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A utility script written in Clojure to migrate Hamster time tracking entries, in XML format, to the Harvest time tracking web service, in CSV format

clojure csv-format csv-importer export-xml hamster harvest xml-format

Last synced: 2 days ago
JSON representation

A utility script written in Clojure to migrate Hamster time tracking entries, in XML format, to the Harvest time tracking web service, in CSV format

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# Hamster to Harvest

A utility script written in [Clojure]( to migrate
[Hamster]( time tracking entries
to the [Harvest]( time tracking web service,
from an XML export to a CSV file -- which you can then import online.

## Status

Working executable 0.3.1 released. I used it to migrate a dozen of Hamster projects
to Harvest. Defining the mapping requires hacking the sources (see below).

Look at the [develop](
branch for the latest state of the sources.

## Usage

$ ./hamster-to-harvest hamster.xml --output harvest.csv
[--append] [--filter:name PROJNAME]
[--config hamster-to-harvest.conf]

## Examples

All activities at once:

$ ./hamster-to-harvest hamster.xml --output harvest-bsa.csv

Incrementally, project by project:

$ ./hamster-to-harvest hamster.xml --filter:name PROJNAME1 --output harvest.csv
$ ./hamster-to-harvest hamster.xml --filter:name PROJNAME2 --output harvest.csv --append

## Migration process

1. Export the activites from Hamster in XML format.

2. Adjust the configuration to your needs:

$ vi hamster-to-harvest.conf

3. Convert them to Harvest time tracking entries in CSV format (see usage below for more options):

$ ./hamster-to-harvest hamster.xml --output harvest.csv
[--append] [--filter:name PROJNAME]

4. Upload the resulting CSV file to your Harvest account; from the web interface:

* _Company Settings_ › _Import Data into Harvest_ › _Import Timesheets From CSV_
* select your `harvest.csv` file, and click _Upload and Import_

5. You'll shortly receive an e-mail from Harvest, with a link to the results of the import:

## Caveat

The _Started at_, _Ended at_ and _Billed?_ fields of Harvest cannot be defined thru the CSV Import feature. So you'll loose the `start_time` and `end_time` fields of your Hamster activities.

Write to Harvest to ask them to include these valuable fields in the CSV importer; I did and they told they might consider adding them, if there was demand.

## Mapping

The mapping happens currently in the source code. Everything is handled within
the [mapping.clj](src/hamster_to_harvest/mapping.clj) script.

I believe you should be able to adjust the mapping to your requirements, even
if you do not know the [Clojure]( language, but have experience
with another scripting language.

Hopefully you'll find sample idiomatic code within the script, which you can augment
and tweek. See the [Clojure Docs]( for a description of
Clojure built-in functions.

### Source XML format

Activities in Hamster are exported in the following XML structure:



### Target CSV format

The Harvest CSV importer requires time entries in the following CSV format and
structure; the mapping should yield values for each of the following fields:

"Date","Client","Project","Task","Notes","Hours","First name","Last name"
2011-01-03,"Client ZEN","Site web","Actualisation du site","Actualisé page d'accueil selon demandes AM des 09.12 et 21.12.2010 [transcrit de Hamster]",0.3333333333333333,"Olivier","Lange"
2011-01-07,"Client RZO","Refonte homepage","Conception graphique","Etude nouvelle mise en forme homepage [transcrit de Hamster]",2,"Olivier","Lange"


## Compiling and assembling

If you're new to Clojure, here's how to get started hacking this project.
These instruction should be everything you need to adjust the mapping in
the sources.


* you'll need [Git](
* a [Java SDK]( (1.6+)
* and [Leiningen]( installed on your computer.

### All at once

Checkout the sources:

$ git clone [email protected]:olange/hamster-to-harvest.git

and create a console executable, that will be placed in the root folder
of the sources (working on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows):

$ lein bin
Compiling hamster-to-harvest.core
Compiling hamster-to-harvest.hamster
Compiling hamster-to-harvest.harvest
Compiling hamster-to-harvest.mapping
Created …/hamster-to-harvest-csv/target/uberjar+uberjar/hamster-to-harvest-0.3.1.jar
Created …/hamster-to-harvest-csv/target/uberjar/hamster-to-harvest-0.3.1-standalone.jar
Creating standalone executable: …/hamster-to-harvest-csv/target/base+system+user+dev/hamster-to-harvest
Copying binary to ./

This single command will:

1. download required dependencies;
2. compile the sources and package them in an executable [JAR](;
3. bundle this JAR and its dependencies in a self-contained executable UberJAR;
4. and wrap this executable UberJAR in a standalone console executable.

### In separate steps

To download all required dependencies (needed once only) and compile the sources:

$ lein deps
$ lein compile

To run the application from the command-line (which would also download the
dependencies and compile the sources, if this had not be done before):

$ lein run -- --help
$ lein run -- hamster.xml -o harvest.csv

To package the application as a self-contained JAR file (in the `target/` sub-folder):

$ lein uberjar

To hack from the REPL:

$ lein repl
hamster-to-harvest.core=> (require '[hamster-to-harvest.core] :reload-all)
hamster-to-harvest.core=> (-main "hamster.xml" "-o" "harvest.csv")

Running the tests:

$ lein test

lein test hamster-to-harvest.core-test
Converting Hamster activities from 'resources/hamster-sample.xml'
to Harvest time tracking entries into 'resources/harvest-sample.test.csv'

lein test hamster-to-harvest.mapping-test

Ran 6 tests containing 8 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.

## License

Creative Commons License

Hamster to Harvest (CSV) by Olivier Lange is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at