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PocketBase JavaScript SDK

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PocketBase JavaScript SDK

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PocketBase JavaScript SDK

Official JavaScript SDK (browser and node) for interacting with the [PocketBase API](

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Caveats](#caveats)
- [Binding filter parameters](#binding-filter-parameters)
- [File upload](#file-upload)
- [Error handling](#error-handling)
- [Auth store](#auth-store)
- [LocalAuthStore (default)](#localauthstore-default)
- [AsyncAuthStore (_usually used with React Native_)](#asyncauthstore)
- [Custom auth store](#custom-auth-store)
- [Common auth store fields and methods](#common-auth-store-fields-and-methods)
- [Auto cancellation](#auto-cancellation)
- [Specify TypeScript definitions](#specify-typescript-definitions)
- [Custom request options](#custom-request-options)
- [Send hooks](#send-hooks)
- [SSR integration](#ssr-integration)
- [Security](#security)
- [Definitions](#definitions)
- [Development](#development)

## Installation

### Browser (manually via script tag)


const pb = new PocketBase("")


_OR if you are using ES modules:_

import PocketBase from '/path/to/dist/'

const pb = new PocketBase("")


### Node.js (via npm)

npm install pocketbase --save

// Using ES modules (default)
import PocketBase from 'pocketbase'

// OR if you are using CommonJS modules
const PocketBase = require('pocketbase/cjs')

> 🔧 For **Node < 17** you'll need to load a `fetch()` polyfill.
> I recommend [lquixada/cross-fetch](
> ```js
> // npm install cross-fetch --save
> import 'cross-fetch/polyfill';
> ```
> 🔧 Node doesn't have native `EventSource` implementation, so in order to use the realtime subscriptions you'll need to load a `EventSource` polyfill.
> ```js
> // for server: npm install eventsource --save
> import { EventSource } from "eventsource";
> // for React Native: npm install react-native-sse --save
> import EventSource from "react-native-sse";
> global.EventSource = EventSource;
> ```

## Usage

import PocketBase from 'pocketbase';

const pb = new PocketBase('');


// authenticate as auth collection record
const userData = await pb.collection('users').authWithPassword('[email protected]', '123456');

// list and filter "example" collection records
const result = await pb.collection('example').getList(1, 20, {
filter: 'status = true && created > "2022-08-01 10:00:00"'

// and much more...
> More detailed API docs and copy-paste examples could be found in the [API documentation for each service](

## Caveats

### Binding filter parameters

The SDK comes with a helper `pb.filter(expr, params)` method to generate a filter string with placeholder parameters (`{:paramName}`) populated from an object.

**This method is also recommended when using the SDK in Node/Deno/Bun server-side list queries and accepting untrusted user input as `filter` string arguments, because it will take care to properly escape the generated string expression, avoiding eventual string injection attacks** (_on the client-side this is not much of an issue_).

const records = await pb.collection("example").getList(1, 20, {
// the same as: "title ~ 'te\\'st' && (totalA = 123 || totalB = 123)"
filter: pb.filter("title ~ {:title} && (totalA = {:num} || totalB = {:num})", { title: "te'st", num: 123 })

The supported placeholder parameter values are:

- `string` (_single quotes are autoescaped_)
- `number`
- `boolean`
- `Date` object (_will be stringified into the format expected by PocketBase_)
- `null`
- everything else is converted to a string using `JSON.stringify()`

### File upload

PocketBase Web API supports file upload via `multipart/form-data` requests,
which means that to upload a file it is enough to provide either a [`FormData`]( instance OR plain object with `File`/`Blob` prop values.

