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Module of modules for making modules

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Module of modules for making modules

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# React Fatigue Webpack

Based on the awesome [tj/react-fatigue-dev](, I've created this version using `webpack` instead of `browserify`,

IMO, it have a bit more of boilerplate on the Makefile.

Module of modules and Makefile to reduce the amount of boilerplate when developing React components.

## Installation

$ npm install -D oieduardorabelo/react-fatigue-webpack

## Usage

Add this module as a dev dependency, and add the following to your project's Makefile:

include node_modules/react-fatigue-webpack/Makefile

You'll now have a number of targets available, see `make help` for details. You may customize the default behaviour by overriding the Makefile variables, view `./Makefile` to see the defaults.

For example use port `:8000` instead of `:3000`, and instead of serving `./example`, serve `./test`:

WBP_PATH = --content-base test
WBP_PORT = --port 8000
WBP_ENTRY = test/index.js
include node_modules/react-fatigue-webpack/Makefile

## Includes

- babel-cli
- babel-core
- babel-loader
- babel-preset-env
- babel-preset-react
- css-loader
- file-loader
- react
- react-dom
- style-loader
- url-loader
- webpack
- webpack-dev-server

## Running without react-fatigue-webpack

You can also install all dependencies right in your project:

npm install -D babel-cli babel-core babel-loader babel-preset-react babel-preset-env css-loader file-loader react react-dom style-loader url-loader webpack webpack-dev-server

## .babelrc

Example babelrc:

"presets": ["env", "react"]

## Links

- [Example project]( using react-fatigue-webpack

## Badges



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