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# @plotdb/uploadr

File upload library, including:

- [client side](#client-side) - upload widget, file list viewer ( with pug template ) and provider adopters.
- [server side](#server-side) - API endpoint for file storing with Express

## Client Side

In browser context, we need widgets for both file uploading and file choosing. Both parts share the same basic usage as described below; other parts will be covered separatedly in following sections.

### Installation

npm install --save @loadingio/ldpage @loadingio/debounce.js ldview ldloader proxise @plotdb/uploadr

### Usage

include required js / css files and related dependencies ( `@loadingio/ldpage`, `@loadingio/debounce.js`, `proxise`, `ldloader` and `ldview` ):

additionally, include a specific provider. For example, `native` provider:

For more information about provider, check [Provider section](#providers) below.

### Uploader

You can skip Uploadr viewer completely if you only need an API endpoint for each provider. In this case, check [Providers section](#providers) below.

To upload files via uploadr viewer, create an `uploadr` object through its constructor:

var up = new uploadr({ ... })

with following options:

- `root`: root element ( or selector ) of the upload widget.
- To customize widget, see [Widget Customization section](#widget-customization) below.
- `provider`: object for provider information
- For detail usage, See [Providers section](#providers) below.
- if omitted, fallback to `{config: {route: '/d/uploadr'}, host: 'native'}`

For root element - if you use Pug, you can use the `uploadr` mixin available in `uploadr.pug` to create the DOM needed:

div.some-tag-to-wrap-uploader: +uploadr("scope-name")

Feel free to wrap it in dialogs or popups.

#### API

`uploadr` object provides following APIs:

- `init` - initialize uploadr, return promise, resolves when initied.
- constructor will init uploadr automatically.
- simply use `init.then( ... )` to ensure inited.
- `upload` - upload chosen files.
- `clear` - clear chosen files.
- `get` - get chosen files.
- `on(name, cb)` - listen to `name` event with `cb` callback. Following events are available:
- `preview.done`
- `preview.loading`
- `file.chosen`
- `upload.done`
- ``

#### Providers

`@plotdb/uploadr` supports uploading to different kind of file hosting services. use `provider` to choose between the providers available as below.

To use a provider, you should make sure to

- client side: init `uploadr` with proper provider configurations
- server side: ensure to add api endpoint if needed.

To upload without UI ( Uploadr Viewer ), use client side providers directly which are availables by:


Client side providers are function accepting an object with following fields:

- `files`: Array of files to upload. Items for each file are objects with following fields:
- `thumb`: thumbnail url
- `file`: corresponding file object
- `progress(opt)`: progress event handler accepting opt object with following fields:
- `percent`: progress. 0 ~ 1
- `item`: uploading item object with fields described above in `files`.
- `opt`: corresponding configs described in sections of each provider below.
- `data`: additional data passed via `data` field ( accessiable via `` in server side )

For example, to upload a file to Google Cloud Storage:

files: [{file: new File(["hello"], "hello.txt", {type: "plain/text"})],
progress: function(opt) { console.log(opt.percent); },
opt: {bucket: "my-gcs-bucket"}

Provider configurations for each provider is described as below.

##### Native

upload files to local API endpoint. include `providers/native.js` then init with:

new uploadr({ host: "native", config: { ... }});

where config contains:

- `route`: api endpoint

##### ImgBB

Upload images to ImgBB. Include `providers/imgbb.js` then init with:

new uploadr({ host: "imgbb", config: { ... }});

where config contains:

- `key`: imgbb api key for uploading images.

##### GCS ( Google Cloud Storage )

Upload files to Google Cloud Storage directly from browser. Include `providers/gcs.js` then init with:

new uploadr({ host: "gcs", config: { ... }});

where config contains:

- `bucket`: bucket name in your google cloud storage to hold your files.
- `domain`: domain name to access your files (including schema ).
- if omitted, fallback to ``
- this is for previewing / downloading files.
- `route`: server route to request signed url for uploading files.
- if omitted, fallback to `/d/uploadr/gcs`.

##### Dummy

Never upload files to anywhere - just response with a dummy result. Include `providers/dummy.js` then init with:

new uploadr({ host: "dummy" })

and there is no config for dummy provider.

##### Other providers

You can also add provider for services you'd like to use by simply adding a function in `uploadr.ext`:

uploadr.ext.myService = function ({files, progress, opt}) { ... }

It's you job to implement the upload mechanism with following parameters and requirements:

- Parameters
- `files`: Array of `{thumb, file}` object with:
- `thumb`: thumbnail link ( blob url )
- `file`: file object ( blob ) from input element to upload.
- `progress({percent, val, len, item})`: function to be called when there are progress reported, with options:
- `percent`: percent of size uploaded
- `val`: actual bytes uploaded
- `len`: file size
- `item`: object in `files` array that is making progress.
- `opt`: the provider config object.
- `data`: additional data to pass to server.
- packed by `FormData` and accessible through `` as string when using `express-formidable`.
- need to manually parse to JSON in server, if a JSON object is passed from client.
- provider function should always return a Promise which resolves a list of objects when upload is finished.
- resolved object in list should contains following members:
- `id`: unique id for this file.
- `name`: name of this file. fallback to id if omitted.
- `url`: url for previewing this file.
- `download-url`: url for downloading this file. fallback to `url` if omitted.
- `size`: file size. optional
- `err`: information if uploading of this file failed.

#### Widget Customization

Uploadr client library uses [ldview]( for UI abstraction. If you design your own upload widget, simply add following `ld` names on corresponding elements.

