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Repository contains implementation of different data structures and problems related to them.

competitive-programming data-structures dsa-learning-series dynamic-programming implementation-of-algorithms interview leetcode-solutions placement-preparation problem-solving

Last synced: 2 months ago
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Repository contains implementation of different data structures and problems related to them.

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Master Data Structures and Algorithms with ease

Bitwise Manip.
Linked List
Hash Table

Binary Tree
Binary Search Tree
Dynamic Programming


Count : 471


- [Ugly Numbers](
- [Power of x^n](
- [Insert Interval](
- [Minimum number of arrows to burst balloons](
- [Max points on a line](


#### **Basic Programs**

- Reverse an array.
- Maximum and minimum element in the array.
- Kth Smallest Element of Array
- Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s
- Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s (two pointer approach)
- Move all negative numbers to beginning and positive to end.
- Find the count of union of the two arrays
- Rotate an array by 1 in the clockwise direction
- Print all permutations of array
- [Kids with the greatest number of candies](
- [Create Target Array in the Given Order](
- [Decompress run length encoded list](
- [Count items matching a rule](
- [Widest vertical area between two points](
- [Rearranging the array elements by sign](
- [Largest Altitude of biker](
- [Count Number of Distinct Integers After Reverse](
- [Triangular Sum of an array](
- [Jewels in Stones](
- [Minimum Sum of four digits number after splitting](
- [Intersection of Multiple Arrays](
- [Move Zeros](
- [Matrix Diagonal sum](
- [Flip an image](
- [Missing number](
- [Happy number](
- [Maximum ice cream](
- [N unique integers which sum up to zero](
- [Monotonic Array](
- [Largest Positive Integer That Exists With Its Negative](
- [Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters](
- [Sort array by parity](
- [Separate Digits in array](
- [Third max number](
- [Is subarray Exists with sum 0](
- [Lonely Numbers in the array](
- [Can Place Flowers](
- [Duplicate Zeros](
- [Shuffle an array](
- [Find winner on a tic tac toe game](
- [Check if every row and column contains all numbers](
- [Roman to Integer](
- [Find the Distance Value Between Two Arrays](
- [Peak Index in a mountain array](
- [Find a peak element](

#### **Problems**

- Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray (Kadane’s Algorithm)
- Difference of two arrays
- Intersection of two arrays
- [3 Sum](
- [2 Sum](
- [4 Sum](
- [Palindrome](
- [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array](
- [Length of last word](
- [Plus One (adding one to an array representing a large number)](
- [Pascal's Triangle](
- [Valid Palindrome String](
- [Middle Of Threee]([]=Numbers&sortBy=submissions)
- [Median of two sorted arrays](
- [Reverse Integer](
- [Remove element](
- [Search in Rotated Sorted Array](
- [3 sum closest](
- [Word Pattern](
- [Sort Colors](
- [Build array from permutation](
- [Shuffle the array](
- [Queries on Number of Points Inside a Circle](
- [Strictly Palidromic Number](
- [Divide Array Into Equal Pairs](
- [Squares of a sorted array](
- [Rotate image](
- [Merge Intervals](
- [Delete Greatest Value in Each Row](
- [Sort the students](
- [Largest Number](
- [Sort the number of 1 bits](
- [Check if matrix is X-matrix](
- [Group anagrams](
- [Add to array form](
- [Find all the numbers that disappeared in an array](
- [Rotate the array](
- [Find lucky number](
- [Contains Duplicate II](
- Disarrange Balls
- [Count rows with max 1](
- [Relative Sort Array](
- [Remove One Element to Make the Array Strictly Increasing](
- [Successful pairs of potions and spells](
- [Valid mountain array](
- [Longest mountain array](

#### **Matrix**

- [Matrix rotation by 90 degree](
- [Set Matrix Zeros](
- [Spiral Matrix](
- [Reshape the matrix](
- [Search in a matrix](
- [Is Valid Sudoku](
- [Sort the matrix diagonally](


