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My Leetcode solutions

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My Leetcode solutions

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# My Leetcode solutions

For most most of the Leetcode tasks I used Python.

Of course for the SQL and Bash scripting tasks I used the respective languages.

Here is a list of all the tasks along with their id and difficulty.

The format of each filename is: `'{task_code}-{task_name_camelcase}.py'`

The following table shows all the problems I have completed in Leetcode.
The first column (`Leetcode ID`) has link to the respective problem page at Leetcode, while the 3rd column (`Solution`) links to my solution in this GitHub repo.

[![Leetcode Stats](](

## Content

| Leetcode ID | Title | Difficulty | Solution |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------ |----------- |----------|
| 1 | [Two Sum](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2 | [Add Two Numbers](| Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 7 | [Reverse integer](| Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 8 | [String to integer (atoi)](| Medium | [Python](/code/Python/8-StringToInteger(atoi).py)
| 9 | [Palindrome Number](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 11 | [Container With Most Water](| Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 13 | [Roman to Integer](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 14 | [Longest Common Prefix]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 17 | [Letter Combinations of a Phone Number]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 20 | [Valid Parentheses](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 21 | [Merge Two Sorted Lists](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 26 | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 27 | [Remove Element](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 28 | [Implement strStr()](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/28-strStr().py)
| 34 | [Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array](| Medium| [Python](/code/Python/
| 35 | [Search Insert Position](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 36 | [Valid Sudoku]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 46 | [Permutations]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 47 | [Permutations II]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 48 | [Rotate Image]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 49 | [Group Anagrams]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 50 | [Pow(x, n)]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/50-Pow(x%2Cn).py)
| 53 | [Maximum Subarray]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 58 | [Length of Last Word]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 66 | [Plus One]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 67 | [Add Binary](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 69 | [Sqrt(x)]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/69-Sqrt(x).py)
| 70 | [Climbing Stairs]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 73 | [Set Matrix Zeroes](| Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 74 | [Search a 2D Matrix]( | Medium | [Python](/code/
| 75 | [Sort Colors]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 77 | [Combinations]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 78 | [Subsets]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 83 | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted List]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 94 | [Binary Tree Inorder Traversal]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 100| [Same Tree]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 104| [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 108| [Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 111| [Minimum Depth of Binary Tree]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 114| [Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 118| [Pascal's Triangle]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 119| [Pascal's Triangle II]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 121| [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock]( | Easy| [Python](/code/Python/
| 125| [Valid Palindrome]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 136| [Single Number]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 141| [Linked List Cycle]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 142| [Linked List Cycle II]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 144| [Binary Tree Preorder Traversal]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 145| [Binary Tree Postorder Traversal]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 148| [Sort List]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 151| [Reverse Words in a String]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 153 | [Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 168| [Excel Sheet Column Title]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 169| [Majority Element]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 171| [Excel Sheet Column Number]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 175| [Combine Two Tables]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/175-CombineTwoTables.sql)
| 176| [Second Highest Salary]( | Medium | [SQL](/code/SQL/176-SecondHighestSalary.sql)
| 177| [Nth Highest Salary]( | Medium | [SQL](/code/SQL/177-NthHighestSalary.sql)
| 178| [Rank Scores]( | Medium | [SQL](/code/SQL/178-RankScores.sql)
| 181| [Employees Earning More Than Their Managers]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/181-EmployeesEarningMoreThanTheirManagers.sql)
| 182| [Duplicate Emails]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/182-DuplicateEmails.sql)
| 183| [Customers Who Never Order]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/183-CustomersWhoNeverOrder.sql)
| 184| [Department Highest Salary]( | Medium | [SQL](/code/SQL/184-DepartmentHighestSalary.sql)
| 187 | [Repeated DNA Sequences]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 190| [Reverse Bits]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 191| [Number of 1 Bits]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 192| [Word Frequency]( | Medium | [Python](/code/BashScripts/
| 193| [Valid Phone Numbers]( | Easy | [Bash script](/code/BashScripts/
| 195| [Tenth Line]( | Easy | [Bash script](/code/BashScripts/
| 196| [Delete Duplicate Emails]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/196-DeleteDuplicateEmails.sql)
| 197| [Rising Temperature]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/197-RisingTemperature.sql)
| 202| [Happy Number]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 206| [Reverse Linked List](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 215| [Kth Largest Element in an Array]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 216| [Combination Sum III]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 217| [Contains Duplicate]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 226| [Invert Binary Tree]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 231| [Power of Two]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 234| [Palindrome Linked List]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 237| [Delete Node in a Linked List]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 240| [Search a 2D Matrix II](| Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 242| [Valid Anagram]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 258| [Add Digits]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 268| [Missing Number]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 278| [First Bad Version]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 283| [Move Zeroes]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 287| [Find The Duplicate Number]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 290| [Word Pattern]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 303| [Range Sum Query - Immutable]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 319| [Bulb Switcher]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 326| [Power of Three]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 338| [Counting Bits]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 342| [Power of Four]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 344| [Reverse String]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 