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An out-of-box Django REST framework solution for payment and subscription management using Stripe.

billing django payment payments rest-api stripe subscription webhook

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An out-of-box Django REST framework solution for payment and subscription management using Stripe.

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# drf-stripe-subscription

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An out-of-box Django REST framework solution for payment and subscription management using Stripe. The goal of this
package is to utilize Stripe provided UI and features as much as possible to manage subscription product models. This
package helps you make use of Stripe's hosted UI for customer checkout, billing management, as well as for admin to
manage product, pricing, and customer subscriptions.

- Django data models representing Stripe data objects
- Supports Stripe Webhook for managing changes with your products, prices, and customer subscriptions
- Django management commands for synchronizing data with Stripe
- Django REST API endpoints supporting Stripe Checkout Session and Customer Portal

## Installation & Setup

pip install drf-stripe-subscription

Include the following drf_stripe settings in Django project

"STRIPE_API_SECRET": "my_stripe_api_key",
"STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET": "my_stripe_webhook_key",
"FRONT_END_BASE_URL": "http://localhost:3000",

Include drf_stripe in Django INSTALLED_APPS setting:


Include drf_stripe.url routing in Django project's, ie:

from django.urls import include, path

urlpatterns = [
path("stripe/", include("drf_stripe.urls")),

Run migrations command:

python migrate

Pull data from Stripe into Django database using the following command:

python pull_stripe

Finally, start Django development server

python runserver

as well as Stripe CLI to forward Stripe webhook requests:

stripe listen --forward-to

## Usage

The following REST API endpoints are provided:

### List product prices to subscribe


This endpoint is available to both anonymous users and authenticated users. Anonymous users will see a list of all
currently available products. For authenticated users, this will be a list of currently available products without any
products that the user has already subscribed currently.

### List user's current subscriptions


This endpoint provides a list of active subscriptions for the current user.

### List user's current subscription items


This endpoint provides a list of active subscription items for the current user.

### Create a checkout session using Stripe hosted Checkout page


This endpoint creates Stripe Checkout Session

Make request with the follow request data:

```{"price_id": "price_stripe_price_id_to_be_checked_out"}```

The response will contain a session_id which can be used by Stripe:

```{"session_id": "stripe_checkout_session_id"}```

This session_id is a unique identifier for a Stripe Checkout Session, and can be used
by [`redirectToCheckout` in Stripe.js]( You can implement this
in your frontend application to redirect to a Stripe hosted Checkout page after fetching the session id.

By default, the Stripe Checkout page will redirect the user back to your application at
either `{CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}` if the checkout is successful,
or `` if checkout is cancelled.

### Stripe Customer Portal


This will create a Stripe billing portal session, and return the url to that session:

```{"url": "url_to_Stripe_billing_portal_session"```

This is a link that you can use in your frontend application to redirect a user to Stripe Customer Portal and back to
your application. By default, Stripe Customer Portal will redirect the user back to your frontend application
at ``

### Stripe Webhook


This the REST API endpoint Stripe servers can call to update your Django backend application. The following Stripe
webhook events are currently supported:


With these Stripe events, you can:

- Manage your products and pricing model from Stripe Portal, and rely on webhook to update your Django application
- Manage your customer subscriptions from Stripe Portal, and rely on webhook to update your Django application

## StripeUser

The StripeUser model comes with a few attributs that allow accessing information about the user quickly:

from drf_stripe.models import StripeUser

stripe_user = StripeUser.objects.get(user_id=django_user_id)


## Customizing Checkout Session Parameters

Some of the checkout parameters are specified in `DRF_STRIPE` settings:

`CHECKOUT_SUCCESS_URL_PATH`: The checkout session success redirect url path.

`CHECKOUT_CANCEL_URL_PATH`: The checkout session cancel redirect url path.

`PAYMENT_METHOD_TYPES`: The default [payment method types](
, defaults to `["card"]`.

`DEFAULT_CHECKOUT_MODE`: The default checkout mode, defaults to `"subscription"`.

By default, you can create a checkout session by calling the default REST endpoint ``, this
REST endpoint utilizes `drf_stripe.serializers.CheckoutRequestSerializer` to validate checkout parameters and create a
Stripe Checkout Session. Only a `price_id` is needed, `quantity` defaults to 1.

You can extend this serializer and customize Checkout behavior, such as specifying multiple `line_items`
, `payment_method_types`, and `checkout_mode`:

from drf_stripe.stripe_api.customers import get_or_create_stripe_user
from drf_stripe.stripe_api.checkout import stripe_api_create_checkout_session
from drf_stripe.serializers import CheckoutRequestSerializer
from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError
from stripe.error import StripeError

class CustomCheckoutRequestSerializer(CheckoutRequestSerializer):
"""Handle creation of a custom checkout session where parameters are customized."""

def validate(self, attrs):
stripe_user = get_or_create_stripe_user(user_id=self.context['request']
checkout_session = stripe_api_create_checkout_session(
{"price_id": "stripe_price_id", "quantity": 2}, ...
payment_method_types=["card", "alipay", ...],
attrs['session_id'] = checkout_session['id']
except StripeError as e:
raise ValidationError(e.error)
return attrs

For more information regarding `line_items`, `payment_method_types`, `checkout_mode`, checkout Stripe documentation for
[creating a checkout session](

## Product features

Stripe does not come with a way of managing features specific to your products and application. drf-stripe-subscription
provides additional tables to manage features associated with each Stripe Product:

- Feature: this table contains feature_id and a description for the feature.
- ProductFeature: this table keeps track of the many-to-many relation between Product and Feature.

To assign features to a product, go to Stripe Dashboard -> `Products` -> `Add Product`/`Edit Product`:
Under `Product information`, click on `Additional options`, `add metadata`.

Add an entry called `features`, the value of the entry should be a space-delimited string describing a set of features,

If you have Stripe CLI webhook running, you should see that your Django server has automatically received product
information update, and created/updated the associated ProductFeature and Feature instances. Otherwise, you can also run
the `python update_stripe_products` command again to synchronize all of your product data. The `description`
attribute of each Feature instance will default to the same value as `feature_id`, you should update the `description`
yourself if needed.

## Django management commands

python pull_stripe

This command calls `update_stripe_products`, `update_stripe_customers`, `update_stripe_subscriptions` commands.

python update_stripe_products

Pulls products and prices from Stripe and updates Django database.

python update_stripe_customers

Pulls customers from Stripe and updates Django database.

python update_stripe_subscriptions

Pulls subscriptions from Stripe and updates Django database.

## Working with customized Django User models

The following DRF_STRIPE settings can be used to customize how Django creates User instance using Stripe Customer
attributes (default values shown):

"USER_CREATE_DEFAULTS_ATTRIBUTE_MAP": {"username": "email"},

The `DJANGO_USER_EMAIL_FIELD` specifies name of the Django User attribute to be used to store Stripe Customer email. It
will be used to look up existing Django User using Stripe Customer email.

The `USER_CREATE_DEFAULTS_ATTRIBUTE_MAP` maps the name of Django User attribute to name of corresponding Stripe Customer
attribute, and is used during the automated Django User instance creation.

The `DJANGO_USER_MODEL` is optional in case you are not using Django's default user model (nor the model you may have configured using Django's `AUTH_USER_MODEL`) for your users you wish to associate with Stripe customers.
In this case specify the model you wish to use using a dotted pair - the label of the Django app (which must be in your INSTALLED_APPS), and the name of the Django model that you wish to use.
For example:
"DJANGO_USER_MODEL": "myapp.MyUser"