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🚀 🦆 An intergalactic space theme for Vim, Terminal, and more!

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🚀 🦆 An intergalactic space theme for Vim, Terminal, and more!

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# Spaceduck 🚀🦆

[![MIT license](](
[![Code Size](](
[![Made with Neovim :)](](

Spaceduck Logo of duck in an astronaut uniform holding computer: credit to Lexi @kalrita_lw

Screenshot of terminal with vim spaceduck theme installed

# Inspiration 💭

This theme was inspired from my incessant desire to feel like I'm in space when I stare at a computer.
"Spaceduck" takes its name from my love of [duck dodgers]( as a kid.

If it looks ugly it's because I don't know what I'm doing pls help. If it's the sexiest thing you've ever seen, well then uhm.. you're welcome 😎

**NOTE:** This repo hosts the Vim/Neovim spaceduck theme, to install other ports look for the [other ports below](#other-spaceduck-ports).

# Colors Palette 🎨

## Base Colors

_Note: The Syntax color ID's are not an exhaustive & complete list._

| ![Color Picker Boxes]( | Palette | Hex | HSV/HSB | RGB | cterm/256 | SYN ID |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------ | --------- | ------------- | --------------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| ![Red Color]( | Red | `#e33400` | `14,100,89` | `227, 52, 0` | `166` | Error, Ignore |
| ![Orange Color]( | Orange | `#e39400` | `39,100,89` | `227, 148, 0` | `172` | Exception, Keyword, SpecialChar |
| ![Green Color]( | Green | `#5ccc96` | `151,55,80` | `92, 204, 150` | `78` | Statement, Underlined, Function, Include, Conditonal |
| ![Yellow Color]( | Yellow | `#f2ce00` | `51,100,95` | `242, 206, 0` | `220` | Constant, Boolean, Character, Float, Number |
| ![Purple Color]( | Purple | `#b3a1e6` | `256,30,90` | `179, 161, 230` | `146` | PreProc, Special, Tag, Debug, StorageClass |
| ![Purple2 Color]( | Purple2 | `#7a5ccc` | `256,55,80` | `122, 92, 204` | `98` | Title, Define, Macro, Define, Precondit, (Operator) |
| ![Dark Purple Color]( | Dark Purple | `#30365F` | `232, 49, 37` | `48, 54, 95` | `237` | Comment, LineNR, MatchParen, EndOfBuffer, Pmenu, IncSearch |
| ![Dark Purple2 Color]( | Dark Purple2 | `#686f9a` | `232,32,60` | `104, 111, 154` | `60` | Todo, PmenuSbar, Conceal, Search |
| ![Cyan Color]( | Cyan | `#00a3cc` | `192,100,80` | `0, 163, 204` | `38` | Identifier, String, Structure, Typedef |
| ![Magenta Color]( | Magenta | `#ce6f8f` | `340,46,81` | `206, 111, 143` | `168` | Type, Delimeter, Operator |

## Special Colors

| ![Color Picker Boxes]( | Palette | Hex | HSV/HSB | RGB | cterm/256 | SYN ID |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | --------- | ------------- | --------------- | --------- | -------------------- |
| ![Background Color]( | Background | `#0f111b` | `230,44,11` | `15, 17, 27` | `233` | Background |
| ![Foreground Color]( | Foreground | `#ecf0c1` | `65,20,94` | `236, 240, 193` | `255` | Foregrond, Delimiter |
| ![Visual Selection Color]( | Visual Selection | `#1b1c36` | `238, 50, 21` | `27, 28, 54` | `234` | Visual |
| ![Cursor Line Color]( | Cursor Line | `#16172d` | `237,51,18` | `22, 23, 45` | `234` | CursorLine |

## Coloration Colors

| ![Color Picker Boxes]( | Palette | Hex | HSV/HSB | RGB | cterm/256 | SYN ID |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | --------- | ----------- | --------------- | --------- | ------------------ |
| ![Grey Color]( | Grey | `#818596` | `229,14,59` | `129, 133, 150` | `102` | Cursor, Tabline |
| ![Grey 2 Color]( | Grey 2 | `#c1c3cc` | `229,5,80` | `193, 195, 204` | `251` | TabLineSel |
| ![Pure White Color]( | Pure White | `#ffffff` | `0,0,100` | `255, 255, 255` | `15` | Search, Todo |
| ![Pure Black Color]( | Pure Black | `#000000` | `0,0,0` | `0, 0, 0` | `0` | VertSplit, TabLine |

## Current Language Support

Basically languages I looked at with my eyes to make sure they didn't look like poop.


_Note: if something looks off please submit an issue with a screenshot_

- C, C++, fortran, haskell, html, java, javascript, markdown, php, python, ruby, sql, LaTeX, typescript


- [Lightline](,

# Install 💾

If using Vim/Neovim I recommend installing the [vim-polyglot]( plugin for improved syntax highlighting:

`Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot'`

# Vim and Neovim

This repo hosts the Vim/Neovim color scheme.

Install the plugin with whatever plugin manager you use:

`Plug 'pineapplegiant/spaceduck', { 'branch': 'main' }`

And add this to your vimrc/init.vim configuration file:

if exists('+termguicolors')
let &t_8f = "\[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
let &t_8b = "\[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
set termguicolors

colorscheme spaceduck

Or manually add the color theme to your 'runtimepath' for the file.

