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compile things easy 🚀

arduino arm azure cli compiler iot mbed

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compile things easy 🚀

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## iotz - compile things easy

**DISCLAIMER**: I use this project for my day to day stuff and I know few other folks do the same.
Concerned or have an idea? be vocal and create an issue.

### in action

![ARM mbed demo](contents/demo.gif)

### requirements

Install [Node.js]( 8+ and [Docker](

!! if you are on Windows, use Linux containers and share the C drive from settings.

### how to install

npm i iotz -g

iotz update

*You may need `sudo` to run the update command. Try without `sudo` first*

### usage

usage: iotz [options]

A quick start with an `Arduino` mxchip project

iotz create arduino mxchip myproject
cd myproject
iotz init
iotz compile

or a `Raspberry Pi` project

iotz create raspberry hello
cd hello
iotz init
iotz make

Alternatively, you might download an online Arduino, ARMmbed, Micropython, Raspberry Pi etc.
sample and build it as we did with the tests / examples under [test/](test/)

see [extensions and how things work](extensions/

The documentation below, applies to all extensions. However, you may find some extension
specific details under their README. i.e. [arduino](extensions/arduino/
[mbed](extensions/mbed/ [raspberry](extensions/raspberry/

### commands

#### help
Display available options

#### version
Show version (semver)

#### update
Update base container to latest (from Docker registry) and re-install extensions on top of it.
If there is a container associated with the current folder, delete that. (force update)

You may re-install `iotz` via `npm install -g iotz` to get latest changes. Post
install process will automaticall call `update` command.

#### clean
Deletes the local container for the current path. Also, cleans up the auto
generated files and folders.

#### compile
Compile the project on given path (may need an `iotz.json` on path)

`compile` triggers a set of platform specific commands to build the project on the path.
Thus, it may require both `target` and `toolchain` are defined under `iotz.json` file.

A successful `init` phase (see below) will ensure that you have `iotz.json` file in place.

_Some platforms (extensions) do not require a particular target hence you won't see_
_issue by not having an `iotz.json` file in place._

#### connect
`connect `

Runs the current container bash in an interactive mode (tty is enabled).
`../` is attached by default.

#### create
`create `

Creates an empty project for given `toolchain` and optinally `board`.

iotz create arduino yun

The command above will create a `sampleApplication.ino` file and `iotz.json` config
file on the current folder. If you give a project name as shown below;

iotz create arduino yun new_project

This will create a folder named `new_project` and put the code and config file under it.

`` is the name of extension. i.e. `arduino`, `mbed`, `raspberry`...
You may find the ``from [here](#where-can-i-find-the-target-board-names)

Once creation is done, you need to call `iotz init` on the target project folder
to setup the specialized container.

#### export
Exports a makefile (depends to extension)

#### init
`init `

Initialize a specialized container for current path.

`iotz` initializes a specialized container per project. `init` phase is required
for specialization. `iotz` detects the extension required for the project
during this phase and installs as defined by the extension itself.

Beware. If you have previously initialized `iotz` for a project (path), once you
call it again, it will clean up the previous initialization.

#### run
`run `

Runs the `` on container's bash.

i.e. `iotz run ls -l`

#### apt / apt-get / pip / npm
Use package managers. i.e. `apt-get install -y wget` would add `wget` into the current container.

`iotz` runs on top of Docker containers. As a result, your scripts won't change the
container. i.e. `iotz run apt install -y wget` will work but once the execution is complete,
container will be back to its' original state. So, if you want to add packages into actual
image, use the commands `apt`, `apt-get`, `pip`, `npm` directly.

P.S. Use `-y` with `apt` and `apt-get`
P.S. `npm` is not available by default but once you install `node` package via `apt`, `npm` command will
update the container image going forward.

### predefined extensions
arduino : run arduino cli with given args
make : run make command
mbed : run mbed cli with given args
raspberry : shows make, cmake, and gcc gnuhf versions

### other examples
iotz run ls -l
iotz make
iotz mbed target -S
iotz arduino --install-boards AZ3166:stm32f4

### iotz.json file

Introducing a yet another project file is not desirable. Yet, a basic configuration
is needed to keep toolchain user from repeating entries.

