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Flask extension helping encrypting users personal files

cryptography decryption encryption file flask upload users

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Flask extension helping encrypting users personal files

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# Flask-Encryptor

## Introduction
This Flask extension attempts to ease users' uploaded file encryption.

- PyCrypto (AES.MODE_CBC, AES.MODE_CFB) is used to encrypt/decrypt files
- Automatically rename and associate encrypted files
- Can be used to generate a download link and immediately delete the decrypted file

For now, for database side, it only support SQLAlchemy.

## Requirements and installation

In order to work, flask-encryptor is based on these following modules:

- flask
- flask-sqlalchemy
- pycrypto

To install Flask-Encryptor, simply::

$ pip install flask-encryptor

Or alternatively, you can download the repository and install manually by running::

$ git clone
$ cd Flask-Encryptor
$ python install

## Usage and documentation
Let's suppose we have simple Flask application with the following structure::
|-- data
|-- template
|-- static

This flask extension concentrate on personal users files encryption, meaning that we will cover two part of a flask
application. The user part and the file upload one. You will need to implement a user class (what attributes depend on
what you need for your application), and UploadedFile and Token classes that both inherit (respectively) from BaseFile and BaseToken::

from main import db
from flask_encryptor.models import BaseFile, BaseToken

class UploadedFile(db.Model, BaseFile):
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False)

class Token(db.Model, BaseToken):
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False)
user = db.relationship('User', back_populates='token')

class User(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'users'
# whatever attribute you want, such as username, password, etc...
uploaded_files = db.relationship('UploadedFile', backref='users', lazy=True)
token = db.relationship('Token', uselist=False, back_populates="user")

Let's concentrate now on the main script, The initialization is quite simple with a few constants to set if
from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from flask_encryptor import FileEncryptor

# initializating the application
app = Flask(__name__)

# database configuration
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = '...'

# initializing the database
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

# FileEncryptor configuration
# (Note that values here are default one)
app.config['FILE_ENCRYPTOR_CHUNK_SIZE'] = 64 * 1024
app.config['FILE_ENCRYPTOR_TMP_DIR'] = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='fencryptor_')
app.config['FILE_ENCRYPTOR_DATA_DIR'] = app.root_path+'/data/uploads'
app.config['FILE_ENCRYPTOR_GLOBAL_KEY'] = 'aAa8KxQx4Eoxwu41HTaa'

# initializing the file_encryptor object
file_encryptor = FileEncryptor(app, db)
Details about constants :

| Constant | Description |
| FILE_ENCRYPTOR_CHUNK_SIZE | Chunk size that will be used for file encryption/decryption |
| FILE_ENCRYPTOR_TMP_DIR | Temporary folder that will be used to store decrypted files |
| FILE_ENCRYPTOR_DATA_DIR | Folder used to store encrypted file |
| FILE_ENCRYPTOR_GLOBAL_KEY | Global key used to encrypt file informations |

For this example, we are supposing to have three routes:
@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index_action():
# here we suppose that the form for uploading a file is in this route
if request.method == 'POST':
# checking that file parameter is in request form
if 'file' not in request.files:
flash('No file part', category='upload_errors')
return redirect(request.url)

# retrieving file object and checking that it is not empty
file = request.files['file']
if file.filename == '':
flash('No selected file', category='upload_errors')
return redirect(request.url)

# just send the file object to file_encryptor with the current user (here, optionnaly with
# flask_login extension, but you can query your database if you want)
infos = file_encryptor.upload_encrypt(file, current_user)
return redirect(request.url)

return render_template('index.html'), 200

@app.route('/upload/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def uploaded_file_action(upload_filename):
# retrieving file in database
uploaded_file = UploadedFile.query.filter(UploadedFile.filename == filename).first()

# validation
if uploaded_file is None:

# decrypting the filename
filename = file_encryptor.decrypt_file(uploaded_file, current_user)

# sending file to the user
return send_from_directory(
directory = app.config['FILE_ENCRYPTOR_TMP_DIR'],
filename = filename,
as_attachment = True