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# grunt-fetch-from-cdn

> This grunt plugin can fetch single file (say jquery.js) from a CDN. Unlike bower, it fetches only a single file and not the entire project.

## Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt `~0.4.4`

If you haven't used [Grunt]( before, be sure to check out the [Getting Started]( guide, as it explains how to create a [Gruntfile]( as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-fetch-from-cdn --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


## The "fetchFromCDN" task

### Overview
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named `fetchFromCDN` to the data object passed into `grunt.initConfig()`.

fetchFromCDN: {
options: {
cdnBaseUrl: '',
projJsFiles: {
dest: 'target',

fetch: [{
pkg: 'angular.js',
ver: '1.2.15',
file: 'angular.min.js'
}, {
pkg: 'angular-ui-calendar',
ver: '0.8.0',
file: 'calendar.js'

fetchUrls: [

### Options

#### options.cdnBaseUrl
Type: `String`
Default value: ``

The fetch request will go to this website.

#### options.flatten
Type: `Boolean`
Default value: `false`

When set to true, all the fetched files will be placed in one single directory without any nested sub directories.

### Task Settings

#### dest
Type: `String`
Default: `No defaults provided`

This should be a directory where you want to place all the fetched files. This is a required settings. The task terminates with an error message if you don't specifiy a value for this field.

#### fetch
Type: Array of Objects

This would represent the list of files you want to fetch. The details of each file - pkg, ver, file - should be mentioned as shown below.

fetch: [{
pkg: 'angular.js',
ver: '1.2.15',
file: 'angular.min.js'
}, {
pkg: 'angular-ui-calendar',
ver: '0.8.0',
file: 'calendar.js'

The plugin will use the details to construct an url to fetch the file. Most CDNs follow this pattern to organize the files: cdnBaseUrl + pkg + ver + file. Make sure the CDN, you want to use, adheres to this pattern. Instead of using a CDN, you can host the files in your intranet server in this pattern.

#### fetchUrls
Type: Array of Strings

Sometimes you might want to list of file urls that need to be fetched. This is a simple way to get a file.

fetchUrls: [

### Usage Examples

#### Default Options
In this example, the default options are used to do something with whatever. So if the `testing` file has the content `Testing` and the `123` file had the content `1 2 3`, the generated result would be `Testing, 1 2 3.`

fetchFromCDN: {
options: {},
files: {
'dest/default_options': ['src/testing', 'src/123'],

#### Custom Options
In this example, custom options are used to do something else with whatever else. So if the `testing` file has the content `Testing` and the `123` file had the content `1 2 3`, the generated result in this case would be `Testing: 1 2 3 !!!`

fetchFromCDN: {
options: {
separator: ': ',
punctuation: ' !!!',
files: {
'dest/default_options': ['src/testing', 'src/123'],

## Contributing
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using [Grunt](

## Release History
_(Nothing yet)_