A basic `iotz.json` file for mxchip AZ3166
"toolchain": "arduino",
"target": "mxchip",
"filename": "sample.ino"

mbed nucleo l476rg with a lib
"toolchain": "mbed",
"target": "nucleo_l476rg",
"name": "NDefLib",
"url" : ""

*WARNING:* `deps` names are case sensitive (and optional)

`toolchain`: name of the extension. i.e. `arduino` or `mbed` or anything else!

`target`: target device name. see [board names](#where-can-i-find-the-target-board-names)

`deps`: array of `{name, url}` pairs to defined dependencies

`filename`: main source code filename.

`mountConfig`: By default, iotz mounts from `../`. If depth of the current path is
3 or more folders, iotz mounts from `../..`. This approach may not fit for all. So,
you may use `mountConfig` to define a _relative_ mount point manually. i.e. `"mountConfig": "../build"`

_*_Depending to extension, you might have other required definitions._

### F.A.Q

#### How to update iotz?

npm i -g iotz

Once it's complete

iotz update

*You may need `sudo` to run the update command. Try without `sudo` first*

#### where can I find the target board names

`iotz` doesn't control the extensions and what targets those extensions support.
You will find a basic info below. Please check extension's page for better coverage.

`ARM mbed` target names are available from ``. Simply find
your board there. On the board page, you will find the `TARGET NAME` for that board.

`Arduino` target names might be a bit more tricky to find but the list below
should help for starters;

AZ3166 MXCHIP_AZ3166 - arduino yun - arduino uno - arduino diecimila
arduino nano - arduino mega - arduino megaADK - arduino leonardo - arduino leonardoeth
arduino micro - arduino esplora - arduino mini - arduino ethernet - arduino fio
arduino bt - arduino pro - arduino atmegang - arduino robotControl - arduino robotMotor
arduino gemma - arduino circuitplay32u4cat - arduino yunmini - arduino chiwawa - arduino one
arduino unowifi - esp8266 generic - esp8266 esp8285 - esp8266 espduino - esp8266 huzzah
esp8266 espresso_lite_v1 - esp8266 espresso_lite_v2 - esp8266 phoenix_v1 - esp8266 phoenix_v2 - esp8266 nodemcu
esp8266 nodemcuv2 - esp8266 modwifi - esp8266 thing - esp8266 thingdev - esp8266 esp210
esp8266 d1_mini - esp8266 d1_mini_pro - esp8266 d1_mini_lite - esp8266 d1 - esp8266 espino
esp8266 espinotee - esp8266 wifinfo - esp8266 arduino-esp8266 - esp8266 gen4iod - esp8266 oak

`iotz` arduino extension helps with the names. i.e. `iotz init arduino mxchip` is sufficient instead
of `iotz init arduino MXCHIP_AZ3166`

#### how your project folder structure should look like?

Similar to folder structure for ARMmbed or Arduino or other.. Keep it the same!
If you are just starting and don't have a particular structure, please visit
their websites and see the sample projects.

You might also visit `test/` folder and see by yourself. Also, see `run.batch`
for the test commands.

#### how containers are managed ?

`iotz` creates a sub container that is tailored for your project and depend on
`azureiot/iotz` container.

In order to benefit from docker caching, below naming is used.

`aiot_iotz_` `folder_ino`

i.e. `aiot_iotz_7396162`

more info is available [here](extensions/

#### how should I clean up the containers ?

Try pruning! ->

#### unable to find `mbed` or `arduino` or `arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++` ....

Update might possibly fix it.

Try `iotz update` and / or `iotz clean`

#### open preproc/ctags_target_for_gcc_minus_e.cpp: no such file or directory

Try `iotz clean` and then compile again

### roadmap

See active list of [features]( under development.

### contributing

Please test the changes and code style (eslint) prior to sending a PR. (Running the tests may take some serious amount of time and your network traffic.)

cd test && node runtests.js