- Using plain object as body _(this is the same as above and it will be converted to `FormData` behind the scenes)_:
const data = {
'title': 'lorem ipsum...',
'document': new File(...),

await pb.collection('example').create(data);

- Using `FormData` as body:
// the standard way to create multipart/form-data body
const data = new FormData();
data.set('title', 'lorem ipsum...')
data.set('document', new File(...))

await pb.collection('example').create(data);

### Error handling

All services return a standard [Promise]( response, so the error handling is straightforward:
pb.collection('example').getList(1, 50).then((result) => {
// success...
console.log('Result:', result);
}).catch((error) => {
// error...
console.log('Error:', error);

// OR if you are using the async/await syntax:
try {
const result = await pb.collection('example').getList(1, 50);
console.log('Result:', result);
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error:', error);

The response error is normalized and always returned as `ClientResponseError` object with the following public fields that you could use:
ClientResponseError {
url: string, // requested url
status: number, // response status code
response: { ... }, // the API JSON error response
isAbort: boolean, // is abort/cancellation error
originalError: Error|null, // the original non-normalized error

### Auth store

The SDK keeps track of the authenticated token and auth model for you via the `pb.authStore` instance.

##### LocalAuthStore (default)

The default [`LocalAuthStore`]( uses the browser's `LocalStorage` if available, otherwise - will fallback to runtime/memory (aka. on page refresh or service restart you'll have to authenticate again).

Conveniently, the default store also takes care to automatically sync the auth store state between multiple tabs.

> _**NB!** Deno also supports `LocalStorage` but keep in mind that, unlike in browsers where the client is the only user, by default Deno `LocalStorage` will be shared by all clients making requests to your server!_

##### AsyncAuthStore

The SDK comes also with a helper [`AsyncAuthStore`]( that you can use to integrate with any 3rd party async storage implementation (_usually this is needed when working with React Native_):
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage';
import PocketBase, { AsyncAuthStore } from 'pocketbase';

const store = new AsyncAuthStore({
save: async (serialized) => AsyncStorage.setItem('pb_auth', serialized),
initial: AsyncStorage.getItem('pb_auth'),

const pb = new PocketBase('', store)

##### Custom auth store

In some situations it could be easier to create your own custom auth store. For this you can extend [`BaseAuthStore`]( and pass the new custom instance as constructor argument to the client:

import PocketBase, { BaseAuthStore } from 'pocketbase';

class CustomAuthStore extends BaseAuthStore {
save(token, model) {, model);

// your custom business logic...

const pb = new PocketBase('', new CustomAuthStore());

##### Common auth store fields and methods

The default `pb.authStore` extends [`BaseAuthStore`]( and has the following public members that you can use:

BaseAuthStore {
// base fields
record: RecordModel|null // the authenticated auth record
token: string // the authenticated token
isValid: boolean // checks if the store has existing and unexpired token
isSuperuser: boolean // checks if the store state is for superuser

// main methods
clear() // "logout" the authenticated record
save(token, record) // update the store with the new auth data
onChange(callback, fireImmediately = false) // register a callback that will be called on store change

// cookie parse and serialize helpers
loadFromCookie(cookieHeader, key = 'pb_auth')
exportToCookie(options = {}, key = 'pb_auth')

To _"logout"_ the authenticated record you can call `pb.authStore.clear()`.

To _"listen"_ for changes in the auth store, you can register a new listener via `pb.authStore.onChange`, eg:
// triggered everytime on store change
const removeListener1 = pb.authStore.onChange((token, record) => {
console.log('New store data 1:', token, record)

// triggered once right after registration and everytime on store change
const removeListener2 = pb.authStore.onChange((token, record) => {
console.log('New store data 2:', token, record)
}, true);

// (optional) removes the attached listeners

### Auto cancellation

The SDK client will auto cancel duplicated pending requests for you.
For example, if you have the following 3 duplicated endpoint calls, only the last one will be executed, while the first 2 will be cancelled with `ClientResponseError` error:

pb.collection('example').getList(1, 20) // cancelled
pb.collection('example').getList(2, 20) // cancelled
pb.collection('example').getList(3, 20) // executed

