt 9) ; 3


*** ===

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if all items are equal.
Example: (= 1 1) ; true
(= 1) ; true


*** =<=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if the first item is strictly smaller than the rest.
Example: (< 0 1 2) ; true

*** =<==

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if the first item is smaller or equal to the rest.
Example: (<= 0 0 0.05 1) ; true

*** =>=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if the first item is strictly greater than the rest.
Example: (> 10 0 1 2 3 4) ; true

*** =>==

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if the first item is greater than or equal to the rest.
Example: (>= 10 10 5) ; true

*** =inc=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Increment the given number.
(inc 2.2) ;; 3.3
(inc 1) ;; 2


*** =dec=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Decrement the given number.
(dec 2.2) ;; 3.3
(dec 1) ;; 2


*** =pow=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Raise a number to an exponent.
(pow 2 3) ;; 8
(pow 10 3) ;; 1000


*** =floor=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Floor a number.
(floor 5.5) ;; 5.5


*** =int=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Create an integer from the input.

(int 3.2) ;; 3


*** =not=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Invert the bool. true becomes false and vice-versa.

*** =or=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
logical or.

*** =and=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
logical and.

*** =xor=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
logical xor.

*** =ident=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Identity function. Returns what you give it.

*** =quote=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Transforms the given input into a quote. Usually you will want to use the '(1 2 3) syntax.

*** =symbol=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Turn a string into a symbol

*** =str=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Make a string

*** =bool=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Coerce a value to bool. In general if a collection is non-empty, it is true. The len method is called on Records

*** =print=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Print the given argument WITHOUT a newline.

*** =println=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Print the given argument WITH a newline.

*** =split=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Split a string with some substring.
>>> (split "," "hello, world")
(tuple "hello" " world")


*** =replace=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Replace a substring in a string with some other string.
>>> (replace "abc" "OwO" "abc def")
"OwO def"

*** =ident-exists=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Returns true if a given symbol exists in the interpeter

*** =eval=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Eval an expression.
Example (in repl):
>>> '(+ 1 2)
(+ 1 2)
>>> (eval '(+ 1 2))

*** =parse=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Parse an expression.
Example (in repl):
>>> (parse "(+ 1 2)")

*** =def=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Associate a given symbol with a value. Overwrites local variables.
>>> (def a 3)
>>> a


*** =cond=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Branching control flow construct. Given an even list of [pred then], if `pred` is true, return `then`.
(def input 10)
(= input 3) (print "input is 3")
(= input 10) (print "input is 10")
true (print "hit base case, input is: " input))


*** =match=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Branching control flow construct. Given an item and an even list of [value then], if `item` == `value`, return `then`.
(def input 10)
(match input
3 (print "input is 3")
10 (print "input is 10")
_ (print "hit base case, input is: " input))


*** =if=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Branching control flow construct. Given pred?, then, and else, if pred? is true, return then, otherwise, else.
Note: Does not evaluate branches not taken.
(def input 10)
(if (= input 10)
(print "input is 10!")
(print ":[ input is not 10"))


*** =shuffle=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Shuffle (randomize) a given list.
>>> (shuffle (range 10))
(6 3 2 9 4 0 1 8 5 7)


*** =go=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Run a function in a new thread. Example:
(go (fn ()
(sleep 2)
(println "from another thread!"))))

;; After two seconds, something is printed

*** =chan=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Make a channel. Returns a tuple of (writer, reader). Example:
((w r) (chan))
(go (fn () (print-recv r)))
(.send w "in bind context 1")
(sleep 1)
(.send w "in bind context 2")
(.close w)

;; Two things are printed.

*** =random_bool=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Randomly return true or false.

*** =random_int=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Randomly return an integer between lower and upper.

(random_int 0 10) ;; Returns a num between 0 and 10 (exclusive)

*** =panic=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Abort the program printing the given message.

Example: (panic "goodbye") ; kills program

Your console will print the following:

thread 'main' panicked at 'goodbye', src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

... and the interpreter will stop.


*** =primes=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Prime numbers less than `n`.

*** =divisors=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Divisors of `n`. Example:
(divisors 20) ;; ^(1 2 4 5 10 20)

*** =sleep=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Sleep for n seconds.
Example: (sleep 10) ; sleep for 10 seconds.

*** =type=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Return the type of the argument as a string.
Example: (type "hello") ; str

*** =doc=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Return the documentation of a symbol as a string.
Example: (doc doc) ; Return the documentation of a symbol as a...