345| [Reverse Vowels of a String]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 347| [Top K Frequent Elements]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 349| [Intersection of Two Arrays]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 350| [Intersection of Two Arrays II]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 367| [Valid Perfect Square]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 374| [Guess Number Higher or Lower]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 378 | [Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 383| [Ransom Note]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 387| [First Unique Character in a String]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 389| [Find the Difference]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 412| [Fizz Buzz]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 414| [Third Maximum Number]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 434| [Number of Segments in a String]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 442| [Find All Duplicates in an Array]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 451| [Sort Characters By Frequency]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 461| [Hamming Distance]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 476| [Number Complement]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 485| [Max Consecutive Ones]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 496| [Next Greater Element I]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 500| [Keyboard Row]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 501| [Find Mode in Binary Search Tree]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 509| [Fibonacci Number](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 511| [Game Play Analysis I]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/511-GamePlayAnalysisI.sql)
| 520| [Detect Capital]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 535| [Encode and Decode TinyURL]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 551| [Student Attendance Record I]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 557| [Reverse Words in a String III]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 559| [Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 561| [Array Partition]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 566| [Reshape the Matrix]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 575| [Distribute Candies]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 584| [Find Customer Referee]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/584-FindCustomerReferee.sql)
| 586| [Customer Placing the Largest Number of Orders]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/586-CustomerPlacingTheLargestNumberOfOrders.sql)
| 589| [N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 590| [N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 593| [Valid Square]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 595| [Big Countries]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/595-BigCountries.sql)
| 596| [Classes More Than 5 Students]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/596-ClassesMoreThan5Students.sql)
| 598| [Range Addition II]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 606| [Construct String from Binary Tree]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 607| [Sales Person]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/607-SalesPerson.sql)
| 608| [Tree Node]( | Medium | [SQL](/code/SQL/608-TreeNode.sql)
| 620| [Not Boring Movies]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/620-NotBoringMovies.sql)
| 627| [Swap Salary]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/627-SwapSalary.sql)
| 628| [Maximum Product of Three Numbers]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 637| [Average of Levels in Binary Tree]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 648| [Replace Words]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 657| [Robot Return to Origin]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 692| [Top K Frequent Words]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 693| [Binary Number with Alternating Bits]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 700| [Search in a Binary Search Tree]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 704| [Binary Search]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 705| [Design HashSet]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 706| [Design HashMap]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 709| [To Lower Case]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 724| [Find Pivot Index]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 728| [Self Dividing Numbers]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 729| [My Calendar I]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 744| [Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 747| [Largest Number At Least Twice of Others]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 762| [Prime Number of Set Bits in Binary Representation]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 766| [Toeplitz Matrix]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 771| [Jewels and Stones]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 796| [Rotate String]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 804| [Unique Morse Code Words]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 806| [Number of Lines To Write String]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 819| [Most Common Word]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 821| [Shortest Distance to a Character]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 824| [Goat Latin]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 832| [Flipping an Image]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 836| [Rectangle Overlap]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 867| [Transpose Matrix]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 868| [Binary Gap]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 876| [Middle of the Linked List]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 884| [Uncommon Words from Two Sentences]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 905| [Sort Array By Parity]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 917| [Reverse Only Letters]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 922| [Sort Array By Parity II]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 933| [Number of Recent Calls]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 938| [Range Sum of BST]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 944| [Delete Columns to Make Sorted]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 961| [N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 965| [Univalued Binary Tree]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 976| [Largest Perimeter Triangle]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 977| [Squares of a Sorted Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 989| [Add to Array-Form of Integer]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 997| [Find the Town Judge]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1009| [Complement of Base 10 Integer]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1046 | [Last Stone Weight]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1047| [Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1050| [Actors and Directors Who Cooperated At Least Three Times]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/1050-ActorsAndDirectorsWhoCooperatedAtLeastThreeTimes.sql)
| 1051| [Height Checker]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1084| [Sales Analysis III]( | Easy |[SQL](/code/SQL/1084-SalesAnalysisIII.sql)
| 1108| [Defanging an IP Address]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1114| [Print in Order]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1137| [N-th Tribonacci Number]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1141| [User Activity for the Past 30 Days I]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/1141-UserActivityForThePast30DaysI.sql)
| 1148| [Article Views I]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/1148-ArticleViewsI.sql)
| 1154| [Day of the Year]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1158| [Market Analysis I]( | Medium | [SQL](/code/SQL/1158-MarketAnalysisI.sql)