- String Basics
- Print all permutations of the string
- Subsequences of string
- Longest recurring subsequence of a string
- [Add Binary](
- [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](
- [Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String](
- [Maximum number of words found in a sentence](
- [Defang Ip address](
- [Restore strings](
- [Interpret Goal](
- [Kth Distinct String in an Array](
- [Merge strings alternatively](
- [Valid anagram](
- [Find the difference](
- [First Unique Character in a String](
- [Number of good ways to split a string](
- [Counting words with a given prefix](
- [Greatest common divisor of strings](
- [Check distance between same letters](
- [Number of different integers in the string](
- [Check whether two string are rotation of each other or not](
- [Longest Palindromic Substring](
- [Most common words](
- [DI String match](
- [Count prefixes of a given string](
- [Sort Characters By Frequency](
- [Count Common Words With One Occurrence](
- [Rearrange Characters to Make Target String](
- [Unique Morse Code Words](
- [Percentage of a letter](
- [Check if Word Equals Summation of Two Words](
- [Check if Number Has Equal Digit Count and Digit Value](
- [Circular Sentence](
- [Isomorphic strings](
- [Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists](
- [Greatest English Letter in Upper and Lower Case](
- [Second largest digit in a string](
- [Sort a sentence](
- [Summary ranges](
- [Robot return to origin](
- [Maximum Nesting Depth of the Parentheses](
- [Reverse prefix of word](
- [Determine color of a chessboard square](
- [Partition String](
- [Minimum number of steps to make two strings anagram](
- [Goat Latin](
- [Smallest string with a given numeric value](
- [Check if a word occurs as a prefix of any word in a sentence](
- [Count pairs of similar strings](
- [Add string](
- [Is Subsequence](
- [Buddy Strings](
- [Bulls and cows](

Bitwise Operations

- Understanding Bitwise operators.
- Binary Representation of number.
- [Find the number that appears once.](
- [Detect if two integers have opposite signs](
- [Add 1 to a number when all the arithmetic operators are not allowed](
- [Mutliply with 3.5 without 'x' and '/' operator](
- [Turn off the rightmost set bit](
- [Find whether a given number is a power of 4 or not](
- [Compute modulus division by a power-of-2-number](
- [Rotate Bits](
- [Hamming weights (Number of 1 bits)](
- [Reverse Bits](
- [Power Of two](
- [Bitwise & of numbers in range](
- [Find the duplicate number](
- [Party of couples (Find number with odd frequency)](
- [Check for Integer Overflow](
- [Count bit flips(Number of bits to be changed to convert one number to another)](
- [Efficient way to multiply by 7](

Linked List

#### **Basic Programs**

- Insertion at the end.
- Insertion at the beginning.
- Insertion at the middle of the linked list.
- Deleting the last node.
- Deleting the first node.
- Deleting the middle node.
- Calculating the length of list using iteration and the recursion.
- Searching an item using iteration and recursion.
- Implementation of doubly linked list.

#### **Circular Linked List**

- Creating a circular linked list from scratch.
- Inserting at end and beginning of the circular linked list
- Deleting the last and the first element of the circular linked list.

#### **Problems**

- Get the Nth node from the last.
- Detecting a loop in a linked list.
- Detecting the length of loop in a linked list. (Using Floyd's Cycle detection algorithm)
- Detect and remove loop from the linked list.
- Check if single linked list is palindrome or not.
- Removing Duplicate elements from unsorted linked list.
- Swapping nodes in a linked list.
- Merge two sorted linked list.
- Add two numbers represented by linked list.
- Rotate a linked list.
- Find the nth node of the linked list from the end.
- Convert binary number in a linked list to an integer.
- [Merge nodes in between zeros](
- [Maximum twin sum](
- [Odd even linked list](
- [Remove Linked List Elements](
- [Design linked list](
- [Reorder List](
- [Swap nodes in pairs](
- [Reverse Linked List II](
- [Copy Linked list with Random Head](
- [Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II](
- [Intersection of two linked list](
- [Remove nth node from the end of linked list](
- [Reverse List in K Groups](
- [Flatten a multilevel doubly linked list](
- [Next Greater Node in the Linked List](
- [Double a number represented by a linked list](


#### **Basic Program**

- Basic operations of queue
- Queue using stack.
- Priority Queue using STL.
- Priority Queue using linked list.