*** =err=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Return an error with a message string.
Example: (err "Something bad happened!") ; return an error

*** =all-symbols=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Return all symbols defined in the interpreter.

*** =include=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Include a file into the interpreter.

*** =map=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Apply a function to each element of a sequence and return a list.
Example: (map inc '(1 2 3)) ; (2 3 4)


*** =inline_transform=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Given a list of data and another of functions, apply each function pairwise onto the list.

(defn adder-maker (x) (fn (y) (+ x y)))

'(1 1 1)
(list (adder-maker 1) (adder-maker 2) (adder-maker 3))) ;; ^(2 3 4)


*** =foreach=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Eagerly apply the given function to a sequence or list.
(fn (x) (println x))
(range 20)) ; prints 0 to 20. Returns ().

(fn (x) (println x))
(take 5 (map (fn (x) (* x x x x x x)) (range)))) ; prints 0, 1, 64, 729, 4096


*** =filter=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Retain elements in a sequence according to a predicate.
(defn is-odd (x) (= 1 (% x 2)))
(filter is-odd (range 20)) ; outputs (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19)


*** =any=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Ask whether a predicate is true in some sequence. Short circuits.

*** =all=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Ask whether a predicate is true for every element of a sequence. Short circuits.

*** =lazy=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Turn a list into a lazy sequence. Useful for building complex iterators over some source list.

*** =skip=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Skip some amount in a lazy iterator.

*** =product=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Cartesian Product every list passed in.
>>> (doall (product '(0 1) '(0 1) '(0 1)))
(tuple 0 0 0)
(tuple 1 0 0)
(tuple 0 1 0)
(tuple 1 1 0)
(tuple 0 0 1)
(tuple 1 0 1)
(tuple 0 1 1)
(tuple 1 1 1)


*** =apply=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Apply a function to a given list.
(def my-list '(1 2 3))
(apply + my-list) ; outputs 6


*** =do=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Evaluate a sequence of expressions and return the last one.
(defn complex-fn (x)
(print "current state: " x)
(+ x x)))


*** =partial=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
;; Construct a partial function.

;; Example:
(defn foobar (x y z) (+ x y z))

(def part (partial foobar 1 2))
(part 3) ;; 6

((partial foobar 1) 0 -1) ;; 0

(partial + 1) ;; Fn; remaining=0>, 0, [ ]>


*** =comp=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Compose given functions and return a new function. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!

*** =reduce=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Reduce (fold) a given sequence using the given function. Reduce is multi-arity, and will accept an `init` parameter.
(reduce + '(1 2 3)) ; 6
(reduce + 100 '(1 2 3)) ; 106


*** =fn=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Create a anonymous function.
(fn (x) (* x 2)) ; Fn


*** =defn=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Define a function and add it to the symbol table. Supports doc strings.
(defn is-odd? (x) (= 1 (% x 2)))
(defn get-odd-numbers
"Extract the odd numbers out of the given sequence `x`"
(filter is-odd? x)) ; for fun, try (doc get-odd-numbers)


*** =anon-fn-sugar=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Create an anonymous, automatic binding function. You normally want to use the #(+ 1 2) syntax. Fields are labelled $1, $2, $3, and so on.


(#(+ $1 $2) 1 2) ;; 3
(anon-fn-sugar (+ $1 $2)) ;; Fn

Note: This currently does not capture values.

;; >>> (def foo (fn (x) #(+ $1 x)))
;; nil
;; >>> ((foo 3) 5)
;; Error: Unknown Symbol x
;; Stacktrace:
;; - Error in Fn, with args (5)


*** =bind=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Bind symbol-value pairs, adding them to the symbol table.
(defn quicksort
"Sort a list."
(empty? l) l
true (bind
(pivot (head l)
rest (tail l)
le (filter (fn (x) (<= x pivot)) rest)
ge (filter (fn (x) (> x pivot)) rest))
(+ (quicksort le) (list pivot) (quicksort ge)))))

;; Bind also supports list patterns
(bind ((x y) '(1 2)) (+ x y)) ;; 3


*** =take=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Take the first `n` items from a list or sequence.
(take 2 '(1 2 3)) ; (1 2)
(take 5 (range)) ; lazy seq of (0 1 2 3 4)
(doall (take 5 (range))) ; (0 1 2 3 4)


*** =find=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Find and return some value matching a predicate in an iterator.

Note: This will stop iterating once it's found an item. If nothing is found, nil is returned.


