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Rust Concurrency Cheat Sheet

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Rust Concurrency Cheat Sheet

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# Rust Concurrency Cheat Sheet

- [Safety](#safety)
- [Overview](#overview)
- [Futures](#futures)
- [Tasks and threads](#tasks-and-threads)
- [Streams](#streams)
- [Share state](#share-state)
- [Marker traits](#marker-traits)
- [Concurrency models](#concurrency-models)
- [Terminology](#terminology)
- [References](#references)

## Safety

Rust ensures data race safety through the type system (`Send` and `Sync` marker traits) as well as the ownership and borrowing rules: it is not allowed to alias a mutable reference, so it is not possible to perform a data race.

## Overview

  | Problem
------- | -------
Parallelism | Multi-core utilization
Concurrency | Single-core idleness

  | Solution | Primitive | Type | Description | Examples
------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | -------
Parallelism | Multithreading | Thread | `T: Send` | Do work simultaneously on different threads | [`std::thread::spawn`](
Concurrency | Single-threaded concurrency | Future | `Future` | Futures run concurrently on the same thread | [`futures::future::join`](, [`futures::join`](, [`tokio::join`](
+Parallelism | Multithreaded concurrency | Task | `T: Future + Send` | Tasks run concurrently to other tasks; the task may run on the current thread, or it may be sent to a different thread | [`async_std::task::spawn`](, [`tokio::task::spawn`](

## Futures

``` rust
pub trait Future {
type Output;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll;

pub enum Poll {

- `Future` has to be `poll`ed (by the *executor*) to resume where it last yielded and make progress (async is *lazy*)
- `&mut Self` contains state (state machine)
- `Pin` the memory location because the future contains self-referential data
- `Context` contains the `Waker` to notify the executor that progress can be made
- async/await on futures is implemented by *generators*
- `async fn` and `async` blocks return `impl Future`
- calling `.await` attempts to resolve the `Future`: if the `Future` is blocked, it yields control; if progress can be made, the `Future` resumes

Futures form a tree of futures. The leaf futures commmunicate with the executor. The root future of a tree is called a *task*.

## Tasks and threads

Computation | Examples
------- | -------
Lightweight (e.g. <100 ms) | [`async_std::task::spawn`](, [`tokio::task::spawn`](
Extensive (e.g. >100 ms or I/O bound) | [`async_std::task::spawn_blocking`](, [`tokio::task::spawn_blocking`](
Massive (e.g. running forever or CPU-bound) | [`std::thread::spawn`](

## Streams

``` rust
pub trait Stream {
type Item;
fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll>;

fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) { ... }

- [`Stream`]( is an asynchronous version of [`Iterator`](, i.e., it does not block between each item yield

  | Parallelism
------- | -------
Iterator | [rayon](
Stream | [tokio](, [parallel-stream](

Operation | Relationship | Examples
------- | ------- | -------
Create | | [`futures::stream::iter`](, [`futures::stream::once`](, [`futures::stream::repeat`](, [`futures::stream::repeat_with`](, [`async_stream::stream`](
Create (via channels) | | [`futures::channel::mpsc::Receiver`](, [`tokio_stream::wrappers::ReceiverStream`](
Iterate | | [`futures::stream::StreamExt::next`](, [`futures::stream::StreamExt::for_each`](, [`futures::stream::StreamExt::for_each_concurrent`](
Transform | 1-1 | [`futures::stream::StreamExt::map`](, [`futures::stream::StreamExt::then`](, [`futures::stream::StreamExt::flatten`](
Filter | 1-1 | [`futures::stream::StreamExt::filter`](, [`futures::stream::StreamExt::take`](, [`futures::stream::StreamExt::skip`](
Buffer | 1-1 | [`futures::stream::StreamExt::buffered`](, [`futures::stream::StreamExt::buffer_unordered`](
Combine | n-1 | [`futures::stream::StreamExt::chain`](, [`futures::stream::StreamExt::zip`](, [`tokio_stream::StreamExt::merge`](, [`tokio_stream::StreamMap`](, [`tokio::select`](
Split | 1-n | [`futures::channel::oneshot::Sender::send`](, [`async_std::channel::Sender::send`](

## Share state

  | Threads | Tasks
------- | ------- | -------
channel | [`std::sync::mpsc`]( (`Send`), [`crossbeam::channel`]( (`Send`, `Sync`) | [`futures::channel::oneshot`](, [`tokio::sync::mpsc`](, [`tokio::sync::oneshot`](, [`tokio::sync::broadcast`](, [`tokio::sync::watch`](, [`async_channel::unbounded`](, [`async_channel::bounded`](, [`oneshot`](
mutex | [`std::sync::Mutex`]( | [`tokio::sync::Mutex`](