| 1160| [Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1179| [Reformat Department Table]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/1179-ReformatDepartmentTable.sql)
| 1185| [Day of the Week]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1189| [Maximum Number of Balloons](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1207| [Unique Number of Occurrences]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1217| [Minimum Cost to Move Chips to The Same Position]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1221| [Split a String in Balanced Strings]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1232| [Check If It Is a Straight Line]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1252| [Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1281| [Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1282| [Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1287| [Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1290 | [Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1295| [Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1299| [Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1309| [Decrypt String from Alphabet to Integer Mapping]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1313| [Decompress Run-Length Encoded List]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1323| [Maximum 69 Number]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1324| [Print Words Vertically]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1325 | [Delete Leaves With a Given Value]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1337| [The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1338| [Reduce Array Size to The Half]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1342| [Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1346| [Check If N and Its Double Exist]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1351| [Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1365| [How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1374| [Generate a String With Characters That Have Odd Counts]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1379| [Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1380| [Lucky Numbers in a Matrix]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1385| [Find the Distance Value Between Two Arrays]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1387| [Sort Integers by The Power Value]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1393| [Capital Gain/Loss]( | Medium | [SQL](/code/SQL/1393-CapitalGainLoss.sql)
| 1394| [Find Lucky Integer in an Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1407| [Top Travellers]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/1407-TopTravellers.sql)
| 1408| [String Matching in an Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1431| [Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1436| [Destination City]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1437| [Check If All 1's Are at Least Length K Places Away]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1446| [Consecutive Characters]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1450| [Number of Students Doing Homework at a Given Time]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1455| [Check If a Word Occurs As a Prefix of Any Word in a Sentence]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1461| [Check If a String Contains All Binary Codes of Size K]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1464| [Maximum Product of Two Elements in an Array]( | Easy | [Python](./code/Python/
| 1470| [Shuffle the Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1472| [Design Browser History]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1475| [Final Prices With a Special Discount in a Shop]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1476| [Subrectangle Queries]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1480| [Running Sum of 1d Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1484| [Group Sold Products By The Date]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/1484-GroupSoldProductsByTheDate.sql)
| 1486| [XOR Operation in an Array](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1491| [Average Salary Excluding the Minimum and Maximum Salary]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1502| [Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1507| [Reformat Date]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1512| [Number of Good Pairs](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1523| [Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1527| [Patients With a Condition]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/1527-PatientsWithACondition.sql)
| 1528| [Shuffle String](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1534| [Count Good Triplets](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1539| [Kth Missing Positive Number]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1550| [Three Consecutive Odds]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1572| [Matrix Diagonal Sum](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1576| [Replace All ?'s to Avoid Consecutive Repeating Characters]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1581| [Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/Python/1581-CustomerWhoVisitedButDidNotMakeAnyTransactions.sql)
| 1582| [Special Positions in a Binary Matrix]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1587| [Bank Account Summary II](| Easy | [SQL](/code/Python/1587-BankAccountSummaryII.sql)
| 1588| [Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1603| [Design Parking System]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1608| [Special Array With X Elements Greater Than or Equal X]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1614| [Maximum Nesting Depth of the Parentheses]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1619| [Mean of Array After Removing Some Elements]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1636| [Sort Array by Increasing Frequency]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1646| [Get Maximum in Generated Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1662| [Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1667| [Fix Names in a Table]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/1667-FixNamesInATable.sql)
| 1672| [Richest Customer Wealth]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1678| [Goal Parser Interpretation]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1684| [Count the Number of Consistent Strings]( | Easy | [Python](code/Python/
| 1688| [Count of Matches in Tournament]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1689| [Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1693| [Daily Leads and Partners]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/1693-DailyLeadsAndPartners.sql)
| 1704| [Determine if String Halves Are Alike]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1716| [Calculate Money in Leetcode Bank]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1720| [Decode XORed Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1729| [Find Followers Count]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/1729-FindFollowersCount.sql)
| 1732| [Find the Highest Altitude]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1741| [Find Total Time Spent by Each Employee]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/1741-FindTotalTimeSpentByEachEmployee.sql)
| 1748| [Sum of Unique Elements]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1757| [Recyclable and Low Fat Products]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/1757-RecyclableAndLowFatProducts.sql)
| 1768| [Merge Strings Alternately]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1773| [Count Items Matching a Rule]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1779| [Find Nearest Point That Has the Same X or Y Coordinate]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1790| [Check if One String Swap Can Make Strings Equal]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1791| [Find Center of Star Graph]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1795| [Rearrange Products Table]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/1795-RearrangeProductsTable.sql)