- `drop`: area for dropping files to choose them.
- `file`: `ld-each` type name. preview of chosen files. with following nested `ld` names:
- `thumb`: element for showing preview image. should also be an `` tag.
- `progress`: upload progress indicator
- `size`: size of chosen file.
- `delete`: file is un-chosen when element with `delete` name is clicked.
- `input`: `input` element with `type='file'` attribute. For manually uploading with file picker dialog.
- `upload`: upload chosen files to server when clicked.
- `clear`: clear all files when clicked.
- `loader`: a `running` class will be added to element(s) with this name.

### Viewer

To view and choose files, create an `uploadr.choose` object

uploadr.viewer({ ... });

with following options:

- `root`: object or selector for the root element of viewer DOM.
- `page`: a `ldPage` object ( or options for constructor ) for loading file lists.
- items in returned list from fetch should contain at least a member `url` for showing the url of the image.

You can prepare the root element with Pug mixin `uploadr-viewer` after including required `uploadr.pug`:

div.some-tag-to-wrap-uploader-viewer: +uploadr-viewer("scope-name")

#### API

`uploadr.viewer` object provides following APIs:

- `on(name, cb)`: listen to event `name` with callback function `cb`. Following events are available:
- `fetch`: when fetching new items. list of items passed as parameter.
- `finish`: when there is no new item available.
- `empty`: when list is empty.
- `choose`: when an item is chosen. `cb` called with `{url}` object as parameter.
- `fetch`: intialiate a new fetch
- `reset`: reset pager and list.

## Server Side

To save files locally ( or after autheticated ), you will need a server side api. Based on how to store uploaded files, there are different implementation about the file storing mechanism. These different implementations are separated into different modules called `provider`.

### Common Usage

up = uploadr.provider {host: 'native', config: { .. /* provider specific config */ .. } } \path, express-formidable({multiples: true}), up.getUploadRouter!
# note: not all providers implemented getDownloadRouter for now.
app.get \path/:id, express-formidable({multiples: true}), up.getDownloadRouter!


- `host`: provider name, such as `native`, `gcs`.
- `config`: config for provider. check doc for each provider below for more information.

- `express-formidable({multiples: true})` is for passing form data. it depends on how you will use `uploadr` and can be tweaked accordingly.
- `uploadr.provider` always provides following two APIs:
- `getUploadRouter`: its interface depends on provider's implementation. For example:
- provider `native` reads and stores files listed in `req.files`
- provider `gcs` reads optional `` field.
- `getDownloadRouter`: always read `` for identifying files to download.

### adopt

`adopt` is available as a config in all providers. `adopt` function is used to track a file, and by default do nothing, left to users to implement. it should be an object providing following two member functions:

- `upload(req, ret)` - called when we expect a file storing slot is created.
- `download(req, ret)` - called before file is served to user.

where ret should be an object with following fields:

- `name`: filename
- `id`: file id, provided by provider.
- `url`: optional. availabel for native provider.

both function should return promise. `adopt` can be used to

- return rejected promise to prevent file to be uploaded / downloaded
- track upload / download

Following is an example of using `adopt` in native provider:

up = uploader.provider({
host: 'native', config: {
adopt: {
upload: function() { ... },
download: function() { ... }

### Native Provider

Native provider accepts incoming request with files payload, and save them based on hashed id into specified location. Use `express-formidable` and `uploadr(...).route` to handle files:

up = uploader.provider {host: 'native', config: { ... }} \/d/uploadr, express-formidable({multiples: true}), up.getUploadRouter!

sample configurations:

{folder: 'static/assets/files', url: '/assets/files'}

#### Configurations

config native provider with following options:

- `config`: native provider specific configs, including:
- `folder`: fs path for saving all files. if omitted, fallback to `uploads`
- `url`: url prefix ( relative or absolute ). if omitted, fallback to `folder`
- `adopt: (req, {name, path, url, id})`: post process function after files are saved.
- if provided, will be called for each file saved.
- options:
- `req`: express request object
- `name`: name of the file
- `path`: optional. `path` for the file in file system
- `url`: optional. `url` for accessing this file
- `id`: `id` for the file
- `catch: (err, req, res, next)`: Promise rejection handler.
- if omitted, fallback to `res.status(505).send()` when exception occurs.
- `log`: log function. if omitted, fallback to `console.log`.

#### APIs

Following are the APIs exposed by native provider:

- `handler(req, res, next)`: process req.files and return promise, resolving url, id and name as array of objects.
- `router(req, res, next)`: wrap handler as a route which pass data to res.send, or report 500 on error.
- `archive(opt)`: function that takes care of files
- input: one of following ( name is optional in both case )
- {path, name}
- {buf, name}
- return:
- { name, url, id } if succeed
- { name } otherwise

### GCS Provider

GCS provide ( for Google Cloud Storage ) doesn't store files in local server so there is no file passed to server. Instead, an URL is passed to client for either upload / download files to an assigned bucket in Google cloud storage.

Basic usage is similar to native provider:

up = uploader.provider {host: 'gcs', config: { ... }} \/d/uploadr, express-formidable({multiples: true}), up.getUploadRouter!

#### Configurations

- `config`: GCS config including following fields:
- `projectId`: project id. e.g., `sample-id`
- `keyFilename`: path to your private key file for accessing specific project. e.g., `sample-prk.json`
- `bucket`: bucket name. e.g., `sample-bucket`
- `limit`: maximal amount of files in one shot. default 10 if omitted.

#### CORS Note

Before you can upload file via browser directly to Google Cloud Storage, you have to set cors policy with gsutil:

gsutil cors set cors.json gs://

sample content of `cors.json`:

"maxAgeSeconds": 3600,
"method": ["GET", "HEAD", "PUT"],
"origin": ["http://localhost:3005"],
"responseHeader": ["Content-Type", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"]

## License