To change this behavior per request basis, you can adjust the `requestKey: null|string` special query parameter.
Set it to `null` to unset the default request identifier and to disable auto cancellation for the specific request.
Or set it to a unique string that will be used as request identifier and based on which pending requests will be matched (default to `HTTP_METHOD + path`, eg. "GET /api/users")


pb.collection('example').getList(1, 20); // cancelled
pb.collection('example').getList(1, 20); // executed
pb.collection('example').getList(1, 20, { requestKey: "test" }) // cancelled
pb.collection('example').getList(1, 20, { requestKey: "test" }) // executed
pb.collection('example').getList(1, 20, { requestKey: null }) // executed
pb.collection('example').getList(1, 20, { requestKey: null }) // executed

// globally disable auto cancellation

pb.collection('example').getList(1, 20); // executed
pb.collection('example').getList(1, 20); // executed
pb.collection('example').getList(1, 20); // executed

**If you want to globally disable the auto cancellation behavior, you could set `pb.autoCancellation(false)`.**

To manually cancel pending requests, you could use `pb.cancelAllRequests()` or `pb.cancelRequest(requestKey)`.

### Specify TypeScript definitions

You could specify custom TypeScript definitions for your Record models using generics:

interface Task {
// type the collection fields you want to use...
id: string;
name: string;

pb.collection('tasks').getList(1, 20) // -> results in Promise>
pb.collection('tasks').getOne("RECORD_ID") // -> results in Promise

Alternatively, if you don't want to type the generic argument every time you can define a global PocketBase type using type assertion:

interface Task {
id: string;
name: string;

interface Post {
id: string;
title: string;
active: boolean;

interface TypedPocketBase extends PocketBase {
collection(idOrName: string): RecordService // default fallback for any other collection
collection(idOrName: 'tasks'): RecordService
collection(idOrName: 'posts'): RecordService


const pb = new PocketBase("") as TypedPocketBase;

pb.collection('tasks').getOne("RECORD_ID") // -> results in Promise
pb.collection('posts').getOne("RECORD_ID") // -> results in Promise

### Custom request options

All API services accept an optional `options` argument (usually the last one and of type [`SendOptions`](, that can be used to provide:

- custom headers for a single request
- custom fetch options
- or even your own `fetch` implementation

For example:

pb.collection('example').getList(1, 20, {
expand: 'someRel',
otherQueryParam: '123',

// custom headers
headers: {
'X-Custom-Header': 'example',

// custom fetch options
keepalive: false,
cache: 'no-store',

// or custom fetch implementation
fetch: async (url, config) => { ... },

_Note that for backward compatability and to minimize the verbosity, any "unknown" top-level field will be treated as query parameter._

### Send hooks

Sometimes you may want to modify the request data globally or to customize the response.

To accomplish this, the SDK provides 2 function hooks:

- `beforeSend` - triggered right before sending the `fetch` request, allowing you to inspect/modify the request config.
const pb = new PocketBase('');

pb.beforeSend = function (url, options) {
// For list of the possible request options properties check
options.headers = Object.assign({}, options.headers, {
'X-Custom-Header': 'example',

return { url, options };

- `afterSend` - triggered after successfully sending the `fetch` request, allowing you to inspect/modify the response object and its parsed data.
const pb = new PocketBase('');

pb.afterSend = function (response, data) {
// do something with the response state

return Object.assign(data, {
// extend the data...
"additionalField": 123,

### SSR integration

Unfortunately, **there is no "one size fits all" solution** because each framework handle SSR differently (_and even in a single framework there is more than one way of doing things_).

But in general, the idea is to use a cookie based flow:

1. Create a new `PocketBase` instance for each server-side request
2. "Load/Feed" your `pb.authStore` with data from the request cookie
3. Perform your application server-side actions
4. Before returning the response to the client, update the cookie with the latest `pb.authStore` state

All [`BaseAuthStore`]( instances have 2 helper methods that
should make working with cookies a little bit easier:

// update the store with the parsed data from the cookie string

// exports the store data as cookie, with option to extend the default SameSite, Secure, HttpOnly, Path and Expires attributes
pb.authStore.exportToCookie({ httpOnly: false }); // Output: 'pb_auth=...'

