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Transform Tailwind config file to CSS variables.

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Transform Tailwind config file to CSS variables.

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# Tailwind CSS variables

> Transform Tailwind config file to CSS variables.


:warning: **This version is working only with Tailwind v2 and above, if you still using the old version of tailwind please use version v2.0.0.**

## Installation

Add the plugin to you Project

# Install via npm
npm install --save-dev tailwind-css-variables

## Configure

The CSS variables plugin exposes options for you to use. Here is an example for adding it to your projects Tailwind plugins.

In `tailwind.js` or `tailwind.config.js` search for the plugins section and add these lines.

By default, you don't need any configuration.

plugins: [
// modules
// options

## Settings

By default, this is the current setting
where object key is the `module` and object value is the `variable name`

colors: 'color',
screens: 'screen',
fontFamily: 'font',
fontSize: 'text',
fontWeight: 'font',
lineHeight: 'leading',
letterSpacing: 'tracking',
backgroundSize: 'bg',
borderWidth: 'border',
borderRadius: 'rounded',
width: 'w',
height: 'h',
minWidth: 'min-w',
minHeight: 'min-h',
maxWidth: 'max-w',
maxHeight: 'max-h',
padding: 'p',
margin: 'm',
boxShadow: 'shadows',
zIndex: 'z',
opacity: 'opacity',

### add Module

You can easily add the module by adding it to settings and specify a `variable name`

borderColors: 'rounded',

### Disable Module

You can easily disable the module by giving it a value of `false`

opacity: false,

## Options

postcssEachVariables: true; // default: false

### postcssEachVariables

this option will let the plugin generate CSS variables as an array of colors, screens, fonts and text sizes as this example

:root {
--colors: transparent, black, grey-darkest, grey-darker, grey-dark;
--screens: sm, md, lg;
--fonts: sans, serif, mono;
--text-sizes: xs, sm, base, lg, xl, 2xl, 3xl, 4xl, 5xl;

this will allow you to use `postcss-each` plugin to loop colors and generate a button with background color for example

#### looping

Let's assume you would like to generate buttons from your colors.

first of all, install this postcss plugin

# Install via npm
npm install --save-dev postcss-each postcss-at-rules-variables

add the plugins to your postcss config file and respect the order.

module.exports = {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: "./tailwind-config.js",
"postcss-at-rules-variables": {},
"postcss-each": {},

now in your CSS file start looping you color for Example

@each $key in var(--colors) {
.btn-$key {
color: var(--color-$(key));

this will output this CSS file

.btn-transparent {
background-color: var(--color-transparent);

.btn-black {
background-color: var(--color-black);

.btn-grey {
background-color: var(--color-grey);

.btn-white {
background-color: var(--color-white);

## Output & Name pattern

generated css variables are in this pattern `--{variable name}{size|type|color}`

for Example, generated border width will be `--{}{border}-{2}` and the default value will be `--border-default`.

Values like `w-0.5` which have comma are not allowed in css variables therefore they are going to be `--w-0_5`.

The result of this plugin is a `:root` with CSS variables.

:root {
--color-transparent: transparent;
--color-black: #22292f;
--color-grey: #b8c2cc;
--color-white: #fff;
--sm: 576px;
--md: 768px;
--lg: 992px;
--xl: 1200px;
--border-0: 0;
--border-2: 2px;
--border-4: 4px;
--border-8: 8px;
--border: 1px;

## Release History

Checkout []( file for release history.

## Meta

Checkout [LICENSE]( for license information.