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🏳️ The Vue Input Phone Shadcn library is an open source project, based on Shadcn. It offers an excellent component for entering phone numbers, supporting 194 countries, with automatic formatting and advanced validation to detect invalid formats. Plus, it's highly customizable.

componenet flag nuxt phone-number shadcn shadcn-ui tailwindcss typescript vue

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JSON representation

🏳️ The Vue Input Phone Shadcn library is an open source project, based on Shadcn. It offers an excellent component for entering phone numbers, supporting 194 countries, with automatic formatting and advanced validation to detect invalid formats. Plus, it's highly customizable.

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# Vue Input Phone Shadch - Component Documentation


## 1. Configure components

### 1.1 Install components

To get started, install the necessary Shadcn components by running the following commands in the terminal:

npx shadcn-vue@latest add button
npx shadcn-vue@latest add input
npx shadcn-vue@latest add command
npx shadcn-vue@latest add popover

### 1.2 Install vMaska

To format the number, install the vMaska library:

npm install maska
yarn add maska
pnpm install maska
bun add maska

## 2. Component `PhoneInput`

In your `components` folder, create a new subfolder called `phone`. Then add a file called `PhoneInput.vue` and insert the following code:


import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
import {
} from "@/components/ui/command";
import { Popover, PopoverContent, PopoverTrigger } from "@/components/ui/popover";
import FlagCountry from "./FlagCountry.vue";

import { CaretSortIcon, CheckIcon } from "@radix-icons/vue";

import { countriesByContinent, type ICountry } from "./countries";
import { vMaska } from "maska";

const props = defineProps<{
modelValue?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
placeholder?: string;
defaultCountry?: string;

const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: "update:modelValue", value: string): void;

const allCountries = computed(() => countriesByContinent);
const open = ref(false);
const phoneNumber = ref(props.modelValue || "");

const languageToCountry: Record<string, string> = {
"pt-BR": "BR",
pt: "BR",
"fr-FR": "FR",
fr: "FR",
"it-IT": "IT",
it: "IT",
"de-DE": "DE",
de: "DE",
"es-ES": "ES",
es: "ES",
"ja-JP": "JP",
ja: "JP",
"en-US": "US",
en: "US",

function findCountry(countryCode: string) {
const allContinents = Object.values(allCountries.value);
for (const continent of allContinents) {
const foundByCode = continent.find((country) => country.code === countryCode);
if (foundByCode) return foundByCode;
return null;

const countryCode = getCountryCodeFromLanguage(navigator?.language);
const countrySelected = ref(findCountry(countryCode));

function getCountryCodeFromLanguage(language: string): string {
return props.defaultCountry || languageToCountry[language] || "US";

function selectedCountry(data: ICountry) {
if (props.disabled) return;
phoneNumber.value = "";
countrySelected.value = data;
open.value = false;

watch(phoneNumber, (value) => {
if (props.disabled) return;
value.length === countrySelected.value?.mask.length ? value : value + "invalid"

No country found.

{{ }}


## 3. Component `FlagCountry`

Now, create a file called `FlagCountry.vue` in the `phone` folder and add the following content:


import { computed } from 'vue';

interface Props {
country: string;
countryName?: string;

const props = defineProps<Props>();

const flagUrl = computed(() => {
return `${}.png`;


## 4. Countries

Now let's add the JSON that contains the country information and corresponding phone formatting. To do this, create a file called `countries.ts`:
- [`Full code available here`](

type Continent = "Africa" | "Asia" | "Europe" | "Oceania" | "South America" | "North America";

export interface ICountry {
code: string;
name: string;
ddd: string;
mask: string;

const countries: Record = {
Africa: [
{ name: "Algeria", ddd: "+213", code: "DZ", mask: "+213 ### ### ###" },
{ name: "Angola", ddd: "+244", code: "AO", mask: "+244 ### ### ###" },
// Other countries...
// Other continents...

function sortCountriesByName(countries: ICountry[]): ICountry[] {
return countries.slice().sort((a, b) =>;

const countriesByContinent = Object.keys(countries).reduce(
(sorted, continent) => {
const continentKey = continent as Continent;
sorted[continentKey] = sortCountriesByName(countries[continentKey]);
return sorted;
{} as Record

export { countriesByContinent };

## 5. Export

Finally, to export the `PhoneInput.vue` component, create a file called `index.ts` inside the `phone` folder:

export { default as PhoneInput } from './PhoneInput.vue';