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A cross-platform Collapsible Tab View component for React Native

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A cross-platform Collapsible Tab View component for React Native

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# React Native Collapsible Tab View

[![Build Status][build-badge]][build]
[![MIT License][license-badge]][license]
[![Runs with Expo][expo-badge]][expo]

- [Expo App](#expo-app)
- [Demo](#demo)
- [Features](#features)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
- [Guides](#guides)
- [Scroll on Header](#scroll-on-header)
- [API Reference](#api-reference)
- [Core](#core)
- [Tabs.Container](#tabscontainer)
- [Tabs.Lazy](#tabslazy)
- [Tabs.FlatList](#tabsflatlist)
- [Tabs.FlashList](#tabsflatlist)
- [Tabs.MasonryFlashList](#tabsmasonryflatlist)
- [Tabs.SectionList](#tabssectionlist)
- [Tabs.ScrollView](#tabsscrollview)
- [Ref](#ref)
- [Hooks](#hooks)
- [useCollapsibleStyle](#usecollapsiblestyle)
- [useAnimatedTabIndex](#useanimatedtabindex)
- [useFocusedTab](#usefocusedtab)
- [useHeaderMeasurements](#useheadermeasurements)
- [Default Tab Bar](#default-tab-bar)
- [MaterialTabBar](#materialtabbar)
- [MaterialTabItem](#materialtabitem)
- [Known Issues](#known-issues)
- [Android FlatList Pull to Refresh](#android-flatlist-pull-to-refresh)
- [iOS FlatList StickyHeaderIndices](#ios-flatlist-stickyheaderindices)
- [ref.setIndex](#refsetindex)
- [Alternative Libraries](#alternative-libraries)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Documentation Changes](#documentation-changes)

## 🚀 Version 6 released with Reanimated v3 support

React Native Collapsible Tab View is a versatile library for creating collapsible tab views using [Reanimated](

- Explore the [examples]( for the source code of the Expo app.


The [react-native-tab-view]( example app was used as a template for the demos.

# Demo

| Default | Snap | revealHeaderOnScroll | revealHeaderOnScroll + Snap |
| :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| | | | |

# Features

- UI thread animations and interactions
- High customizability
- Full [TypeScript]( support
- Lazy loading with fade-in animation
- DiffClamp header
- Interpolated header
- Scroll snap (with interpolated header)
- Animated snap (with diffClamp header)
- Scrollable tabs, inspired by the [react-native-tab-view]( tab bar

# Installation

To install the library, open a terminal in your project's root directory and run:

yarn add react-native-collapsible-tab-view react-native-pager-view

Then, add [Reanimated](, [follow the official installation guide](

# Quick Start

import React from 'react'
import { View, StyleSheet, ListRenderItem } from 'react-native'
import { Tabs } from 'react-native-collapsible-tab-view'

const HEADER_HEIGHT = 250

const DATA = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
const identity = (v: unknown): string => v + ''

const Header = () => {

const Example: React.FC = () => {
const renderItem: ListRenderItem = React.useCallback(({ index }) => {
return (

}, [])

return (


const styles = StyleSheet.create({
box: {
height: 250,
width: '100%',
boxA: {
backgroundColor: 'white',
boxB: {
backgroundColor: '#D8D8D8',
header: {
width: '100%',
backgroundColor: '#2196f3',

export default Example


# Guides

## Scrolling on the Header

To enable scrolling from the header, follow these steps:

- If the `HeaderComponent` **does not** contain touchable components, set the `pointerEvents` prop to `'none'`.
- If the `HeaderComponent` **does** contain touchable components, set the `pointerEvents` prop to `'box-none'` to ensure they function properly.

Note: If any child component within the `HeaderComponent` should **not** respond to touches, such as an `` element, set its `pointerEvents` prop to `'none'`. Otherwise, it may unintentionally become the target of a touch gesture on iOS devices and prevent scrolling.

# API Reference

## Core

### Tabs.Container

Basic usage looks like this:

import { Tabs } from 'react-native-collapsible-tab-view'

const Example = () => {
return (


#### Props

|`allowHeaderOverscroll`|`boolean \| undefined`|`false`|Whether the header moves down during overscrolling (for example on pull-to-refresh on iOS) or sticks to the top|
|`cancelLazyFadeIn`|`boolean \| undefined`|||
|`cancelTranslation`|`boolean \| undefined`|||
|`headerHeight`|`number \| undefined`||Is optional, but will optimize the first render.|
|`initialTabName`|`string \| undefined`|||
|`lazy`|`boolean \| undefined`||If lazy, will mount the screens only when the tab is visited. There is a default fade in transition.|
|`minHeaderHeight`|`number \| undefined`||Header minimum height when collapsed|
|`onIndexChange`|`((index: number) => void) \| undefined`||Callback fired when the index changes. It receives the current index.|
|`onTabChange`|`(data: { prevIndex: number index: number prevTabName: T tabName: T }) => void`||Callback fired when the tab changes. It receives the previous and current index and tabnames.|
|`pagerProps`|`Omit, 'data' \| 'keyExtractor' \| 'renderItem' \| 'horizontal' \| 'pagingEnabled' \| 'onScroll' \| 'showsHorizontalScrollIndicator' \| 'getItemLayout'>`||Props passed to the pager. If you want for example to disable swiping, you can pass `{ scrollEnabled: false }`|
|`renderHeader`|`(props: TabBarProps) => React.ReactElement \| null`|||
|`renderTabBar`|`(props: TabBarProps) => React.ReactElement \| null`|`(props: TabBarProps) => MaterialTabBar`||
|`revealHeaderOnScroll`|`boolean \| undefined`||Reveal header when scrolling down. Implements diffClamp.|
|`snapThreshold`|`number \| null \| undefined`|`null`|Percentage of header height to define as the snap point. A number between 0 and 1, or `null` to disable snapping.|
|`tabBarHeight`|`number \| undefined`||Is optional, but will optimize the first render.|
|`width`|`number \| undefined`||Custom width of the container. Defaults to the window width.|

### Tabs.Tab

Wrap your screens with `Tabs.Tab`. Basic usage looks like this:



#### Props

|`label`|`string \| ((props: TabItemProps) => ReactNode) \| undefined`|

### Tabs.Lazy

Typically used internally, but if you want to mix lazy and regular screens you can wrap the lazy ones with this component.