## Marker traits

- [`Send`]( safe to send it to another thread
- [`Sync`]( safe to share between threads (`T` is `Sync` if and only if `&T` is `Send`)

Type | `Send` | `Sync` | Owners | Interior mutability
------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | -------
[`Rc`]( | No | No | multiple | No
[`Arc`]( | Yes (if `T` is `Send` and `Sync`) | Yes (if `T` is `Send` and `Sync`) | multiple | No
[`Box`]( | Yes (if `T` is `Send`) | Yes (if `T` is `Sync`) | single | No
[`Mutex`]( | Yes (if `T` is `Send`) | Yes (if `T` is `Send`) | single | Yes
[`RwLock`]( | Yes (if `T` is `Send`) | Yes (if `T` is `Send` and `Sync`) | single | Yes
[`MutexGuard<'a, T: 'a>`]( | No | Yes (if `T` is `Sync`) | single | Yes
[`Cell`]( | Yes (if `T` is `Send` | No | single | Yes
[`RefCell`]( | Yes (if `T` is `Send`) | No | single | Yes

## Concurrency models

Model | Description
------- | -------
shared memory | threads operate on regions of shared memory
worker pools | many identical threads receive jobs from a shared job queue
actors | many different job queues, one for each actor; actors communicate exclusively by exchanging messages

Runtime | Description
------- | -------
[tokio]( (multithreaded) | thread pool with work-stealing scheduler: each processor maintains its own run queue; idle processor checks sibling processor run queues, and attempts to steal tasks from them
[actix_rt]( | single-threaded async runtime; futures are `!Send`
[actix]( | actor framework
[actix-web]( | constructs an application instance for each thread; application data must be constructed multiple times or shared between threads

## Terminology

**Shared reference**: An immutable reference (`&T`); can be copied/cloned.

**Exclusive reference**: A mutable reference (`&mut T`); cannot be copied/cloned.

**Aliasing**: Having several immutable references.

**Mutability**: Having one mutable reference.

**[Data race](**: Two or more threads concurrently accessing a location of memory; one or more of them is a write; one or more of them is unsynchronized.

**[Race condition](**: The condition of a software system where the system's substantive behavior is dependent on the sequence or timing of other uncontrollable events.

**[Deadlock](**: Any situation in which no member of some group of entities can proceed because each waits for another member, including itself, to take action.

**[Heisenbug](**: A heisenbug is a software bug that seems to disappear or alter its behavior when one attempts to study it. For example, time-sensitive bugs such as race conditions may not occur when the program is slowed down by single-stepping source lines in the debugger.

**Marker trait**: Used to give the compiler certain guarantees (see [`std::marker`](

**Thread**: A native OS thread.

**[Green threads (or virtual threads)](**: Threads that are scheduled by a runtime library or virtual machine (VM) instead of natively by the underlying operating system (OS).

[**Context switch**]( The process of storing the state of a process or thread, so that it can be restored and resume execution at a later point.

**Synchronous I/O**: blocking I/O.

**Asynchronous I/O**: non-blocking I/O.

**Future** (cf. promise): A single value produced asynchronously.

**Stream**: A series of values produced asynchronously.

**Sink**: Write data asynchronously.

**Task**: An asynchronous green thread.

**Channel**: Enables communication between threads or tasks.

**Mutex** (mutual exclusion): Shares data between threads or tasks.

**Interior mutability**: A design pattern that allows mutating data even when there are immutable references to that data.

**Executor**: Runs asynchronous tasks.

**Generator**: Used internally by the compiler. Can stop (or *yield*) its execution and resume (`poll`) afterwards from its last yield point by inspecting the previously stored state in `self`.

**Reactor**: Leaf futures register event sources with the *reactor*.

**Runtime**: Bundles a reactor and an executor.

**`poll`ing**: Attempts to resolve the future into a final value.

**[io_uring](**: A Linux kernel system call interface for storage device asynchronous I/O operations.

**[CPU-bound](**: Refers to a condition in which the time it takes to complete a computation is determined principally by the speed of the CPU.

**[I/O bound](**: Refers to a condition in which the time it takes to complete a computation is determined principally by the period spent waiting for input/output operations to be completed. This is the opposite of a task being CPU bound.

## References

- Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols, [The Rust Programming Language](
- Jon Gjengset, Rust for Rustaceans
- [The Rustonomicon](
- [Asynchronous Programming in Rust](
- [Tokio tutorial](
- [Tokio's work-stealing scheduler](
- [Actix user guide](