>>> (find #(= $1 3) (take 4 (range)))
>>> (find #(= $1 300) (take 4 (range)))


*** =slice=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Slice a list.

>>> (def ll '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
>>> (slice 0 2 ll)
(tuple 1 2)


*** =take-while=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Continue taking items while `pred` is true.
(defn less-than-five (x) (< x 5))
(doall (take-while less-than-five (range))) ; (0 1 2 3 4)
(take 2 '(1 2 3)) ; (1 2)
(take 5 (range)) ; lazy seq of (0 1 2 3 4)
(doall (take 5 (range))) ; (0 1 2 3 4)


*** =doall=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Evaluate a sequence, collecting the results into a list.
(doall (take 5 (range))) ; (0 1 2 3 4)


*** =dict=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Create a dict from the given elements.
(dict "a" 1 "b" 2) ;


*** =assoc=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Create a new dict from an old dict with the given elements.
(assoc (dict) 1 2 3 4) ; {1: 2, 3: 4}


*** =remove=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Remove a key-value pair from a dict.
(remove (dict 1 2) 1) ; {}


*** =set-dict=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Set a key to a value in a dict. It'll return the new dict.
(set-dict (dict 1 2) 3 4) ; {1: 2, 3: 4}
(get (dict) 1 2) ; {1: 2}


*** =values=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get the values of a dict.
>>> (values (dict 1 2 3 4))
(tuple 2 4)

*** =get=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get a value from a dict by key.
(get (dict 1 2) 1) ; 2
(get (dict) 1) ; nil


*** =list=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Create a list from the given elements.
(list 1 2 3) ; (1 2 3)


*** =tuple=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Create a list from the given elements.
(tuple 1 2 3) ; (tuple 1 2 3)
;; It's usually easier to use the tuple syntax:
^(1 2 3) ; (tuple 1 2 3)


*** =nth=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Extract the nth item from a list or tuple. Throws error if this fails.
(nth 0 ^(1 2 3)) ; 1
(nth 1 '(1 2 3)) ; 2


*** =flatten=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Flatten a list of lists.
>>> (flatten '('(1 2 3) '(4 5 6) 7))
(tuple 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)


*** =chars=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get a tuple of characters from a string.
(chars "hello") ;; (tuple "h" "e" "l" "l" "o")


*** =head=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get the first item in a list.
(head ()) ; nil
(head (1 2 3)) ; 1


*** =tail=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get all items after the first in a list or tuple.
(tail '(1 2 3)) ; (2 3)
(tail ^()) ; nil


*** =cons=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Push an item to the front of a list.
(cons 1 '()) ; (1)
(cons 1 '(2 3)) ; (1 2 3)


*** =range=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Generate a range of numbers. It accepts 0, 1, or 2 arguments. No arguments
yields an infinite range, one arg stops the range at that arg, and two args denote start..end.
(range) ; infinite range
(range 5) ; (0 1 2 3 4)
(range 5 10); (5 6 7 8 9)


*** =len=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get the number of items in a list or tuple.
(len '(0 0 0)) ; 3
(len '()) ; 0


*** =rev=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Reverse a list.

*** =zip=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Zip two lists together into a list of tuples.

*** =len=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get the number of items in a list or tuple.
(len '(0 0 0)) ; 3
(len '()) ; 0


*** =sort=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Sort a given homogeneously typed list in ascending order. Returns an error if types are all not the same.
(sort '(3 7 0 5 4 8 1 2 6 9)) ; (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)


*** =distinct=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Remove all duplicates from a list. This will sort the list.
(distinct '(1 1 1 2 2 0 0)) ; (0 1 2)


*** =max-by=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get the maximum value of an iterator by a some function f. Throws an error if called with an empty iteratable.
(fn (x) (nth 0 x))
(lazy (zip (range 10) (range 10)))) ;; (tuple 9 9)

*** =fs::open=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Manipulate files in x9.
(def my-file (fs::open "my_file.txt"))

;; Write to the file
(.write my-file "Hello World")

;; Read from the file
(.read_to_string my-file)


*** =defrecord=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Define a Record structure.

Use defmethod to add methods a record.

;; Define a record
(defrecord Vec3 "Three Dimensional Vector" x y z)

;; Instantiate a Vec3
(def v (Vec 1 2 3))

;; Access attributes

v.x ;; 1
(.y v) ;; 2


*** =defmethod=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Add a method to a record. Cannot be called on instantiated records.

NOTE: Methods get an implicit `self` reference.