#### **Problems**

- [Kth Smallest element in a matrix](
- [Design a circular queue](

Hash Table

#### **Basic Programs**

- [Create Hashset](
- [Create Hashmap](
- [Most Frequent number of following key in an array](
- [Keyboard Row](
- [Uncommon Words from Two Sentences](
- [N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array](
- [Rank Transform of an Array](

#### **Problems**

- Find whether an array is a subset of another array
- Union and Intersection of two linked list.
- Given an array A[] and a number x, check for pair in A[] with sum as x
- Minimum delete operations to make all elements of array same.
- Minimum operations to make all elements equal in array.
- Maximum distance between two occurrences of same element in array
- Find duplicates in a given array when elements are not limited to a range
- Smallest subarray with all occurrences of a most frequent element.
- Find elements which are present in first array and not in second array.
- How to check if two subsets are disjoint.
- Non-overlapping sum of two sets.
- Find missing elements of a range.
- Find the kth missing element in increasing sequence which is not present in a given sequence
- Find pair with greatest pair in array.
- Minimum number of subsets with distinct elements
- Remove minimum number of elements such that no common element exist in both array.
- Count items common to both the lists but with different prices.
- Ransom Note : check whether string 1 can be constructed from string 2
- [Decode the message](
- [Maximum Number of Words You Can Type](
- [Check if a string is pangram](
- [Merge similar items](
- [Maximum number of balls in a box](
- [Two out of three](
- [Sort array by increaing frequency](
- [Top K frequent elements](
- [](
- [Replace words](
- [Keep Multiplying Found Values by Two](
- [Most Frequent Even Element](
- [Rings and Rods](
- [Finding the user active minutes](
- [Subdomain Visit Counts](
- [Players with zero or one losses](
- [Equal row and column pairs](
- [Check whether two strings are almost equivalent](
- [Distribute candies](
- [Smallest number in infinite set](
- [Longest Consecutive Sequence](
- [Insert delete get random in O(1)](
- [Design Underground System](


#### **Basic programs**

- Basic operations of stack.
- Implementing stack using queues.
- Reverse a string using stack.

#### **Problems**

- Find the middle element of the stack in O(1) complexity.
- Implement stack using a single queue.
- Reverse individual words.
- Next Greater Element
- [Next Smaller Element](
- Valid parenthesis
- [Minimum remove to make valid parentheses](
- [Design a stack with increment operation](
- [Baseball game](
- [Min stack](
- [Removing stars from a string](
- [Simply Path](
- [Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation](
- [Remove outer parentheses](


#### **Types of Sorting Algo and their uses**

- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Heap Sort
- [Merge Sort](
- [Quick sort](

#### **Problems**

- [Smaller number than current](
- [H index](
- [Count Inversions (Merge Sort)](


- Unordered Linear Search
- Ordered Linear Search
- Binary Search
- Interpolation search

#### **Problems**

- Maximum frequency of an element in array


#### **Basic Programs**

- Factorial using recursion
- Print numbers 1 to N in backwards
- Fibonacci Series
- Binary Search

#### **Problems**

- [N Queens problem I](
- [Combination sum](
- [Fair Distribution of Cookies](
- [Generate Parentheses](


#### **Problems**

- Max Num Of Requests
- [Letter combination of phone numbers](
- [Combinations](
- [Combination sum II](
- [Subsets](

Binary Tree

#### **Basic Operations**

- Creation of Binary Tree
- Traversal in trees : PreOrder, Inorder and Postorder
- Number of nodes in tree
- Level Order Traversal Using Queue
- Deleting a binary tree
- Compute the height of the binary tree using recursion.
- Compute the height of the binary tree without recursion.
- Number of leaf nodes in a binary tree.
- [Diameter Of Binary Tree](
- [PreOrder Traversal without recursion](
- [Level order traversal II](
- [Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree](
- [Deepest Leave Sum](
- [To sum tree](
- [Boundary Traversal](
- [Top view](
- [Bottom View](
- [Diagonal traversal](
- [Leaf at same level](

#### **Problems**

- Mirror of the tree.
- Preorder Traversal Without Recursion.
- Find the maximum element of the binary tree using recursion.
- Find the maximum element of the bianry tree without recursion.
- Algorithm to search an element in a bianry tree.
- Algorithm to search an element in a binary tree without recursion.
- Finding the deepest node in a binary tree.
- Deletion in binary tree.
- Check if two binary trees are structurally identical.
- Find level with max sum.
- Find the sum of all the nodes in a binary tree.
- Check if two binary trees are mirror of each other.
- Print All Ancestors of a node.
- Print right view of the tree using level order traversal
- [Zigzag level order traversal](
- [Flatten binary tree to linked list](
- [Construct string from binary tree(Parethesis)](
- [Reverse odd levels](
- [Find Elements in a Contaminated Binary Tree](
- [Remove leaf nodes with a given value](
- [Evaluate a boolean binary tree](
- [Increasing Order Search Tree](
- [Average of levels of binary tree](
- [Leaf similar trees](
- [Binary Tree tilt](
- [Find Bottom Left Tree Value](
- [Has Path Sum](
- [Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II](
- [Sum of left leaves](
- [Binary Trees Max Path Sum](
- [Lowest Common Ancestor](
- [Minimum Depth of binary tree](
- [All nodes distance k in binary tree](
- [Count complete tree nodes](
- [Count Nodes Equal to Average of subtree](

