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A public list of open-source challenges from jobs around the world

challenges interview-test jobs quality-assurance-tests testing-tools

Last synced: 2 months ago
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A public list of open-source challenges from jobs around the world

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# Quality Assurance Challenges :bug:

Would you like to check your skills for automation test, or practice writing test scenarios, but using real problems? This repo shows a public list of open-source challenge from companies around the world!

> If you want to contribute, feel free! But send only open-source challange please!

![GitHub contributors](

| Company | Stack | Challenge |
| [Claro]( | Scenario, Web, Mobile, Automation, Gherkin, Cucumber, Appium, BrowserStack | [Code →]( |
| [Codacy]( | Web, Automation, Javascript | [Code →]( |
| [Concrete]( | Scenario, Api, Mobile, Automation, Gherkin, Gauge | [Code →]( |
| [Editora-globo]( | Scenario, Api, Mobile, Automation, Selenium, Gherkin, Java | [Code →]( | |
| [Fleury]( | Scenario, Mobile, Automation, Ruby, Appium, Cucumber | [Code →]( |
| [Holmusk]( | Mobile, Automation | [Code →]( |
| [idwall]( | Scenario, Api, Mobile, Automation | [Code →]( |
| [Juntos somos +]( | Scenario, Web, Api, Automation, Chrome. Selenium | [Code →]( |
| [LiveIntent]( | Api, Automation | [Code →]( |
| []( | Scenario, Web, Automation, Javascript | [Code →]( |
| [Polycade]( | Scenario | [Code →]( |
| [Wealth Systems]( | Scenario, Web, Api, Automation, Gherkin, JavaScript, Postman | [Code →]( |
| [Zizoo]( | Scenario | [Code →]( |

## Inspiration

Inspired on [backend-challenges]( and [frontend-challenges]( Great job!

## Contributing

Please take a look at the [contributing guide](.github/

## Respect earns Respect 👏

Please respect our [Code of Conduct](.github/, in short:

- Using welcoming and inclusive language
- Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
- Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
- Focusing on what is best for the community
- Showing empathy towards other community members

## License

[CC0 1.0 Universal](./LICENSE) © QA Brasil