| 1796| [Second Largest Digit in a String]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1805| [Number of Different Integers in a String]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1812| [Determine Color of a Chessboard Square]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1816| [Truncate Sentence]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1817 | [Finding the Users Active Minutes]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1822| [Sign of the Product of an Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1828| [Queries on Number of Points Inside a Circle]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1832| [Check if the Sentence Is Pangram]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1844| [Replace All Digits with Characters]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1859| [Sorting the Sentence]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1863| [Sum of All Subset XOR Totals]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1873| [Calculate Special Bonus]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/1873-CalculateSpecialBonus.sql)
| 1876| [Substrings of Size Three with Distinct Characters]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1880| [Check if Word Equals Summation of Two Words]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1890| [The Latest Login in 2020]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/1890-TheLatestLoginIn2020.sql)
| 1909| [Remove One Element to Make the Array Strictly Increasing]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1910| [Remove All Occurrences of a Substring]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1913| [Maximum Product Difference Between Two Pairs]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1920| [Build Array from Permutation]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1925| [Count Square Sum Triples]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1929| [Concatenation of Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1941| [Check if All Characters Have Equal Number of Occurrences]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1965| [Employees With Missing Information]( | Easy | [SQL](/code/SQL/1965-EmployeesWithMissinginformation.sql)
| 1967| [Number of Strings That Appear as Substrings in Word](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 1979| [Find Greatest Common Divisor of Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2000| [Reverse Prefix of Word]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2006| [Count Number of Pairs With Absolute Difference K]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2011| [Final Value of Variable After Performing Operations]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2032| [Two Out of Three]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2037| [Minimum Number of Moves to Seat Everyone]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2042| [Check if Numbers Are Ascending in a Sentence]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2047| [Number of Valid Words in a Sentence]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2053| [Kth Distinct String in an Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2057| [Smallest Index With Equal Value](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2079| [Watering Plants]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2085| [Count Common Words With One Occurrence]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2094| [Finding 3-Digit Even Numbers]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2103| [Rings and Rods]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2108 | [Find First Palindromic String in the Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2114| [Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2119| [A Number After a Double Reversal]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2124| [Check if All A's Appears Before All B's]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/2124-CheckIfAllA'sAppearsBeforeAllB'
| 2129| [Capitalize the Title]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2133| [Check if Every Row and Column Contains All Numbers]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2138| [Divide a String Into Groups of Size k]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2148| [Count Elements With Strictly Smaller and Greater Elements]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2149| [Rearrange Array Elements by Sign]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2154| [Keep Multiplying Found Values by Two]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2160| [Minimum Sum of Four Digit Number After Splitting Digits]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2161| [Partition Array According to Given Pivot]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2169 | [Count Operations to Obtain Zero]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2176 | [Count Equal and Divisible Pairs in an Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2180| [Count Integers With Even Digit Sum]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2185| [Counting Words With a Given Prefix]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2190| [Most Frequent Number Following Key In an Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2194| [Cells in a Range on an Excel Sheet]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2200| [Find All K-Distant Indices in an Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2206| [Divide Array Into Equal Pairs]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2215| [Find the Difference of Two Arrays]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2221| [Find Triangular Sum of an Array]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2235| [Add Two Integers]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2236| [Root Equals Sum of Children]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2239| [Find Closest Number to Zero]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2243| [Calculate Digit Sum of a String]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2248| [Intersection of Multiple Arrays]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2255| [Count Prefixes of a Given String](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2264 | [Largest 3-Same-Digit Number in String]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2269| [Find the K-Beauty of a Number]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2273| [Find Resultant Array After Removing Anagrams]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2278| [Percentage of Letter in String]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2283| [Check if Number Has Equal Digit Count and Digit Value]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2299| [Strong Password Checker II]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2303| [Calculate Amount Paid in Taxes]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2309| [Greatest English Letter in Upper and Lower Case]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2315| [Count Asterisks]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2319| [Check if Matrix Is X-Matrix]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2325| [Decode the Message]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2331| [Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2335| [Minimum Amount of Time to Fill Cups]( | Easy | [Python](/code//Python/
| 2341| [Maximum Number of Pairs in Array]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2347| [Best Poker Hand]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2351| [First Letter to Appear Twice]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2352| [Equal Row and Column Pairs]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2357| [Make Array Zero by Subtracting Equal Amounts]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2363| [Merge Similar Items]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2367| [Number of Arithmetic Triplets]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2396| [Strictly Palindromic Number]( | Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2404| [Most Frequent Even Element]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2413 | [Smallest Even Multiple]( | Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2442| [Count Number of Distinct Integers After Reverse Operations](| Medium | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2469| [Convert the Temperature](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/
| 2535| [Difference Between Element Sum and Digit Sum of an Array](| Easy | [Python](/code/Python/