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Next Level MTL for Scala

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Next Level MTL for Scala

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# meow-mtl
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A catpanion library for [cats-mtl] and [cats-effect] providing:

- Easy composition of MTL-style functions
- MTL instances for cats-effect compatible datatypes (e.g. `IO`) and monix TaskLocal
- Conflict-free implicits for sub-instances (e.g. `Stateful` => `Monad`)

Available for Scala 2.12 and 2.13, for Scala JVM and Scala.JS (1.x)

// Use %%% for scala.js or cross projects
// Classy lenses derivation (requires shapeless)
libraryDependencies += "com.olegpy" %% "meow-mtl-core" % "0.5.0"
// MTL instances for cats-effect Ref and effectful functions
libraryDependencies += "com.olegpy" %% "meow-mtl-effects" % "0.5.0"
// MTL instances for TaskLocal
libraryDependencies += "com.olegpy" %% "meow-mtl-monix" % "0.5.0"

Inspired by [Next-level MTL talk][mtl-talk] and discussions on cats gitter.

You can also see demonstration of techniques this library enables in [a post]( or [a talk]( by [Gabriel Volpe](

### Quick Example

type Headers = Map[String, String]
case class User(name: String)
case class AuthedRequest(headers: Headers, user: User)

def greetUser[F[_]: Functor](implicit F: Stateful[F, User]): F[String] = { => s"Hello, ${}")

def addRequestIdHeader[F[_]: Sync](implicit F: Stateful[F, Headers]): F[Unit] =
for {
id <- Sync[F].delay(UUID.randomUUID().toString)
_ <- F.modify(_ + ("X-Request-ID" -> id))
} yield ()

Now, if you had `AuthedRequest` as a state, that *should* mean that you
have a state of `User` and `Headers` too. This library allows you to call these
functions directly:

import com.olegpy.meow.hierarchy._

def handleGreetRequest[F[_]: Sync](implicit F: Stateful[F, AuthedRequest]) =
for {
_ <- addRequestIdHeader[F]
r <- greetUser[F]
} yield r

To get that `Stateful` instance, it's possible to use `StateT`
transformer. But meow-mtl allows you to use `Ref` from cats-effect
instead, yielding better performance. So at the edge of your application
it is possible to do this:

import com.olegpy.meow.effects._

def handleRequest: IO[String] =
for {
ref <- Ref[IO].of(AuthedRequest(Map(), User("John")))
res <- ref.runState { implicit monadState =>
} yield res

## Classy optics and MTL composition

Primary feature of meow-mtl is enabling boilerplate-free composition of
functions using cats-mtl typeclasses, in cases where instance clearly
either contains necessary fields (like State example above) or can be
converted to a necessary type. For example, it's possible to narrow
type of `MonadError` from `Throwable` to a custom exception type:

case class MyException(msg: String) extends Throwable

def handleOnlyMy[F[_], A](f: F[A], fallback: F[A])(implicit F: MonadError[F, MyException]) =
f.handleErrorWith(_ => fallback)

val io: IO[Int] = ???
handleOnlyMy(io, 42)

This is witnessed by `Lens` and `Prism` optics that meow-mtl generates
when you try to make a call to such method.

As another neat example, generated typeclasses can be used as ad-hoc lenses

case class Part(int: Int)
case class Whole(part: Part)

def modify[F[_]: Stateful[?[_], Whole]] =
Stateful[F, Part].set(Part(42)) // automatically "zooms" into Whole.part

### High-level API: automatic derivation

All automatic derivation requires is a single import:

import com.olegpy.meow.hierarchy._

This needs to be done in every file where your call requires deriving an

Supported typeclasses:

| Typeclass | Required optic |
| ApplicativeError | Prism |
| Handle | Prism |
| MonadError | Prism |
| Raise | Prism |
| Tell | Prism |
| Ask | Lens |
| Local | Lens |
| Stateful | Lens |


Don't use `cats.mtl.implicits._` or `cats.mtl.hierarchy.base._` imports.
Import `cats.mtl.instances.all._` and `cats.mtl.syntax.all._` if you
need it.

Failure to do this will result in ambiguous implicit instances.

In cats-mtl 0.4.0 hierarchy has been mostly replaced by subtyping. The
remaining hierarchy imports will possibly be [phased out](

### Low-level API: optic providers

Alternatively, `com.olegpy.meow.optics` can be used directly:

case class User(name: String)
type HasUser[A] = MkLensToType[A, User]

def isFred[A](a: A)(implicit mkLens: HasUser[A]) =
mkLens().get(a).name == "Fred"

In here, `mkLens` is an object with 0-args `apply` method, that creates
a shapeless Lens from A to User, e.g.:

case class RequestCtx(user: User, id: String)

assert { isFred(RequestCtx(User("Fred"), "0x42")) }

Prism works in similar way, but it's a custom class (not shapeless
Prism) with `apply` and `unapply` methods for construction and matching.

