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Flutter Mobile App Project Template

autoroute easy-localization flutter flutter-architecture flutter-configuration flutter-examples flutter-launcher-icons flutter-native-splash flutter-secure-storage flutter-template flutter-templates template-project

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Flutter Mobile App Project Template

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# Flutter Mobile App Project Template (flutter_bloc, autoroute, dio, json_serializable, easy_localization bot_toast, flutter_secure_storage(and helpers), flutter_screenutil, flutter_native_splash, flutter_launcher_icons and other generally used features and tools in production.)

This is a battery included [Flutter]( project template. To the default setup have been added:

- [flutter_bloc]( - Predictable and Highly testable state management library for Dart.
- [autoroute]( - Robust and customizable Flutter navigation package.
- [dio]( - Popular and powerful Http client for Dart.
- [json_serializable]( - Generates to/from json serialization code for our data models.
- [easy_localization]( - Easy and Fast internationalization.
- [bot_toast]( - Feature-Rich Toast/alert/notification/popup library for Flutter.
- [flutter_secure_storage]( - A Flutter plugin to store data in secure storage (encrypted, not in plain text like shared_preferences). Eg. for storing user credentials, tokens...
- [flutter_screenutil]( - A package for adapting screen and font size.
- [flutter_svg]( - For rendering SVG assets.
- Some tooling for project initial setup.
- [flutter_native_splash]( - Generates iOS, Android, and Web-native code for customizing the native splash screen background color and splash image.
- [flutter_launcher_icons]( - Fully flexible toolset for updating your Flutter app's launcher icons (Android and Ios).
- [rename]( - Change your flutter project's AppName and BundleId (IOS, Android, macOS and Web).
- [change_app_package_name]( - Complementary to **rename** package, for changing app package name in Android and renaming correctly directories (which **rename** doesn't do).

## Project Config roadmap (Just Informative. Don't repeat these steps.)

All the necessary config and dependencies have already been set and ready for use but there is an explanation of each step if you want to know more about the pre-config or customize it.

Initialize the Flutter project, add all the necessary dependencies mentioned above in the **pubspec.yaml** configuration file and run `pub get`.

sdk: flutter
# ...
# ...
# Http client
dio: ^4.0.6
# I18n
intl: ^0.17.0
easy_localization: ^3.0.1
# Secure String key-value storage
flutter_secure_storage: ^5.0.2
# Dependency Injection
provider: ^6.0.3
# State management
flutter_bloc: ^8.0.1
equatable: ^2.0.3
bloc: ^8.0.3
# Navigation
auto_route: ^4.0.1
# Global in-app alert/notification/toast/snackBar
bot_toast: ^4.0.2
# Responsiveness
flutter_screenutil: ^5.5.3+2
#SVG Support
flutter_svg: ^1.1.0
# Data Model Json serialization annotations
json_annotation: ^4.5.0
#Native Splash screen autoconfiguration
flutter_native_splash: ^2.2.3+1

sdk: flutter
# ...
# ...
# Code generation
build_runner: ^2.1.11
auto_route_generator: ^4.0.0
# Json serialization code generation
json_serializable: ^6.2.0
# Native Launcher Icons generator
flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.9.3
# Change app package name/bundle id and app name
change_app_package_name: ^1.1.0
rename: ^2.0.1

Change the app name to your own one.
flutter pub run rename --appname "YourAppName"

Change the package name/bundle id to your own one.
flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main &&
flutter pub run rename --bundleId

Add **flutter_native_splash.yaml** config file to the project root directory.
_(See the concerned for more information)_
# ...
color: "#ffffff"
background_image: "assets/background.png"
image: assets/splash.png
# ...

Generate the splash screens after you have added your own configuration.
flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:create

Add **flutter_launchers_icons.yaml** config file to the project root directory.
_(See the concerned for more information)_
android: "launcher_icon"
ios: true
image_path: "assets/icons/launcher_icon.png"
# Icons with alpha channel are not allowed in the Apple App Store.
remove_alpha_ios: true
# ...

Generate the launcher icons after you have added your own configuration.
flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

The android minSdKVersion is set to **Android API level 21** to comply to modern libraries requirements support. Eg. flutter_secure_storage (requires Android API level 18).

android {
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 21
targetSdkVersion flutter.targetSdkVersion
versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger()
versionName flutterVersionName

## Scripts

Change package name/bundle id
flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main && flutter pub run rename --bundleId

Change App Name
flutter pub run rename --appname "NewAppName"

Run build_runner to generate/regenerate code from code generating packages (autoroute, easy_localization, json_serializable, etc.)
flutter pub run build_runner build
Generate while overriding old outputs
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Watch and regenerate after each change
flutter pub run build_runner watch

Generate easy_localization translation string keys for usage in code
flutter pub run easy_localization:generate -O lib/core/ -f keys -o locale_keys.g.dart --source-dir assets/translations

Generate native launcher icons from config.
flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

Generate native splash screens from config
flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:create

## Project directory structure

Main folders structure

📂 assets
📂 icons
📂 images
📂 translations
📄 en.json
...📄 {locale}.json

📂 lib
📂 bloc
...📂 bloc
📄 {global_bloc}.dart
📄 {global_bloc_event}.dart
📄 {global_bloc_state}.dart
📂 core
📂 bloc
📄 app_bloc_observer.dart
📂 local_storage
📄 local_storage_manager.dart
📂 network
📄 dio_manager.dart
📂 theme
📄 colors.dart
📄 constants.dart
📄 dependency_injection.dart
📄 navigation.dart
📄 utils.dart
📂 ui
📂 widgets
...📄 {common_widget}.dart
📂 screens
...📂 {screen}.dart
📂 view_bloc
📄 {screen_bloc}.dart
📄 {screen_bloc_event}.dart
📄 {screen_bloc_state}.dart
📄 main.dart

📂 test

📄 flutter_launcher_icons.yaml

📄 flutter_native_splash.yaml

📄 pubspec.yaml


## Project tech stack useful resources

### Flutter
- [Flutter]( - Flutter framework official website.
- [Flutter Docs]( - Flutter official documentation.

### Dart
- [Dart]( - Dart language official website.
- [Dart Docs]( - Dart official documentation.