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A scheduler agnostic blocking mechanism

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A scheduler agnostic blocking mechanism

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[API reference](

# **Single-use-event** — Scheduler agnostic blocking

This is a 3rd generation proposal for a standard blocking mechanism for OCaml.

The mechanism is designed to be **minimalistic** and to **straightforward**ly,
**safe**ly, and **efficient**ly handle all the basic concurrency issues that
might arise, namely the essential race conditions due to the nature of the
problem, within the scope of the provided functionality.

Previous proposals include

- [Unified interface]( aka
[`Suspend` effect](,
- [Domain local await](

See the
[API reference](
for details.

## Examples

### Promise

module Promise : sig
type 'a t
val create : unit -> 'a t
val fill : 'a t -> 'a -> unit
val await : 'a t -> 'a
end = struct
type 'a state =
| Empty of Single_use_event.t list
| Full of 'a

type 'a t = 'a state Atomic.t

let create () = Atomic.make (Empty [])

let rec fill backoff t full =
match Atomic.get t with
| Empty sues as before ->
if Atomic.compare_and_set t before full then
List.iter Single_use_event.signal sues
fill (Backoff.once backoff) t full
| Full _ ->
invalid_arg "Promise: already full"

let fill t value = fill Backoff.default t (Full value)

let rec cleanup backoff t sue =
match Atomic.get t with
| Full _ ->
| Empty sues as before ->
let after = Empty (List.filter ((!=) sue) sues) in
if not (Atomic.compare_and_set t before after) then
cleanup (Backoff.once backoff) t sue

let rec await backoff t =
match Atomic.get t with
| Full value ->
| Empty sues as before ->
let sue = Single_use_event.create () in
let after = Empty (sue :: sues) in
if Atomic.compare_and_set t before after then
match Single_use_event.await sue with
| () ->
await backoff t
| exception cancellation_exn ->
cleanup backoff t sue;
raise cancellation_exn
await (Backoff.once backoff) t

let await t = await Backoff.default t

### Transparently asynchronous IO

```ocaml version>=5.0.0
module Atomic = struct
include Stdlib.Atomic

let rec update t fn =
let before = Atomic.get t in
let after = fn before in
if Atomic.compare_and_set t before after then
update t fn

let modify t fn = update t fn |> ignore

```ocaml version>=5.0.0
module Async_io : sig
open Unix
val read : file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> int
val write : file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> int
val accept : ?cloexec:bool -> file_descr -> file_descr * sockaddr
end = struct
module Awaiter = struct
type t = { file_descr : Unix.file_descr; sue : Single_use_event.t }

let file_descr_of t = t.file_descr

let rec signal aws file_descr =
match aws with
| [] -> ()
| aw :: aws ->
if aw.file_descr == file_descr then
Single_use_event.signal aw.sue
else signal aws file_descr

let signal_or_wakeup wakeup aws file_descr =
if file_descr == wakeup then begin
let n = file_descr (Bytes.create 1) 0 1 in
assert (n = 1)
else signal aws file_descr

let reject file_descr =
List.filter (fun aw -> aw.file_descr != file_descr)

type state = {
mutable state : [ `Init | `Locked | `Alive | `Dead ];
mutable pipe_out : Unix.file_descr;
reading : Awaiter.t list Atomic.t;
writing : Awaiter.t list Atomic.t;

let key =
Domain.DLS.new_key @@ fun () -> {
state = `Init;
pipe_out =
(* Unfortunately we cannot safely allocate a pipe here,
so we use stdin as a dummy value. *)
reading = Atomic.make [];
writing = Atomic.make [];

let[@poll error] try_lock s =
s.state == `Init && begin
s.state <- `Locked;

let needs_init s =
s.state != `Alive

let[@poll error] unlock s pipe_out =
s.pipe_out <- pipe_out;
s.state <- `Alive

let wakeup s =
let n = Unix.write s.pipe_out (Bytes.create 1) 0 1 in
assert (n = 1)

let rec init s =
(* DLS initialization may be run multiple times, so we
perform more involved initialization here. *)
if try_lock s then begin
(* The pipe is used to wake up the select after changing
the lists of reading and writing file descriptors. *)
let pipe_inn, pipe_out = Unix.pipe ~cloexec:true () in
unlock s pipe_out;
let t =
|> Thread.create @@ fun () ->
(* This is the IO select loop that performs select and
then wakes up fibers blocked on IO. *)
while s.state != `Dead do
let rs, ws, _ =
:: Awaiter.file_descr_of (Atomic.get s.reading))
( Awaiter.file_descr_of (Atomic.get s.writing))
(Awaiter.signal_or_wakeup pipe_inn (Atomic.get s.reading))
List.iter (Awaiter.signal (Atomic.get s.writing)) ws;
Atomic.modify s.reading (List.fold_right Awaiter.reject rs);
Atomic.modify s.writing (List.fold_right Awaiter.reject ws);
Unix.close pipe_inn;
Unix.close pipe_out
Domain.at_exit @@ fun () ->
s.state <- `Dead;
wakeup s;
Thread.join t
else if needs_init s then begin
Thread.yield ();
init s;