;; Example

;; Define a record
(defrecord Vec3 "Three Dimensional Vector" x y z)

(defmethod Vec3 +
"Add two vectors together"
(+ other.x self.x)
(+ other.y self.y)
(+ other.z self.z)))

(def v (Vec3 1 1 1))

(.+ v v) ;; (Vec3 2 2 2)

*** =call_method=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp

Call a method on a record.


(def f (fs::open "Hello.txt"))
(call_method f "read_to_string") ;; no args required
(call_method f "write" "hello world") ;; pass it an arg


*** =re::compile=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Regular Expressions - regular search patterns.

This is backed by the excellent regex crate:


;; Compile a regex
(def a (re::compile "(abc)+"))

;; Test if a string matches

(.is_match a "abcabc") ;; true
(.is_match a "ab") ;; false


*** =methods=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Grab all documentation for a record's methods

*** =time=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Return the time taken to evaluate an expression in milliseconds.

*** =catch-err=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Catch an error. Returns nil if no error is caught.

*** =interner-stats=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Internal string interner stats.

*** =assert-eq=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Assert if two items are equal.

*** =TestResult=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Result of a test

*** =not==

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if a sequence is not equal to each other.
(not= 1 1 2) ; false


*** =empty?=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if a collection is empty.

*** =non-empty?=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if a collection is non-empty.

*** =is-even?=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test if the given item is even.

*** =dot-product=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Dot product two vectors.
(dot-product '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) ; 32


*** =quicksort=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Sort a list using quicksort.
(quicksort '(3 1 2)) ; (1 2 3)


*** =fib=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Find the `num'th Fibonacci number.

*** =docp=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Pretty print the doc string of a function
Example: (docp docp) ;; Pretty print the doc string of a function...

*** =max=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Maximum element in a list

*** =Set=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Basic Hash Set in x9.

;; Contains. Test whether an element exists in a Set. O(1) time.
;; Example:
(.contains (Set 0 1 2 3) 2) ;; true
(.contains (Set 0 1 2 3) 10) ;; false

;; Union (creates new Set with elements from each)
;; Example:
(.union (Set 1 2 3)
(Set 4 5 6)) ;; Set<{4, 5, 2, 6, 1, 3}>
(.union (apply Set (range 5)) (apply Set (range 5 10)))
;; Set<{5, 1, 7, 4, 3, 2, 8, 0, 9, 6}>

;; Intersection. Obtain the intersection of two Sets.
;; Example:
(.intersection (apply Set (range 10)) (apply Set (range 5 10)))
;; Set<{5, 6, 9, 7, 8}>

;; to_list. Convert the Set into a list. Order is undefined.
;; Example:
(.to_list (apply Set (range 5))) ;; (1 2 0 3 4)

;; len. Get the number of elements in a Set. Implements the "len" magic method.
;; Example:
(.len (Set '(0 1 2 3))) ;; 4
(len (Set '())) ;; 0


*** =Set.contains=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test whether an element exists in a set. O(1) time.
(.contains (Set 0 1 2 3) 2) ;; true
(.contains (Set 0 1 2 3) 10) ;; false

*** =Set.len=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get the number of elements in a Set. Implements the "len" magic method.
(.len (Set 0 1 2 3)) ;; 4
(len (Set)) ;; 0

*** =Set.union=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Obtain the union of two Sets.
(.union (Set (range 5)) (Set (range 5 10)))
;; Set<{5, 1, 7, 4, 3, 2, 8, 0, 9, 6}>


*** =Set.intersection=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Obtain the intersection of two Sets.
(.intersection (apply Set (range 10)) (apply Set (range 5 10)))
;; Set<{5, 6, 9, 7, 8}>

*** =Set.to_list=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Convert the Set into a list. Order is undefined.
(.to_list (apply Set (range 5))) ;; (1 2 0 3 4)


*** =Dict=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Immutable dictionary.
(dict "a" 1 "b" 2) ;


*** =DictMut=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Mutable dictionary type

*** =DictMut.Docs=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp

*** =FileRecord=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Manipulate files in x9.
(def my-file (fs::open "my_file.txt"))

;; Write to the file
(.write my-file "Hello World")

;; Read from the file
(.read_to_string my-file)


*** =FileRecord.read_to_string=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Read a files as a string.
(def my-file (fs::open "my_file.txt"))
(.read_to_string my-file) ; file contents


*** =FileRecord.read_lines=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get all lines of a file as a list.
(def my-file (fs::open "my_file.txt"))
(.read_lines my-file) ; '("first_line" "second_line")


*** =FileRecord.write=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Overwrite the file's content with the given string.
(def new-file (fs::open "new_file.txt"))
(.write "Hello world!")


