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Solutions for leetcode problems

leetcode rust

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Solutions for leetcode problems

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# Solutions for leetcode problems

## Pre-commit

> build pre-commit cargo before !

cd pre-commit
cd -
git add

cd rust
cargo fmt
for line in $(git status -s)
if [[ $line == A* || $line == M* ]]
if [[ $line == *.rs ]]
git add $(pwd)/${line:3}
cd -

### Problems

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| Problem | Solution | Difficulty |
| 1. [Two Sum]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 4. [Median of Two Sorted Arrays]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Hard |
| 6. [Zigzag Conversion]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 9. [Palindrome Number]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 11. [Container With Most Water]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 13. [Roman to Integer]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 14. [Longest Common Prefix]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/, [python](python/solutions/ | Easy |
| 17. [Letter Combinations of a Phone Number]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 20. [Valid Parentheses]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 21. [Merge Two Sorted Lists]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 26. [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 27. [Remove Element]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 28. [Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 33. [Search in Rotated Sorted Array]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 34. [Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 36. [Valid Sudoku]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 38. [Count and Say]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 43. [Multiply Strings]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 45. [Jump Game II]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 48. [Rotate Image]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 49. [Group Anagrams]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 54. [Spiral Matrix]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 55. [Jump Game]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 56. [Merge Intervals]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 58. [Length of Last Word]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 59. [Spiral Matrix II]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 66. [Plus One]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 70. [Climbing Stairs]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 71. [Simplify Path]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 80. [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 88. [Merge Sorted Array]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 100. [Same Tree]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 104. [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 121. [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 122. [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 125. [Valid Palindrome]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 136. [Single Number]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 151. [Reverse Words in a String]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 167. [Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 169. [Majority Element]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 172. [Factorial Trailing Zeroes]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 189. [Rotate Array]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 197. [Rising Temperature]( | [sql](sql/solutions/p0197.sql) | Easy |
| 198. [House Robber]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 202. [Happy Number]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 203. [Remove Linked List Elements]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 205. [Isomorphic Strings]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 215. [Kth Largest Element in an Array]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 217. [Contains Duplicate]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 219. [Contains Duplicate II]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 226. [Invert Binary Tree]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 228. [Summary Ranges]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/, [python](python/solutions/ | Easy |
| 238. [Product of Array Except Self]( | [python](python/solutions/ | Medium |
| 242. [Valid Anagram]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 274. [H-Index]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 290. [Word Pattern]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 328. [Odd Even Linked List]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 334. [Increasing Triplet Subsequence]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 338. [Counting Bits]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 383. [Ransom Note]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 392. [Is Subsequence]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/, [python](python/solutions/ | Easy |
| 394. [Decode String]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 443. [String Compression]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 485. [Max Consecutive Ones]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 535. [Encode and Decode TinyURL]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 577. [Employee Bonus]( | [sql](sql/solutions/p0577.sql) | Easy |
| 584. [Find Customer Referee]( | [sql](sql/solutions/p0584.sql) | Easy |
| 595. [Big Countries]( | [sql](sql/solutions/p0595.sql) | Easy |
| 649. [Dota2 Senate]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 700. [Search in a Binary Search Tree]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 724. [Find Pivot Index]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 735. [Asteroid Collision]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 746. [Min Cost Climbing Stairs]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 771. [Jewels and Stones]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 840. [Magic Squares In Grid]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 872. [Leaf-Similar Trees]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 912. [Sort an Array]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 1004. [Max Consecutive Ones III]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 1038. [Binary Search Tree to Greater Sum Tree]( | [python](python/solutions/ | Medium |
| 1068. [Product Sales Analysis I]( | [sql](sql/solutions/p1068.sql) | Easy |
| 1071. [Greatest Common Divisor of Strings]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 1137. [N-th Tribonacci Number]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 1148. [Article Views I]( | [sql](sql/solutions/p1148.sql) | Easy |
| 1280. [Students and Examinations]( | [sql](sql/solutions/p1280.sql) | Easy |
| 1282. [Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 1365. [How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 1378. [Replace Employee ID With The Unique Identifier]( | [sql](sql/solutions/p1378.sql) | Easy |
| 1395. [Count Number of Teams]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 1442. [Count Triplets That Can Form Two Arrays of Equal XOR]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 1448. [Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 1456. [Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 1460. [Make Two Arrays Equal by Reversing Subarrays]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 1493. [Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 1508. [Range Sum of Sorted Subarray Sums]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 1512. [Number of Good Pairs]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 1550. [Three Consecutive Odds]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 1581. [Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions]( | [sql](sql/solutions/p1581.sql) | Easy |
| 1630. [Arithmetic Subarrays]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 1636. [Sort Array by Increasing Frequency]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 1657. [Determine if Two Strings Are Close]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 1661. [Average Time of Process per Machine]( | [sql](sql/solutions/p1661.sql) | Easy |
| 1679. [Max Number of K-Sum Pairs]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 1683. [Invalid Tweets]( | [sql](sql/solutions/p1683.sql) | Easy |
| 1689. [Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 1757. [Recyclable and Low Fat Products]( | [sql](sql/solutions/p1757.sql) | Easy |
| 1768. [Merge Strings Alternately]( | [python](python/solutions/ | Easy |
| 2095. [Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 2130. [Maximum Twin Sum of a Linked List]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 2181. [Merge Nodes in Between Zeros]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 2239. [Find Closest Number to Zero]( | [python](python/solutions/ | Easy |
| 2352. [Equal Row and Column Pairs]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 2390. [Removing Stars From a String]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 2418. [Sort the People]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 2610. [Convert an Array Into a 2D Array With Conditions]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 2678. [Number of Senior Citizens]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 2769. [Find the Maximum Achievable Number]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 2807. [Insert Greatest Common Divisors in Linked List]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |
| 3110. [Score of a String]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 3146. [Permutation Difference between Two Strings]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 3206. [Alternating Groups I]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Easy |
| 3208. [Alternating Groups II]( | [rust](rust/src/solutions/ | Medium |