This is a very bare-bones implementation of optics, having only minimal
functionality needed to support automatic derivation without adding
extra dependencies. If you need a full-fledged optics library, consider
using [monocle] instead.

## Cats-effect instances

meow-mtl provides instances for cats-effect compatible data types like
cats-effect own `IO` or [monix] `Coeval` and `Task`. These instances
reside in `com.olegpy.meow.effects` package and provide a more flexible
and performant alternative to monad transformer stacks.

Because construction of such instances is typically effectful, they are
*locally scoped*. That means, instead of being available by importing,
they require a special method to be called with a lambda, which will
receive an instance, i.e.:

// `unsafe` is used for the sake of an example. I don't recommend doing that.
Ref.unsafe[IO, Int](0).runAsk { implicit askInstance =>
??? // Ask[IO, Int] is available in this scope

Alternatively, you can pull it out with specific methods if you intend
to use it explicitly or with better-monadic-for implicit patterns:

implicit val instance: Stateful[IO, Int] =
Ref.unsafe[IO, Int](0).stateInstance

// Stateful available below

### Ref
`Ref` is a referentially transparent variable added in cats-effect
1.0.0-RC2. It supports `Stateful`, `Ask` and `Tell`
effects (the latest requires a `Semigroup` instance for type of
contained data).

Instances are provided by extension methods `runState`, `runAsk` and
`runTell` respectively.

#### Example: counter

This is a simple example of using `Stateful` instance of `Ref`. Note
how updated state can be retrieved from `ref` after executing operation.

def getAndIncrement[F[_]: Apply](implicit MS: Stateful[F, Int]) =
MS.get <* MS.modify(_ + 1)

for {
ref <- Ref.of[IO](0)
out <- ref.runState { implicit ms =>
state <- ref.get
} yield (out, state) == ("Done", 3)

### Consumer

`Consumer` is a simple wrapper around `A => F[Unit]`. It supports a
single effect - `Tell`, and can be used for things like logging,
persistence, notifications, etc.

`Consumer` instances are constructed with `apply` method on a companion.

#### Example: async logger

That logger only waits if a previous message is still being processed,
to ensure correct ordering:

def greeter(name: String)(implicit ev: Tell[IO, String]): IO[Unit] =
ev.tell(s"Long time no see, \$name") >> IO.sleep(1.second)

def forever[A](ioa: IO[A]): IO[Nothing] = ioa >> forever(ioa)

for {
mVar <- MVar.empty[IO, String]
logger = forever(mVar.take.flatMap(s => IO(println(s)))
_ <- logger.start // Do logging in background
_ <- Consumer(mVar.put).runTell { implicit tell =>
} yield ()

### TaskLocal
Similar to Ref, but with TaskLocal scoping it's possible to provide Local

#### Example: request context

Here, you can build a middleware for a service that provides some additional data per call.
This can be used for e.g. generating request IDs in HTTP server.

def service[F[_]: Monad](greeting: String, print: String => F[Unit])(implicit ev: Ask[F, String]): F[Unit] = => s"$greeting $name") >>= print

def middleware[F[_]: Monad, A](getName: F[String])(service: F[Unit])(implicit ev: Local[F, String]) =
getName.flatMap(n => ev.scope(n)(service))

// Can be looking up something in external system, or random ID
val getName = Task(if (Random.nextBoolean()) "Oleg" else "Olga")
def putStrLn(s: String) = Task(println(s))

val run =
for {
name <- TaskLocal("")
// note that you can create service separately from middleware,
// as long as they share the TaskLocal
svc = name.runLocal { implicit ev =>
service[Task]("Hello,", putStrLn)
withRandomName = name.runLocal { implicit ev => middleware(getName) _ }
// and run them in another place entirely that doesn't know about TaskLocal
// Randomly prints "Hello, Oleg" or "Hello, Olga"
_ <- withRandomName(svc)
// prints "Hello, " since we don't set a context
_ <- svc
} yield ()

// Don't forget to enable Local support!

## Sub-instances
meow-mtl also provides a set of implicits which let you use
`Monad`/`Applicative`/`Functor` instances if you have an MTL instance of
compatible type (e.g. `Stateful`/`Ask`/`Tell`)

import cats.implicits._
import com.olegpy.meow.prelude._ // just this one import

// Can use pure and flatTap without having a Monad constraint or pull
// it out manually
def test[F[_]](implicit MS: Stateful[F, Int]): F[Int] =

It uses `LowPriority` mechanism from `shapeless` to ensure that _having_
a constraint does not result in ambiguities:

import cats.effect.Sync
// Uses Sync as a Monad instance, instead of getting it from Stateful
def test2[F[_]: Sync](implicit MS: Stateful[F, Int]): F[Int] =

## License