*** =FileRecord.append_to_file=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Append to a file without a newline.
(def new-file (fs::open "new_file.txt"))
(.append_to_file "Hello world!") ; file contains '...old-contents...Hello world!'


*** =FileRecord.append_line=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Append a string to a file with a newline.
(def new-file (fs::open "new_file.txt"))
(.append_line "Hello world!") ; file contains '...old-contents...Hello world!


*** =Regex=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Regular Expressions - regular search patterns.

This is backed by the excellent regex crate:


;; Compile a regex
(def a (re::compile "(abc)+"))

;; Test if a string matches

(.is_match a "abcabc") ;; true
(.is_match a "ab") ;; false


*** =Regex.is_match=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Returns true if a string matches the regex.

(def re (re::compile "abc"))
(assert-eq true (.is_match re "abc") "Did not match!")

*** =Regex.captures=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Returns a list of lists of all captures in the input.
;; Example
(def lines "15-16 f: ffffffffffffffhf
6-8 b: bbbnvbbb
6-10 z: zhzzzzfzzzzzzzzzpzz
9-13 s: dmssskssqsssssf")
(def re (re::compile "(\d+)-(\d+) (.): (.*)"))
(.captures re lines)
;; Outputs:
((tuple "15" "16" "f" "ffffffffffffffhf")
(tuple "6" "8" "b" "bbbnvbbb")
(tuple "6" "10" "z" "zhzzzzfzzzzzzzzzpzz")
(tuple "9" "13" "s" "dmssskssqsssssf"))


*** =Set=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Basic Hash Set in x9.

;; Contains. Test whether an element exists in a Set. O(1) time.
;; Example:
(.contains (Set 0 1 2 3) 2) ;; true
(.contains (Set 0 1 2 3) 10) ;; false

;; Union (creates new Set with elements from each)
;; Example:
(.union (Set 1 2 3)
(Set 4 5 6)) ;; Set<{4, 5, 2, 6, 1, 3}>
(.union (apply Set (range 5)) (apply Set (range 5 10)))
;; Set<{5, 1, 7, 4, 3, 2, 8, 0, 9, 6}>

;; Intersection. Obtain the intersection of two Sets.
;; Example:
(.intersection (apply Set (range 10)) (apply Set (range 5 10)))
;; Set<{5, 6, 9, 7, 8}>

;; to_list. Convert the Set into a list. Order is undefined.
;; Example:
(.to_list (apply Set (range 5))) ;; (1 2 0 3 4)

;; len. Get the number of elements in a Set. Implements the "len" magic method.
;; Example:
(.len (Set '(0 1 2 3))) ;; 4
(len (Set '())) ;; 0


*** =Set.contains=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Test whether an element exists in a set. O(1) time.
(.contains (Set 0 1 2 3) 2) ;; true
(.contains (Set 0 1 2 3) 10) ;; false

*** =Set.len=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Get the number of elements in a Set. Implements the "len" magic method.
(.len (Set 0 1 2 3)) ;; 4
(len (Set)) ;; 0

*** =Set.union=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Obtain the union of two Sets.
(.union (Set (range 5)) (Set (range 5 10)))
;; Set<{5, 1, 7, 4, 3, 2, 8, 0, 9, 6}>


*** =Set.intersection=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Obtain the intersection of two Sets.
(.intersection (apply Set (range 10)) (apply Set (range 5 10)))
;; Set<{5, 6, 9, 7, 8}>

*** =Set.to_list=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Convert the Set into a list. Order is undefined.
(.to_list (apply Set (range 5))) ;; (1 2 0 3 4)


*** =WriteChan=
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Write side of a channel

*** =WriteChan.send=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Sent some item into a channel.
;; `w` is some writer
(.send w "Some item 1")


*** =WriteChan.close=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Close the writer. This will stop any readers on the channel.

*** =WriteChan.is_closed=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Returns true if the channel is closed.

*** =ReadChan.close=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Close the reader. This will fail if the reader has been closed.

*** =ReadChan.is_closed=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Returns true if the channel is closed.

*** =pretty-print=

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
Format doc strings into something org-mode will agree with.

* Thanks
A big thanks to the [[][nom]] people (Geal et all) for having an s_expression example for my parser!