#### Props

|`cancelLazyFadeIn`|`boolean \| undefined`|
|`startMounted`|`boolean \| undefined`|

### Tabs.FlatList

Use like a regular FlatList.

### Tabs.FlashList

Use like a regular FlashList.

### Tabs.MasonryFlashList

Use like a regular MasonryFlashList.

### Tabs.ScrollView

Use like a regular ScrollView.

### Tabs.SectionList

Use like a regular SectionList.

### Ref

You can pass a ref to `Tabs.Container`.

const ref = React.useRef()


| method | type |
| :-------------: | :--------------------------: |
| jumpToTab | `(name: T) => boolean` |
| setIndex | `(index: number) => boolean` |
| getFocusedTab | `() => T` |
| getCurrentIndex | `() => number` |

## Hooks

### `useCollapsibleStyle`

This hook provides access to key styles for the collapsible tab view. It can be used to obtain the `progressViewOffset` and pass it to the `RefreshControl` of the scroll view.

const {
} = useCollapsibleStyle()

#### Values

| name | type |
| :-------------------: | :------------------------------------------: |
| contentContainerStyle | `{ minHeight: number; paddingTop: number; }` |
| progressViewOffset | `number` |
| style | `{ width: number; }` |

### `useAnimatedTabIndex`

This hook returns an animated value representing the current tab index. As the tab view can be in between panes while swiping, this value is a floating-point number.

const tabIndex = useAnimatedTabIndex()

### `useFocusedTab`

This hook returns the name of the currently focused tab.

const focusedTab = useFocusedTab()

### `useHeaderMeasurements`

This hook returns the top distance and the header height. For an example of how to use this, check out the animated header example in the example folder.

const { top, height } = useHeaderMeasurements()

### useCurrentTabScrollY

This hook returns the vertical scroll position of the current tab as an Animated SharedValue.

Since this library requires handling the `onScroll` event for its functionality, this is the only way to react to changes in the scroll position of the underlying scrollable component.

const scrollY = useCurrentTabScrollY()

## Default Tab Bar

### MaterialTabItem

Any additional props are passed to the pressable component.

#### Props

|`activeColor`|`string \| undefined`|Color applied to the label when active|
|`inactiveColor`|`string \| undefined`|Color applied to the label when inactive|
|`inactiveOpacity`|`number \| undefined`||
|`label`|`string \| ((props: TabItemProps) => ReactNode)`||
|`labelStyle`|`StyleProp>`|Style to apply to the tab item label|
|`onLayout`|`(((event: LayoutChangeEvent) => void) & ((event: LayoutChangeEvent) => void)) \| undefined`|Invoked on mount and layout changes with {nativeEvent: { layout: {x, y, width, height}}}.|
|`onPress`|`(name: T) => void`||
|`pressColor`|`string \| undefined`||
|`pressOpacity`|`number \| undefined`||
|`scrollEnabled`|`boolean \| undefined`||
|`style`|`StyleProp`|Either view styles or a function that receives a boolean reflecting whether the component is currently pressed and returns view styles.|

# Known Issues

## Android FlatList Pull to Refresh

Refer to [this open issue]( We utilize [scrollTo]( to synchronize the unfocused tabs. While it is intended for use with `ScrollView`, it works well with `FlatList`, until the `RefreshControl` is added. Note that this issue occurs only on Android.

**Workaround**: Check out the `Android Shared Pull To Refresh` example in the expo app. You can implement a single pull-to-refresh for the `Tabs.Container`.

## iOS FlatList StickyHeaderIndices and iOS SectionList StickySectionHeadersEnabled

When using the `stickyHeaderIndices` prop on a FlatList or `stickySectionHeadersEnabled` on a SectionList, the sticky elements do not scroll up as the header collapses. This issue is specific to iOS.

See [#136](

## `ref.setIndex`

This is not an issue per se, but it's essential to be aware of it. When using `containerRef.current.setIndex(i)`, if you set it to the current index, the screen will scroll to the top. You can prevent this behavior as follows:

const index = pageRef.current?.getCurrentIndex()
if (index !== nextIndex) {

# Alternative Libraries

If you do not require a full-featured tab view, consider another option: a simple segmented control / material tab bar without swiping or snapping, using only the React Native Animated API.

- [react-native-collapsible-segmented-view](

# Contributing and running the Example

While developing, you can run the [example app](/example/ to test your changes.

First run `yarn` in root:

Then prepare the example:
cd example

Then run the example:
yarn ios

Please follow the [angular commit message format](

Make sure your code passes TypeScript and ESLint. Run the following to verify:

yarn typescript
yarn lint

To fix formatting errors, run the following:

yarn lint -- --fix

## Documentation changes

Edit the [README_TEMPLATE](, or update the docstrings inside the `src` folder, and run:

yarn docs