Below you could find several examples:


One way to integrate with SvelteKit SSR could be to create the PocketBase client in a [hook handle](
and pass it to the other server-side actions using the `event.locals`.

// src/hooks.server.js
import PocketBase from 'pocketbase';

/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Handle} */
export async function handle({ event, resolve }) {
event.locals.pb = new PocketBase('');

// load the store data from the request cookie string
event.locals.pb.authStore.loadFromCookie(event.request.headers.get('cookie') || '');

try {
// get an up-to-date auth store state by verifying and refreshing the loaded auth model (if any)
event.locals.pb.authStore.isValid && await event.locals.pb.collection('users').authRefresh();
} catch (_) {
// clear the auth store on failed refresh

const response = await resolve(event);

// send back the default 'pb_auth' cookie to the client with the latest store state
response.headers.append('set-cookie', event.locals.pb.authStore.exportToCookie());

return response;

And then, in some of your server-side actions, you could directly access the previously created `event.locals.pb` instance:

// src/routes/login/+server.js
* Creates a `POST /login` server-side endpoint
* @type {import('./$types').RequestHandler}
export async function POST({ request, locals }) {
const { email, password } = await request.json();

const { token, record } = await locals.pb.collection('users').authWithPassword(email, password);

return new Response('Success...');

For proper `locals.pb` type detection, you can also add `PocketBase` in your your global types definition:

// src/app.d.ts
import PocketBase from 'pocketbase';

declare global {
declare namespace App {
interface Locals {
pb: PocketBase


To integrate with Astro SSR, you could create the PocketBase client in the [Middleware]( and pass it to the Astro components using the `Astro.locals`.

// src/middleware/index.ts
import PocketBase from 'pocketbase';

import { defineMiddleware } from 'astro/middleware';

export const onRequest = defineMiddleware(async ({ locals, request }: any, next: () => any) => {
locals.pb = new PocketBase('');

// load the store data from the request cookie string
locals.pb.authStore.loadFromCookie(request.headers.get('cookie') || '');

try {
// get an up-to-date auth store state by verifying and refreshing the loaded auth record (if any)
locals.pb.authStore.isValid && await locals.pb.collection('users').authRefresh();
} catch (_) {
// clear the auth store on failed refresh

const response = await next();

// send back the default 'pb_auth' cookie to the client with the latest store state
response.headers.append('set-cookie', locals.pb.authStore.exportToCookie());

return response;

And then, in your Astro file's component script, you could directly access the previously created `locals.pb` instance:

// src/pages/index.astro
const locals = Astro.locals;

const userAuth = async () => {
const { token, record } = await locals.pb.collection('users').authWithPassword('[email protected]', '123456');

return new Response('Success...');

Although middleware functionality is available in both `SSG` and `SSR` projects, you would likely want to handle any sensitive data on the server side. Update your `output` configuration to `'server'`:

// astro.config.mjs
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';

export default defineConfig({
output: 'server'

Nuxt 3

One way to integrate with Nuxt 3 SSR could be to create the PocketBase client in a [nuxt plugin](
and provide it as a helper to the `nuxtApp` instance:

// plugins/pocketbase.js
import PocketBase from 'pocketbase';

export default defineNuxtPlugin(async () => {
const pb = new PocketBase('');

const cookie = useCookie('pb_auth', {
path: '/',
secure: true,
sameSite: 'strict',
httpOnly: false, // change to "true" if you want only server-side access
maxAge: 604800,

// load the store data from the cookie value, cookie.value?.record);

// send back the default 'pb_auth' cookie to the client with the latest store state
pb.authStore.onChange(() => {
cookie.value = {
token: pb.authStore.token,
record: pb.authStore.record,

try {
// get an up-to-date auth store state by verifying and refreshing the loaded auth model (if any)
pb.authStore.isValid && await pb.collection('users').authRefresh();
} catch (_) {
// clear the auth store on failed refresh

return {
provide: { pb }

And then in your component you could access it like this:


Show: {{ data }}

const { data } = await useAsyncData(async (nuxtApp) => {
// fetch and return all "example" records...
const records = await nuxtApp.$pb.collection('example').getFullList();

return structuredClone(records);


Nuxt 2

One way to integrate with Nuxt 2 SSR could be to create the PocketBase client in a [nuxt plugin]( and provide it as a helper to the `$root` context:

// plugins/pocketbase.js
import PocketBase from 'pocketbase';

export default async (ctx, inject) => {
const pb = new PocketBase('');

// load the store data from the request cookie string
pb.authStore.loadFromCookie(ctx.req?.headers?.cookie || '');

// send back the default 'pb_auth' cookie to the client with the latest store state
pb.authStore.onChange(() => {
ctx.res?.setHeader('set-cookie', pb.authStore.exportToCookie());

try {
// get an up-to-date auth store state by verifying and refreshing the loaded auth record (if any)
pb.authStore.isValid && await pb.collection('users').authRefresh();
} catch (_) {
// clear the auth store on failed refresh

inject('pocketbase', pb);

And then in your component you could access it like this:


Show: {{ items }}

export default {
async asyncData({ $pocketbase }) {
// fetch and return all "example" records...
const items = await $pocketbase.collection('example').getFullList();

return { items }



Next.js doesn't seem to have a central place where you can read/modify the server request and response.
[There is support for middlewares](,
but they are very limited and, at the time of writing, you can't pass data from a middleware to the `getServerSideProps` functions (

One way to integrate with Next.js SSR could be to create a custom `PocketBase` instance in each of your `getServerSideProps`:

import PocketBase from 'pocketbase';

// you can place this helper in a separate file so that it can be reused
async function initPocketBase(req, res) {
const pb = new PocketBase('');

// load the store data from the request cookie string
pb.authStore.loadFromCookie(req?.headers?.cookie || '');

// send back the default 'pb_auth' cookie to the client with the latest store state
pb.authStore.onChange(() => {
res?.setHeader('set-cookie', pb.authStore.exportToCookie());

try {
// get an up-to-date auth store state by verifying and refreshing the loaded auth record (if any)
pb.authStore.isValid && await pb.collection('users').authRefresh();
} catch (_) {
// clear the auth store on failed refresh

return pb

export async function getServerSideProps({ req, res }) {
const pb = await initPocketBase(req, res)

// fetch example records...
const result = await pb.collection('example').getList(1, 30);

return {
props: {
// ...

export default function Home() {
return (

Hello world!


### Security

The most common frontend related vulnerability is XSS (and CSRF when dealing with cookies).
Fortunately, modern browsers can detect and mitigate most of this type of attacks if [Content Security Policy (CSP)]( is provided.

**To prevent a malicious user or 3rd party script to steal your PocketBase auth token, it is recommended to configure a basic CSP for your application (either as `meta` tag or HTTP header).**

This is out of the scope of the SDK, but you could find more resources about CSP at:


**Depending on how and where you use the JS SDK, it is also recommended to use the helper `pb.filter(expr, params)` when constructing filter strings with untrusted user input to avoid eventual string injection attacks (see [Binding filter parameters](#binding-filter-parameters)).**

## Definitions

### Creating new client instance

const pb = new PocketBase(baseURL = '/', authStore = LocalAuthStore);

### Instance methods

> Each instance method returns the `PocketBase` instance allowing chaining.

| Method | Description |
| `pb.send(path, sendOptions = {})` | Sends an api http request. |
| `pb.autoCancellation(enable)` | Globally enable or disable auto cancellation for pending duplicated requests. |
| `pb.cancelAllRequests()` | Cancels all pending requests. |
| `pb.cancelRequest(cancelKey)` | Cancels single request by its cancellation token key. |
| `pb.buildURL(path)` | Builds a full client url by safely concatenating the provided path. |

### Services

> Each service call returns a `Promise` object with the API response.