Binary Search Tree

#### **Basic Operations**

- Creating a binary search tree.
- Find the maximum and the minimum element of the binary search tree
- Searching in the binary search tree
- Printing the InOrder Predecessor and Successor of an element.

#### **Problems**

- [Validate BST](
- [Convert Sorted Array to BST](
- [Kth Smallest element in BST](
- [Mode in BST](
- [Two Sum IV - Input is a BST](
- [Combining elements of two BST in ascending order](
- [Convert BST to Greater Tree](
- [Range Sum of BST](
- [Unique BSTs (catalan numbers)](
- [Binary Search Tree Iterator](


#### **Basic programs**

- Creation of adjacency matrix
- Creation of adjacency list
- Using adjacency list to store the weights
- Tranpose of adjacency list
- Breadth first search implementation using queue & adjacency matrix
- Depth first search implementation using stack
- BFS using adjacency list
- DFS using adjacency list
- [Prims Algo](
- [Detect Cycle in directed graph](
- [Detect Cycle in directed graph (Using Topological Sort)](
- [Find the center of Star Graph](
- [Dijsktra Algo using priority queue](
- [Dijsktra Algo using set](
- [Bellman ford algo](
- [Floyd warshall algo](

#### **Problems**

- Connected Components
- [Number of provinces](
- [Number of islands](
- [Flood Fill](
- [Rotten Oranges](
- [Detect a cycle in undirected graph](
- [01 Matrix (distance to nearest 0)](
- [Surrounded Regions](
- [Number of Enclaves](
- [Number of unique islands](
- [Eventual Safe State](
- [Topological Sort Using DFS](
- [Topological Sort using Kahns Algo (BFS)](
- [Course Schedule (Topological Sort)](
- [Course Schedule II](
- [Alien Dictionary](
- [Shortest Path in Direct Acyclic Graph(toposort approach)](
- [Shortest path in undirected graph having unit distance](
- [All path from source](
- [Can Visit All Rooms](
- [Word Search](
- [Word Ladder](

Dynamic Programming

- Fibonacci Numbers
- Recursive approach
- Memoization approach
- Dynamic approach
- Space optimized approach
- Catalan Numbers
- Recursive approach
- DP approach
- Binomial coefficient approach
- [Nth Catalan number](
- Minimum operations
- [Minimum steps to reach k from 0](
- [Minimum steps to reach 0 from k](
- Coin change
- [Recursive Approach](
- [Space Optimized Approach](
- Permutations
- [Recursive Approach](
- [STL C++ Approach](
- [Number of ways to cover distance](
- [Recursive approach](
- [Dynamic approach](
- [More efficient approach (using array of 3)](
- Longest Common Subsequence
- [Min Insertions and deletions to make strings equal](
- [Longest Common subsequence - leetcode](
- [Frog Jump](
- Recursive approach
- Memoization approach
- Dynamic approach
- Space optimized approach

#### **Problems**

- [Nth Tribonacci Number](
- [Min cost climbing stairs](
- [Jump Game](
- [Factorial Trailing Zeroes](
- [Put Marbles in Bags](


- [Find Duplicates](
- [Xor Beauty](
- ['Verifying an alien dictionary'](
- [Zigzag Conversion](
- [Permutations in string](
- [Find All Anagrams in a String](
- [Total fruits](
- [Maximum number of balloons](
- [Jump Game II](
- [Naming a company](
- [As Far from Land as Possible](
- [Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range](
- [Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side](
- [Missing Number](
- [Max Product Of Subarray](
- [Boats to save people](
- [Minimize & maximum of array](
- [Teemo Attacking](
- [Divisor Game](
- [Sqrt(x)](
- [LRU Cache](
- [First missing positive](
- [Frequency of limited range elements](
- [wo Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted](
- [Excel Sheet Column Number](