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Belarusian Latin Alphabet Converter

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Belarusian Latin Alphabet Converter

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# Belarusian "Lacinka" Converter

The tool provides you with API that enables you to convert from Belarusian Latin script to Belarusian Cyrillic script and backward.

## Basic usage

### Composer
$ composer require michaskruzelka/lacinka

### PHP
use Michaskruzelka\Lacinka\Converter;

$converter = new Converter();

Conversion to Belarusian Traditional Latin alphabet:

$text = "
Лацінка — іміджавая рэч, яна стварае зусім іншае ўражанне ад мовы, нязвыклае, больш еўрапейскае
— яна злучае нас з блізкімі нам народамі Цэнтральнай і Ўсходняй Еўропы: палякамі, чэхамі, харватамі,
якім лацінка адкрывае беларускую мову як мову блізкую і зразумелую. Можа і камусь з беларусаў
яе існаванне можа дадаць цікавасці да беларускай мовы?

$convertedText = $converter->convert($text);

To Belarusian Academic (Geographic) Latin alphabet:

$convertedText = $converter->setVersion('geographic')->convert($text);

To Belarusian Cyrillic alphabet:

$text = "
Łacinka — imidžavaja reč, jana stvaraje zusim inšaje ŭražannie ad movy, niazvykłaje, bolš jeŭrapiejskaje
— jana złučaje nas z blizkimi nam narodami Centralnaj i Ŭschodniaj Jeŭropy: palakami, čechami, charvatami,
jakim łacinka adkryvaje biełaruskuju movu jak movu blizkuju i zrazumiełuju. Moža i kamuś z biełarusaŭ
jaje isnavannie moža dadać cikavasci da biełaruskaj movy?

$convertedText = $converter->directToCyrillic()->convert($text);

## Advanced questions
> The conversion rules are not comprehensive. How can I improve them?

You don't have to modify anything in business logic. Instead, all rules are stored in the /config/rules.xml file
where you can add, remove or modify any rule. Your rule should be structured as follows:



[Some implementation of RendererInterface]
[Search Pattern, can include or inheriting nodes]
[Replacement, can include or inheriting nodes]

[true|false][From latin to cyrillic]
[true|false][From cyrillic to latin]





Moreover, you can apply your own rules in any xml file:
$converter = (new Converter(false))->initRules([path_to_the_xml_file]);

> Is it possible to add another version of Belarusian Latin script (for instance, Archaic)?

Yes. Every version of the alphabet must be specified in /config/settings.php file.
'versions' => [

> How to extend functionality of the converter?

You can add new renderers. They must implement 'Michaskruzelka\Lacinka\Renderers\RendererInterface'.

## Links
- [Belarusian Latin Alphabet (Wikipedia)](
- [ГІСТОРЫЯ МОВЫ Беларуская лацінка (Мова Нанова)](
- [Лацінка вяртаецца (Наша Ніва)](
- [Як правільна пісаць беларускай лацінкай? (Наша Ніва)](