##### RecordService

###### _Crud handlers_

// Returns a paginated records list.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).getList(page = 1, perPage = 30, options = {});

// Returns a list with all records batch fetched at once
// (by default 200 items per request; to change it set the `batch` param).
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).getFullList(options = {});

// Returns the first found record matching the specified filter.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).getFirstListItem(filter, options = {});

// Returns a single record by its id.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).getOne(recordId, options = {});

// Creates (aka. register) a new record.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).create(bodyParams = {}, options = {});

// Updates an existing record by its id.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).update(recordId, bodyParams = {}, options = {});

// Deletes a single record by its id.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).delete(recordId, options = {});


###### _Realtime handlers_

// Subscribe to realtime changes to the specified topic ("*" or recordId).
// It is safe to subscribe multiple times to the same topic.
// You can use the returned UnsubscribeFunc to remove a single registered subscription.
// If you want to remove all subscriptions related to the topic use unsubscribe(topic).
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).subscribe(topic, callback, options = {});

// Unsubscribe from all registered subscriptions to the specified topic ("*" or recordId).
// If topic is not set, then it will remove all registered collection subscriptions.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).unsubscribe([topic]);

###### _Auth handlers_

> Available only for "auth" type collections.

// Returns all available application auth methods.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).listAuthMethods(options = {});

// Authenticates a record with their username/email and password.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).authWithPassword(usernameOrEmail, password, options = {});

// Authenticates a record with an OTP.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).authWithOTP(otpId, password, options = {});

// Authenticates a record with OAuth2 provider without custom redirects, deeplinks or even page reload.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).authWithOAuth2(authConfig);

// Authenticates a record with OAuth2 code.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).authWithOAuth2Code(provider, code, codeVerifier, redirectUrl, createData = {}, options = {});

// Refreshes the current authenticated record and auth token.
🔐 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).authRefresh(options = {});

// Sends a record OTP email request.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).requestOTP(email, options = {});

// Sends a record password reset email.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).requestPasswordReset(email, options = {});

// Confirms a record password reset request.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).confirmPasswordReset(resetToken, newPassword, newPasswordConfirm, options = {});

// Sends a record verification email request.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).requestVerification(email, options = {});

// Confirms a record email verification request.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).confirmVerification(verificationToken, options = {});

// Sends a record email change request to the provider email.
🔐 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).requestEmailChange(newEmail, options = {});

// Confirms record new email address.
🔓 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).confirmEmailChange(emailChangeToken, userPassword, options = {});

// Lists all linked external auth providers for the specified record.
🔐 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).listExternalAuths(recordId, options = {});

// Unlinks a single external auth provider relation from the specified record.
🔐 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).unlinkExternalAuth(recordId, provider, options = {});

// Impersonate authenticates with the specified recordId and returns a new client with the received auth token in a memory store.
🔐 pb.collection(collectionIdOrName).impersonate(recordId, duration, options = {});


#### BatchService

// create a new batch instance
const batch = pb.createBatch();

// register create/update/delete/upsert requests to the created batch
batch.collection('example1').create({ ... });
batch.collection('example2').update('RECORD_ID', { ... });
batch.collection('example4').upsert({ ... });

// send the batch request
const result = await batch.send()


##### FileService

// Builds and returns an absolute record file url for the provided filename.
🔓 pb.files.getURL(record, filename, options = {});

// Requests a new private file access token for the current authenticated record.
🔐 pb.files.getToken(options = {});


##### CollectionService

// Returns a paginated collections list.
🔐 pb.collections.getList(page = 1, perPage = 30, options = {});

// Returns a list with all collections batch fetched at once
// (by default 200 items per request; to change it set the `batch` query param).
🔐 pb.collections.getFullList(options = {});