`:h colors`

- [Airline](

let g:airline_theme = 'spaceduck'

- [Lightline](

lightline normal mode screenshot
lightline insert mode screenshot
lightline visual mode screenshot
lightline replace mode screenshot

let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'spaceduck',
\ }

Don't be afraid of the vim documentation either for more information, like for manual installs!
`:h colorscheme`

- [Lualine](

lualine normal mode screenshot
lualine insert mode screenshot
lualine visual mode screenshot
lualine replace mode screenshot

You only really need `'theme': 'spaceduck'`, but this is what I have in my vimrc:

let g:lualine = {
\'options' : {
\ 'theme' : 'spaceduck',
\ 'section_separators' : ['', ''],
\ 'component_separators' : ['', ''],
\ 'icons_enabled' : v:true,
\'sections' : {
\ 'lualine_a' : [ ['mode', {'upper': v:true,},], ],
\ 'lualine_b' : [ ['branch', {'icon': '',}, ], ],
\ 'lualine_c' : [ ['filename', {'file_status': v:true,},], ],
\ 'lualine_x' : [ 'encoding', 'fileformat', 'filetype' ],
\ 'lualine_y' : [ 'progress' ],
\ 'lualine_z' : [ 'location' ],
\'inactive_sections' : {
\ 'lualine_a' : [ ],
\ 'lualine_b' : [ ],
\ 'lualine_c' : [ 'filename' ],
\ 'lualine_x' : [ 'location' ],
\ 'lualine_y' : [ ],
\ 'lualine_z' : [ ],
\'extensions' : [ 'fzf' ],

lua require("lualine").setup()

# Other Spaceduck Ports

## Terminal

Terminal install can be found at this repo:

## VSCode

Vscode theme can be found at this repo:

## Emacs

Emacs theme can be found at this repo:

## Slack

- Go to User Menu > Preferences > Sidebar Theme
- In the bottom of the window, look for a "customize your theme and share it with others" link
- Copy and paste the values below:
- `#0f111b,#7A5CCC,#7A5CCC,#ffffff,#16172D,#ecf0c1,#5CCC96,#00A3CC,#0f111b,#ecf0c1`

## Tmux

Checkout some tmux config inspiration here at [the terminal repo]( Or if you're in a rush you can use this basic one:

# Basic color support setting
set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color"

# Default bar color
set-option -g status-style bg='#1b1c36',fg='#ecf0c1'

# Active Pane
set -g pane-active-border-style "fg=#5ccc96"

# Inactive Pane
set -g pane-border-style "fg=#686f9a"

# Active window
set-option -g window-status-current-style bg='#686f9a',fg='#ffffff'

# Message
set-option -g message-style bg='#686f9a',fg='#ecf0c1'
set-option -g message-command-style bg='#686f9a',fg='#ecf0c1'

# When Commands are run
set -g message-style "fg=#0f111b,bg=#686f9a"

# Troubleshooting 🔧

## True color

Make sure you are using a terminal emulator that supports `truecolor`.

[Read more about truecolor support here](

## Colors don't look right

If you are running `vim` within `tmux`, you may run into some `truecolor` issues.

To fix, add this to you `tmux.conf`:

set -g terminal-overrides ',xterm-256color:Tc'
set -g default-terminal "tmux-256color"
set -as terminal-overrides ',xterm*:sitm=\E[3m'

And in your `.bash_profile or .zshrc`:

export TERM="xterm-256color"

# Screenshots 📸

COC-Explorer, HTML, Vista
Screenshot of spaceduck theme using HTML

Credit to u/addisonbean for Arch Desktop Inspo
Screenshot of spaceduck theme on Arch

Credit to u/malthusthomas for SPT on terminal
Screenshot of spaceduck theme on SPT

# Credits 💳

- [Iceberg]( - Gave me the blueprint for developing a [lovely colorscheme](
- [Hallski's spacedust theme]( - first theme to inspire me with space waaaay back when.
- [Rigel]( - Showed me the ways of using Estilo to manage colors & that sexy themes can exist.
- Looking for other colorschemes? Check out [vim colors]( or [](!

# Contribute 🙏

If you'd like to contribute please reach out! I don't know what I'm doing. Try to send a screenshot when posting issues as well.
If you port it to whatever you're using, send me a link so I can link it here!

## Vim Estilo

I currently use [estilo]( to manage colors for Vim/Neovim, please install the dependencies to compile the colors specified in the YAML into the color scheme.

To find the [current syntax element under the cursor](, I use this mapping which maps Ctrl+a to find the id under the cursor:

" Show syntax color highlighting groups for word under cursor
nmap :call SynStack()
function! SynStack()
if !exists("*synstack")
echo map(synstack(line('.'), col('.')), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')

This will show you the syntax ID to where we can then modify the color of that word.

### Testing colors look good

- To test that colors look good, you can run: `:source $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim` this will open a buffer of all color groups defined!
- Check current defined colors in buffer `:highlight` or `:hi` for short.
- Looking for more syntax elements? Check out `$VIMRUNTIME/syntax/` for all of vim's language support.

### TODO

Check out my [Todo list](