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Add more programming languages ​​for your Visual Studio Code snippet plugin programmatically

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Add more programming languages ​​for your Visual Studio Code snippet plugin programmatically

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# VSC Translate Snippets
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Add more programming languages ​​for your Visual Studio Code snippet plugin

## Supported languages

For the present moment we support 1 programming language

* from **HTML** to **Pug/Jade**

## Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

### Prerequisites

What things you need to install the software and how to install them

npm install

### Development and running

A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

#### Development

npm run dev

#### Running

npm run build

#### Demo show

cd demo
node index.js

#### Usage in code

const { vscts } = require('vsc-translate-snippets');

source: './data/snippets.json', // path to your original source file
translatedPath: './translated/', // path to the folder where the translation file will be placed
translatedFilename: 'jade-snippets.json' // name of translation file

## Running the tests

npm run test

## Built With

* [html2pug]( - Converts HTML to Pug templating language by [izolate](
* [jest]( - JavaScript Testing Framework by [Facebook](

## Contributing

If you want to contributing it is a free path

## Authors

* **Kacper Pruszynski** - *Initial work* - [plum](

These people make this tool much more useful, more efficient and better, thanks a lot!
* **Karol Jasik** - *Added classes modules and tests* - [crusadeDev](

## License