let get () =
let s = Domain.DLS.get key in
if needs_init s then
init s;

let await s r file_descr =
let sue = Single_use_event.create () in
let awaiter = Awaiter.{ file_descr; sue } in
Atomic.modify r (List.cons awaiter);
wakeup s;
try Single_use_event.await sue
with cancellation_exn ->
Atomic.modify r (List.filter ((!=) awaiter));
raise cancellation_exn

let read file_descr bytes pos len =
let s = get () in
await s s.reading file_descr; file_descr bytes pos len

let write file_descr bytes pos len =
let s = get () in
await s s.writing file_descr;
Unix.write file_descr bytes pos len

let accept ?cloexec file_descr =
let s = get () in
await s s.reading file_descr;
Unix.accept ?cloexec file_descr

```ocaml version>=5.0.0
module Toy_scheduler : sig
val fiber : (unit -> unit) -> unit
val run : (unit -> unit) -> unit
end = struct
let ready = Atomic.make []
let num_alive_fibers = ref 0

let fiber thunk =
incr num_alive_fibers;
let thunk () =
thunk ();
decr num_alive_fibers
Atomic.modify ready (List.cons thunk)

let run program =
let needs_wakeup = Atomic.make false in
let pipe_inn, pipe_out = Unix.pipe ~cloexec:true () in
let rec scheduler () =
match Atomic.update ready (function [] -> [] | _::xs -> xs) with
| work::_ ->
let effc (type a) : a Effect.t -> _ = function
| Single_use_event.Await sue ->
Some (fun (k: (a, _) Effect.Deep.continuation) ->
not (Single_use_event.is_signaled sue) &&
let enqueue () =
Atomic.modify ready (List.cons (Effect.Deep.continue k));
Atomic.get needs_wakeup &&
Atomic.compare_and_set needs_wakeup true false
(* The scheduler is potentially waiting on select,
so we need to perform a wakeup. *)
let n = Unix.write pipe_out (Bytes.create 1) 0 1 in
assert (n = 1)
Single_use_event.try_attach sue enqueue
Effect.Deep.continue k ())
| _ ->
None in
Effect.Deep.try_with work () { effc };
scheduler ()
| [] ->
if !num_alive_fibers <> 0 then begin
if Atomic.get needs_wakeup then
(* There are blocked fibers, so we wait for them to
become unblocked. *)
let _ = [pipe_inn] [] [] (-1.0) in
let n = pipe_inn (Bytes.create 1) 0 1 in
assert (n = 1)
(* There are blocked fibers, so we need to wait for
them to become ready. But we need to check the
ready list once more before we do so. *)
Atomic.set needs_wakeup true;
scheduler ()
incr num_alive_fibers;
let program () =
program ();
decr num_alive_fibers
Atomic.modify ready (List.cons program);
scheduler ()

```ocaml version>=5.0.0
# @@ fun () ->

let n = 100 in
let port = 1000 + 3000 in
let server_addr = Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_loopback, port) in

let () =
Toy_scheduler.fiber @@ fun () ->
Printf.printf " Client running\n%!";
let socket = Unix.socket ~cloexec:true PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in
Fun.protect ~finally:(fun () -> Unix.close socket) @@ fun () ->
Unix.connect socket server_addr;
Printf.printf " Client connected\n%!";
let bytes = Bytes.create n in
let n = Async_io.write socket bytes 0 (Bytes.length bytes) in
Printf.printf " Client wrote %d\n%!" n;
let n = socket bytes 0 (Bytes.length bytes) in
Printf.printf " Client read %d\n%!" n

let () =
Toy_scheduler.fiber @@ fun () ->
Printf.printf " Server running\n%!";
let client, _client_addr =
let socket = Unix.socket ~cloexec:true PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in
Fun.protect ~finally:(fun () -> Unix.close socket) @@ fun () ->
Unix.set_nonblock socket;
Unix.bind socket server_addr;
Unix.listen socket 1;
Printf.printf " Server listening\n%!";
Async_io.accept ~cloexec:true socket
Fun.protect ~finally:(fun () -> Unix.close client) @@ fun () ->
Unix.set_nonblock client;
let bytes = Bytes.create n in
let n = client bytes 0 (Bytes.length bytes) in
Printf.printf " Server read %d\n%!" n;
let n = Async_io.write client bytes 0 (n / 2) in
Printf.printf " Server wrote %d\n%!" n

Printf.printf "Client server test\n%!"
Client server test
Server running
Server listening
Client running
Client connected
Client wrote 100
Server read 100
Server wrote 50
Client read 50
- : unit = ()