// Returns the first found collection matching the specified filter.
🔐 pb.collections.getFirstListItem(filter, options = {});

// Returns a single collection by its id or name.
🔐 pb.collections.getOne(idOrName, options = {});

// Creates (aka. register) a new collection.
🔐 pb.collections.create(bodyParams = {}, options = {});

// Updates an existing collection by its id or name.
🔐 pb.collections.update(idOrName, bodyParams = {}, options = {});

// Deletes a single collection by its id or name.
🔐 pb.collections.delete(idOrName, options = {});

// Deletes all records associated with the specified collection.
🔐 pb.collections.truncate(idOrName, options = {});

// Imports the provided collections.
🔐 pb.collections.import(collections, deleteMissing = false, options = {});

// Returns type indexed map with scaffolded collection models populated with their default field values.
🔐 pb.collections.getScaffolds(options = {});


##### LogService

// Returns a paginated logs list.
🔐 pb.logs.getList(page = 1, perPage = 30, options = {});

// Returns a single log by its id.
🔐 pb.logs.getOne(id, options = {});

// Returns logs statistics.
🔐 pb.logs.getStats(options = {});


##### SettingsService

// Returns a map with all available app settings.
🔐 pb.settings.getAll(options = {});

// Bulk updates app settings.
🔐 pb.settings.update(bodyParams = {}, options = {});

// Performs a S3 storage connection test.
🔐 pb.settings.testS3(filesystem = "storage", options = {});

// Sends a test email (verification, password-reset, email-change).
🔐 pb.settings.testEmail(collectionIdOrName, toEmail, template, options = {});

// Generates a new Apple OAuth2 client secret.
🔐 pb.settings.generateAppleClientSecret(clientId, teamId, keyId, privateKey, duration, options = {});


##### RealtimeService

> This service is usually used with custom realtime actions.
> For records realtime subscriptions you can use the subscribe/unsubscribe
> methods available in the `pb.collection()` RecordService.

// Initialize the realtime connection (if not already) and register the subscription listener.
// You can subscribe to the `PB_CONNECT` event if you want to listen to the realtime connection connect/reconnect events.
🔓 pb.realtime.subscribe(topic, callback, options = {});

// Unsubscribe from all subscription listeners with the specified topic.
🔓 pb.realtime.unsubscribe(topic?);

// Unsubscribe from all subscription listeners starting with the specified topic prefix.
🔓 pb.realtime.unsubscribeByPrefix(topicPrefix);

// Unsubscribe from all subscriptions matching the specified topic and listener function.
🔓 pb.realtime.unsubscribeByTopicAndListener(topic, callback);

// Getter that checks whether the realtime connection has been established.

// An optional hook that is invoked when the realtime client disconnects
// either when unsubscribing from all subscriptions or when the connection
// was interrupted or closed by the server.
// Note that the realtime client autoreconnect on its own and this hook is
// useful only for the cases where you want to apply a special behavior on
// server error or after closing the realtime connection.
pb.realtime.onDisconnect = function(activeSubscriptions)


##### BackupService

// Returns list with all available backup files.
🔐 pb.backups.getFullList(options = {});

// Initializes a new backup.
🔐 pb.backups.create(basename = "", options = {});

// Upload an existing app data backup.
🔐 pb.backups.upload({ file: File/Blob }, options = {});

// Deletes a single backup by its name.
🔐 pb.backups.delete(key, options = {});

// Initializes an app data restore from an existing backup.
🔐 pb.backups.restore(key, options = {});

// Builds a download url for a single existing backup using a
// superuser file token and the backup file key.
🔐 pb.backups.getDownloadURL(token, key);

##### CronService

// Returns list with all available cron jobs.
🔐 pb.crons.getFullList(options = {});

// Runs the specified cron job.
🔐, options = {});


##### HealthService

// Checks the health status of the api.
🔓 = {});

## Development
# run unit tests
npm test

# run prettier
npm run format

# build and minify for production
npm run build