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Mongoose Schema builder for ES6 classes that supports multilevel inheritance.

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Mongoose Schema builder for ES6 classes that supports multilevel inheritance.

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# SchematicClass
SchematicClass is a way to build your mongoose schemas and models using native classes. Additionally, SchematicClass extends mongoose's native discriminators to support multilevel discriminators (inheritance).

## Installation
npm install --save mongo-schematic-class

yarn add mongo-schematic-class

## Features

- [x] Full support of mongoose's native features
- [x] Multilevel discriminators

## Example Usage

const { createModel } = require('mongo-schematic-class');

class Vehicle {
// Define the structure of the Schema.
static get __context() {
return {
vin: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true,
milesTraveled: {
type: Number,
default: 0,

// This instance method will be added to the Schema and be inherited by all subclasses.
drive(miles) {
this.milesTraveled += miles;

// Create the Vehicle model.

class GasVehicle extends Vehicle {
// Define the structure of the Schema.
static get __context() {
return {
tankSize: {
type: Number,
required: true,
mpg: {
type: Number,
required: true,

// Define the virtuals that should be added to the Schema. These are not suggested,
// but supported for backwards compatibility.
static get __virtuals() {
return {
drivingRange: {
get: function getDrivingRange() {
return (this.tankSize * this.mpg);

// If you define a virtual on the Schema, you should define a similar one on the class.
get drivingRange() {
return (this.tankSize * this.mpg);

// Create the GasVehicle model.

## API

### `createModel(Class: SchematicClass, modelName?: string): Model`
Creates a Model for the specified SchematicClass. This is the only method that has to be called on the SchematicClass.

#### Arguments
| Type | Description|
| `SchematicClass` | The SchematicClass for which the Model should be created. |
| `string` | _Optional_. The name of the Model. If omitted, the name of the SchematicClass is used. |

## How to define a SchematicClass
SchematicClass works by looking at static properties on the provided class to build the mongoose schema. The following properties are supported:

| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| `__context` | `{ [ propertyName: string ]: any }` | `true` | This is effectively the schema for your class. You'll define all of the instance properties on your class as well as their type. Any mongoose supported type is supported. |
| `__pre` | `{ [ eventName: string ]: (...args: any[]) => any }` | `false` | The prehooks to define on the schema. |
| `__post` | `{ [ eventName: string ]: (...args: any[]) => any }` | `false` | The posthooks to define on the schema. |
| `__virtuals` | `{ [ virtualName: string ]: { get?: () => any, set?: (val: any) => void } }` | `false` | The virtuals to define for this class. Virtuals are generally discouraged when using SchematicClass as it requires duplication of code (you must define a getter and setter twice, once for the Model and once for the class). Instead, you can use an instance method to get a similar effect. |
| `__foreignKeys` | { [ foreignKeyName: string ]: { ref: string | Model, localField: string | (() => string), foreignField: string | (() => string), justOne?: boolean, count?: boolean } } | `false` | Foreign keys to define on the schema. Foreign keys in mongoose can be used to populate documents based on values other than the `_id` field. See the mongoose documentation for further information. |
| `__queryHelpers` | `{ [ queryName: string ]: (this: Model, ...args: any[]) => DocumentQuery }` | `false` | Defines a mongoose query helper on the schema. |

## Inheritable Properties
One of the main benefits of mongo-schematic-class is the support for multilevel discriminators (inheritance). The following properties defined on a SchematicClass are inheritable:

- Instance Properties (`__context`)
- *Middleware (`__pre` & `__post`)
- Virtuals (`__virtuals`)
- Foreign Keys (`__foreignKeys`)
- Query Helpers (`__queryHelpers`)
- Instance Methods

*Unlike other inheritable properties, middleware cannot be overridden. If you define a pre hook on your superclass and the same pre hook on the subclass, both pre hooks will be executed.

## Static Properties Added to SchematicClasses (and Their Schemas)
While building the schema and creating the model, mongo-schematic-class will add the following static properties to your SchematicClass.

- `__schema` - This is the schema generated when you execute `buildSchema()` or `createModel()`
- `__model` - This is the model created when you execute `createModel()`
- `__inherits` - This is the SchematicClass's parent class. This is added when you call `inherits()` or `createModel()`.
- `isInstanceOf()` - This is a helper method that should be used in place of the `instanceof` operator when trying to determine if an object is an instance of a SchematicClass. This works for both instances of the Model and instances of the actual SchematicClass. `isInstanceOf()` will follow the inheritance chain.

## Advanced API

### `buildSchema(Class: SchematicClass)`
Builds the Mongoose schema as configured on the SchematicClass. After running this, the `__schema` property will be added to `Class`.

#### Arguments
| Type | Description|
| `SchematicClass` | The SchematicClass for which a schema should be built. |

#### Return Value
| Type | Description|
| `Model` | The model created for Class. |

### `inherits(Subclass: SchematicClass, Superclass: SchematicClass)`
Instructs mongo-schematic-class that Subclass inherits from Superclass. Both Subclass and Superclass must be a SchematicClass. If this method is not called when inheriting a Superclass, `buildSchema()` will automatically detect that Subclass inherits from Superclass and call this method.

After calling this, the `__inherits` property will be added to `Subclass`.

#### Arguments
| Type | Description|
| `SchematicClass` | The subclass inheriting from Superclass |
| `SchematicClass` | The superclass from which subclass inherits. |